I can see the finals

Chapter 223 Marlowe

Chapter 223 Marlowe

"Yes." The official staff smiled slightly and gave the surprised Ding Wen the most affirmative answer.

It has been 11 years since the Survivor League was founded. In addition to the secondary leagues, high-level events such as PGK and the World Championship, there will be a promotional video shot by star players before the start of the game.

The types and contents of the videos are varied and vary from year to year, but the people being filmed are fixed...only star players.

Like PGK, there are 100 teams, and every year Survivor officially selects [-] players from them to participate in the filming.According to the number of teams, each team should choose one, but it is not.

Of the [-] teams, only one of the top [-] will be selected steadily. The next [-] places will depend on the strength and reputation of the players. If there is no outstanding player, the team ranked [-] will be replaced.

That is to say, for strong teams such as Wuxing and Tiangong, there is not only one person involved in the filming, but many.Especially for the five elements that just formed the Galaxy Battleship this year, all members may even participate in the filming.

So Ding Wen originally thought that the promotional film would not be his turn, but he didn't expect the official to come to him today.

Maybe there is PGL's mvp factor in it?
Ding Wen didn't know, and didn't want to guess. Anyway, the official game personnel had already arrived, so he seemed to have no reason to refuse to shoot.

Of course, for a promotional video with 100 people participating, there is no guarantee how long everyone will be on the stage. At most, they show their faces and let the audience see the front.

But in any case, showing your face is secondary, and being able to participate in the filming of a promotional video has another meaning... recognition!
Whether it is fame or strength, you are no longer just an ordinary player.So facing the temptation of the promotional video, not only Ding Wen, but all the players could not refuse.

Even if it's... just showing your face.

"Okay, no problem." Ding Wen readily agreed, and then asked, "When will we shoot?"


"What about the location, where do I go first tomorrow, do I need to put on makeup first?"

"No, none of these are needed." The official's answer was very strange, and the smile was even more strange: "You don't need to go to the company headquarters."

"Ah?" Ding Wen couldn't help but feel puzzled, no one was going, how to shoot?
"It seems that you are confused, but you are right to be suspicious. Let me explain briefly."

The official staff maintained a smile and continued: "Although the theme and content of this shooting are not so novel, the ending will be very special. So I came here today just to inform you and take a short video for you by the way. Don't worry, it won't It's very long, about a few seconds. Get this thing done, and you won't have to go to work tomorrow because you don't have to bother."

Filming at the Dark Fairy Tale Club...

But speaking of it, a few seconds is already a long time, and Ding Wen is not dissatisfied with the time, but he is very curious at this moment: "May I ask, is this considered a special treatment...or is it the same for other contestants? "

The official shook his head: "No, only you, I said this ending will be special."

"Hmm...but if I'm a rookie at the finale...isn't it too good?"

The smile of the official staff is still very gentle: "It's okay, it's just a promotional video, the order of appearance has nothing to do with the strength of the players, we just want to make the promotional video more exciting, that's all."

"Okay." Ding Wen rubbed his hands hesitantly, his expression tensed, and suddenly he looked extraordinarily clumsy: "Shall we shoot now? How should we shoot?"

"Brother Ding, take it easy!" Haze, who was watching coldly, couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but joked: "Just take a short video, don't be like a big girl, don't be afraid!"

"Who's scared." Ding Wen glared at him, and then asked, "Do I still need to change clothes?"

"Hmm..." The official staff finally didn't say that they don't need it anymore, but thought for a while first: "Have you ordered your team uniform? If not... then just wear it casually."

"There are team uniforms! There are some!" Yin Haze hurriedly said, urging Li Zhenpi: "Old Pi, go and get the team uniforms."

After finishing speaking, he smiled embarrassedly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, we haven't worn this new team uniform since we got it, and it's been on it all the time."

"It's okay." The official nodded slightly, then turned on the electronic device on his wrist, selected the camera function, and glanced at Ding Wen a few times, as if testing the clarity of the lens.

Not long after, Li Zhenpi came back with a brand new team uniform.

The pattern on the back of the new team uniform was previously discussed, the overall color is pure black, the chest is the name of the sponsor of the Yinha family, the left shoulder is a delicately carved tree, and the right shoulder is a gorgeous blooming flower.The back was clean, without the name of the sponsor, a little girl wearing a blood-red hat and showing an evil smile, holding in her arms the trophy proposed by Ding Wen.

Generally speaking, the painting style is rather gloomy, but after adding the trophy, the intention has changed, and the feeling is not so scary and gloomy.

"A trophy..." Looking at the trophy in the little girl's arms, the official staff pondered for a while, and then the smile returned to their faces: "Not bad, I have ambition!"

"Then I'll put it on, just wait a moment."



"Okay, let's start?"

"Wait a minute." The official reached out his hand to signal, and looked at the camera quietly for a while: "The light here is too bright, you can go with me to a place."

"Where to go."

"You'll know in a while." He said, looking at Yin Haze: "Do you mind taking up your team's time?"

Haze didn't even think about it: "Of course I don't mind, you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, contestant Ding Wen, let's go."


The two left the club and stood at the door of the villa. The official suddenly said, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Marlowen."

Ding Wen's complexion couldn't help but change: "Hey, isn't this..."

"Haha, don't think too much, it's just a duplicate name."

Ding Wen's expression was uncertain, and he glanced at him suspiciously: "Is it just the same name?"

"Of course." Marlowen blinked: "By the way, all the characters in the Survivor game are fictional, so...you understand?"

Ding Wen was thoughtful, and he didn't know whether he really understood or pretended to understand: "That's right, I understand."

"Just understand, go, follow me."

With a mysterious face, Ma Luowen led him into the portal at the entrance of the villa, turned his back to Ding Wen, and broadcast a series of numbers.

The link to the destination was successful. Three seconds later, the two passed through the portal and came to a dark and damp abandoned factory.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, an extremely pungent smell immediately hit his face.

Ding Wen twitched his nose and sniffed hard: "What's the smell?"

Ma Luowen looked flat: "Don't worry, it's the smell of rusted iron."

He raised his head, looked at the only light in the darkness through the cracked roof, then turned on the camera, and pointed to a certain location for Ding Wen: "Come on, you stand in this shadow, I'm going to start filming."

(End of this chapter)

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