I can see the finals

Chapter 221 Team Uniforms

Chapter 221 Team Uniforms

So, the title of the live broadcast room is just a decoration...

Ding Wen was stunned and speechless, first he looked at it quietly for a while, then he looked at his account balance, and sent a little star of ten cents to passing by.

"Fuck, isn't this Lao Ding!!!"

Passing by is worthy of being a top professional player, his eyes are poisonous, among so many rewards, he can still see the little star given by Ding Wen at a glance, it is amazing.

"Wait a minute, someone, come and give Lao Ding a housekeeper! What, there is no housekeeper, they are all full? Hurry up, whoever is about to take it off consciously, I will take you to play games every day from now on."


Ding Wen hadn't typed a reply yet, but when he passed by, his excitement turned into distaste: "But you're too picky, anyway, you're also a person worth tens of millions with a big contract, so just give me a dime gift."

"The money hasn't been sent yet." Ding Wen typed quickly: "Besides, the significance of a gift is not in the amount of money, but in the heart."

"Depend on!"

"Don't rely on it, talk about civilization and establish a new style, can't you see the title of your live broadcast room?"

"You don't understand, the contrast can better reflect the warning effect, let the audience take warning, don't learn from me." Passing by plausibly, he easily avoided the enemy's attack while speaking, and then said: "Wait a minute, I quit the game chat with you."

"Don't don't, you play your game, I just come up to hang out."

"Would you like to play with you later?"

"Take me to die."

"Look at what you said, what kind of person am I? Come on, I'll take you to the top."

"No, I have something to do in the afternoon, you can play, I'll leave after a while."

What is there to say?

People can't generalize from person to person. Passers-by can see Ding Wen's comments in the massive bullet screens, but most of the other viewers don't see them. They can only know that Ding Wen has come to this live broadcast room from passing words.

"Let's start the broadcast!" There were even double fans among the fans who passed by, and when they saw Ding Wen's arrival, they immediately launched a barrage.

"That's right, I want to watch you do the five elements this afternoon! Fuck this little fat man to death!"

"What the hell... I'm still here!" Passing by was furious at first, but then he smiled and said softly, "Come on, give this distinguished guest a one-day package and send him to the VIP room." have a good rest."

"I'm the housekeeper!"

"What? That's really great, I'm just worried that there won't be a room manager."

"Wait!" The room manager who sent the barrage finally panicked: "Brother Lu, I have a level [-] star card..."

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble." Ding Wen hurriedly typed: "I don't want a room manager, play with you, I'm going to eat."

"Alright, I'm about to level up my career to the max. When I have time, let's compete in a training match. Let me tell you, I'm super strong now. Don't cry when I beat you to death, haha."

"Hey, I'm off."

"You still talk about me, talk about civilization, tree—"

Ding Wen exited the live broadcast room angrily, and had no time to listen to his babbling.In addition, during his short stay in his live broadcast room just now, Ding Wen found that he was training as a grand master. The big hammer wheel looks good, and he has a bluffing momentum. I don't know if he can see it in future games.

When it comes to practicing new professions, Ding Wen calculated the preparation time before the main game, but he was actually quite nervous.

During the day, they have to play two rounds of training games, a total of ten games. At night, they have to work overtime and play matches to fully upgrade their new professions.In the week before the match day, or two weeks before, Ding Wen will also take time to study each of PGK's teams this year.

Alas, the time schedule is too full, and I don't feel like it's enough.

Thinking to himself, Ding Wen took off the USB and walked to the two of them who were reading the contract.

They also happened to finish the inspection, and the unknown lawyer in suits and leather shoes nodded: "The contract is very reasonable, and there are no particularly deceptive little traps."

"Then I'm relieved." Yin Ha breathed a sigh of relief. Although Chuangshi is a big platform, the bigger the platform, the more careful it is when dealing with the contract. In the past, many players didn't check carefully, and they were cheated by those big platforms not once or twice.

A contract is indeed a very magical thing. You clearly know every word on it, but when you read it together, it is very difficult to understand, and some even don't understand it at all.

Therefore, a club involves all aspects, and there must be professionals of all types.

Such as makeup artist, fashion designer.

"By the way, do you have any ideas for the pattern of our team uniforms?" Ding Wen remembered this and asked Yin Haze.

The team logo of Dark Fairy Tales has been around for a long time. After all, the team logo is needed for the official announcement.

The team logo was designed by Li Zhenpi. The border of the team logo is pure black, and the middle pattern is a little girl with only a head but a gloomy face. The girl's face is simple and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised.

At the beginning, Ding Wen didn't know what Li Zhenpi was thinking, and actually designed such a dark pattern, but later, according to him, this was the head portrait of the favorite character of Fox Death Rabbit Sad 'Big Red Riding Hood' back then.

When the team disbanded that year, the latter suffered from depression and finally jumped off a building a year ago, so as her best friend and teammate with the best relationship, Li Zhenpi decided to use her favorite avatar as the team logo, with Her biggest wish ever was to go to the imaginary world stage together.

Well... this is a very touching story, and the design of the team logo is also very meaningful, so although the pattern looks a little scary, no one objected to it, and they all accepted it.

Going back to the team uniform, if the team logo is designed to look like a little girl, then the design of the team uniform should also take into account the corresponding factors and styles.

After signing the contract and leaving with the lawyer, the training match in the afternoon was still early, and there was nothing else to do after eating, so the few remaining people began to study the patterns of the team uniforms in the training room.

Cigarette: "Since our team name is dark... why don't we just use a pure black style, the darker color can cover future sponsors, so it won't be so conspicuous."

Ding Wen: "If you really want to design it like this, I don't know if the haze will hit you. Anyway, the sponsor will definitely kill you."

Cigarette: "I said something before... Oh yes, it seems that I didn't say anything."

Fang Luoqing suggested: "Then copy the team logo and put it up as it is."

Li Zhenpi shook his head: "It's just a head portrait, it's too simple, we can add a little more, such as making up the body."

Li Huo whispered: "So, what should be added?"

Jiang San had an idea: "Why don't we add an animal? Is the fox okay? It's better to be dead, and then let Little Red Riding Hood hold it. This is not only scary, but also to a certain extent reminds people of the old fox's death. Or a wolf can also think of Coach Li."

Li Zhenpi shook his head again: "The purpose of our team uniform design is not to scare people. Also, our current team is a dark fairy tale, not a sad fox."

In order to commemorate the best friend, it is possible to design the team logo with her will, but it cannot be put the cart before the horse. After all, this team is not a sad fox, but a dark fairy tale, so Jiang San’s proposal failed to get other people’s approval. .

Then, several people proposed several patterns, but none of them was the most suitable.

In the end, Ding Wen stood up and expressed his opinion.

"You can hug something, but I don't think animals are good. What do you say... how about a trophy?"

The little girl who has passed away holds the trophy and realizes her dream, which is indeed more meaningful than Jiang San's proposal before.

After listening to Li Zhenpi, his heart seemed to loosen. He was silent for a while, and then hesitatingly said: "It's not bad, but in case we don't make it to the world competition and don't get the trophy, this pattern...isn't it a bit ironic?" gone."

"Haven't fought yet, don't be so unconfident."

Ding Wen looked solemn, and said word by word in a very powerful tone: "As far as I am concerned, no matter how terrifying or troublesome the opponent is, I will do my best and will not give up!"

"Trust me, we... will get the trophy!"

(End of this chapter)

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