I can see the finals

Chapter 191 Update in Advance

Chapter 191 Advance update ([-])

As the party in need, you must have a correct attitude, even if you arrive half a day early, it doesn't matter, the most important thing is not to be late.

But the tea here is really bad.

There is one thing to say, although he knew that the cup in front of him was worth 5000, but the smell of Chinese medicine in it was too strong, it felt like drinking medicine, and Ding Wen couldn't drink it at all.

But there is no way, you can’t just sit here and order nothing, some teahouses are fine, but Yilin Teahouse is not.So even if he couldn't accept the taste, he hadn't tasted it before and didn't know what it was, so he ordered everything. Ding Wen didn't want to waste money just for himself, so he could only bite the bullet and sip slowly.

While waiting, the mini screen on his wrist suddenly lit up, showing that it was the phone option, and someone sent him a message at this time.

Who is it?

Ding Wen turned on the screen suspiciously, and saw that the person who sent the message was Yin Haze, and he only sent eleven words: "Go to the official website quickly, the game has been updated in advance!"


so suddenly?

Ding Wen's heart was shocked, his expression changed suddenly, and then he called up the virtual screen and connected to the survivor's official website.

Sure enough, on the first page of the news notice, two lines of bold black and red characters stood out.

"To all dear players: On September 53, 9 in the new calendar, the 12th round of update of The Only Survivor was launched ahead of schedule, and the update time was 65 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone."

"All online players, please log off in time to avoid unnecessary losses. For specific updates, please see the link below."

Ding Wen clicked on the link, jumped to the page, and then... a large string of densely packed text suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

After counting all the added, deleted and modified occupations, the following are the 24 confirmed occupations.

【Melee Occupation】

Sunset Swordsman (new), Swordsman (fine-tuning), Wilderness Swordsman (weakened), Shadow Cat (enhanced), Templar Knight (formerly Bright Knight), Gladiator (enhanced), Grand Master (added)
【Remote occupation】

Ocean Heavy Sniper (strengthened), Imperial Mercenary (weakened), Spirit Arrow (strengthened), Eastern Walker (fine-tuned), Qianshou Tang (strengthened), Wind Chaser (added), Troubleshooter (added)
【Auxiliary occupation】

Southwest Medicine King (enhancement), Octagon Player (enhancement), Storyteller (enhancement), Psychic Medium (enhancement), Trap Expert (enhancement), Prisoner (fine-tuning), Captain (fine-tuning), Thief (newly added), Judge (new), Meteorologist (new)
Of course, these so-called strengthening and weakening words are not officially marked, but are figured out by Ding Wen based on his own understanding.

In terms of melee changes, two new ones have been added, a sunset swordsman and a grand master.

[Sunset Swordsman]: Yun Xiao, in the 20th year of the dark year, one of the top ten genetic warriors after the advent of the genetic transformation liquid, good at short swords, long swords, and soft swords, and killed a total of 20 in the 57th to 5820th year of the dark year Abyss mother body, tens of thousands of ordinary abyss monsters.In the 57th year of the dark year, he died at the hands of the split face of the nine-star mother body of the No. 60 abyss at the age of [-].

[Grand Master]: Zhao Zong, the unworldly genius who rose up in the battle of the abyss, gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools, was good at all kinds of weapons, the chief instructor of millions of imperial soldiers in the 3 districts, and led the army many times to defeat the invaders from the abyss monster.Died at the hands of the ghost face of the nine-star mother body of the No. 57 abyss in the dark year 41 at the age of [-].

The newly added profession this time is the same as before. It roughly describes the background information of the professional characters. From the perspective of the game, the sunset swordsman is easy to understand.

But in terms of strength... the strength of Sunset Swordsman may not be that high, it should be between T1 and T2.

Another great master is a bit interesting.

Good at all kinds of weapons, that is to say, this type of occupation can basically use whatever you can find, use a knife if you find a knife, and use an ax if you find an axe. It is very comprehensive, very flexible, and very... difficult to operate.

Ding Wen took a look at the equipment description. There are [-] types of weapons corresponding to the profession, which are the traditional [-] types, so I won’t go into too much detail here.If you can master these weapons proficiently, then this profession is undoubtedly very strong, but it takes a lot of time to master them, and you have to practice each one. It is estimated that ordinary players will need to practice for a long time, and they are not very friendly to them.

However, professional players should like to play this game very much. Playing a variety of weapons can better reflect a player's melee level. Not to mention the competition, even the first position in the trial training in the future can also use the Grand Master as the standard.

If nothing else, the newly added Grand Master must be very popular in the future.

After reading these two, another profession that has undergone major changes, or is directly deleted for redo: Templar.

The character stories of the Templars and the Knights of Light are exactly the same. From this point, it can be seen that the so-called real battle of the abyss that the survivor officials said must be fabricated.

Because the modified Templar no longer uses a giant sword, but becomes a spear.In addition, the Templars also have a very interesting equipment, the 3+3 'Gun of Absolute Fairness and Justice'.

Gun of Absolute Fairness and Justice: When the player holding this equipment uses the attached skill, he can forcibly invite any enemy within ten meters (see) to enter the space of another dimension for a 1V1 duel. Only the winning player can have it Back to the right of the game.

This skill was similar in many games a long time ago. Of course, it was not an official invention of Survivor. If it is placed in the battle royale mode, I don’t know what the effect will be.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be able to break the point. Even if the opponent who invites the duel cannot be defeated, it can at least divide the battlefield.

For example, separate Wu Zhan from his teammates, Jiang Tong from her teammates, um...

Not only this equipment skill, but there is also a restriction on Templar Knights... This type of players cannot ride any vehicles that come with the map.

They have their own means of transport... war horses.

Lost in the rainy night has no effect, but in other maps, others drive, you ride a horse...

The risk factor has almost doubled.

Except for these three professions that have been newly added and changed the most, the knife bearer has canceled the whetstone, and the damage remains unchanged. Players who play this type of profession in the future do not have to worry about the lack of whetstone damage. Ding Wen thinks It is strengthened.

Before T1 of Wilderness Swordsman, it was because the 3+3 beast sword was too perverted, and all attributes were enhanced. Therefore, in this update, the leopard attribute of the beast sword was cancelled, and the speed of the sword was weakened.

The enhancement of Shadow Cat comes from the passive ability of the character, which reduces the chance of the player being found in the shadows and increases the initial movement speed; the second is to increase the crit position. In addition to the head, attacking the back of the enemy will also produce a crit. hit.After the changes, the Shadow Cat is more like an assassin, and it is no longer a profession that can only climb and is useful in certain terrains.

The last melee gladiator, the character passively adds an additional slide step to become more flexible, and the 3+3 equipment is changed to Iron Fist Gauntlets, the basic damage is the same as the previous 3+3 equipment, and remains unchanged, but the original additional damage The skill has become a throat lock, successfully hitting the enemy's throat will make the opponent stunned for 1.5 seconds.

In this update, not only has the occupation been changed, but also some vague negative effects have been supplemented and improved.

However, Ding Wen hasn't seen it yet. After analyzing the close combat, he then focused on the auxiliary profession.

He can ignore everything else, but he must read the trap expert.

 Thank you for the 005 rewards for walking backwards without moving your feet, NO, 500, and the belief in life.

  Ah, it's almost 6 o'clock, I'm sorry everyone, it may be a double update today, because the latter chapter is better than the previous one (self-feeling), so I finished writing and posting it together.

  In the past, people always asked me what each profession is, equipped with skills, well, you can read this chapter, and the next two or three chapters. The future games will be these professions and settings.

  If you don't want to read these job descriptions, you can leave a message, and I will try to write them down in the next chapter.

  Well, I really didn’t deliberately stick to the number of words. Basically, it’s 2300 or 2400, or 2200 if it’s a little less. It’s definitely not in the early 2000s, and it ends suddenly with a few words.

  This is what the previous editor told me, not a master, about 2000 for a chapter is the best choice, everyone writes like this.

  Let me think about anything else... Oh, by the way, I don’t really have any requirements for subscriptions. I feel very embarrassed to be able to update two chapters.

  Now I have just changed the night shift, and I can’t sleep well during the day. When I start the day shift in half a month, I will make sure that there are at least three shifts a day.

(End of this chapter)

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