I can see the finals

Chapter 229 Watching the game: the first round

Chapter 229 Watching the game: the first round
What is a human being, mind and body?
If the body is gone and only the mind remains, is the person still a person?
This is not only the inscription of his tutor, but also a must-have topic for the annual exam of the theory course of the e-sports academy.

At the same time, it was also... the only obstacle that prevented Ding Wen from getting full marks.

For this question, he has not done it right once in two years, and the real answer has never been given by the tutor.

In other words, this question... has no answer at all!
It's very strange that an e-sports academy would come up with such a question. It seems that it has nothing to do with games, but it exists. This makes Ding Wen very distressed, and he still can't figure it out.

"Suddenly I remembered that I haven't been back to school for a long time. Well... find some time, go back and visit his old man."

Ding Wen thought so, and followed Yin Haze wandering on the street full of thoughts, and the two 'bodyguards' followed behind him obediently. If they didn't know in advance, in the eyes of others, they would be just two ordinary people with bigger bodies. robot.

"It's not like you." Fang Luoqing seemed to have noticed something wrong with Ding Wen, and said leisurely from the side.

"Eh..." Ding Wen heard it, and suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart: "I'm thinking about the game the day after tomorrow."

"Oh." Fang Luoqing just smiled and said nothing else.

Suddenly, she seemed to have seen something, pointed to a three-colored light sign hanging high somewhere, and shouted: "Wow, glazed fish! Let's go, let's eat fish!"

"Just know how to eat..." Ding Wen watched helplessly as she ran towards the grilled fish shop, set some instructions for the 'bodyguard', and followed.

That is, shortly after the three of them left, a small spot of light, as small as a mosquito, suddenly floated out from the treetop next to it, and then disappeared.


Early the next morning, although Diablo Fairy Tale didn't have a game, he got up early.

October 10th is the first day of PGK. Even if he does not play, he will not miss the opportunity to watch the game.

Today there are two groups, the first half is the Lost City, the second half is the old site of Shacheng, the Five Elements is in the first group, and the Tiangong is in the second group. They will all appear today.

Unlike PGL's low-profile league, the opening of PGK was not only full of venues that were five times larger, but also the official online live broadcast. The seven districts had a population of nearly [-] million, and about half of them watched the first game.

What a concept!
More than 5000 million viewers!
Except for the World Championship, there is no other event that has such a high popularity and number of people as PGK.

Looking at the ants-like spectators on the screen, Ding Wen suddenly became a little worried about Jiang San and Li Huo. Such a big scene, let alone the two youth trainees, even he had never experienced it before.

Whether it will be tense at that time and whether it will affect the state of the players is indeed a big or small problem.

It can also be said to be a hidden danger.

"Okay, there are a lot of people." Sure enough, the most introverted Li Huo saw that there were so many people at the scene, even if he didn't play in person, his expression changed a little.

"Why, haven't you watched PGK games before?" Li Zhenpi asked from the side.

"It looks like I've seen it, but when I think that I'm going to play tomorrow, it's inevitable that I will... hey."

Ding Wen immediately comforted: "Don't be nervous, put on the USB, other things have nothing to do with us, and you won't hear a word of the sound at the scene."

Jiang San asked: "Are you nervous about Team Nading?"

Ding Wen said truthfully: "Nervous."

Cigarette was a little surprised: "What? Do you feel nervous too?"

Ding Wen was a little speechless: "What are you talking about? I'm not a machine, how can I not be nervous. But I feel that I can control it, as I said just now, when I arrive at the scene, I wear a U-band and don't care about the audience, Noise, all can't be heard."

"Don't talk about that, look, the five elements have entered the arena." At this time, Fang Luoqing suddenly opened her mouth, and excitedly pointed at someone on the screen and shouted: "Isn't that Xiaolu? Haha, he looks like a human being. Why do you even comb your hair back!"

"That...it's not appropriate to use it here if you look like a human being."

As Ding Wen spoke, he followed suit, and then he saw a serious face, with a big backed head that was fixed after a lot of waxing, and matched with the fat body, the seriousness made people feel uncomfortable no matter how they looked at it. funny.

"Tsk tsk." Ding Wen didn't use human appearance to describe it, but the word tsk tsk can fully describe his mood at this time.

Just looking at this outfit, those who didn't know thought he was the boss of Wuxing, not a player participating in the competition.

I don't know if he asked for it himself, or if the Wuxing designer gave him the shape, but although it is a bit funny, from another perspective, passing by is more mature than staying in Qiqi.

just some.

Because when he heard the audience call his name, the serious expression of passing by faded instantly, and then he greeted them with a smile, and waved to them very coquettishly.

"Hi, friends over here, how are you! I love you!"


Ding Wen couldn't bear to look directly at it, so he turned down the volume directly.

Speaking of which, after Wu Xing joined Lu Guo, it has become a team of a thousand catties. Except for Bai Mu, the other players are very fat, and Wu Zhan is the most. I don’t know if the food is too good or what. Generally speaking, the people of the five elements give people a strong sense of oppression.

Skipping these entrance ceremonies, broadcasting sponsors before the game, and interviewing specific players, the boring part of interviewing specific players, the first round of PGK finally started.

The result is not very surprising. The five elements that make up the luxurious galaxy battleship are vicious monsters in the group stage where there is no strong team. No one can stop them.

Finally, in the first round of five games, they ended today's schedule with 7400 points.


Jiang San and Li Huo seemed to be frightened by their performance, and sighed with emotion in a low voice.

Even a melancholy and quiet cigarette has become solemn at this time. I have to say that it complements the passing Five Elements, which is really too strong. It is almost like two teams with last year's Five Elements that still has weaknesses. .

What's even more frightening is that because it was a group stage, the five elements didn't make much effort. If they were serious, at least 8000 points would be broken.

However, Ding Wenwen and Fang Luoqing remained calm, as if they were not worried at all... this five elements with such terrifying strength.

"Let's leave first, I'll check with Lao Pi for a while, and we'll watch it in the afternoon."


In the afternoon, the second round of competition in the former Shacheng Site Division began.

Contestant Tiangong had just entered the arena, and his hazy eyes lit up immediately, and then, like a fan seeing an idol, he let out a scream that didn't fit his identity!
"Jiang Tong, I love you!"

Jiang Tong had appeared in the promotional video before, but at that time, because of the battle, she was covered in dirt and her face was blackened by dust.Now that she appeared in the entrance ceremony, after recovering her true appearance, her unsurpassed beauty had to be amazed.

Dressed in white, black hair like a waterfall hangs down, matched with perfect white cheeks, black and white are distinct, like a fairy walking out of a painting.Even if the team uniform studded with the sponsor's name was worn on her body, she didn't feel ugly at all, on the contrary, it looked even more beautiful.

She really seemed to not exist in the mortal world, no matter her appearance or figure, she could hardly find any flaws.

Especially when she smiles, it's like the ice and snow have just melted, making you feel like a spring breeze.

She just appeared, and walked, smiling and waving to the audience at the scene. Immediately, no matter male or female, countless audiences were so excited that they stood up like ecstasy. They all screamed and resounded through the hall, expressing their love for Jiang Tong favorite.

"Ahem, pay attention to your identity." Ding Wen couldn't help reminding the nympho Haze: "Don't forget, she is the enemy."

"I know it's the enemy." Yin Ha reluctantly withdrew her gaze, but her soul seemed to remain on the screen: "But she is so beautiful."


Ding Wen couldn't speak, so he turned to look at Fang Luoqing, wanting to see her reaction, but who knew that the latter was staring at the screen, as if in a daze, which was even more exaggerated than Yin Haze's performance.

"Are you OK?"

Ding Wen rarely saw Fang Luoqing showing such an expression, so he asked worriedly.

"I'm very good."

Fang Luoqing withdrew her gaze, with a little confusion on her face: "I seem to... have seen her somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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