Chapter 214
"Oops, it's a resentful girl!"

When Mu Tongmu saw that his teammate had turned into this ghostly appearance, how could he not know that he had fallen into the illusion created by the psychic 'Resentment Girl'? Without hesitation, he immediately picked up a piece of ordinary equipment with no attributes on the ground, Give yourself a bit of left leg!
The new version of the psychic is more and more close to the underworld profession. All the summoned objects are inhuman ghosts. The resentful girl has a quality of 2+2. The ability is to make the player enter the hallucination through the sound. Be careful and you will be tricked.

Octagon players also have the ability to create hallucinations, but that kind of professional player can't solve the problem by self-injury after being tricked.

Easy to get tricked, and easy to undo.

Restraining the player's behavior through illusions is actually a kind of 'control', and the control time is linked to the player's degree of caution.

Those who respond quickly and are prepared will take about one to two seconds to clear the illusion, and those who are a little slower may take two seconds.

Mu Tongmu didn't know what kind of person he was, and it probably took several seconds. After all, the numbers for the number of times he was hit were more than two seconds.

Fortunately, within a few seconds, the blood gauges of the teammates were still full, indicating that they were safe for the time being.

The ordinary short knife cut across his leg, and with the reminder that his blood volume was reduced by one, Mu Tongmu's eyes suddenly brightened, and the appearance of the two teammates in his sight also returned to their original appearance.

The illusion of the resentful girl is lifted!

Mu Tongmu cheered up, and was about to talk about his experience, but suddenly realized... Astro Boy actually showed hostility towards him, raised the ink knife in his hand, and cut him head-on!


Mu Tongmu didn't expect that he would attack him, he had no defense at all, and then he was slashed in the face with a knife!

Blood bloomed and spread between the two.

Astro Boy seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, his eyes remained cold after he got it, and then he chopped it down again!

It seems that if he doesn't kill Mu Tongmu, he will never let it go.

At this moment, He Tongmu made a timely move, and the nine-section whip flicked in the air, making a crisp sound, wrapping around Astro Boy's ink knife.

"what are you doing?"

He Tongmu asked in surprise and anger.

The psychic medium ushered in a big update, and the new version has only been available for a few days. Except for those who specialize in supporting professions, many players are not very familiar with its summons.

So facing Astro Boy's crazy attack on Mu Tongmu, he was very surprised and puzzled.

"It's me, don't look at the face, listen to the voice!" Mu Tongmu shouted.

Astro Boy didn't fall into the hallucination, because this is the faceless man of the psychic medium, it changed... Mu Tongmu's face.

Although game characters of the same gender have the same appearance, it is an old version. In addition to job changes, the new version also adds props for modifying appearance in the game, and there are also some small tattoos for sale in the mall. Because of these props, the appearance of players is also different. There is a gap.

Besides, it's best not to change the player's clothing and other decorations at will. It doesn't matter to you, but it will affect your teammates.

So Astro Boy had just gotten used to Mu Tongmu's face for a few days before he became familiar with it, but when he suddenly saw a strange face, he thought for a while that the enemy had climbed up the Snake Cliff and was attacking, so he subconsciously slashed out with the knife.

But when he heard He Tongmu's questioning and Mu Tongmu's explanation, he immediately put down the knife, his expression uncertain: "What the hell? Why is your face like this?"

The changed face of the Faceless Man cannot be changed, that is to say, Mu Tongmu will use this face to play in the later stages of the game.

Everything else is fine, but the teammates have to adapt to his new look, and when there are many people in a melee, the situation is tense and it is easy to accidentally injure him.

"It's time for an explanation! Don't look at the face, look at my fashion!"

Mu Tongmu shouted a few words hastily, then took out a large handful of locust stones, and looked towards the vicinity of Snake Cliff with a serious expression.

The effect distance of the resentful girl is 30 meters, which is relatively long, but the faceless man is only ten meters away.

So just when they were confused by the summoned objects just now, the enemy... has already gotten closer!

They are around the corner!

Mu Tongmu is very sure.

"Little Tong Mu, you are a cover, come to support immediately! Let's get closer!"

Hearing this, Astro Boy, who had "accidentally injured" his teammate just now, immediately adjusted his state and quickly entered a small pit beside him. He Tongmu did the same, and changed to another one.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Xiao Tongmu followed suit.

"Drum, you come too!"

The barrel from the orphanage replied: "Understood!"

Responding to the order in time, Mu Tongmu also found a place to hide, holding the locust stone tightly, ready to shoot at any time.

But after a while, nothing happened.

It stands to reason that Ding Wen, the psychic user, must be nearby. He used the summoned object to make Datongmu mess up first, and then buy time for his teammates who went up the cliff.So no matter what, they should have come up during this time, because Ding Wen bought enough time!
Why don't they come up?

Did you give up because you missed the best time to attack?
Mu Tongmu was uneasy, he knew very well in his heart that even though he gave the order quickly, it was actually too late.

To be honest, he found it unbelievable that the three people on Snake Cliff could safely hide behind the bunker.

Under normal circumstances, since the opponent succeeded with the summoning item, they would have no time to find cover in the follow-up, and they would definitely be attacked immediately.

But the dark fairy tale didn't make the move at the best time, which really made him puzzled.

"Wait, could it be..."

Suddenly, Mu Tongmu seemed to have realized something, and his face changed drastically: "You two don't come! Come back right away—"

Before the words finished, Xiao Tong Mu's anxious voice came again: "I can't go, I'm trapped!"

Barrel Wood: "Me too—damn!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The old boy who sells cigarettes knocks down Datong wood丨Barrel wood with pear blossom nails!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The giant eliminated Datong wood with an ink knife丨Barrel wood!"

"Two on my side!" Yuan Tongmu said angrily.

"Player's Dark Fairy Tale丨Ala Bing knocked down Datongmu丨Little Tong Mu with a heavy sniper at the military level!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The tailor uses the tiger glove to eliminate Datongmu丨Little Tongmu!"

Almost at the same time, the two Datongmu players who came to support died tragically halfway, and were intercepted and killed by the dark fairy tale respectively.

md... fooled!

Mu Tongmu immediately regretted it, and scolded himself in his heart, why he didn't think of it earlier.

"There are also two on my side." Xiaotong Mu reported the information, but his tone was not as upset as they said: "You only have one on your side, you can find a chance to do him!"


Hearing his words, Mu Tongmu realized that they still had a chance for revenge.

5 minus 4 equals 1, there are four of them, that is to say, on the side of Snake Cliff... Ding Wen is the only one from the beginning to the end!
That's why they weren't attacked, just harassed.

Thinking of this, Mu Tongmu didn't dare to waste time: "Brothers, hurry up and find him, the Snake Cliff is so high, he's not easy to get off, and he can't run far!"

Astro Boy and He Tongmu emerged from the bunker without any nonsense, and then spread out on the Snake Cliff, looking for Ding Wen one after another.

The opponent is just a support, even if they disperse, they are not opponents at all.

After searching carefully for a while, the three of them never found any trace of Ding Wen.

"Look below, did he climb down!"

Mu Tongmu became more and more anxious, stepped on the edge of the snake cliff, poked his head and looked down.

Scanning around quickly, there was still no one.

The terrain of Snake Cliff is complicated, there are many piles of rocks, and there are countless bunkers suitable for hiding.

But they are condescending, and none of these bunkers can escape their eyes, and they can see them clearly.

"It's less than a minute. Even if he goes down, he shouldn't be able to run far. Why can't he even see it?"

Mu Tongmu looked confused and felt very strange.

But after the strangeness, the two words he mentioned not long ago... suddenly came out of my heart.

"Di Xian?"

(End of this chapter)

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