I can see the finals

Chapter 251 Ruthless

Chapter 251 Ruthless
Ding Wen is more ruthless than the average player, that is definitely not a casual talk.

The rainbow girl entered the encirclement net, and Fang Luoqing was the first to make a move. Instead of calling a taxi, she shot the Templar's horse with a heavy snipe.

The horse neighed, and uncontrollably threw the templar on its back into the air, then the horse's hooves collapsed into the sand, knelt on the ground in pain, and disappeared into a cloud of blood mist.

Fang Luoqing fired the first shot of the ambush, and then, Yanjuan used the supplemented locust rocks to smash the front window of the first car. Because there were too many locust rocks, the female driver in the driver's seat couldn't dodge it at all. , the light of the amulet floated on his body, but he was still caught in seconds.

Sudden attack, in a panic, the female player who was second stepped on the brakes.

It's okay if you don't step on it, but this step caused the vehicle to brake rapidly. After the sudden stop, the two cars behind collided one after another and had to be forced to stop.

They entered the encirclement very deeply, and the person ambush in the dark fairy tale was very close to them, so the consequences of stopping were naturally not difficult to imagine.

Jiang San and Li Huo rushed out from the short slopes on the left and right sides, and together they trapped the half-crippled Templar.

In the third stage, there was no 3+3 [Absolute Fairness and Justice] gun, so in the face of a surprise attack by two people, she could only get up quickly and confront them.

"There is an ambush! Let's get out of the car!" Someone from Rainbow Girl exclaimed.

"No, don't get off!" The conductor immediately stood up and said anxiously: "Start, turn around, and drive southwest!"

They didn't have the right to stop and fight back, let alone one of them died. Fighting back is tantamount to whimsical and unrealistic.

All they can do... is to withdraw!

We have to withdraw quickly, a little slower, maybe they won't be able to leave alone.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨The giant knocks down the rainbow girl with an ink knife丨Lilian!"

They just finished talking, and Templar Lilian had been dealt with by Jiang San and Li Huo.

In a blink of an eye, there were only three of them left.

At this time, they had just started and were about to turn around.

Ding, ding, ding!
Three pear blossoms shattered the glass of the second car, two hit the driver's body, and the other hit the steering wheel, right next to her!
"It's not good, it's a little bit worse." Cigarette sighed regretfully, then shook his arms, and the four sleeve arrows slipped out of the clothes on his arms, buckled in his hands, the sleeve arrows bounced out, and flew to the second one again. the driver of the car.

"They're too close! I can't go!" the driver yelled, "Go away, leave me alone!"

Fang Luoqing's interval had passed, and she shot and killed the female contestant who was the co-pilot in the last car by headshot!

Fortunately, she can only hit the co-pilot from her angle. The main driver is safe and the car can still drive.

After a lot of fuss, Rainbow Girl's only remaining vehicle finally made a U-turn and drove southwest without looking back.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The old boy selling cigarettes knocked down the rainbow girl丨Mona with a centrifugal needle!"

Mona in the second car was also unable to escape the continuous attacks of cigarettes, and was knocked down on the driver's seat before the car door could be opened.

After a brief and exquisite ambush, Rainbow Girl was severely injured, and only the conductor Amber managed to escape.

But... can she really escape?
Cigarette was busy taking care of Mona in the second car, Fang Luoqing was in the interval between re-snipers, and Li Hei and Jiang San had already got off the car, plus there was no long-range attack method, it seemed that no one could catch Amber Give intercept.

In this way, she safely drove out of the encirclement and drove forward for tens of meters.


Her tense heart relaxed a little, just now she was grateful for her escape.But at this moment, there was a violent impact sound!

Then, the vehicle shook violently, and Amber's head hit the glass uncontrollably, making her dizzy and losing control of the steering wheel in her hand.

Her eyes went dark, and she felt the vehicle suddenly lost its balance, and then her head hit the left glass again.

The shattered glass shards pierced her head. Although she couldn't feel the pain, it also put her into a negative state of continuous bleeding.

This sudden impact directly pushed the vehicle she was driving away, causing it to roll over!

Shocked and angry, she wanted to push the car door, but the car door was blocked by the sand on the ground and could not be pushed open.

At this time, the engine of the car that hit her started, as if she was not willing to just knock her car over, and continued to drive forward!
"What kind of hatred and what resentment?"

In anger, and with some grievances, Amber pushed the car that hit her against another door, sealing another exit.She had no choice but to crawl to the back seat, trying to find a way to escape.

Cycling was dumbfounded: "This... Ding Wen, isn't he a bit ruthless, has he caught up?"

Qingyu was also shocked by Ding Wen's actions, and her voice was dry: "Under normal circumstances, if you escape, you will escape. The most important thing is to keep the position on the edge of the card. Generally, the team will not pursue it for a mere 100 points. But Ding Contestant Wen is really heartless, she has no intention of letting her go..."

The bicycle wiped off his sweat, and he didn't know what to say: "I know Ding Wen is not afraid of gossip and has a strong mental capacity, but... there is no need to prove it..."

Needless to say, the scolding of Ding Wen on the Internet must have started at this time.Even at the scene, some boos gradually sounded.

Of course, the booing came mainly from Rainbow Girls fans, and most of them were men.

But the booing just started, and was immediately overwhelmed by another voice.

"Fuck, nb!"

"Too ruthless! But I like it!"

"This is a professional team. What's the use of playing with those vain people? Come on, dark fairy tales! Come on Dingshen! I support you!"


Ding Wen's non-stop collisions kept the car in a shaking state. It was originally the back seat that was right in front of me, but Amber struggled to climb over it with great difficulty.

But when she crawled over and touched the car door with her hand, two new car sounds from far to near rang in her ears at the same time.

Ding Wen used the vehicle as a means of delay, so that she could not get out of the vehicle in a short time, and finally waited for the support of other members of Diablo Call.

"It's over."

Amber's mood suddenly fell to the bottom, knowing that she had no possibility of escape, so she turned her head, looked through the glass of the car window and looked at the man in the driver's seat opposite... the expressionless man.

We don't have any grudges, do we?
You, are you as good as?

She didn't open the mic, but it wasn't hard to guess what she was talking about from the shape of her mouth.

Ding Wen ignored her and didn't look at her, but got out of the car and slipped away quickly, not giving Amber a chance to communicate with him.

He didn't pretend to be anything on purpose, but when he saw Amber's face at a close distance, that inexplicable illness... broke out again.

Ding Wen didn't want to be seen sweating and nervous, so after getting out of the car, he gestured to Fang Luoqing and Cigarette who came over.

He said that since he is an enemy and can still be killed, he must not let anyone go.

Not long after, the elimination message appeared, and Rainbow Girl was the last one, but she couldn't escape, and the game stopped here.

(End of this chapter)

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