Chapter 151: Lost in the Rainy Night ([-])

Like the former site of Shacheng and the Mayan jungle, Qiqi's usual birth point in the rainy night is still an extremely remote location on the map, in the upper right corner.Except for medium-sized maps, they will choose this way for large maps.

In the northeast direction of the map, the large-scale area their birth point.

At the same time, Guanjiazhuang is also a border location. To the north and east, there are four small villages and a river to the south. Finally, to the west are three small post stations for changing or looking for horses.

Qiqi's usual way of transferring is to find means of transportation in the west first, and then turn south.

They didn't make any adjustments this time, and the tactics were still played like this.

The night was as dark as ink, and the torrential rain was like pouring. The five people braved the rain and started the normal process of searching for supplies in the village.

Dampness repelling pills, lightning rods, and oil lamps are indispensable props. They will look for such items first. Among them, oil lamps are the best. Just look for a house with light, and there must be oil lamps inside.

The remaining two are more difficult to find, and whether they are available depends entirely on luck.Fortunately, Ding Wen chose the blood-increasing profession. In the early stage, when no one was around, it didn’t matter for others to stand in the rain for a while. He had enough time to add blood to them and eliminate the negative status.

In addition, although Misty Rain is a night mode, it is not like the Mausoleum of Maya in the fourth match of Group AB. You can't see anything clearly. It can only be said that the visibility is very low. Besides, there are oil lamps and lightning. The players can still play normally. Those who play games are either completely smeared, or they test their eyesight more.

Outside the game field, the audience can see clearly than the players, and there is no need to change the brightness of the game.

Qiqi's luck was mixed today, after some searching, Guo Guo and Fang Luoqing had all the necessary items, while the other three were missing one each.Everyone has an oil lamp, Ding Wen lacks a lightning rod, and Xiao Chong Jiu Feifei lacks a dehumidification pill.

If they followed the first tactic of watching the circle and going straight to the finals, they would not be able to search at the end of the first stage. Instead, they would prepare their vehicles and wait for Ding Wen's order to set off at any time.

But because there were too many necessities for Lost in the Rainy Night, they couldn't play like this in the first two games, so they were forced to play slowly.

Fortunately, Qiqi's staffing support them to play slowly, with Fang Luoqing and passing by these two super combat dual-core, except for Huang Quan, the other team Qiqi has no fear at all, and there is no problem with the front team.

The house structure of the village in Mizongli on a rainy night is composed of north and south houses plus a small courtyard in the middle. Ding Wen pushed open the swaying wooden door, carried an oil lamp, and carried a light blue gourd, walked through the small courtyard and found the passerby he was searching for.

"Already ready?" he asked.

Passing by and closing the cupboard door: "It's almost there, what do you want, Lao Ding?"

Ding Wen: "Give me the lightning rod, you search here slowly, Fang Luoqing and I will go to the station first."

It stands to reason that he should go to the post station with all the equipment passing by, but in view of his poor riding skills, he can flip eight times out of ten times, so Ding Wen decided to entrust this task to himself.

It's good to pass by anywhere, but the driving level is not good. Driving may be barely passable, but when it comes to riding...he has never been very good.

During the training match, it was not once or twice that passing by led Ding Wen to hit a tree and hit a wall crazily, so Ding Wen didn't want to be killed by his lovely teammates before the enemy saw him.

Strange to say, some players are invincible in battle and unstoppable, but they just can't drive a car or ride a horse, and I don't know why.

This is the case when passing by, and I heard that the same is true of the long-time champion Wu Zhan. While the latter gallops on the field and brings countless wonderful performances to the audience, the unprovoked car accidents and tragedies also leave a deep impression on the audience.

They can control all kinds of weapons and various professions, but they still can't control these seemingly easy means of transportation.

Hearing what Ding Wen said, Passing-by readily took out the lightning rod and gave it to him: "Hit slowly?"

Ding Wen: "Play slowly."

Passing through nodded: "Okay, you go to the station first, I will find a lightning rod. Xiao Chong, Feifei, haven't you found the dampness-dispelling pill yet?"

Xiao Chong: "I have it."

Jiu Feifei: "I haven't."

Passing by: "Okay, I'll keep an eye on it. We'll gather at the head of the village and distribute supplies. By the way, there are still medicine bags to spare. Try to find the treasure chest and bring Lao Ding a gourd."

The gourd is the exclusive equipment of the Southwest Medicine King. Open the mouth and slap it, and the healing light will fly out from it and add it to the injured team members.

This is the easiest one to operate among the 24 occupations of survivors.

If the dehumidification pills and lightning rods are still not complete, then they can only be replaced by the top gourds of the Southwest Medicine King. Although they have a house now, it does not mean that they will have a house in the future. After being exposed to heavy rain for a long time, only a 2+ 2 gourd Ding Wen can't be added, you need a top-matched 3+3 gourd.

Of course, as long as the three essentials are all in place, it doesn't matter how high or low the gourd is.

Ding Wen and Fang Luoqing walked out of the village in the rain and headed towards the post station to the west on foot. The remaining three stayed in the housekeeper village and continued to search for necessities.

At the end of the first stage, Ding Wen and Fang Luoqing rushed back.

One person rode one and led another, and the oil lamp was hung on the saddle, and the two brought back four horses.

Horses are stronger than vehicles in this regard, and a single person can carry one more, unlike the latter, which can only be driven by one person.

When they came back, the three passing by also arrived at the entrance of the village.

They didn't find the top-equipped gourd, but they had all the necessities. This is the advantage of slow attack. They don't have to rush and have enough time to search for supplies.

Ding Wen didn't get off the horse, and opened the map on the horse's back: "Xiaolu, you are on Jiufeifei."

Passing by: "Well, the circle is swiped, how do I call?"

Ding Wen: "Don't worry, I'll take a look."

The location of the final circle has been revealed. It is not in the south, not too far away. It is the Iron Hand City in the middle of the map, and it is also a big city.

Not very easy to fight.

Ding Wen thought about it, considering the next transfer route.

Since they want to play slowly, there is no need for them to rush to the finals. Moreover, Iron Hand City has a large area and a complex environment in the city, which can accommodate a large number of teams. When there are more people, various variables may occur, which is not very safe.

"It would be nice if it was done outside the city."

Ding Wen couldn't help feeling pity that if they were outside the city, other teams would be easily deceived by the circle and rush into the city.

When the final round is over, everyone will have to go out of the city. Qiqi and the others can wait outside the city to relax and take advantage of it, and they will all be stuck in the city.

But the idea is the idea, the fact is that the finals are really done in the city, not outside the city.

So, how to transfer it?
In the cold and desolate village, Ding Wen fell into deep thought for a long time in the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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