I can see the finals

Chapter 143 Ding Wen's Weakness

Chapter 143 Ding Wen's Weakness

"Yes, everyone read that right. DW's performance today can be rated as almost perfect, impeccable, but there is still a weakness. And this weakness... is fatal!"

"Before discussing the weaknesses, I would like to talk about the player DW. He has several characteristics."

"One, the command ability is outstanding, and the positioning of the team battle is accurate. This can be reflected from the first and fifth rounds."

"Second, the memory ability is strong. Judging from the overall performance, no matter which map it is, it seems that there is no terrain he is not familiar with. This can be seen from the one-three-four-five-four games."

"Three, the sixth attribute. We can see in the game that many times the situation is very unfavorable to him, and he will die if he is found, but he can still stabilize his mentality, just hide calmly and patiently, and then choose the best time to shoot .”

"This is a qualified sixth child, and it's also the most correct way to play for such people. Of course, if it's just like this, I won't specifically mention it. After all, there are many such people in PGK, and DW is not the only one."

"DW is different from the ordinary six, I don't know if you have noticed."

"Ordinary sixth: Relying on your own intimidation, lurking, and when someone is knocked out, the opponent will know that there is someone here, and also know the exact location and precise coordinates of this person. In other words, even though the opponent is dead, they can still pass. Eliminate yourself, get the information and provide it to your teammates."

"But DW's six are different from them: DW doesn't just rely on himself to slander, he often uses the enemy and the terrain to deliberately and forcibly create opportunities, so that they have to exchange fire first, kill the enemy with the help of the enemy, and then Find the most suitable opportunity from there.”

"There is one advantage of adopting this shady method—whether it succeeds or not, and whether the opponent killed himself, DW is absolutely safe!"

"He will not be discovered, nor will anyone know the specific location, because the moment he is discovered, there are not many enemies around. He only needs to finish the finishing touches. This time, Yinren was equally successful."

"Perhaps through what I said, you think he is very powerful and how smart he is. Yes, I also thought so when I re-watched the video for the first time, but after I watched it many times, then Found some... very weird points!"

"Because of the insidious way that DW players adopt, he rarely meets the enemy face to face. I watched five games and found that he did not meet the eyes of other players a few times."

"Is it because the opponent is too ugly and beautiful to dare to look at him? Or is it because of nervousness and shyness? I don't know, so I watched it a few more times, together with the perspective of other teams that I have encountered with them, and found that He only chooses to look at people or meet their eyes when he is absolutely safe."

"He will look at the opponent when watching from a distance, he will look at the opponent when the overall situation is settled, and when there is really no other way...he will also have to look at the opponent!"

"Maybe you will say something like 'Oh, isn't this normal? Isn't the sixth child like this, and I have developed a habit'. But here, I will put an intercepted recording and broadcasting clip, you can take a closer look .”

At the end of the long text, a short video was inserted into the pocket of another dimension.

Ding Wen's expression didn't change because of the poster's words, and he reached out and clicked on the short video.

The pocket of the different dimension intercepted the fourth Mayan jungle, which was the one that Ding Wen Lone Wolf won.

It can be seen from the screen that what he intercepted was not the late game, but the early stage where Ding Wen lures the Lions, and Ding Wen turned around for the third time... was almost killed by three shots!

His tense, sweaty face clearly appeared in the video.

With the sound turned on, he could even be heard panting heavily, using both mouth and nose, as if the opposite side was not a lion team, but a terrifying devil from hell!
He was afraid, he was trembling, even though... the other side was just a game character.

The time from turning around to shooting was very short, that is, two blinks of an eye, but it was still captured by the pocket of the different dimension and intercepted.

"I believe you have all seen it. This is the...consequence of Ding Wen's eye contact with others beyond the three points I mentioned!"

"In addition, this phenomenon will only be triggered when he is relatively close to the enemy. In other few games, he has looked at others from a distance a few times, but in those few games he did not show such nervousness, even It was extreme panic."

"So, this also caused him to be unable to fight 'close to the face' with others, and did not have the conditions to fight head-on, and this is... his weakness!"

"In addition, I also checked the ID of the DW player's old district, and found that the result coincided with my guess. His KD is very, very low, and it takes more games to kill one person, which further confirms my guess. This is true for ordinary games, but for professional games..."

"Haha, I hope DW players don't mind when they read this post. This is just my personal opinion. Whether it is right or wrong, I just expressed some of my own opinions as a viewer. I personally hope that There are more and more good players on the field, which makes the game more exciting, and the early detection of problems can solve them earlier."

"Come on! I am very optimistic about you, and hope that everyone can see you at this year's PGK!"

The long post is finally over here.

After reading it, Ding Wen couldn't tell what it felt like.

Neither angry nor worried.

If it was before he joined Qiqi, he might still be worried. After all, if those clubs knew about it, he would have scruples and affect him from becoming a professional player.

But not now.

Even though he really has this obvious shortcoming, it doesn't matter, because through today's game, he has already proved himself to everyone.

As long as you can score [-] points in five games, let alone nervousness and slow reaction, even if your leg is broken or disabled, there will still be a lot of teams scrambling to grab you.

For these clubs, they don't care about your ugliness and beauty, whether you have physical defects, they only care about the results you can bring.

Some players are very talented, and they kill the Quartet in the passerby game, but when they are on the field, their talent can't be converted into scores and results. They can't even get 2000 points in five games. Why do you want him to do it.

And this kind of situation is not uncommon. Since the Survivor League has been held, it has happened to be the No. 11 year. During this period, eleven champions have emerged from the e-sports schools in the seven districts. Excluding the new champion who has not yet played this year, ten Among the champions, only Jiang Tong and Wu Zhan are still active in the arena, and the remaining eight, some retired, and some annihilated everyone.

Do they have flaws?


Compared with Ding Wen's obvious shortcomings, they are perfect. If they were not perfect, they wouldn't be the champion.

Are they still there?

Is gone.

Why is it gone?

Bad fight.

In the final analysis, everything in e-sports is based on performance.

If you can't get points, you can't get good grades, even if you have countless auras and are perfect in the eyes of others...it's useless.

(End of this chapter)

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