I can see the finals

Chapter 266 For

Chapter 266 For
As the strongest duo in District [-], their strength is indeed as terrifying as rumored!
The older brother Muria had 23 kills in five games, and the younger brother Gendaya had 24 kills in five games. The two averaged over 4 eliminations per game, and Gen Daya was even one short of the full 5.

The two of them don't seem to be affected by Yang Li, so they still play whatever they want. Ding Wen can see from the more detailed elimination information that their elimination in the first three games mainly came from other teams, PGL's strongest duo, Xia Ying The nine yin and nine yang faced them and lost three times in three games, not to mention winning, they didn't even achieve a tie.

And Huang Quan's mandala also died in their hands twice. Once Huang Quan had four of them and surrounded them, but they were forced out of the encirclement by virtue of their astonishing tacit cooperation and unparalleled hard power. One was seriously injured, and only Bi'anhua escaped in the end.

As for the next two games... it caught Ding Wen's attention.

The source of their elimination of enemies in these two games changed suddenly, from other teams to the Crypt Visitors. The latter entered the finals for the second time, but they were all defeated by the ancient civilization and stopped at No.2.If it weren't for them, Crypt Traveler's score in the first round would probably break the [-] mark.


Ding Wen suddenly became interested. Yang couldn't beat them without the perspective. Is it because the ancient civilization found a way to target them?
He stopped looking at his personal data, and then directly turned on the video, mainly watching the next two games.

As the video played, he became more and more sure of his guess.

The visitor from the crypt... was really targeted!

Ancient Civilization was a team that was promoted from the secondary league three years ago. While breaking the highest score in the promotion competition, it was a top three team when it first entered PGK.

They have never won any championships, but no one will underestimate this team. The strongest twins are the source of the team's output. Needless to say, the other core is known as the "scientific brain" second only to Shiraki's genius commanded Atlantis.

Not everyone can be called a genius conductor, Bai Mu is one, and now Ding Wen is also one. Among the remaining conductors of PGK, only Atlantis can afford this title.

The perspective ability is indeed strong, but it is not invincible.

In the first match, the unaware ancient civilization was circled by Yang Li through perspective and set up an ambush to destroy it. However, Atlantis was aware of it immediately and continued to adjust and adapt in the next two matches. The last two scenes found a... solution to perspective!
Sometimes, even if you know someone, it's useless, because the clairvoyant may not be strong enough to handle them.

Needless to say, Yang Li's strength, the existence of the same combat power as Ding Wen, may be slightly stronger, but not much stronger, saying that Potian is nothing more than an ordinary player.

You know, PGK is full of elites, and it will be very difficult for someone who is weak in the team. Although Yang Li is already smart enough to play support, but because of his poor foundation, his support is also very, very bad, and he can add blood to the wrong People, the kind that can handle ten bowls of rice.

It is true that he has perspective, but his role in the team is only to report points, without any other help. The Crypt Visitors are basically 4v5 in the audience.

Of the 9500 points of the Crypt visitors, 4000 points come from rankings, and the remaining 5000 points are all obtained from Yang Li's reporting points, sneak attacks, persuasion, and ambush. A frontal battle is bound to be defeated. It is best to be educated by ancient civilizations in four or five games proof.

To sum it up simply, they rely on yin to kill people. If they fight head-on, they can't fight at all, and they will be ravaged by any team.

In addition, it was Yang Li's first appearance today, and the other teams didn't know about it, so he was awarded so many points by the visitors from the crypt. Once the first round is over, those experienced coaches will definitely be able to find out what to expect. way.

The ancient civilization is just a little earlier. After all, they have the same level of command as Baimu Dingwen, and they don't need to wait until the battle is over to study it.

"It is estimated that in the second game...the visitor from the crypt will be educated."

Ding Wen shook his head and signaled Li Zhenpi to turn off the video.

Like his viewing circle, perspective is very powerful, but it depends on how to use it and who uses it.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Ding Wen had the ability to see through, he would be truly invincible!

such a pity……

It is undoubtedly a waste to give such a powerful ability to Yang Li who has no foundation.

In the final analysis, Ding Wen is not a novice in the game. Not only is he ahead of most players in tactical theory, but if he is not sick, his hand speed and reaction are also very fast.

If he didn't have an innate advantage over ordinary people, he wouldn't be able to enter the No. [-] e-sports academy, which is the highest ranked in the seventh district.

Ding Wen had calculated in private that his reflexes were probably at the same level as Wu Zhan's. In the year he was about to graduate, he was likely to be the first double-subject champion in District Seven in 11 years!
Hey, it's still the same sentence, what a pity.

When Ding Wen thought of the sad past, his mood became depressed again. Li Zhenpi observed his words, picked up the CD very interestingly, and quietly left the training room, leaving him there alone with emotion.

However, Ding Wen is not the kind of person who likes to talk about the old things. Soon he broke away from the emotion, sat on the chair and thought about something, and then left the training room.

One day without words, the next day came in a blink of an eye.

The second round of the Mayan Jungle started!

The process is still the same, that is, the host and the commentator have changed. Today, Qingyu and Liu Meng are the commentators. The latter is also an old commentator with a solid foundation.But compared to cycling, he is more serious, and he doesn't like to make some jokes to enliven the atmosphere when he is bored on the court.

Before entering the arena, several young female students came to Ding Wen to take a few photos.

Ding Wen is not a gambler, so naturally he didn't have the habit of resisting group photos. Facing these young and beautiful female students, he readily agreed.

In fact, when the game ended last round, many spectators came to take photos with him, but because there were too many, Ding Wen wanted to take photos one by one. He didn't know how long it would take, so he just left first.

This time they came early, just in time for the fans to catch the opportunity, and it was a squat.

After taking pictures with Ding Wen, they ran to take a few more pictures with Fang Luoqing. The cigarettes were okay, and no one cared about them. They sat aside with melancholy and mature faces, as if isolated from the world.

Li Huo and Jiang San looked at them eagerly, with envy welling up in their hearts again.

They were all at the age of youth, compared to the envy of Ding Wen's interview and Fang Luoqing's name being shouted yesterday, they were still more envious of Ding Wen taking pictures with girls.

Hey, that's great.

Watching them leave, the two showed reluctance, as if they hadn't forgotten their smiles just now.

"When you win the championship, you can also enjoy this kind of treatment."

Cigarette looked like someone who came here, and he stopped pretending to be depressed, and said leisurely beside him: "Don't be distracted, but focus. Do you understand focus?"

"We promise to focus!" The two said quickly.

At this time, Yin Haze glanced at his watch: "Okay, let's stop chatting here, I'm going to enter the arena soon. My requirements today are not high... 7000 points are enough."

(End of this chapter)

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