I can see the finals

Chapter 239 The Expected Ending

Chapter 239 The Expected Ending
The Wushuang commander chose to attack, seemingly forced and helpless, but in fact he also had his own ideas.

The third-party team behind them was a certain distance away from the bridgehead, and their speed was not very fast, as if observing first before talking, and seemed a little hesitant.So he felt that as long as Wushuang could quickly unplug the wine pool and meat forest on the bridge, he could immediately relieve the dilemma of being double-teamed, which could be done theoretically.

Of course, the premise is that it is fast enough, while the other party is still hesitating to make a decision.

If they are lucky, they can destroy Jiuchi Roulin, and they can turn around and fight against the third party team; if they are unlucky, they can also get 500 head points in Jiuchi Roulin. Keep the tinder.

Commander Wushuang is not very famous, and few people can even remember his name. He belongs to the kind of player who can think of it when he sees it, but it is difficult to think about it on his own initiative.

In the face of such an embarrassing crisis, he still did not panic, and found the only way for Wushuang to break the situation.

But he didn't know that "this road" was actually given to him by Ding Wen, and he was also deliberately guided to him.

Even until now, he still doesn't know that besides Jiuchi Roulin and Wushuang, there are... people from other teams on the bridge.

After all, the time for Ding Wen to bury someone...too early.

As early as the first stage, Ding Wen calculated everything that happened and all possible possibilities, and implemented it accordingly.

Therefore, after Commander Wushuang fell into the river and drowned, he was still optimistic about the situation on the field.

"We lost one, and the other side lost two!"

Transformed into a box, he cheered for his teammates in an invisible place: "They still have three more, God of War, it's up to you!"

"Small idea."

God of War smiled evilly, listened to the sound, and looked for the traces of the three remaining people in Jiuchi Roulin.

The ID at the time of elimination was very clear. One King Zhou, one Trojan horse, two of the three major murder kings were gone, and only one earl remained. The pressure on God of War was minimized.

As for the other Daji, although he is also very powerful, he has not yet reached the level of the killer king. With the last assistant Shen Gongbao, God of War is confident that he can lead his seriously injured teammates to do two against three!

"Zhulu, don't worry, add up your HP first." Commander Wushuang advised on the sidelines: "I don't know when the smoke will disperse, but what you have to do now is to wait for the God of War to find a breakthrough!"

Zhuilu, who was thrown to half blood before, nodded immediately: "No problem!"

As for Mowing on one of the two wings, he asked: "There are few of them, do you want to leave King Li alone and let me help?"

"No need." Commander Wu Shuang didn't let him do that, and said very relaxedly: "Let's see God of War's performance. If the breakthrough is not opened, then wait for the smoke to clear, and then you can take action together. That is the safest choice."

"By the way, where's the team behind?" At this moment, Li Wang remembered something and asked immediately.

The first wave of charge took a very short time, but after everyone got mixed into the smoke, it wasn't that there was a lot of time that the winner would not be able to tell the difference. The more time wasted, the later team would be given a chance.

"It's okay." Commander Wushuang had already considered his concerns.

This belongs to the category of bad luck, because he can't make a quick decision, so he didn't let the wings support him, so as to save the fire for the team and continue the next game.

"Damn, I can't find them!"

On the other side, amidst the smoke on the bridge, God of War complained very unwillingly, clenched his fists tightly, but he still couldn't find a target to vent his anger on.

"Wait for the smoke to clear." Commander Wushuang comforted him: "Don't worry, take your time."

But when it comes to the dispersal of smoke, he suddenly remembered that the reserve of smoke in the wine pool and meat forest...is it too much?
It's been almost 2 minutes since the smoking ban started, and they still have it?
This is a bit unscientific.

Commander Wushuang really couldn't figure it out, so he asked again: "You didn't continue to seal the cigarette after getting off the car, did you?"


"I'm not sick."

Competition and God of War gave affirmative answers respectively.

Hearing their answers, the inexplicable uneasiness that Wu Shuang commanded before... quietly resurfaced in my heart.

"Could it be that there are other teams...on the bridge?"

Finally, he realized this, but he was immediately frightened by his own thought.

How could there be other teams on the bridge!
Ten people were watching helplessly!
Did they grow wings, did they fly here?

Let's take a step back, let's not talk about the possibility of being discovered by Wushuang and Jiuchiroulin, just say... which team's commander is so stupid?Let your team foolishly rush between the two teams?

The unparalleled conductor does not believe that there is such a stupid conductor, at least not in PGK.

So... wait for the smoke to clear.

By that time, it will all be clear.

With this in mind, Commander Wushuang didn't make a sound, and the perspective of watching the battle switched back and forth between the bridge and the two banks.

As time slowly passed, after half a minute, the smoke finally had a tendency to recede.

The duration of a smoke is 15 seconds. If the smoke reserves in the wine pool and meat forest are really amazing, then at this time, it should be at the end of the mountain.

"Hurry up!!!"

Commander Wushuang was secretly anxious, because he had already heard the sound of cars coming from the north. After the unknown and hateful team came to the bridge, doves occupied the magpie's nest and occupied the spot that originally belonged to Wushuang.

Fortunately, they had no intention of moving forward. The sound of the car gradually became smaller when it reached the bridge.It may be that the opponent's command style is cautious, and they did not attack rashly, but chose to observe first before making a decision.

Seeing that the smoke was getting less and less, Commander Wushuang was not the only one who was anxious. The God of War was already impatient, holding his gloves and ready to go.

Two seconds later, the white-gray color in front of my eyes suddenly changed to dark green.

The God of War couldn't help being overjoyed, and using the sliding step that the gladiator came with, he came in front of the opponent in an instant. The wind of his fist vibrated like thunder and wind, and he punched the opponent in the face!
It's a pity that it's a 2+2 glove, and the opponent didn't fall off in seconds after the punch hit.

In the next second, the dark green suddenly changed again. A man in a dark black and gorgeous dress suddenly emerged from the wounded. With a long sword dancing, waiting for the afterglow like the setting sun, the sword pierced into the chest of the God of War!

The person who shot was the last murderer in Jiuchi Roulin... Earl!
And only he has the strength to injure the God of War!

Everything happened between lightning and flint. Rao God of War has rich experience and strong melee ability, and he did not escape this sword.

After Shengsheng took the damage, he slid again, and at the same time his figure disappeared, Zhui Lu rushed to him, and attacked with two iron hooks, and before the earl could withdraw his long sword, he firmly held the opponent's weapon.

The God of War finished his second slide, and he had already come behind the count, and punched him on the back of the head!
In an instant, God of War's personal formidable strength was fully revealed. With the help of the 'captain' of the competition, he hit Shen Gongbao and Earl severely one after another!
The smoke dissipated a little more.

Daji's figure was also exposed.

But the moment she was exposed, the slingshot in her hand had already been aimed, and the gunpowder bullet was thrown out of her hand, exploding on Zhui Lu's body!

It was too late to reload the ammunition to pursue, she immediately cut into a melee weapon and rushed forward to help her teammates.

"Mowing the grass! Li Wang!"

The God of War immediately called for remote support from his wings teammates!

But to his dismay, his teammates... didn't answer him.

Not in words, nor in action...nor!

Just a sound of crap, accompanied by a dull and heavy sniping sound far away from the battlefield at the bridgehead, the elimination information followed one after another!

"The player's dark fairy tale 丨 Allah Bing defeated Wushuang 丨 King of Power!"

Is it a dark fairy tale?
That disgusting team...is a dark fairy tale?

God of War's heart instantly fell to the bottom.

Then, the panicked voice of mowing the grass also sounded: "I can't help, they came to me by car!"

This battle is coming to an end.

And the smoke... reached the moment when it completely dissipated.

The figures of Jiang San and Li Huo appeared, launching a 'backstab' on these seriously wounded enemies.

Decisive, merciless, without any hesitation!

Whether it is on the bank of the bridge or on the bridge, no one can walk.

Now is the time to 'harvest'.

(End of this chapter)

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