I can see the finals

Chapter 247 Like Martial Arts, Tobacco Rises

Chapter 247 Thousands of martial arts, smoking cigarettes

"Isn't he dead?" The commentary, including the audience, sighed. It was a close call, and a veteran team like Gubao didn't even give it a chance. If it wasn't death, what was it?
"20 seconds left!"

Ding Wen's anxious voice came: "Hold on!"

Fang Luoqing followed suit: "I'll hurry up, give me another ten seconds!"

"It's difficult." Yan Juan smiled wryly, and decided to go all out.

What is ten seconds enough to do when the enemy is already close at hand?Three seconds to him is just a matter of an instant, ten seconds is really too long, far from enough.

But since he decided to go all out, Yan Jian simply gritted his teeth, held on to the last dozen or so locust rocks, suddenly appeared from behind the car, and took the initiative to attack!
He first used the hidden weapon technique of rain hitting the lotus pond to push back the enemy on the left, then quickly cut the long spear with his melee weapon, sweeping away the enemy in the middle, and the next second, he sliced ​​the heavy ax again, which happened to hold the long spear of the last person on the right sword!

From throwing out the locust stone, forcing one person back with a long spear, to finally receiving the long sword, it seemed very long, but in fact it took no more than three seconds, the flow of clouds and water seemed to be an operation engraved in DNA, the weapon Switching, timing selection, and cigarettes have all been done perfectly!

That is to say, the great master and Qianshou Tang could do this. With so many ways to deal with it, if you switch to a swordsman or other melee professions, I am afraid that the cigarette will be dead long ago.

Ten seconds of time consumed two seconds, and there were eight seconds left.

After the heavy ax took over the long sword, due to the mechanism of the new version, the setting sun swordsman player was shocked back a few steps, then immediately turned around and continued to stab the cigarette with his sword!
While he was retreating, Yanjuan took the opportunity to switch back to the spear, and swept it in parallel to the circular area in front of him. The sunset swordsman was forced to retreat before he got close!

And he wasn't the only one who was forced to retreat. The cigarette spear's coverage was too wide, and the castle players in the middle dodged backwards at the same time, and were driven away by the spear again.

However, the enemy on the left approached at this time, holding a pen in both hands, moving like the wind, quickly lighting two acupuncture points on his body.

He is also playing a new profession...Judge!
Of course, the cigarette can't be hit on the acupoints, he can take any damage, even if it takes a few knives, but he can't be hit by auxiliary control professions.

Once hit, he is really gone, and there is no possibility of sustaining it.

Many new occupations in the new version are almost developed under the experiments of coaches and players.Judge, as a control class that can attack, was selected mainly for those top players, such as Wu Zhan and his like.

When this kind of powerhouse is surrounded, it doesn't mean much to be injured. As long as he is not controlled, he can do 1V2, or even 1V3. Even if he loses, he can replace one, or persist for a long time.

Therefore, the purpose of the judge's selection is to prevent such players from fighting back.

Compared with prisoners and captains with similar effects, one of them has a slower attack speed, the other is one-handed, and the control coverage is lower, and they are far less comprehensive than Judge.

In the face of the enemy's double pen connection, or the unconventional acupoint attack, it is difficult for the cigarette to evade the opponent's tricky attack method.

In fact, he didn't even think about hiding. The weapon in his hand switched again, and then turned into a solid and huge shield, firmly blocking him in front of him!
After all, the judge's pen is not a lethal weapon, nor does it have any penetrating power. The two nibs touched the shield, leaving two traces of different colors, one black and one white.

At the same time, the sunset swordsman closest to Yanjuan turned around again, covered the cold light of his long sword in the rolling wind and sand, and attacked Yanjuan for the third time.

And this stab, Yan Juan finally couldn't dodge it, and was stabbed into his right waist by a sword.

Blood splashed, and the life value also fell with the sword.

Fortunately, it was not a critical attack, and there was no additional negative status for the abdominal injury. The cigarette was cut with the backhand, the shield disappeared from his eyes, and a long whip appeared in his hand.

Quickly whipping the whip in the air, the enemy in the middle retreated for the third time, but this time the knife in his hand was directly caught by the long whip, and was thrown far away by the cigarette!

The knife fell to the ground, and the long sword of the sunset swordsman was barely pulled out of Yanjuan's body.

The cigarette whip couldn't have much impact on the enemies that were very close, and it was inconvenient to attack, but when he switched weapons again, his speed was not as fast as the sunset swordsman, a little slower.

The second sword successfully pierced into Yanjuan's chest, thanks to him dodging fast enough, otherwise the sword would not have hit the chest, but the critical throat.

"My goodness!"

On the commentary stage, the two commentators were undoubtedly shocked by the operation of the cigarette.

If it weren't for their status as commentators, I'm afraid they couldn't help shouting those two words.

"Fuck! F*ck!"

"This proficiency???"

"Is the cigarette so strong now?"

The audience didn't care about the words, and they exploded on the spot!

This is 1 on 3, big bad!

It is really unexpected that cigarettes can last so long in the hands of three people.

Don't look at how handsome he was when he switched weapons back and forth just now, but as long as he made a wrong switch or made a wrong judgment, he would be gone now.

No one expected that Cigarette, who had always been a substitute and was known as the top four substitutes, had a completely new look after joining a new profession, as if he had changed himself!
How about that old saying?

By the way, it's terrifying!
But he is so strong, and he has been delayed for so long in a desperate situation, haven't the other teammates arrived yet?
People always admire masters, and the operation of cigarettes undoubtedly conquered many people, and they all hoped that he could live safely, make the ending perfect, and leave no regrets!

"I have arrived!"

Finally, the seemingly short but actually long 10 seconds finally came to an end. Fang Luoqing's voice, accompanied by the muffled sound of heavy sniper guns, suddenly appeared amidst the howl-tearing gust of wind!

The player in the middle of the castle was the first to suffer. When he was about to pounce on the cigarette for the fourth time, he was shot in the head and fell in the middle.

Without the protection of the amulet, the horrific damage of the heavy sniper is fully revealed at this moment. Even though it is only a 2+2 military ring heavy sniper, it can still take away his full health in one shot!
Fang Luoqing stood on the extremely high sandy slope, her eyes were cold, she pulled the trigger with a steady hand, and knocked out No.1 without mercy.

Only on this kind of high slope can she see the enemies located in the far point slope.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale 丨 Aladdin knocks down the castle 丨 Vampire with a heavy sniper!"

The heavy sniper couldn't shoot in bursts, and the threat to the castle temporarily disappeared, but one person fell, and the pressure on Yanjuan dropped sharply. This time it was cut into a mainstream weapon, a long knife, and rushed straight to the assistant judge.

He didn't know what the opponent's other profession was, but it didn't matter anymore, whether it was long-range or melee combat, Cigarettes was not afraid at all!

The judge's pen couldn't collide with the weapon, and the castle's auxiliary players suddenly felt like retreating. They are currently two, but the opponent is also two, and the most uncomfortable thing is that the person far away beat them for nothing. The remote is not there, and it is impossible to effectively fight back against that person.

So if you don't leave now, let's wait.

Once that player's re-sniping interval passed, they couldn't leave even if they wanted to.

"Skyjack! Help me!"

He yelled, and the sunset swordsman rushed forward immediately, the swords met, and each made two moves with Yanjuan, and after each took a step back, they fled up the slope without looking back.

Unfortunately, in their panic, they seem to have forgotten...another profession of cigarettes!
Twelve bright pear blossom nails flashed in the air, and they came out, and they all shot into the back of the sunset swordsman in a very regular arrangement!
Twelve consecutive sons chasing stars!

A new method of Qianshoutang hidden weapon!
The setting sun swordsman fell, and Fang Luoqing, who was in the distance, passed the interval, and the sight moved, aiming at the last support player who reached the top of the hill and was about to disappear.

With a bang, the bullet shot out, passed through the yellow sand, passed through the dust all over the sky, and finally passed through the back of his head... ruthlessly!
As his body rolled uncontrollably to the bottom of the slope, none of the three people who came to sneak attack from the ancient castle remained, and they stayed on this blood-stained sandy slope forever.

(End of this chapter)

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