Chapter 281 Quartet Rivalry

For this battle from an ambush to a counter-ambush, the two commentators have different views.

Liu Meng didn't quite understand: "Why did the Western Regions retreat? Wouldn't it be better to fight the Dark Fairy Tale directly? If the holy monk and the ronin don't retreat, there is every chance to kill Ding Wen."

Qingyu guessed: "I think it's because their positions have been counted. Look at how Feng Sheng died. The giant seemed to know that he was inside. The moment he stopped the car, he climbed to the top. It wasn't that they were counted. The giant didn't It may be so decisive. So when the positions in the Western Regions are all controlled by the dark fairy tales, they should not be able to get Ding Wen's 100 points, and the holy monk and the ronin will definitely leave."

Liu Meng: "That's the truth, but how did Ding Wen figure out their positions? To be honest, it's really difficult to do it based on the information provided by Alabin at a nearby point."

Qingyu sighed: "Perhaps, this is Ding Wen. We can't look at him as an ordinary commander. No matter how difficult or extraordinary his actions are, we shouldn't be surprised."

After sighing, she suddenly sighed again: "Look, Ding Wen's trap is killing people again!"

After being consumed by the "joint action" of the Western Regions and Datongmu, the traps at Xichengkou are basically gone; the traps at Beichengkou are mostly consumed by soldiers and horses, and the number of remaining traps is hard to kill. Only one or two; Nanchengkou itself doesn't have many traps, and the quality of high-level traps is not enough, which is consumed by the four Luofengtang players.

In the end, Dongchengkou is the only one with a complete reserve of traps.

That is, about ten seconds after the Western Regions were wiped out, the trap at Dongchengkou was also triggered.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio knocked down Shengyuan Electric with a rain of arrows丨XD remote control!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio knocked down Shengyuan Electric with a rain of arrows丨GO Electronics Network!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio knocked down Shengyuan Electric with a ground thorn丨BC Hot Refrigerator!"

"The player's dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio knocked down Shengyuan Electric with a bullet knife丨NP baked the magnetic oven!"

"Players' Castle丨Vampires eliminated Shengyuan Electrical Appliances丨DA old fans with a chain of children and mothers!"

"Shengyuan Electric was finally eliminated..."

Liu Meng seldom laughed out loud: "I almost don't know the word Pinocchio, it appears too often, and... Ding Wen's head seems to have been K."

Qingyu also smiled and said: "But it's nothing if a person's head is robbed. I didn't count how many people Ding Wen killed, but I know a lot when I think about it, so... he shouldn't feel bad, right?"


Cigarette said leisurely: "Captain Ding, your head was robbed."

Ding Wen: "What do you want to say?"

Cigarette was a little curious: "Don't you feel bad?"

Ding Wen: "Of course I feel distressed. I may not be able to get so many eliminations in a hundred games."

His words were no exaggeration. After all, he only won one kill in five games in the first round. According to this ratio, 20 eliminations would be eliminated in [-] games.

And today's game has progressed until now, he has killed at least 20 people, and his heart is distressed... Naturally, he is distressed.

But even though he answered like this, there was no look of regret and pity on his face, and it was not difficult to hear from the tone of his words that he was still very focused at this time.

"No one has ever died in the castle, they are full now, we have to be careful."

With the demise of Shengyuan Electric, all the traps at the four city gates have finally completed their missions. In the next time, Diablo Fairy Tale will have to fight with integrity and rely on overall strength.

Of course, in terms of Ding Wen's personality, if conditions permit, it would definitely not be "dignified" to be able to sneak attack.

Because there is no need to consider the issue of entering the circle, and he does not need to perform complex simulations in his mind, Ding Wen recorded the survival of each team. From the first stage to the finals, he did not miss a single piece of information.

There are a total of 20 people still alive on the field. After removing the dark fairy tale and the old castle, the remaining 11 people are Wushuang God of War, Mower, Bingyu Knife, three people who strike fire, and Youmi video game The lone wolf of Burning Star, Jiuxue's lone wolf is thriving, and Mu Linghua's lone wolf Baixing.

According to the fact that there is no need to count them specially, Ding Wen finished counting the information of the remaining players on the field after a short memory.

"Let's go, go to the center, and make the last plum blossom stake with the castle."


At the commentary stand, Liu Meng is still counting the number of people: "The young man who strikes fire, the ice jade knife... Well, wait a minute, let me take a look at the panorama."

If the big screen does not switch perspectives, it only shows the number of survivors. Even from the perspective of God, they don't know who is dead and who is alive. To be sure of this, you have to look at the panorama.

"One, two, three..." After looking at the panoramic map, Liu Meng finally counted the teams of the remaining players: "It seems that my previous prediction was correct. At this time, the largest number of people is the ancient castle, and then the dark fairy tale The four of them, they are the two teams with the best chance of winning!"

Sapphire: "Because the dark fairy tale supports Xichengkou, the distance from the center point is about the same as that of the ancient castle, and they all move closer to the center point. We may be able to see the long-lost plum blossom pile battle."

Plum Blossom Pile is another name for the center point of the final circle, which means the same thing. Monsters approach from all directions in all directions, and the final position is here.

The reason why I say it’s been a long time is because there hasn’t been a decisive battle around the center point for a long time, and the game will basically be over before approaching the plum blossom pile.However, in view of the particularity of the urban area, there are many bunkers in the housing area and the construction is complicated, so the possibility of plum blossom piles really exists.

Liu Meng: "Okay, let's sort it out first. The dark fairy tale enters the circle from the west, the ancient castle is to the north, the three lone wolves and the Wushuang duo are to the south, and finally the fire boy and the ice jade knife are to the east. "

Qingyu: "Looking at the direction of travel, in fact, everyone is fair in the circle. Maybe the battle in the south will be more intense, because there are too many teams there."

A lone wolf is also considered a team, the difference lies in the number of people.

The small pit where the Jiuchi meat forest group was destroyed was the south of Xinyang City, and Wushuang, who took over their position, naturally also entered from the south city.In addition, there is no time for them to be spared in the finals, and there is no way if they don't want to go south.

Liu Meng: "Wu Shuang was the last to enter the city. The first one was Jiuxue's lone wolf who outshined her. Her vehicle was a horse, but she had already abandoned it after entering the city, and her speed was slowed down. Oh, my God, she was caught by the back Bai Xing from Wood Spirit Flower has seen it, as a player who performed well in the first round, Bai Xing even killed Alabing twice, it's not good for her to find out that she is the only one out there."

Qingyu: "Everyone is a female contestant, but she is the only one who can't find Baixing behind her. I feel like I'm about to be attacked."

(End of this chapter)

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