I can see the finals

Chapter 245 Crisis, the dark boy who was double-teamed

Chapter 245 Crisis, a dark fairy tale surrounded by double teams

"Is the dark fairy tale still on its way?" At this moment, Bicycle suddenly thought of Ding Wen and the others: "At this time...they should have entered Area A, right?"

Qingyu: "From the panoramic map, they have entered."

Hearing what they said, the director then switched perspectives very cooperatively, and came to Diablo Fairy Tale.

The latter circled half of the "口" shape, from the lower right corner of D area, to the northeast edge of A area, and was staying behind several sandy slopes, temporarily stopping for observation.

The harsh environment, few bunkers, and a large desolate open area in front of them.Under the wind and sand all over the sky, it is difficult to collect further vision information.

When Bicycle saw their location, he suddenly remembered: "Hey, I almost forgot, when they come to this place, can't they... they can only stay in Area A?"

Qingyu frowned, and analyzed carefully: "Almost, you see, they are located on the northeast edge of Area A, at the top of the map. They came here because of a long-distance transfer, so they are very unfamiliar with the surrounding situation, and they don't know anything. It is clear that the view of Shacheng is not good. After they have collected enough information for safety, they have wasted a lot of time.

I think that next they will either enter the middle of Area A, or enter the edge of Area E. Anyway, Area C is impossible, and time does not allow it. "

Cycling laughed and said, "Then what if the final round is in Zone C?"

Qingyu sighed: "What else can I do? By then, Diablo Fairy Tale will definitely be the bottom one team."

It was only the third stage. The two commentators were not very optimistic about Ding Wen's position. The logic was correct, but they didn't know which region the finals would be in.

So their worries naturally do not exist here in Ding Wen.


"I remember the northeast part of District A, it seems to be Shengyuan Electric."

Ding Wen focused on the map, and deduced the action route of Shengyuan Electric in his mind. There are seven routes, corresponding to seven different possibilities.

But no matter which probability you look at, there must be no one within 500 meters of the dark fairy tale. After all, the nearby area is too open and there are few bunkers. It is not suitable for the aborigines to choose this as a station.

"Is it stuck... or is it going to be transferred to the next step?"

Ding Wen thought about this question.

They came from the east, and the direction they came from has now become a dangerous area, so Kabian is actually not necessary, and it is impossible for people to come from the dangerous area.So Ding Wen gave up the idea of ​​getting stuck, and decided to take advantage of the third stage when the crowd was not yet dense, to advance into the circle one step ahead.

In his guess, Shengyuan Electric may be in the final round, or it may be in the herdsman camp more than 800 meters south of the dark fairy tale. These two possibilities are the most likely.

Unlike the last game, the final circle is likely to be occupied by someone, so Ding Wen and the others cannot blindly enter the final circle all the way to the center of the final circle.

After careful consideration, Ding Wen began to draw lines on the map and gave action instructions.

"Cigarettes, you still pull alone, to the high slope of the third mark."

"After Xiaofang is broken, the others will follow me. If the cigarette doesn't see anyone, we will enter from this line..."


After 1 minute, the dark fairy tale advanced more than 400 meters to the south.

Cigarette stood on the high slope and saw no one. The three of Ding and Wen entered the marked area, and the formation of the team was changed immediately, from 131 front to back to 131 left and right.

This kind of position is exactly the same as the formation of Wushuang Charge, with two flanks on the left and right, escorting the players in the middle, and the effective area under control is very large.

Of course, it is also very dangerous.

Wushuang's two-wing team members don't need to worry about the side, because at that time the east of the bridge is a dangerous area, and the west of the bridge is a long string of shorelines, with a panoramic view, so there is no need to worry about unknown enemies launching sneak attacks from these two positions.

The Dark Fairy Tale is just the other way around. Firstly, the wind and sand block the view, and secondly, the 'herdsmen's camp' they want to go to is not the edge of the circle. This kind of terrain cannot guarantee the safety of people coming from both sides, nor the safety of the members on the two wings. .

But the surrounding area is too open, there is no particularly good place for the team to shelter, and this blind tie final is not very good. Ding Wen didn't know the exact location of Shengyuan Electric, so he was forced to focus on the 'herdsman camp'.

After two to three minutes of detailed observation, they determined that there was a team in the 'herdsmen's camp', but they were not sure if they were Shengyuan Electric Appliances.The other party was very cautious, and only showed their bodies a few times, and the wind and sand were so strong that Ding Wen could not distinguish the fashions they were wearing.

If they are really Shengyuan Electric, then the blind tie finals can be implemented, but it is a pity that the opponent did not give Ding Wen a chance to distinguish.

So no matter what, Ding Wen had to push down this team before deciding on the next move.


The two teams approached, and the camera from the main perspective soon came to them.

Seeing that there might be a battle, the two commentators immediately became energetic and bicycled: "It's coming, it's coming, Diablo Fairy Tale seems to have an idea for Shengyuan Electric."

Qingyu: "They don't seem to know which team is in the herdsmen's camp."

Cycling smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, no matter who they are, I feel that Ding Wen will never let them go. You can see that their formation is stretched, and they will definitely not give up easily!"

Sapphire's eyes switched back and forth between the main perspective and the panoramic map. Suddenly, she seemed to see something, and exclaimed: "The dark fairy tale is about to suffer! Look!"

What?Bicycle was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the panorama, but before he could see it, the dedicated broadcaster had already cut the angle of view to another team.

This team is very close to the Dark Fairy Tale and the herdsman camp, the former is 100 meters away, and the latter is between 100 and 150 meters away.

Under the influence of Shacheng's unique climate, even at such a short distance, this team that just appeared was not noticed by anyone.

Seeing this, the bicycle immediately shouted: "That's right, a third-party team has appeared. They are the old castle, and they were also transferred from Area B. But they didn't move closer to the center of Area A, but went north!"

Dark fairy tales are in danger!
This is the consensus of the commentators and all the audience present.

No matter how powerful Ding Wen is, he still can't calculate everything accurately. Gubao's unexpected road change is unexpected, and no one thought of it.

Diablo Fairy Tale was about to attack the Feast Appliances in the ranch, but he didn't know that there was another team beside him. If he was flanked, even if the five elements were here, it would be difficult to get out of his body!

The wind and sand are still there, and the plan is still going on. Ding Wen didn't open the clairvoyance, so naturally he didn't know what he saw from God's perspective outside the court, and his willingness to attack remained unwavering.

"Attention, we are about to move, Xiaofang, Yanjiu, watch our position!"

(End of this chapter)

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