I can see the finals

Chapter 264 Oblivion

Chapter 264 Oblivion
What Yin Haze said was right, Yang Li at this time was no longer the person Ding Wen knew.

He seemed to be bewitched by a cult, giving the overall feeling of being crazy, extremely crazy!
Maybe he didn't notice this himself, and thought he was in good spirits and full of confidence, but in the eyes of others, it was completely different.

How could a normal person... say such things in front of tens of millions of viewers?
This is impossible!

It's also unreasonable!
After a while of silence, Ding Wen suddenly got up, having no intention of continuing to read, turned around and went outside.

Seeing that his expression was not right, Yin Ha didn't dare to be careless, and immediately followed him.

"I am fine."

Standing under the bright starry sky, Ding Wen turned his head and waved to Yin Haze, signaling him not to worry.

Silent and silent, she stood beside him, stayed quietly for a while, and then asked, "Your roommate...was this the same before?"

Ding Wen sighed softly: "I don't know."

Yin Haze made a sound, a little surprised: "Aren't you roommates?"

Ding Wen's voice was very low: "It's true that they are roommates, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Luoqing also chased him out.

Her question was the same as what Ding Wen was thinking: "How did Yang Li become like this? It's so strange."

Ding Wen didn't answer, but said this sentence: "I won't go back to my alma mater tomorrow."

"What?" Fang Luoqing was startled, then asked again: "Aren't you going back?"

Ding Wen: "Well, let's go back to the apartment tomorrow."

Hearing these two words, Yin Haze's expression moved slightly, but he didn't say anything, just said: "Okay, you guys go back early, don't be affected by what happened today."

"No." Ding Wen smiled lightly, and his expression returned to his usual calm.

"Brother Ding, are you still watching today's game?" Yin Haze looked at his watch, the time was 8:40: "Your roommate's game is not over yet, there are three more games to come."

"Don't read it, I'll go back to sleep."

After Ding Wen finished speaking, he walked straight to his bedroom.

Seeing his leaving back, Haze shrugged helplessly, and asked Fang Luoqing: "What about you, do you still want to watch?"

"Look, let's go back."

Fang Luoqing is still struggling with Yang Li's miraculous changes, and also wondering what his special ability is, so of course he has to read on.

She seems to be indifferent to everything, and she doesn't seem to understand anything, but she is not stupid, and she can naturally see things that Ding Wen can see.

Of course, this is in the case of her normal personality. Since she started playing games, the second personality has appeared less and less frequently, and it has only appeared twice in this month.

With a normal personality, she is still very smart, but because of her personality, she is a little lazy, so she seems indifferent to many things, and Ding Wen will solve all problems.


After a night of silence, Fang Luoqing came to Ding Wen's room early the next morning and knocked on his door.

"Old Ding, get up—"

With a bang, before she finished knocking, Ding Wen opened the door with her hand in the air: "Morning."

Looking at his dark eye circles and listless state, Fang Luoqing couldn't help asking: "Did you sleep?"

"Can't sleep." Ding Wen yawned, turned around and went back to put on his coat: "Come in, wait for me."

While he was looking for a coat, Fang Luoqing said leisurely, "You must not know what Yang Li's special ability is."

Ding Wen asked casually, "Have you finished watching last night's game?"

Fang Luoqing: "It's over."

Ding Wen was a little surprised, but what surprised him wasn't that Fang Luoqing could finish it, but something else: "After that happened, the game can still go on?"

Fang Luoqing: "Actually, it's not a particularly big accident, it's just a guarantee. Yang Li hasn't danced yet."

Ding Wen: "How do I feel...he will dance sooner or later."

Fang Luoqing: "How can you curse your roommate like that."

Ding Wen sighed, "It's not a curse, it's a hunch."

Fang Luoqing: "Okay, let's get down to business, why are we going back this time today? Are you looking at Yang Li's room?"

Ding Wen: "You are getting smarter."

Fang Luoqing: "It's not that smart, it's obvious, but then again, his room is emptied and locked, how do we get in?"

Ding Wen smiled and said, "It's easy, bring the robot and break the door."

Fang Luoqing blinked: "Aren't you afraid that the landlord will come to your door?"

Ding Wen: "Not afraid."

Fang Luoqing: "Why?"

During the conversation, Ding Wen finally put on his coat and replied confidently: "Because I have money."

His salary has been paid, but only half, but half is also quite a lot, 2500 million.So, he is no longer that poor painter now, he has a straight back with money, and his speech has become a lot tougher.

After tidying up, the two greeted Yin Haze, left the club, and returned to the apartment through the portal.

The apartment is still the same, the kind Aunt Li, the uncle Shuang Zhang who plays chess at the door, and the amiable landlord, nothing has changed much from before they left.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Ding?" Aunt Li still remembered Ding Wen. When Mimi looked at them with a smile, she also saw the tall robot behind them, so she joked: "What have you been doing for the past two months? Even the robot Are they all matched?"

"Hey, it's nothing, I made a little money."

Ding Wen laughed and chatted with her politely, and the two took the elevator to the suite where they lived.

After opening the door, neither of them entered their bedroom. Ding Wen then gave the robot an order and smashed the door of Yang Li's room with a punch.

Fang Luoqing was right. Yang Li was different from them. He left for real. He moved almost everything away. What was left was a bunch of cheap wine bottles, standing up or down, very casually. spread out on the floor of the room.

Ding Wen roughly counted, and the number of these wine bottles was between thirty and forty. It seems that Yang Li did not drink less during this time.

The two walked around the house several times. To Ding Wen's disappointment, he couldn't find anything useful except the wine bottle.

Fang Luoqing, who was going to the bathroom when she thought she had gotten nothing today and wasted her time... suddenly made an unexpected discovery.

"Old Ding, come and see!" She quickly called Ding Wen over.

Ding Wen walked to the bathroom quickly, and his face changed drastically when he walked in.

"This is……"

The originally clean and tidy walls in the bathroom were painted with paintbrushes of various colors at this time. Some of the fonts were standard and some were scribbled, but you could tell what was written.

Ding Wen.

Fang Luoqing.

The fonts written with a brush on these walls are all... the names of the two of them!
Why did he write his own name?And write so much?
Ding Wen was horrified immediately, and his heart was cold. Looking at these ghost-like scenes, he finally couldn't hold back, pulled out the electronic magnetic watch on his wrist, and dialed Yang Li's phone number.

The call was successfully connected, and then, a familiar voice came: "Hi, I'm Yang Li, please find my agent for endorsements and activities, please sign autographs and take photos in the clubhouse next game—"

"Yang Li, what on earth are you trying to do?" Ding Wen interrupted him bluntly, and asked angrily, "Why are we writing our names all over the bathroom?"

"Name?" Yang Li was stunned for a moment, then asked suspiciously, "What name?"

Still don't admit it?

Ding Wen forcibly suppressed his anger: "I am Ding Wen, and Xiao Fang is here too. Now you should know what I'm talking about, right?"

"Ding Wen?" Yang Li said it softly several times, with a little confusion and a trace of impatience in his tone.

"Who are you, do we know each other?"

 Uh, buddies, don’t send me the Great God, my voice is not very nice, and I don’t usually like to talk, so if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment area, and I will usually answer if I can answer them.

  Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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