I can see the finals

Chapter 199 Youth Training Players

Chapter 199 Youth Training Players
Anti-card edge play...what does it mean?
Yin Haze was at a loss. He didn't know if Li Zhenpi could understand it, but he must not have understood it.

Li Zhenpi really understands it. Anyway, as the former captain and conductor of Fox Death Rabbit Sadness, and now the coach of Dark Fairy Tale, he has something in his stomach, not all lack of ink.

"These six should be understood separately."

He analyzed it carefully, and when he was doing business, his wretched expression disappeared, and he was very focused: "The card edge play, I guess it is the routes studied by Liushen today, and when it comes to routes and new brushes Regarding the problem of the circle mechanism, other teams must be able to notice the adjacent edges between the large regions.

It is conceivable that in future games, when they cannot enter the circle, they will either bet that their team is strong, or their command is outstanding, and they can find imperceptible gaps to lead the team through; or, they will block people at the edge in exchange for a large number of Elimination points! "

Ding Wen glanced at him in surprise, then nodded: "That's right, because the edges of the five major regions are fixed and no longer fluctuate as much as when they were refreshed before. As long as you have done research and training in advance, these edge positions It's not hard to find out. I bet there must be certain teams that use marginal play as a fixed style of play, not taking ranking points, only taking elimination points.

So my initial thought was also this, as our team's second tactic.But after thinking about it, I think it can be done better, and take a long-term view, not just limited to elimination points. "

The advantage of playing on the edge is obvious, because the team that steps on a certain edge position can grasp the information of two areas.

Take the edge of Area D as an example. If you are close to the west, you can not only grasp the information of your own location, but also grasp the information on the edge of Area C. If you are close to the north, you can grasp the information on the edge of Area B.

After all, there is a bridge in the Lost City, and there are no other maps. The adjacent areas are basically a step-by-step circle. Naturally, the visual information of the side can be collected clearly.

So at the end of today's experiment, Ding Wen no longer chose the Lost City, but chose other maps for the experiment.

After a lot of practice and calculation simulations, Ding Wen conceived a way of playing against the edge of the card.

To put it simply, there are three constraints among the teams.

One, want to enter the circle, or the team that moves late.They have the least understanding of unknown area information, or they don't have it. Their purpose may be very simple, which is to hurry and enter the circle.

Second, enter the circle early, or circle the team in your own area.They have enough time to get to the edge before the first type of team. The goal is to get their points. Because they get more information, their choices will be more flexible. Even if they are not blocked, they can still advance to the circle.

Third, the goal is for the above two teams, their scores are not rejected, they want all of them, and they will have more information than the second one.

Of course, theoretically speaking, the third type of team does not exist, because even if the difficulty of entering the circle in the new version has been weakened, the exact place of the circle... still no one knows.

Therefore, the second card edge play is the limit of theoretical operations, and the third is basically difficult to achieve.

But this kind of limit is not for Ding Wen, because he has the ability that no one else has... Look around.

He can grasp the information that the team on the edge of the card has; he can also grasp the information that cannot be grasped.

In addition, the key to this style of play is to be ahead of time. You must move first, or circle in your own area, so as to occupy a favorable position and eat the passing team.

But if they can advance one step, Ding Wen can advance two steps, or even three steps or more, because he doesn't need to wait, he can know all the circles in the first stage.

To sum up, all teams can do the edge-of-card play, and they can implement it after training; but the edge-of-card play... only Ding Wen can do it, and no one else can copy it!
After listening to Ding Wen's explanation, Haze fell into deep thought. Although he couldn't understand it, it didn't prevent him from feeling very powerful.

Inexplicably powerful!
Especially since Ding Wen said these words, he was even more confident: "Okay, I believe you, this style of play is left to you and Li Zhenpi to study carefully, let's talk about these people first."

He pointed to a few people on the screen, and asked suspiciously: "Why are there still youth training players here? Brother Ding, to be honest, don't be afraid that I don't have enough money. Don't worry about choosing someone with an annual salary of no more than 5000 million." I'm fine, so there's no need to save money to select these newcomers. It's so troublesome to have to re-teach them without much experience, don't you think?"

"No." Ding Wen shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate the youth training. They are all young people. What they lack is experience, not talent. Let me ask you, what do you think is experience?"

Yin Haze thought for a while: "Having been on the battlefield for a long time, you don't need others to remind you to know what you are doing. For example, Hao Zheng who came here today."

Hao is the real name of Yanjuan. In reality, Yin Ha does not have the habit of calling IDs. He usually pronounces players by their real names, just like Ding Wen. He is not called DW, but Brother Ding.

Cigarette's experience is of course rich, and he is also the top combo player in PGK's ranking, which is far from what these youth training players can compare.

Ding Wen couldn't compare them with cigarettes, he said again: "Experiencing this kind of problem, you don't have to rely on your own judgment, you can also get reminded by others. During the game, you only need to execute orders."

Yin Haze hesitated and said, "I know it's possible, but no one has two eyes, and the commander can't see what happened to him, I think—"

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that what Ding Wen mentioned just now...'execute the order'.

Then, he stopped worrying about the newcomer's lack of experience, smiled reassuringly, and asked, "Among these few people, which one do you like the most?"

"Jiang San, Li Huo."

Following the names he read, Yin Haze quickly saw the two people he mentioned.

Jiang San, No. 10, a youth player of the HERO team, is also the No. [-] pick in this year's draft. His style is unknown, and his data is not yet available.

Li Hei, No. 11, a youth training player of Team God General, No. [-] pick in this year's draft, unknown style, no data yet.

After all, they entered the league in this year's draft, and the information of the two is very simple, almost as short as nothing.

From the data, Haze couldn't see why, so he asked, "Do they have any advantages?"

"Talent." Ding Wen pulled out another piece of information: "Excluding the theory class, one of their scores is 91 and the other is 92, which is not bad. Although scores can't represent everything, I have seen their training games , these two people still have a lot of potential to be discovered, once developed, I feel...more than 91 points."

"Okay, then I'll contact them?"


"As for the contract, how can I say that the draft picks are not bad, if they are less, the club will not let them go, and if they are too much, it will be a bit of a loss... Would you like to give me an opinion?"

Facing his entanglement, Ding Wen didn't even think about it, and said directly: "The offer is 3000 million."

"What?" Yin Haze was startled by his astonishing words: "Brother Ding, are you crazy? This is youth training, a few million is too much, you just give 3000 million, isn't it a bit... too much?" Too much. Of course, I don’t care about the money, I’m afraid they won’t be worth their money and will be wasted.”

"Trust me." Ding Wen looked at him very seriously: "As long as they can pass the trial training, they must be worth the price! Because my trial training...is different from other teams."

(End of this chapter)

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