I can see the finals

Chapter 164 Unstoppable

Chapter 164 Unstoppable
Regarding her tactics, Ding Wen naturally didn't know, he didn't even know that this person died and did not retreat, and he was actually watching him all the time.

Sunset on the other side met GL, while Qi Qi encountered a cold snap.

Only teams with full strength or more than 4 people who maintain their fighting strength dare to take the big road. A two-person remnant like Hanliu must be taking the small road like Qiqi.

However, although the purpose is the same, the route is not.

Hanliu didn't have the command of Ding Wen and Bi'anhua. They could meet Qiqi, and the route between the two took a heavy course, purely because... they lost their way.

Ding Wen didn't intend to block them on purpose, but when he passed by and opened the back door of the dilapidated house, he happened to see the cold flow duo bending forward.

At first, when they saw that there were four of them, they were shocked, but when they saw that there were two people on the opposite side who were just watching and didn't make a move, they immediately became more courageous.

Because of the rainy night, Ding Wenwen and Jiu Feifei stood far behind the door. The oil lamp was dim, and the yellow color was not easy to distinguish. In addition, the figure was blurred, so that Hanliu couldn't find the very representative little yellow suit on Ding Wen's body. duck.

And when they attacked aggressively, there was no surprise, and they knocked down one of them when they passed by and raised their hands. It was so easy that it was easier than drinking water.

Although it was because of fighting against other teams before the cold wave, and being left with blood left after the medicine bag was wiped out, having said that, even with full blood and the strength of top PGK players passing by, it would not be particularly difficult to beat them.

The ocean current was falling so fast that his teammate Da Xiliu didn't even have time to react, he didn't stop, and rushed straight towards Fang Luoqing.

The two knives made brief contact in the air.

After the collision, Daxiliu knew that it was Qiqi in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but Fang Luoqing would not give him this chance, she was quick and slashed directly on the former's ass.

Then, she turned her head to look at Passing: "Xiao Lu, hurry up."

"You still call me Xiaolu!" Lu Guo angrily took his place, blocking Daxiliu in front of him.

Daxiliu's melee strength is much stronger than Yangliu's.

Under the injury, he was able to catch two passing knives in an instant.

But during the third cut, his reaction speed obviously couldn't keep up. The blurred cut flashed past his eyes.

"Player Qiqi丨Passing by with the wind and shadow knife to eliminate the cold current丨Daxiliu!"

"Player Cold Current丨Ocean Current is finally eliminated!"

"Please note, there are currently surviving players on the field... there are only 13 left!"

Because Sunset and GL just fell to the ground and have not yet been eliminated, Hanliu became the first out of the four teams.

After they finished fighting, Ding Wenwen, who had nothing on him, poked his head out from behind the door.

"Xiaolu, it's amazing."

"I'll take it as if you're complimenting me."

"What are you talking about, I'm really praising you!"

"Hey, I don't believe it."

Passing by to collect the knife, he glanced at the approaching monsters: "Go to the center, they are coming."

Unexpectedly, Ding Wen shook his head: "No, let's go here."

He then marked an unusually striking point on the map.

"This game, it's time to end."



On the commentary stand, Babao Porridge saw the panoramic map, and couldn't help exclaiming loudly: "Qiqi didn't enter the circle, they chose to persuade the fight! But... how do they know where Sunset GL is fighting?"

In this commentary, he, who is known for his calmness, seems to have exchanged with Yi Yan. He commented so excitedly, but Yi Yan was relatively calm: "Qiqi's chance has come. If there is no accident, this game... It should be over."

It is indeed time to end.

Sunset and GL are already in an inextricable fight, and both sides have suffered a lot.

The far point and the near point fall to the ground each other.

Although there are many people in Sunset, GL's pendulum is worthy of PGL Mandala, the most powerful third double-player under the pass, and he was seriously injured. He still knocked out the two players of Sunset, and forcibly made up for the disadvantage in numbers. flat!

But after tying, because his blood volume was too low, within a few seconds, he was overtaken by Xifeng Xiaoma and knocked down by the aggressive style of injury-for-injury.

Once the core fell, and one was lost at the beginning, the last two could no longer hold on.

The No. [-] position farther away planned to retreat, but as soon as they got back to the road they turned out of, Qiqi rushed out from the alley next to him, and Fang Luoqing passed by and worked together to kill him in seconds.

At this time, you can't deliberately give someone a head by passing by, so the speed of the two of them is ridiculously fast.

The GL player on this side fell to the ground, and the last one on the other side was also caught up by Sunset, and was eliminated miserably.

The final situation is three against four.

Of course, it can also be said to be three against two.

Considering the time to persuade the fight, Ding Wenwen and Jiu Feifei didn't lick the bag, but rushed over immediately.

But even though they don't have any combat power, they are still useful.

After the two appeared, while the sunset team was still confirming the distribution of the seven or four, they rushed up without hesitation.

Then... just hung up.

Sunset didn't know that they had consumed a lot of equipment before, so facing the arrogant two, they couldn't figure out each other's intentions at all, and they didn't dare to make too much of it, so they instinctively fought back.

But then, Ding Wenwen and Jiu Feifei fell to the ground the next second.

According to their coordinates when they died, Fang Luoqing selected the enemies who were close to attack, and launched a long-range attack in the dark night!
The reeds swayed in the wind and rain.

Amidst the catkins flying all over the sky, the light of the 'knife' flashed, and the sunset west wind who killed Ding Wen fell to the ground.

At the same time, Passing also took the opportunity to move closer to the center, snatching a position closer to the center.

The situation came to 2 on 2.

But Qiqi is the one with the favorable position. As more and more monsters get closer, the rest of Sunset's team has nothing to go around.

If they want not to be killed by monsters, they have to break through the seven-seven line of defense.

As for the final result, needless to say, Sunset and Sunset were not their opponents in the first place. Coupled with the fact that they were behind in the draft, they had no chance of winning!
This time there was really no chance of winning. They had neither a commander like Ding Wen nor a tough man like Mandala passing by.

They have nothing.

And before the system finally announced the final result, Bianhua had already quit the game one step ahead of schedule.

After taking off the film and returning to reality, she also heard the enthusiastic and excited voices of the two commentators.

"Let's congratulate Qiqi for winning the first game of the first round of the AC group with [-] eliminations!"

Another high elimination, and another first!

Even if they changed teams, different opponents, or even Huang Quan, who has the strength of PGK, they still couldn't stop them from winning the final victory!

On the main screen, the head portraits of the members of Seven Seven Five jumped up, and the light representing victory surrounded and flashed, as if it was more dazzling at this moment.

Looking at Ding Wen's quiet and slightly reserved smiling face, Bianhua's eyes flickered, and after putting down the USB, she clapped her hands at Mandala and the others.

"Everyone, let's fight like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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