I can see the finals

Chapter 283 2 Kill Club

Chapter 283 Twenty Kill Club

Perhaps the number 41 was a little too terrifying. After Liu Meng shouted excitedly, the audience fell into a strange silence. No one could believe what they heard.

One second, two seconds...

In the sixth second, the audience burst out a sentence of "Fuck!" Then, it seemed that someone had started, and the exclamation of the venue gradually rose, and various voices including "modal particles" continued until the final resounding The whole venue!
"My God, 41 kills?"

"How could there be so many, I still counted only twenty or thirty kills..."

"Record, the dark fairy tale broke the record again!"


It's not just a record, 41 kills has never been achieved by tens of thousands of teams in 100 regions!

The highest elimination in history was the 34 kills by 'Amazon' in District 34 in the regional finals six years ago. The timing, location, and harmony were all there, and the strength of the teams in District [-] was significantly different, which resulted in [-] kills. legend.

Since that game, the record of 35 kills has been hanging at the top of the pyramid, as if it were unattainable and unbreakable.The most promising times to tie or break the record were regrettably stopped at around 30 and failed.

Unexpectedly, after six years, the long-lost ceiling record was actually completed by the seventh district of the intermediate division, and the record was completed by a new team that had just been formed for a month, and the number of eliminations far exceeded the number of 34. Here comes the unexpected... 41!
What is the concept of 41? After removing 5 dark fairy tales, there are still 95 players, accounting for almost half of the total number of players.

They eliminated... nearly half of the enemies!

It's not to blame Liu Meng for stuttering, nor for his excitement, because this is a game that represents glory, and it's also a moment for the seven districts to feel proud. There are so many strong teams in the 100 districts, and they can't break this record. District... done!

Hearing the cheers like a tsunami, Liu Meng's trembling heart could not be calmed down for a long time, and the same was true for his partner Qingyu, whose reaction was even stronger than his.

This is not just a simple game, it represents a lot of meaning.

After this battle, the name of the dark fairy tale will be resounded throughout the hundred districts, and people place high hopes on it. The feat that Bai Mu, the strongest commander in the seven districts, has never accomplished... was accomplished by Ding Wen!
The history is somewhat similar, yet different.

Ding Wen was like Bai Mu's sudden rise three years ago, without a trace of preparation, from an ordinary person, it took only two months to appear in front of the world like a comet.

After the first match of the second round of Maya Jungle, Ding Wen can really be compared with Baimu, and those voices of doubt should subside. Compared with Baimu, Ding Wen is not only not inferior to Baimu, but even better than the latter.

Accompanied by deafening cheers, everyone in the competition area took off their U-cards. Ding Wen was already prepared and stood up and waved to the audience.

On the big screen behind him, the team logo of the little girl from the dark fairy tale, and the bright red and eye-catching 41 kill numbers, like the descending of a demon god, popped up!

But this time the team logo and player portraits lasted for a very short time. Soon, the screen switched, and then appeared... only Ding Wen's huge portrait.

Below the avatar, there is another string of text in record-breaking special colors.

"The milestone is unlocked. Congratulations to player Ding Wen for officially becoming a member of the 10-kill club in a single game. Congratulations to player Ding Wen for officially becoming the first member of the 20-kill club!"

Below the text is Ding Wen's field data.

Eliminations: 27
Assists: 8
Damage taken: 13


The following data are not important, what is important is the number of eliminations ranked first.

27 kills!

27 kills in a single game!

Obviously, Ding Wen once again broke the record, even as an assistant, advanced to the 10-kill club, and became the first member of the 20-kill club in history.

Ten kills in a single game is already very difficult. The members of the ten kill club are basically top powerhouses like Wu Zhan, but these geniuses who are one in a hundred have not been able to join the ranks of the twenty kill club. How hard it is to kill.

Not to mention, Ding Wen still had 27 kills, three times short of 30 kills, which was not at the same level as them.

Of course, in terms of strength, a hundred Ding Wen must not be able to beat a Wu Zhan, but the game is like this, it has never been a game of 'I am stronger than you, you will never kill me'.

Just like the reality, ordinary people with disabilities can kill people who are stronger than him through guns, or other auxiliary weapons and props.

Ding Wen has three 'guns', one is his 'gold finger', the other is his brain, and the last one is naturally a trap.

With these three 'guns', even if he is sick and unable to see people directly, he can still kill people.

"Okay, everyone sitting here, please calm down a little bit. Next, let's welcome player Ding Wen to the stage!"

The male host's clear and powerful voice came through the microphone, temporarily suppressing the turbulent and chaotic voices off the field, and the camera immediately came to the competition area, aiming at Ding Wen, a man who had just created a mythical record.

Ding Wen took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, got up calmly, and walked through the passage with a smile on his face.

"Captain Ding, I love you!" Several little girls screamed frantically in the aisle.

"Captain Ding, I love you too, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!" Several strong men with strong stature also followed suit.

Hearing these rough voices, Ding Wen glanced at them in astonishment. When he saw their burly and majestic bodies, his face turned green with fright. A strange voice came tremblingly to the stage.

"Haha, it seems that our contestant Ding Wen is also very excited, he can't even stand on his feet."

The male host made a joke, then gave Ding Wen the microphone, and asked, "I want to ask, do you know that you broke the record?"

Ding Wen took the microphone and smiled shyly: "I probably guessed it."

Male host: "Then may I ask how you feel now?"

Ding Wen: "Very excited."

The male host smiled: "But from your expression, I don't think so."

Ding Wen was a little embarrassed: "How can I be considered excited, I can't dance to celebrate."

The male host smiled unabated: "Oh, really?"

Ding Wen panicked immediately, and hurriedly said: "Fake, I will say it casually."

"That's it." The male host had a very regretful look, and then got back to the topic: "You probably saw it on the big screen, yes, this game is not only about you breaking your personal record, but the dark fairy tale is also following Amazon's six years ago. , becoming the creator of the highest elimination record in the past 11 years!"

As if to cooperate with him, the audience began to applaud tacitly at this time.

In the row closest to the big stage, the whistle can be heard clearly.

Again, glory not only belongs to dark fairy tales, but also belongs to the Seventh District. As a native of the Seventh District, Ding Wen is naturally a hero in everyone's eyes.

"Team Ding, hurry up and advance, go to the World Championships and smash them!"

This sentence was also shouted by the audience in the first row. Ding Wen could hear it, and of course the male host heard it too.

So he took advantage of the situation and asked: "I won't ask about the promotion of the group stage. With your current scores, it's not a problem. You must have heard the little request from a certain audience just now, so I want to ask, what are you doing this year? What's the goal?"

Ding Wen thought for a while, before answering, the male host added: "Is it the champion of the regional finals, or... the World Championship?"

After he asked this question, Ding Wen naturally didn't want to be too tactful. This reminded him of the scene when Yang Li was interviewed last time.

Of course, he definitely couldn't answer like Yang Li, so he said with a smile: "For the World Championships, I believe that the goal of any player is always to be the champion. We will work hard for the championship and to step up to a higher level of competition." Only by doing our best can we stand here. If we fail to meet our expectations, we will not give up. At worst, we will fight again next year. Please, fans who love and support Dark Fairy Tale, believe me, and believe in Dark Fairy Tale.”

As he spoke, he bowed solemnly to the audience: "Whether we can win the championship or not, we will work hard and persevere. We will definitely live up to your expectations!"

(End of this chapter)

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