I can see the finals

Chapter 262 A New Paradox

Chapter 262 A New Paradox
The First E-sports Academy is the place Ding Wen wanted to go back many times. He had this idea two years ago, but every time he wanted to go back, he would have to give up due to various inexplicable reasons. the idea.

So... will it still happen this time?

Ding Wen didn't know.

He has no other purpose, but just wants to go back to meet his most beloved mentor, and to answer some doubts he has had over the years, including now.

Especially Fang Luoqing's sudden change made Ding Wen see some 'things' in her that he was very familiar with.

yes, stuff.

Because Ding Wen didn't know how to describe that strange feeling.

Ever since the day when the Survivors new zone opened, he had a very strange premonition, which couldn't be said to be good or bad.

The appearance of Goldfinger completely changed the fate of Ding Wen and that of Fang Luoqing.

She had never played games before, but when she opened the server, she suddenly became interested in playing games, and she also seemed to have a golden finger. She was a top player when she first played, and her talent was so powerful and amazing for no reason.

It is true that the world is so big and there are so many people. There are always some talented people in a certain industry. They are better than others in this industry. This cannot be denied, and it does exist.

But Fang Luoqing was a little too good, Ding Wen was with her all the time, knowing that she had never been to the training ground to practice alone, even if she was a genius, she still had to put in one percent of her energy to work hard.

But she didn't.

She is so strong even if she doesn't practice. Now Diablo Fairy Tale has not met Wu Zhan, Jiang Tong, and the twins from ancient civilization, but Ding Wen estimates that even if they do meet by then, they probably won't be Fang Luo. sunny opponent.

Ding Wen's confidence in her was like his confidence in commanding. For no reason, he just felt that Wu Zhan couldn't beat her, which was very strange.

Is there really such a person in this world?

Why do I have the feeling that I can't find a reason to explain?

All in all, Ding Wen can only wait for tomorrow to confirm with the instructor.

His mentor is very powerful, and he is also his idol, and his identity is not as simple as the teacher of the e-sports school. Ding Wen remembers seeing some "very special" things in his office when he first entered school. Things like scientific research show that he is not only a teacher, but also a scientist.

Of course, those equipment have nothing to do with the human body, and there is no such thing as his special research on robots.

Still the same sentence, Ding Wen is human, his blood is red, and his internal organs are also normal human.

Of course, he definitely didn't know that the day he went to the hospital again, his eyes... had a blue light like a robot.

Back to the topic, the club does not prohibit players from going out, but before going out, he needs to report to the haze, let me know in advance.And the latter is lying under the table now, and he doesn't know when he will wake up, so the idea of ​​returning to his old place can only wait until tomorrow.

"Okay, I'm going to visit my alma mater tomorrow, and I feel very embarrassed." Fang Luoqing readily agreed to Ding Wen's invitation.


There was time and a plan, but this time Ding Wen still couldn't get what he wanted.

Because of inexplicable and irresistible factors... it appeared again.

In the evening, Haze woke up. After hearing Ding Wen's request, of course she did not refuse, but just as Ding Wen was about to go back to rest, Li Zhenpi suddenly rushed over: "Did you watch the game? Watch the game!"

The game he was talking about was naturally the second half of the Rainy Night Lost Group. In this group, there are ancient civilizations, underworld heroes, strong teams and weak teams, and their strengths are relatively comprehensive. Therefore, seeing him so flustered, several people couldn't help but open it curiously. Live broadcast platform to watch the game.

It was the break time after the second round, and the results of each team were scrolling on the big screen.

To the surprise of Yin Haze and the others, it was No.1 in this group. The one hanging high on the screen was not an ancient civilization, but a team from the middle and upper reaches... from the Crypt!
If they only played two games, it doesn't mean anything, it can only mean that the crypt visitors are lucky, but the points they got... It means that everything is not that simple.

5000 points!
Yes, 5000 points in two games, a crypt visitor who does not belong to the top team... unexpectedly also scored 5000 points in two games!
Although they are not as high as the 5100 points of Dark Fairy Tale, they are still over 5000 points, which is very exaggerated.

What's even more exaggerated is that they won both games, and none of them died.
You have to win, you have to be eliminated, and you have to survive alone. These conditions add up to only four words... It's even more difficult!
If you want to say that this team is five elements, it's fine, but the problem is that they are visitors from the crypt.

During the transfer period, they didn't make any big moves, they were still the same team, they just signed a newcomer, so why did they suddenly become so scary?
The few people had doubts and secretly guessed in their hearts, but Fang Luoqing rolled her eyes, as if seeing something on the other side of the screen, and couldn't help but screamed: "Old Ding, look at the interview platform!"

Hearing this, Ding Wen looked at another screen, and then saw a... familiar old face on the stage.


The person being interviewed... Isn't it Yang Li?

Unexpectedly, Ding Wen froze on the spot.

During the previous transfer period, Ding Wen couldn’t remember whether the Crypters were the second club or the first club to act. There is a newcomer called Parting.

Pure newcomers can choose not to disclose their real names when they join, so Ding Wen doesn't know that the newcomer who signed the contract with the crypt visitor...is actually his roommate Yang Li.

Moreover, Yang Li's game ID is not called parting, so Ding Wen will not think about it.

I have to say, Ding Wen suddenly saw him in a professional game, which really shocked him!
Yang Li is different from him. It is true that Ding Wen is handicapped, but he also went to e-sports school and has a lot of skills; but Yang Li is just an ordinary game player. From the perspective of strict recruitment standards, such a mediocre player can't even meet the minimum requirements.

How did he pass the audit, or the high price of 2000 million a year?

This is not to say that Ding Wen looks down on Yang Li, but the reality is here. Taking Ding Wen himself as an example, if he doesn't have a golden finger and only depends on his commanding skills, he will not be able to get into the eyes of a professional team.

Yang Li's interview also showed that he was playing as a main member, and the results of the two games of the Crypt Visitor were so scary. No matter how you look at it, Ding Wen felt that it must have something to do with Yang Li.

Like Ding Wen, Fang Luoqing, he also has secrets that no one knows about him.

All of a sudden, those nights when Yang Li got drunk... quietly emerged from Ding Wen's mind.

"Could it be that at that time, he also..."

 Please rest assured that the content of the book is still mainly about games, no matter whether the pig's feet are a killer, the theme will definitely not go astray.

  It's like Yu-Gi-Oh, who has come out to save the world, isn't it better to solve problems by playing cards?

  Of course, my book is definitely not that exaggerated, but the origin of the pig's feet and cheats will be explained later, and it will not affect the theme.

  Maybe I used to write about suspense, and I got used to it, and other authors will have cheats if they have it. Time travel and rebirth will not explain why, it's just time travel.

  Uh... I still want to try to use a reasonable way to answer why the pig's feet have golden fingers and the reasons for their appearance.

  But it’s still the same sentence, just an explanation, the theme of this book is still e-sports, don’t say that I’m going to write about science fiction and fantasy, after all, the background of the book is set in the high-tech era, and I’ve tried to describe as little as possible about High-tech things, but I can't say nothing, you say yes...

(End of this chapter)

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