I can see the finals

Chapter 233 Hit!What if you don't fight?

Chapter 233 Hit!What if you don't fight?
Qingyu looked at it, and also shouted: "It's Wushuang!"

After amazed, she also became excited: "I know they often do this in training games, but I didn't expect to do it in games!"

Cycling smiled: "I bet ten yuan that the decision to block the bridge must be related to God of War. 90.00% nine is his initiative."

He and Qingyu were excited, but it wasn't surprising. Although it was a competition, it was only the first stage of group competition. For a top-five team like Wushuang, the intensity of the group competition was too low. can enter the second stage.

So they chose to block the bridge in the first game, and it will not be particularly surprising.

Moreover, their blocking of bridges in the early stage can also bring more fun and enjoyment to the game. After all, most viewers prefer to watch fights and battles rather than boring transfers and operations.

Now there may be scenes of friction and exchange of fire, not only the commentators are excited, but the audience is also the same.

"Haha, Wushuang is really brave. I really don't take the group competition seriously."

"Let's see which unlucky ghost is crossing the bridge, oh my god! It's the wine pool meat forest!"

"Damn it, the opening is so exciting, two strong teams are about to meet!"


Although the two commentators didn't know why they chose to cross the bridge at such an inappropriate time in the first stage with the command level of 'Daji', but they just passed!

When the camera cut to them, the five people from Jiuchi Roulin had already driven to the center of the bridge. They were 800 meters away from the team at the head of the North Bridge.

Hmm... In fact, Wushuang saw the wine pond meat forest. As the ambush party, how could they let the team crossing the bridge see themselves, and each found a place to hide at the bridge head, very concealed.

Qingyu also expressed her approval for Wushuang's burial location: "The five of them hid so deeply, they can observe the bridge without being discovered by the other party. Wushuang is worthy of the team that has been blocking the bridge for many years, and the details are handled perfectly. .”

Cycling: "To my surprise... Zhanshen actually got on his stomach! I thought that with such a violent temper like him, he would definitely not just lie there obediently. I didn't expect that in order to block the bridge, he You don't even want your own personality."

Qingyu smiled lightly: "Can you be more rigorous in your words? It's suppression, not unnecessary."

Bicycle also smiled: "But it doesn't hinder understanding, does it?"

Has Jiuchi Roulin found Wushuang at the head of the bridge?

The answer is... found!

In other words, they had already guessed it before the game.

As a conductor of the same school and level as Bianhua, 'Daji', it is impossible not to know that Wushuang has a hobby of blocking bridges.But what is strange is that even if they knew about it, they ran to the bridge head "unaware" and "unprepared" like stunned youths, not afraid of being ambushed at all.

Why are they so confident?

The two commentators soon knew.

On the screen, the members of Jiuchi Roulin traveled another third of the distance, and suddenly stopped.

Then, in the river below the bridge, an inconspicuous dark blue fish jumped out of the water, and then disappeared.

Then, a peregrine falcon chirped from above the sky, and the assistant Shen Gongbao held a piccolo in his hand, closed his eyes, and played it hastily.

Three seconds later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and reported clearly and quickly: "Coordinates, E354, 578..."

Seeing this scene, Bicycle couldn't help but lose his voice: "The Storyteller? When did he..."

Because the angle of view of the camera was only given to the team members, the commentators and the audience did not see it. Long before Jiuchi Roulin crossed the river, Shen Gongbao, who was the support position, had already released the summoned creatures.

The number of summons in the new version of the Storyteller has been greatly reduced, but it has become harder to detect.

Not to mention the commentary audience from God's perspective, even the Wushuang people who were ambushing in the game didn't even realize that there was a peregrine falcon condescendingly staring at them all the time in the sky above their heads.

Of course, the main reason why they couldn't see it was because they hid too tightly. The peregrine falcon flew high, but if someone was on the roof, it would not be difficult to see the high-hanging peregrine falcon if they looked a little with binoculars.

And when they heard the sound of the flute, they also reacted immediately, and understood that the team on the bridge had already made observation arrangements on the other side before crossing the bridge, not only in the sky, but also in the river.
Their positions... were all exposed.

It's completely exposed!

Qingyu stared at the screen tightly: "Wu Shuang has noticed, so what will they do next?"

Because the bridge is blocked, it can be regarded as blocked if it is close, and it is called driving away if it is far away.So Wushuang put Jiuchi Roulin on the near point bridge very safely, at a distance enough to pose a threat to them.

If it's an old version, it doesn't matter, as long as Wushuang hides tightly, the opponent's fourth position can't be broken no matter how accurate it is.

After all, people don't reveal themselves, how can you break it?
But now it's different, this is the new version.

There's a new class... a new version!

The bicycle reacted the fastest, and immediately exclaimed: "No, Wushuang will suffer!"

As soon as the words fell, Daji on the bridge in the game took out a paper kite that was one meter long and one meter wide, and let it fly into the sky.

With the precise coordinates of the other party, the kite will have a target to land on, and it is a range-shaped bombing. If Wushuang still doesn't move, at least one or two people will have to pay the price!

Qingyu's emotions were also mobilized, and she shouted: "Wu Shuang still not running? The kite is about to fall!"

Cycling seems to have thought of something: "I see, Wushuang and the others shouldn't run!"

As if they had heard his words, the Wushuang people in the game actually didn't move, they were still hiding in their respective positions, forcibly receiving the explosion damage from the falling kite.

Then, at the moment when the explosion sounded, a soft green light appeared on the injured team member, and immediately raised his crumbling blood volume, relying on the Southwest Medicine King, he just stood firm and did not fall!
Sure enough, this is the auxiliary version. Whether it is the Storyteller or the Southwest Medicine King, they all have different and extremely important effects.

Then, the loudest call before the game, the official arrangement to play in the finale, the most representative support... Where is Ding Wen?

Where is he now?
Where is the dark fairy tale?

At this time, the two commentators naturally had no time to think about it, because the situation on the field was too tense.

After Wushuang held on, the two long-range players immediately took cover and attacked the enemies on the bridge, suppressing them to the back of the car.

Their position is exposed, but the position of the other party is also the same. In other words, the latter is exposed to Wushuang's eyes, and there is no need to deliberately observe it.

After being attacked, Jiuchi Roulin's long-distance occupation was not to be outdone, and returned several attacks.

Because there were no casualties, the two parties were awkward for a while, restrained by each other, and neither could move.

Jiuchi Roulin didn't expect Wushuang to be so tough, even hearing the flute of the Storyteller or the rising of the paper kite, they couldn't make them take half a step back.

Wushuang also didn't expect which team this was. It was clearly crossing the bridge but it turned into a push and became the stronger side.

With God of War's fiery personality, he couldn't bear it.

There's no other way, the two sides can't stay here all the time, the finals are alright, but it's just the early stage, there's really no need to waste each other's time.

Who will show weakness and retreat first?

Anyway, Wushuang will definitely not retreat. In the dictionary of God of War, there is no such word as retreat!
So in the end, Jiuchi Roulin was the first to make a compromise.

One after another, the smoke was thrown from the rear of the car, across several beautiful arcs, and flung to the front of the car.

Fortunately, the remotes of the two sides restrained each other, and Wushuang didn't have time to knock on their tires. As long as there was smoke, the players in Jiuchi Roulin could get on the car and safely retreat to the opposite side of the bridge.

Facing Jiuchi Roulin's compromise, Wushuang and the others breathed a sigh of relief, forcing back the powerful enemy, God of War was so proud that he almost stood up and whistled.

But at this moment, a dull gunshot suddenly sounded from the sky!
The sudden gunshot shook God of War's eardrums, and he really stood up.

Of course, I was scared.

He thought he was the one who was being attacked by the heavy sniper, so he moved subconsciously.

what happened?

Who fired the shot?

Are there other teams around me?
After the gunshot, the smoke on the opposite side had already risen, the gun was not fired at Wushuang, but... fired at them!
Through the smoke, everyone in Wushuang looked at a loss, completely unaware of what was going on on the bridge.

But the explanation from God's perspective is very clear.

Bicycle looked stunned: "When did this... dark fairy tale come, have you noticed it?"

Qingyu had a similar expression, she was too shocked: "Wait, that's not the point, the point is that Jiuchi Roulin's tire... was knocked!"

Jiuchi Roulin used smoke to seal Wushuang's vision, but it failed to seal the dark fairy tale who came from the east bank.

They were like ghosts, quietly, without anyone noticing... launched a tragic abortion raid on Jiuchi Roulin.

What's more frightening is that the dual-position's cigarette has been pulled to a very tricky point, which is also very close to the bridge, avoiding Wushuang's attack range. When he raises his hand, a large piece of locust rock comes out of his hand.

With the sound of puff puff sounded one after another, none of the tires of the four cars in Jiuchi Roulin was spared, and all of them were seriously injured.

But the cigarette that finished the abortion, as if doing a good deed without leaving a name, did not hesitate at all, and immediately backed away.

Soon, all members of the Dark Fairy Tale disappeared without a trace, and the weather was calm, as if everything had never happened.

(End of this chapter)

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