I can see the finals

Chapter 195 Bad News

Chapter 195 Bad News

The last paragraph of the cigarette is a word from the heart.

Indeed, because the randomness of the game is too large, only a particularly outstanding commander can keep the team's lower limit and strive for a higher upper limit. Good commanders are really hard to find, and it is not always possible to meet them.

Cigarette has been in the Western Regions for a long time. As he said, part of it is that the psychological shadow cannot play guns, and the other part is that the Western Regions do not have a good command.

It is true that the Western Regions are a good team, and they are in the top ten of PGK every year, but they have stopped there. Without a good command, they cannot enter the top three, and they will never be able to play in the World Championship and go to a higher stage.

For a player at the level of cigarettes, although the money he earns is not top-notch, far less than that of star players like Wu Zhan, tens of millions is enough for him to spend, so his higher pursuit is not in money. It's about honor.

Conversely, with honor, there will be traffic, and money will naturally be there.

In order to be on the stage of the world competition and go far, Yanjuan readily agreed to the invitation of Diablo Fairy Tale.

Of course, he also has to prove himself with the ability to accompany him, anyway, he is the one who joined the transfer.

So after basically negotiating, he immediately asked: "When is the trial training?"

Ding Wen thought for a while and replied, "There's no rush, let's make up a starting set first."

The contract is related to the performance of the trial training. If the trial training fails, let alone how much the player is worth, the contract will not be given.

Regarding the matter of failing to pass the trial training, each team has its own trial training requirements. Before the trial training of newcomers, the two parties will first negotiate and reach a verbal commitment. The specific amount of the follow-up contract will depend on the performance of the players in the trial training to make a decision.

As for the requirements for the dark fairy tale trial training, Ding Wen has a rough set of evaluation criteria in mind, which is not particularly difficult, as long as he can meet a few expectations in his mind, it will basically be fine.

"Okay, then you can go back first. When you have nothing to do, you can upgrade your new occupation level. When everyone is ready, I will notify you to come for a trial training."

"No problem." Yan Juan put down the teacup he didn't drink, shook hands with Ding Wen, turned and left the teahouse.

After paying the bill, Ding Wen didn't stay in the teahouse for too long, and then returned to the club.

After returning, he got another piece of good news.

The Earthwalker of the Five Elements...has reached a preliminary verbal agreement with Li Zhenpi, promising that he will arrive when trial training is needed.

He said before that he would think about it first, but after the new version came out, the lapping mechanism did not change, so based on Ding Wen's amazing performance in the PGL league, he immediately let go and agreed to Li Zhenpi.

But there are unpredictable things in the world, and the world is unpredictable.

Dark Fairy Tale just received two good news in the afternoon, two strong players, Cigarette and Earthwalker, joined, but at night...the bad news also followed.

The update came earlier than the first round... more suddenly!
No one has any defense.

"Dear survivors, after collecting suggestions from the majority of players, improving the fairness of the game, and reducing randomness. After the first round of game updates this year, we have carefully considered and decided to temporarily add a patch..."

"The details of the patch are as follows..."

In the spacious and gorgeous training room, Ding Wen and others surrounded the screen, looking at this temporary patch with complicated emotions.

The official words are too long and long-winded. After Ding Wen's summary, they can be summed up in simpler words.

Survivors' circle-making mechanism is ushered in an update. The map area numbers will be re-planned and divided into five large areas, named after A, B, C, D, and E.

Under the new mechanism, the circle type is no longer refreshed in a decentralized manner, but five major regions are given priority.

In the first stage, wipe away a large area.

Phase two, second, and so on.

When the fifth stage comes, the last large area will be randomly indented from four directions.

After two stages of contraction, the final finals circle was the same as before.

That is to say, the randomness still exists in the change of the circle mechanism this time, and it is still very large, but at least it can ensure that most teams have the possibility of entering the final circle, which maximizes the fair competition of the game.

In addition, refreshing in the first stage also means that after entering the game, the player can immediately determine which area is dangerous, so as to make preparations and plans for the transfer in advance.

Generally speaking, this update narrows the gap between ordinary command and first-class command. Although it is not very obvious, it has at least narrowed it, so that all circles and all time will not be spent in guesswork. There is a little idea that can be provided.

Of course, the new mechanism must weaken Ding Wen. He is not too unfamiliar with this way of making circles.As early as the fourth year of Survivor's service, the game officials had adopted a similar rule of brushing circles, but the effect was not satisfactory, so it was quickly replaced.

And this time, the similar brushing circle has made up for a few loopholes in that time, and has become more perfect.

As for whether the official changed the circle rules specifically to target Ding Wen, in fact...it really isn't.

Because in these years, countless players, including professional players, have responded to the game company about the problem of excessive randomness.

In the rules of sporadic refreshing, the powerful command will be particularly powerful. The general command and the middle and upper reaches of the command circle are all based on guesswork, with no basis at all. They are all playing Yan Shuangying's set... what' I bet the next circle will be here', 'I bet there will be no one here' and so on.

Under the new rules, at least a little basis is provided, which can be analyzed through logic, and there will be no scene in the finals where a certain team is still far away and can't make it with all their efforts, and can only be unwilling to be engulfed by monsters.

After reading the new rules, apart from Ding Wenfang Luoqing, Li Zhenpi and Yin Haze were worried and extremely worried.

The first is the change of the circle shape. Ding Wen speculates whether he still has the ability to compete in the finals. The second is the unfamiliar circle shape. Can Ding Wen adapt to it in the fastest time and continue to display the command level of PGL.

These are unknown.

As an old player, Li Zhenpi couldn't keep up with his hand speed, but his vision was still there. He quickly judged several trends in the future competition from the new rules.

First, the teams in the Destiny circle still have a lot of advantages, even greater than the old version.

Second, in the fifth stage, there will be a scene where multiple teams meet at the edge of the circle. When there is no circle of destiny, the difficulty of advancing the team will be greatly increased.

Third, the rhythm of the game has changed drastically, and operations and combat tend to be separated.The first five stages rely on command and operation, and there will not be too much friction between teams; the next two stages and the final circle mainly rely on the team's team battle strength, but a strong command can still find gaps and find a few activities Space into the last big area, avoiding the ringside engagements.

"Liu Shen, can it work?" Li Zhenpi was thinking with a heavy heart, and then looked at Ding Wen worriedly: "Did you play this kind of circle rule in the 50th year of the new calendar?"

"Yeah." Haze agreed with the same dignified expression: "Under this rule...can you still calculate the position of the final circle?"

Regarding this, Ding Wen's expression was not the same as theirs, it was still very flat.

And his answer is also divided into two paragraphs, each responding to the two of them.

"It's okay, I've learned."

"Rules... I'll try it tomorrow."

 What kind of name should I thank you for? V’s 5000 reward (I forgot if there is any thanks, the writer’s assistant is so messy, if there is no one, please add it. If there is, then thank you again...)
  Thanks to eclipse-yue for the 1000 tip, and Quiet Sansen for the 700 tip...

  Well, the dull period will soon be over, and soon it will be time to try out new teammates and run into the training match.

(End of this chapter)

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