I can see the finals

Chapter 207 The First Training Match

Chapter 207 The First Training Match
"So what?"

Ding Wen is still calm and breezy, not at all nervous because of Bai Mu's participation in the training match.

Li Huo and Jiang San looked at him with admiration.

That's Shiraki!

The strongest genius conductor in District [-]!
Ding Wen was not afraid at all, and did not fear Bai Mu's reputation at all, and he couldn't help boosting the self-confidence of the two youth trainees.

His own captain is not afraid, so what are they afraid of!
"You still have to be careful." Although Li Zhenpi was also affected by Ding Wen's calm and confident mood, and his worry weakened, he still reminded: "Anyway, it's Baimu, you must not let your guard down !"

"Don't worry, I will."

Ding Wen replied, and then asked: "Are you ready for other things?"

Li Zhenpi: "The matter of the live broadcast contract may have to be slowed down for a while, and it will be almost done in the afternoon."

Ding Wen hummed: "There's no rush, it won't affect the training match anyway. Besides, there's no live broadcast, so they won't be tied up, so they can take it easy."

Naturally, they were referring to Jiang San and Li Hei. After all, once the broadcast was broadcast live, many people would watch their training match, and they would inevitably feel nervous when they were stared at by so many people.

After removing the live broadcast contract, the rest is almost the same. The team uniform is still being studied, but it's still early before the main game, so don't worry too much.

After eating, the five of them waited until eight o'clock and entered the competition uniform on time.

Sure enough, before entering the room, Ding Wen saw the team logo and team name of the Five Elements. The word Baimu was mixed with a bunch of substitutes, which was very obvious.

I'm about to meet the first commander of District Seven, and it would be a lie to say I'm not excited.

But it was just excitement, Ding Wen was not nervous. The process of the PGK training match was exactly the same as that of PGL. Standing in the waiting square to choose a career, Ding Wen quickly adapted.

They didn't practice new professions, and they had to work overtime at night after the training match to take care of it, so the professions they chose were all old professions.

Li Hei at position 1: The man with the knife, the medicine king of Southwest China

Jiang San at position 1: Gladiator, Prisoner

Cigarette in position 2: The man with the knife, Qianshou Tang
Ding Wen in position 3: Trap expert, psychic medium

Fang Luoqing at position 4: a man with a knife, a heavy spy from the ocean

Southwest Medicine King is an old profession and does not need additional upgrades. It is also a necessary auxiliary profession in the new version. Ding Wen can't choose so many by himself, so he let Li Hei, who doesn't like sub-professions, choose.

Gladiator and prisoner are the classic combination of the old version. Both of them have been strengthened, and the effect should be very good.

On the other hand, Fang Luoqing did not choose Eastern Walker. Considering her position, as well as the composition and distribution of the team's combat power, she made up for the ability of long-range framing, and chose heavy sniping.

This lineup is quite satisfactory, there is nothing particularly outstanding, but once you add a trap expert, the defensive ability and melee ability will be very scary!
If you look carefully, four of these five people can fight close combat, and they are not the kind that make up the numbers. Ding Wen's purpose in choosing this lineup is naturally obvious.



Cooperating with the psychic medium that has been greatly strengthened, the charge can be brought to the extreme.

In addition, because Fang Luoqing's talent is different from ordinary people, the heavy sniper is definitely not for watching. She can play the role of holding a gun while others are rushing to the point, escorting them to the near point, and fighting the enemy.

Different from the waiting square in PGL, Ding Wen felt that it was much quieter here. Maybe most of the players present were substitutes.

So if you want to feel the "square culture" of PGK, you can only wait for the first time in the future.

The map for the first training match is Lost City. Usually, in the first training match every day, the middle map will be used to train the players to find out their status, and the big map will be at the back.

After the map is loaded, enter the game.

As for the birth point, Ding Wen chose the suburban 'Jungle' near Highway No. [-] in Area B (upper right corner of the map).

Because there are few buildings, long roads, and the most remote location, few teams will choose this place, especially today's team, and none of them use this as a birth point, so Ding Wen chose this place.

The game character appeared, and the circle of the first stage also appeared. The E area in the middle of the map was wiped away, and the final circle was in the D area, which is the lower right corner of the map.

If they want to get to Area D, they need to cross a bridge, or cross a river by boat.

Overall, it's pretty far, since they need to drive around to the southern edge of Block B before crossing the bridge and taking the boat.

In terms of location search, Ding Wen had already arranged the detailed coordinates for everyone while waiting for the square, so it was not a problem.

"The search time is 5 minutes." Ding Wen asked for a very short time, and he had to leave halfway through the preparation time.

With such a fast time transfer, the supplies of the team members will naturally not be particularly sufficient, but they are basically enough.

The game time is 1 minute, and the elimination information comes. The two sides of the battle are 404 and Shengtang, and the reason for the conflict is the ROLL point, which is grabbing the control of Jiamu Hospital.

This birth point is the birth point of Qiqi before, and the location is not bad, so it is reasonable to roll around it.

Jiang San: "After Sheng Tang died, there are two left in 404."

Li Hei: "The remaining two are 'System No. 1' and 'System No. 4'."

PGK is better than PGL in any aspect. It’s not casual talk. It’s just that when it comes to memorizing information, everyone doesn’t need to be reminded.

Ding Wen is happy to be at leisure, and he can better think about the next operation route.

The biggest advantage of the new version is that the time spent thinking is greatly reduced compared to the old version. Some routes and tactics are fixed. Ding Wen could only understand it in seven or eight minutes before, but now it takes three to four minutes.

According to the information before the game, Ding Wen quickly simulated three transfer routes in his mind, all three are not bad, and there is no one who is the most perfect.So he thought about it and decided to take the second route.

"Look at the markings."

He first drew a long line on the map normally, explained it to the team members, and then marked a point: "Cigarette rolls, the vehicle has been obtained, go to this point immediately."

"Yeah. You removed the label, and I'll change it."

Each player can only mark one point and one line, and the color will be different from other players. If you want to continue marking, you must cancel the previous mark.

Cigarette is worthy of being an experienced veteran player. In this regard, Ding Wen had already mentioned it before Ding Wen asked.

"I have to say, playing against PGK players...is very comfortable."

If this is Jiu Feifei or Xiao Chong, they will ask first, Ding Wen will answer, and then execute it. This is divided into three paragraphs, which will definitely waste some time.

In terms of tactics, you need to listen to the command, but the players have to be conscious about these basic matters, and don't have to listen to the command before doing it.

At this point, even the inexperienced youth training is much better than Jiu Feifei and the others.

In about 5 minutes, several people in Diablo Fairy Tale followed the order, all of them stopped searching, and the cigarettes went out to check the spot. Others drove behind, more than 100 meters away.

Cigarettes gave a safety message, and after they said 'yes', they would continue to drive along the route marked by Ding Wen.

After leaving the suburbs and coming to the middle of Area B, the team then turned eastward without even looking, and directly bypassed the nearby teams, and then stuck to the easternmost part of the map and headed south.

Ding Wen's terrifying teleportation ability... the three of them finally experienced it.

As if he had opened his eyes, he precisely avoided all the enemies along the way.

Following the route he marked to the riverside in the center of the map, the dark fairy tale didn't meet...anyone!


Jiang San and Li Huo both felt the same, almost too shocked to speak.

how did you do that?
I can't meet a single person, and... that's too exaggerated!

Fang Luoqing was used to it, or she had never been surprised. After parking the car, she took out a heavy sniper and looked at the riverside: "No one has moved the fixed boats, and both of them are here."

"Hmm." Ding Wen turned to ask the cigarette: "Where are you?"

Cigarette replied: "No one, the two ships on my side are also—— wait, there are people coming from my side!"

His speech speed increased instantly: "Three people, the fashion is not obvious, I don't know which team they belong to! Team Ding, what should I say, do you want to intercept it?"

"No, it should be Luofengtang to look for a boat at this time."

Ding Wen was not particularly interested: "Let them go, try beating if you can, Li Huo, go over and refill him."

"Okay." Li Huo then left and drove in the direction of cigarettes.

 I'm going to be late for work, so I'll reply to your comments tomorrow, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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