I can see the finals

Chapter 231 Come on!

Chapter 231 Come on!

"Crossing all obstacles, with unparalleled combat power, let us welcome...the unparalleled team to enter the arena!"

"Ambitious and ambitious, let us welcome... the Jiuchi Roulin team!"

"Let's welcome..."

I don't know how long I waited, after about a dozen of them, it was finally the turn of the dark fairy tale.

"The new army is rising, the second brain, let us welcome... the dark fairy tale team!"

second brain...

Ha ha.

Except for the daily calm duo, the smokers are more or less dissatisfied with the "second" in the host's script.

It's okay to say that you don't have confidence in combat power. After all, there are so many players with strong combat talents, and it's impossible to rank first and second.But in terms of command, several people have 100% confidence in Ding Wenna, especially at that time Bai Mu temporarily decided to join the training match, but was easily eliminated by the dark fairy tale, which made this so-called No. [-] commander of the seven districts in their hearts... ...the weight is getting lighter and lighter.

Although contempt is far from being achieved, they believe that Ding Wen is not inferior to Bai Mu in terms of command alone, or even slightly better.

Therefore, in the eyes of Yan Jian and others, Ding Wen is the first brain.

"Don't be so confused."

As if noticing their little expressions, Ding Wen said lightly, while tidying up his team uniforms for the last time: "Let's go, it's time to enter the field."


Dazzling lights suddenly lit up in the clubhouse, all shining on the members of the dark fairy tale team members who walked into the passage.

The howling sound swept over like a tsunami, the applause was thunderous, and the cheers were mixed with more than half of the boos.

Needless to say, the ones who shush are naturally those audiences who don't like dark fairy tales.

Facing the audience densely packed like black dots in front of him, and hearing those shouts and boos that seemed to tear the eardrums, Li Huo's complexion was pale, and his footsteps were a little unsteady.Jiang San was slightly stronger than him, but not much stronger. He was also trembling, and the smile on his face was extremely stiff.

It's one thing to be on TV, and quite another to experience it in person.

The two youth trainees felt out of breath, the pressure on their bodies suddenly increased, and their minds seemed to go blank.

Especially when all the lights are on them, this kind of pressure is even more obvious.

Everyone is watching them, through the scene, through the big screen, very clearly... watching them!

Li Hei even felt that a small pimple on his face would be magnified to the extreme. When he thought of so many people looking at him, cold sweat instantly wet half his cheeks.

"Relax, wave."

At this time, Ding Wen's warm and powerful voice came from behind him.

Cigarette also comforted in a low voice at the right time: "You don't have to think about anything, just walk forward, and don't be afraid of falling, we are always behind you."

Hearing the words of comfort from the two "veterans" in the team, Li Hei and Jiang San's nervousness was also slightly relieved.

The rookie did not participate in such a large-scale competition, so nervousness is inevitable. Even if it was the first time for Wu Zhan to play PGK at that time, he did not dare to take a breath, and he got used to it quickly.

Waving to the audience, the dark fairy tale passed through the seemingly long, but actually short passage, and finally came to the competition area.

The lights disappeared and turned to illuminate the next batch of teams that were about to enter.

The pressure was relieved, and the two rookies breathed a sigh of relief. Damn it, it's finally over. This short journey...they are too tired from walking.

"Didn't you say you were nervous?" Cigarette couldn't help looking at the calm Ding Wen, a little curious: "I never saw you nervous."

"I thought I would be nervous, but I didn't expect it to be fine." Ding Wen looked calm, took out a tissue, and handed it to the two newcomers: "Come on, wipe off your sweat."

"Thank you Team Ding." The two smiled shyly, took the tissue and quickly wiped off their sweat.

Fang Luoqing on the side stood on her feet and lay on the cubicle, looking curiously at the audience in the arena: "They are so enthusiastic."

"Enthusiasm for sure, because this is the scene."

Some people have always said that playing a job is for yourself, and you earn money for yourself, but Ding Wen feels that this sentence is not true. Playing a job is not the same as going to school.Without these passionate and loving audiences, where would professional players come from? They play professionally not only for themselves, but the most important thing is these audiences, the lovely fans who support them.

To be realistic, without them, professional players would have no traffic and no money. Many players just don’t realize this and completely forget who gave him the fame and money, so after a short period of glory, they gradually disappear. to everyone.

The process of PGK is more lengthy and cumbersome than that of PGL. Everyone in Diablo Fairy Tale waited patiently until the staff finally came to the stage to check everyone's USB, and it was considered the last step.

A man and a woman, two commentators appeared on the big screen.

Today's commentary group is one of the three golden partners of PGK. The male commentator is bicycle, and the female commentator is Qingyu. Not to mention the commentary skills, even the appearance is very good, the image and temperament are outstanding, and they have an average of more than six years of commentary experience.

Bicycle smiled: "I heard that there are many unexpected teams in today's team."

Qingyu: "Which ones are you referring to?"

Bicycle: "For example, Jiuchi Roulin, or... a dark fairy tale. I heard that Ding Wen's appearance is as good as mine. I saw it today."

Their commentary style is different from PGL's Muzi and Yi Yan. They are not so rigid and give people a very serious feeling. Instead, they are like chatting and teasing among friends, which sounds very relaxed.

Qingyu smiled and said: "What? Appearance? Shouldn't we focus on the strength of the players?"

Bicycle: "Haha, when it comes to strength, I finally dared to pat my chest and utter a harsh word today!"

Qingyu: "Which sentence?"

Bicycle laughed: "I can beat professional players!"

Qingyu's expression moved slightly, and then she shook her head amusedly: "Then you are really good, step off the stage quickly, don't occupy the commentary seat, go directly to the stage."

Cycling immediately smiled and said, "Okay, Ding Wen, can you hear me? I have a KD experience, fight fiercely, and the price is fair. I don't know if you are interested."

After the words fell, the camera came to Ding Wen in the competition area.

The latter knew that there would be such a link before the game, and each team would be mentioned one by one by the commentator, but he just didn't expect that he would be the first one.

So he smiled, didn't say a word, and gave the camera a thumbs up, everything was silent.

Seeing his movements, Cycling couldn't help but feel complacent: "Did you see that even the newly promoted genius conductors look up to me, what does that mean? It means I'm still very capable!"

Qingyu also smiled: "But when it comes to the new talented conductor, we have to introduce it to everyone..."


"I'm afraid there are many fans who are not happy about it." In the competition area, Yan Juan chuckled from the side: "I didn't expect that the first player they mentioned would be you."

Ding Wen was also helpless: "What can I do about it?"

Thinking of the previous filming, Cigarette felt both emotional and envious: "It seems that the league is going to support you, and the future is boundless."

"It's not necessarily a good thing to have a bright future." Ding Wen didn't care much, and he wasn't as optimistic as he was.

Back to the topic, every team commentator will talk about it before the game, so it consumes a lot of time.

After nearly half an hour, the competition was considered official. Each team's competition area will be equipped with a staff member. After receiving their prompts, all players put on U-patterns.

According to competition practice, before that, the players have to do one more thing.

"come on!"

The 100 contestants, either flat or high-pitched, shouted in unison in the venue.

With the players cheering for themselves, PGK's first match in the Maya Jungle Division on the next day...officially started!
(End of this chapter)

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