I can see the finals

Chapter 236 The real weak side!

Chapter 236 The real weak side!
Are dark fairy tales committing suicide?
Certainly not!
No team commander would let his players do such stupid things.

Ding Wen's three cars seemed to rush towards Wushuang fiercely, but in fact, when they reached the bridge, they immediately changed direction and drove north!
But before turning around, they did one more thing.

Drop, drop, drop!
The three of them honked their horns together, and drove past the Wushuang team members with extreme arrogance!
When driving a certain distance to the north, Ding Wen even felt that it was not enough, and then asked Fang Luoqing to stop and fire guns, continuing to stimulate the psychology of the Wushuang team members.

Of course, if it was another team, Ding Wen's actions would undoubtedly be a joke, and it would have no effect on their psychology at all.

But the point is... Wushuang contains God of War.

This is very interesting.

Can a god of war known for his fiery personality endure Ding Wen's arrogant provocation?

He really couldn't bear it, he almost stood up when he heard the sound of the horn, not to mention the firing of the gun from behind, which made him jump into a rage.

"Damn it! Which damn team is this? Don't leave if you have the ability, stop and let's make gestures!"

Fortunately, he was the only one among Wushuang who was affected. As soon as he made a move, other calm teammates immediately dissuaded him: "Don't be fooled, there is another team on the bridge watching us!"

On the commentary stage, the strange actions of the god of war after the rage can be seen in full view.

Biche smiled after a long absence: "Let me just say, with Ding Wen's level, it is impossible to commit suicide. It seems that he is not only proficient in various tactics, but can even catch the weakness of the enemy's character. God of War I'm afraid my mentality will be affected."

Qingyu: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's for sure. I feel that if his teammates hadn't stopped him, he would have stood up and taken a taxi."

Cycling hummed, and then said: "But having said that, playing with the opponent's mentality is indeed a good little tactic, but in the final analysis, what is Ding Wen planning to do? Is it just to anger the opponent?"

Qingyu suddenly shouted: "Look quickly, they turned back again!"

Bicycle was startled, and then looked at the screen.

Sure enough, as Qingyu said, Ding Wen just drove away for a certain distance, and then drove back.

They honked the horn in the same way, and after the gunfire ended, they left blatantly, completely ignoring the hidden Wushuang team members.

As for the Jiuchi meat forest on the bridge, they can make a move, but if they make a move, they will be attacked by Wushuang's team members, so they have no choice but to hide behind the car and stand still, silently enduring the mental devastation brought by Ding Wen '.

Can you hold back?
This is the group stage, not the final!
Don't you do it yet?

Daji was thinking in her heart, guessing how much the God of War could endure.

Ding Wen's move is also a benefit for them.Although it is not clear whether the team that suddenly appeared is the one that hit his tires before, but to be honest, Daji really hopes that God of War will be angered so that they can find a chance to escape.

Again, the more chaotic the situation, the better.

Thinking of this, Daji took out the slingshot again, tied it with gunpowder bullets, and shot at the coordinates of the Wushuang players that he had memorized before.

The explosion of gunpowder bullets in the bunker caused no damage, but Daji's harassment also further disturbed the mentality of God of War, and added fuel to the unclear situation.

But at this time, the second stage has passed, and the third large area that was wiped away...appeared.

Area A!
The danger zone of the third stage is Zone A!
The bridgehead belonging to the E area is still in the safe area, and the three teams can continue the stalemate.

But three of the five major districts disappeared, and the remaining district C was in the south of the bridge, only part of the E district was there, and the rest was in the north of the bridge.

In other words... Jiuchi Roulin finally waited for the opportunity!

Because in the fourth stage, no matter which one of Area C and Area E is wiped away, they are all in the safe zone, even if they are not in the middle, they are at least in the safe zone, and there will be no additional transfers in the future.

The emergence of the new danger zone changed the stalemate situation greatly. Even if Wushuang didn't want to move, he had to move, unless they wanted to be dumped by both sides in the fourth stage. At that time, it would be difficult to move an inch.

After all, they didn't know where the next circle would be, so they didn't dare to bet that Area E would still be there. After seeing the circle, Wushuang's commander had already started thinking quickly about countermeasures.

Strangely, maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe Ding Wen had mind-reading skills. When Wushuang commanded him to think, he actually withdrew in a cooperative manner, and did not come back to engage in the mentality of God of War.

In other words, Commander Wushuang doesn't need to think anymore, he has already helped the opponent make a choice.

We are leaving, you come.

For this reason, the three of Ding Wen withdrew far enough away, with a gesture of never interfering.

Hearing the sound of the vehicles gradually receding, Commander Wushuang couldn't be completely relieved, he was still hesitating, for fear that they would fight with Jiuchi Roulin, and the dark fairy tale would suddenly appear to persuade them to fight.

But hesitation is hesitation, no matter what, he has to make a decision quickly, because time waits for no one.

As District A is wiped away, more teams will be welcomed in District E. Now there is still a chance to choose, and if you don't move, the chance will be gone.

"Smoke up, drive to pull the position!"

Finally, Commander Wushuang made up his mind and made a decision!
Jiuchiroulin didn't have a car, so they couldn't take the initiative to attack them, but Wushuang did, and the initiative was in their hands.

As long as... Ding Wen doesn't make trouble.

In fact, it's all up to now, whether it's Wushuang or Jiuchi Roulin, they still don't know who the third team is.

Ding Wen was always in the car, the speed was so fast, it was hard to tell what kind of fashion they were wearing. If Wushuang knew that they were a dark fairy tale, maybe he would calm down and think about it.

It's a pity...they don't know.

So the late battle finally started.

Seeing that a battle broke out, the two commentators quickly entered the state and began to explain the battle in a lively manner.

"It's finally started. We can see that Wushuang is mowing the grass, King Li is driving to pull the position, God of War..."


The Five Elements Club on the other side.

Bai Mu's eyes flickered, and he said softly: "The weak side...will come out soon."

Hearing this, everyone else was stunned, and Wu Zhan then asked suspiciously: "Didn't the weak side come out a long time ago?"

Passing by also didn't understand: "Isn't the East Bank before the weak side?"

Bai Mu smiled slightly: "You said it yourself, before. Also, when did I say that the weak side refers to the weak side on the edge of the danger zone?"

"That is?"

Bai Mu said seriously: "I'm talking about... the weak side of the safe zone!"

After saying this, his tone suddenly became very strange, as if carrying some kind of anticipation.

"Look, it's a good show... it's about to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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