I can see the finals

Chapter 268 Horror Game 2.0

Chapter 268 Horror Game 2.0

Isn't that just seeing people?

Everyone was shocked, and Daji said anxiously: "Where is the person? Where is it? We will go to help!"

"No..." King Zhou unexpectedly refused the support: "No, I must have misread it. I hit a thunder just now, and what I saw was a shadow."

His words made several people relax a little, and the wooden horse smiled: "What shadow? Did you see two balls?"

Daji coughed: "It's a game, be more serious. If there is really no one, then we won't go."

King Zhou: "Well, no need, you guard yours."

As I said before, the distribution of Jiuchi Roulin is two staying in the city, three going out to place orders, and controlling three locations.

King Zhou was one of the three who went out.

When it comes to points, every team will do this in the early stage. After all, no one knows where the next circle is, where the final circle is, and occupy more points in advance. After the follow-up circle is drawn, the team's choice will be more flexible , safer and more diverse.

This is just like gambling. If you only buy one number, the probability of winning will be handed to your fingers, but if you buy more numbers, the probability will increase slightly.

The rules of the game are five people in each team, and they can control up to five areas. Daji is also a top-notch conductor, and she is very precise in choosing points to step on.

The few King Zhou outside the city can control a large area nearby, and they occupy all the main traffic roads. Coupled with the strength of the three murder kings, it is difficult to break them down in an instant without more than three people.

At that time, if someone really hits, Daji can selectively respond according to the shape of the circle and the time, or let the person who stepped on the score withdraw, or other people to support, this is not a problem.

After the little episode just now, the few people no longer had any suspicions, and patiently stayed in their respective positions, waiting for the next stage to come.

Thunder roared and rain poured down.

Listening to the deafening thunder, Daji and Shen Gongbao stood in the brightly lit lobby, looking out at the dark rainy night: "The rain is really annoying, and there is thunder, I don't know which ghost planned to design it." Such a damn map."

Daji was annoyed by the sound of the rain beating on the eaves, muttered something, and said to Shen Gongbao: "You watch first, I'll go find a barrel of oil, and fill up the car in a while."

"Go ahead, tell me anytime you have a situation."

Daji smiled indifferently and said: "There should be no situation. The three of them can see the movement of the three gates, and the place where we are is the last gate. Unless we are walking, we will definitely be able to hear."

Shen Gongbao: "It's okay to be careful, you go quickly, the first stage is coming to an end soon."


Daji left the lobby and walked deep into the city.

Walking on the muddy and wet land, thunder suddenly sounded, even if Daji was prepared, she was still startled.

"Damn weather!"

She cursed in a low voice, walked through the nearest courtyard and entered the second separate hut.

Oil barrels are generally only refreshed in small buildings. Courtyards are medium-sized, and there is a 90% probability that they will not appear. Moreover, Daji has searched for courtyards before, but she did not go to the hut because of lack of supplies.This person will want to find oil barrels, and it is most suitable to go there.

Pushing open the wooden door that was soaked in rain and rotted, Daji stepped into the house with an oil lamp.

The hut is not big, and an oil lamp can clearly illuminate the inside of the house.

"Ha, sure enough."

With the sharp eyes of a professional player, she immediately saw what she was looking for. She was overjoyed, and then walked towards the northeast corner of the house.

Tap, tap.

Suddenly, amidst the sound of ticking raindrops, there was a slight sound of footsteps.

If it was an ordinary player, they might not be able to hear it, even if they could hear it, they would not be able to hear it clearly, and they would subconsciously think it was the sound of rain.

But who is Daji, a first-class player in PGK, although the sound of footsteps is very light, even though it is mixed with the sound of rain, it still does not deceive her ears.

The first time she heard the rattling sound, she immediately turned around, picked up the oil lamp and shone outside the door.

The rain curtain was like a second door, blocking part of her vision.

She only felt that the figure was shaking, as if someone walked straight through the door and quickly disappeared into the rainy night.

"Feng Da Nian?"

She frowned, and while asking Shen Gongbao in her voice, she walked out the door.

"What's wrong?" Shen Gongbao's voice sounded afterward.

At this time, Daji also just came to the door. Through the light from the oil lamp in her hand, she saw her teammate Shen Gongbao, who was standing silently seven or eight meters to the left of the door with his back to him.

"Are you okay?" Daji asked.

"What can I do?" Shen Gongbao said in a strange, somewhat dazed manner.

Daji breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed and scolded: "It's raining, you don't guard the lobby well, what are you doing here, do you like to get in the rain?"

"What did you say?"

Unexpectedly, Shen Gongbao's words made Daji's heart freeze instantly: "I'm in the lobby, whoever went to your place."

He is in the lobby?

Who is Shen Gongbao in front of Daji?
Daji looked at the 'Shen Gongbao' standing in the rainy night like a puppet sculpture with a pale face, and panicked for a moment.

Because it was so sudden, she was so nervous that she forgot that this was in the game, not... reality.


She lost control of her emotions and let out a few screams uncontrollably in the rain, then turned around and rushed into the house, closing the door forcefully!

But at the same time as the door was closed, she finally remembered that this was in the game, and her snow-white face suddenly turned livid, with a hint of red mixed in it.

It's over, it's over, it's a shame.

She knows that there are many audiences, no, all the audiences have seen her gaffe just now, embarrassment is unavoidable, and being laughed at is inevitable, although she can't hear it outside the venue, she can still imagine what it will be at this time Scenes.

In fact, I don't blame her, after all, the resentful girl is a new thing, and it is dark night and rainy day, and I don't have teammates around me, don't talk about her, even if you are a big man, if you see such a thing suddenly, you will be scared out of your wits .

Of course, the most important point is that the resentful girl can become anyone.

And people's fear comes from the unknown, from imagination, and they don't need any scary things to scare them. They can scare themselves just by imagination.

If she saw a woman with disheveled hair, perhaps Daji wouldn't be so panicked, and even knew at a glance that the enemy was coming.

In a word... the resentful girl is too scary under the use of a master.

"There are enemies! Da Nian, come quickly!"

After reacting, she quickly adjusted her absent-minded demeanor, and quickly said: "I don't know how many, but what is certain is that they have a psychic!"

"I'll come right away." After saying this, Shen Gongbao asked again: "By the way, do I need to change the weather?"

"No need for now. Hurry up, the three of you, our house was found on foot!"

"Received." King Zhou and the others responded one after another.

Knowing that she made a joke and that there were no ghosts outside, Daji still kept her heart in her hands, and cautiously opened half of the door, holding a handful of locust stones in her hand, ready to make a move at any time.

"Count, don't come here, go to the city!"

Before she made a move, King Zhou's dissatisfied and eager voice came from the voice: "Where's your car? Why didn't I see you—"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!
King Zhou's voice stopped abruptly, and was immediately covered by a system prompt.

"Player's Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio knocked down King Zhou with a vehicle!"

"A player's dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio eliminated King Zhou with a vehicle!"


what's the situation?
Isn't the psychic in the city?

Why is Ding Wen with King Zhou?

The living people were shocked at first, and then confused.

Could it be that... there is another team in the city?
With such thoughts in mind, Daji pushed the door open with force.

Suddenly, a pale and gloomy woman's face appeared out of thin air, smiling resentfully, almost face to face with her, and stuck together!
Even if she was mentally prepared, when she saw it, Daji's face still changed, the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously, and she almost swears: "I really—"

(End of this chapter)

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