I can see the finals

Chapter 186 Goodbye, Galactic Battleship...Set Sail

Chapter 186 Goodbye, Galactic Battleship...Set Sail

"Uh, no, I'm just asking nonsense."

The private equipment of friend Wu Zhan is definitely better than the popular ones in hospitals.Although Ding Wen didn't know it very well and didn't remember the specific name of the instrument, he remembered that this safety chamber-style instrument had dozens of different scanning methods, from head to toe, and almost never missed any place.

So he said that, Ding Wen must not be pregnant.

It seems that during the examination at the Fifth People's Hospital that day, there was either a problem with the machine or a problem with Dr. Zhang himself.

Letting go of his nervousness, Ding Wen relaxed a lot. He left the third floor and came to the first floor. When he passed by, he immediately cast a concerned look.

Ding Wen told them the results of the inspection, and passing by immediately felt relieved.

In addition, within 10 minutes of Ding Wen's inspection, something seemed to have happened below. Wu Zhan's complexion was not very good, and he looked extremely embarrassed, and the atmosphere between the few people was also a little delicate.

Ding Wen glanced at Fang Luoqing, and immediately understood what was going on.

But it was still the same as before, he didn't say anything, he didn't mention anything, he just pretended nothing happened.

The PGL is over, and passing by seems to be the killer king, but if he keeps watching the game, the spectators who never leave the game can actually tell that most of the heads he took were given up by Fang Luoqing.

She firmly suppressed the mantra of Xiaying Nine Yins, took the five poisonous swords lightly, and defeated Mandala three times, which is enough to prove her strength.

For this kind of player who is at the same level as passing by, with Bai Mu's vicious eyes, it is impossible not to see it, and he will definitely find a way to win the Five Elements.

He asked Wu Zhan to come here today, one is to fulfill the contract, and the other is to test Fang Luoqing's thoughts by the way.

Bai Mu's price would not be too low, at least it was the contract standard for a first-tier player. If it was replaced by someone else, it would be difficult to refuse under the double temptation of money and a top team.

But it's a pity that Fang Luoqing is... different from these people.

To be precise, it should be that she is different from normal people. Be bold, even if the whole team of Five Elements packs her up for nothing and makes her the boss, maybe she has no interest.

She is the kind of person who recognizes her acquaintances but not her new ones. Apart from her parents and relatives, Ding Wen is probably the only one who knows her best.

So even though Ding Wen knew Wu Zhan's true intentions, there was no need to worry, because Fang Luoqing would definitely not agree.

Tonight is a farewell meal. After the inspection, I will not stay in the villa for a long time. After thanking Wu Zhan and his friends, the group left the villa and went back to Yipintang in the city to book a private room.

Guo Guo is a very emotional person. Although he only got along with Ding Wen briefly for more than a month, he knows very well that Ding Wen is definitely a friend worthy of deep friendship.

As the name suggests, Ding Wen's personality is simply too gentle. No matter who gets along with this kind of person, they will get along very happily.

Because everyone has nothing to do and won't play games in the past few days, everyone except Fang Luoqing drank a lot.

And passing by is even more drunk, sometimes pulling Ding Wen to talk about his past few years in Qiqi, sometimes hugging Xiao Chong and Jiu Feifei and crying loudly, and finally sitting on a chair and giggling, really Ding Wen was terrified.

He is free, and finally no longer bound by the contract, he can go to the team he wants to go to, and more importantly, he can enter PGK by playing, not by Wu Zhan's relationship.

This is very important, because PGK and PGL are two completely opposite places. In PGL, you can ignore public opinion, and it doesn’t matter what you call it; but in PGK, where traffic is king, any stain on you will be punished. The media and black fans magnified it, then seized this point and attacked desperately.

Don't underestimate public opinion, its power is much more terrifying than you imagine.

Li Zhenpi, the captain of Husitubei, has a thick skin enough, but even this kind of person is still forced to disband the team in the face of the influence of public opinion.

Of course, it could also be that the owner of their club is thin-skinned, but no matter who the reason is, it doesn't matter anymore. After all, the result is in front of them, and the fox died and the rabbit sadly disbanded.

If Lu Guo can enter the Five Elements with a clean identity, he doesn't need to worry about the stain problem, at least not for the time being. He can concentrate on the game.

And all of this is naturally inseparable from Ding Wen, without him, this time passing by may be the same as Happy Lin at the awards ceremony, and he can only regretfully look at the points empty and remorse, and there is nothing he can do.

Therefore, while drinking too much, he did not forget to toast Ding Wen vigorously.

Because there is no competition, Ding Wen will not violate the contract, not to mention that he does not know when we will meet again after passing by, so he did not refuse the toast.

He drank as much as he passed by.

In the end, Passing by was lying under the table, but Ding Wen still sat firmly on the chair, let alone drunk, he didn't even blush.

His eyes were still clear, his speech was clear and orderly, as if what he had just drank was not wine, but bottles of beverages.


After trembling and forcing out these two words, passing by finally couldn't hold back, and fell asleep, unconscious.

"Ding... Team Ding."

Xiao Chong and Jiu Feifei couldn't do it either, the latter was lying on the table and fell asleep a long time ago, while the former was holding on forcibly, and at the same time he was drunk, he said vaguely: "Thank... thank you, Ding... ...Team Ding."

Entering PGK is not only a passing wish, but also the wish of ordinary players like them.

Although the seven or seven places are sold, Xiao Chong still has the opportunity to become a substitute for some teams of PGK, and he does not necessarily have to return to PGL to play in the secondary league.

After Ding Wen listened quietly, he didn't say anything, but lightly pressed his back to tell him to stop talking, and then gave Guan Xing a look.

Guan Xing didn't drink, so he was sober at this time, nodded, and helped Xiao Chong up: "Then let's go out first."

Wu Zhan also got up: "Okay, come here first today, I will pay the bill."

After paying the bill, he helped pass by, Ding Wen helped Jiu Feifei, and left Yipintang.

The evening breeze is refreshing and slightly cold.

Standing on the road, Wu Zhan looked at Fang Luoqing regretfully, and then said to Ding Wen, "Then let's... see you at PGK?"

Ding Wen nodded: "See you at PGK."

So Wu Zhan waved his hand, supported passing by and slowly disappeared into the night.

Seeing their leaving backs, Guan Xing suddenly said, "Have you made any plans yet?"

Ding Wen smiled, and said softly: "Let's talk about it, I just want to go back now... and get a good night's sleep."



The next day, Ding Wen didn't know when he woke up.

And the first thing he did after waking up was to open the survivor's official forum and find the official blog of Wuxing.

Sure enough, he saw what he wanted to see in the most eye-catching announcement post at the top of the official blog.

[Wuxing E-sports club headquarters staff changes]

"On September 53, 9 in the new calendar year, after careful consideration and in accordance with my personal wishes, our department will add a new player. I welcome the ID Passing (Tang Jingwen) player to officially join the big family of the Five Elements. I hope..."

Ding Wen didn't read the following ones, it was pretty much the same anyway.

The official announcement came out, and Passing by also officially joined the Five Elements.

Wuxing has been short of suitable and strong replacement players. With his joining, Wuxing's last piece of the championship puzzle has finally been completed.

Just looking at the lineup on paper, they have surpassed any team in the seventh district.

There is no doubt that the Galaxy Battleship...officially sets sail!
And when the passing dust has settled, Ding Wen also has to think about his future path... how to go.

 Thank you so much, I didn’t expect it, book friend 20190308132024238’s thousand rewards, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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