I can see the finals

Chapter 406 One Step, One Knife

Chapter 406 One step, one knife
Shidun can't move, this shot is not a blind shot, but a scope, because she needs to scare but not hurt Atlantis' blood, she is very afraid because she is too accurate, if she doesn't Be careful and go blind to Atlantis.

The bullet flew out quickly, and hit the stone pier close to Atlantis with a bang. The latter suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, knowing that this was a warning from Jiang Tong. If he avoided Ding Wen again , I'm afraid I won't even get the second place.

"Fuck, why am I so difficult..."

He had no choice but to grit his teeth, muster up the courage to rush out, and came to the other side of the stone pier, ready to fight Ding Wen.

However, his figure was not stable yet, and he was slashed by Ding Wen as soon as he was exposed.

He stood firm, and before he had time to open the umbrella, the second knife approached, and he was hit again.

According to Ding Wen's speed of two knives per second, no matter how low the damage was, Atlantis would not be able to last until Jiang Tong arrived.

Again, he could only stand in front of Ding Wen for five seconds.

This number is not an exaggeration. After all, with other melee sluggers, Atlantis can stand for less than three seconds at most, and the limitation from weapons can allow him to live longer.

But the question is... so what if I live just two seconds longer?
If you can’t beat Ding Wen, No.3 is a solid fact. Atlantis has already fulfilled Ding Wen once. That time, he sent Ding Wen to win solo and set a record. You can’t be a good person many times, once is enough. .So even if the fate of this umbrella is fixed, he has no plan to help Ding Wen a second time, and chooses to use the meager durability of Tianbao Umbrella as a final resistance.

The umbrella quickly stretched out, firmly in front of him, ready to receive the third knife.

But Ding Wen didn't throw the knife again, but bent down suddenly, and kicked him suddenly, hitting his knee straight.
1 floated up slowly.

Ding Wen didn't stand up again when he made an astonishing move. He quickly retracted his knife and flew forward, hugged Atlantis' legs, and fell to the ground together with him.
1's blood volume rises again.

Atlantis only has 6 health left.

Atlantis lost its balance, Tianbaosan couldn't control it, and deviated from the direction, revealing his face.

How could Ding Wen let go of this opportunity and go up to punch him in the face again.

The two people on the commentary stand were stunned, and the bicycle said in a daze: "As expected of being teammates, I seem to have seen this scene not long ago."

Ding Wen's fighting style was almost carved out of the same mold as Fang Luoqing's. When he couldn't find a chance with a weapon, he would use his legs. If his legs couldn't be used with his hands, he could use whatever he could, without caring about the appearance.

Atlantis on the field seemed to be stunned by Ding Wen's violent punches, and collapsed on the ground in astonishment, not knowing what he was going to do for a while.

At this moment, a gunshot came suddenly, from far to near, and came to them in the blink of an eye.

Although Atlantis had already vowed in his heart that this gun would no longer be helpful to others, in a momentary stunned state, relying on the instinct of a professional player, he still made him habitually raise his umbrella, intending to block the gun.

And Ding Wen was lying on top of him at this time, and Atlantis' actions not only protected himself, but also protected him.

The ghost that appeared in the corridor before reappeared, but this time, like that time, no waves were stirred up.

The ghost image collided with the rotating umbrella surface, roaring and returning in vain.

"Thank you." Ding Wen squeezed out two words in a hurry, and then punched Atlantis again.

The Tianbao Umbrella was completely shattered, and Jiang Tong appeared not far from the two of them. She held a short gun and looked unwilling, as if it was a pity that Atlantis helped Ding Wen block the fatal blow.

The short gun does no damage, but it has a very good control, but any weapon with a control effect has a greater limit than an output weapon.She knew that this shot failed to control Ding Wen, and there would be no more chances in the future.

Right now, the distance between her and Ding Wen is very close, and the effect of the sniper rifle has been reduced to the extreme. Looking at Atlantis, which has not yet climbed up, she sighed helplessly, and then cut out Heiwuchang, A sniper blinded him to death.

Atlantis' health was already knocked out by Ding Wen, how could he take the damage from the sniper with the highest damage among the survivors? This shot sent him out of the game directly. The so-called five-second support time, he turned out to be It's gone in four seconds.

"Tiangong丨Chang'e eliminated the ancient civilization丨Atlantis with the black and white impermanence gun!"

With the news of the elimination, only Ding Wen and Jiang Tong were left on the field.And the non-stop monster army arrived, and the circle was compressed smaller and smaller.

Judging from the circle shape, Ding Wen is the furthest away from the monsters and has certain advantages.Although Jiang Tong needs to move first, she has the ability to kill Ding Wen quickly, so it's hard to say who wins and who gets the first place.

It was just an entertaining solo exhibition match. I didn't expect such a tense scene in the first round. The heads-up is the most popular scene, and it is also the scene that the audience is most willing to see.

If it was in the past, people would think that Jiang Tong was bullying Ding Wen, and there was no tension at all. However, after Ding Wen showed his unparalleled melee strength, people were not only full of expectations for the upcoming duel.

Did Jiang Tong shoot Ding Wen first, or did Ding Wen drag him into close combat and slowly grind him to death?
Everyone held their breath and concentrated, preparing to watch the final battle.

Ding Wen is still Ding Wen after all, even though he is different now, he is still playing games with his brain, and he is not on top at all.Anyway, he was farther than Jiang Tong, as long as she didn't come to him, he would never move. After Atlantis ran back to the stone pier, there was no more sound or movement.

Jiang Tong was naturally in a dilemma. She missed the shot just now, so she had to run to Ding Wen and take the initiative to find him.

She has no choice.

So she held Heiwuchang in her hand, and with the idea of ​​firing the last shot, she hurried towards Shidun.

To be honest, the difficulty of blinding a person standing in an open space and blinding a person with a cover rose sharply, and she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to blind the latter with one shot after Ding Wen emerged from the stone pier later.

Of course, whether she is sure or not, the game doesn't stop because she still has to move on.

Finally, when he was about to reach Shidun, Ding Wen made a move.

A hand suddenly stretched out from behind the stone pier, and shot towards Jiang Tong with a tiny black shadow!

It was the habit of professional players again, Jiang Tong's first reaction was to dodge and dodge to the side.

But when she got out of the way, she realized that what was shot at her was just a fluffy ordinary stone, and her expression changed suddenly.


An ordinary stone, even if I don't dodge it, so what?
A trace of regret suddenly appeared in Jiang Tong's heart.

Due to Ding Wen's amazing strength in this game, Jiang Tong was so nervous that he forgot for a while that he was not a long-range threat at all. When he encountered an attack, he just wanted to avoid it first.

But to dodge, she had to stop, and she had to dodge to both sides. Needless to say, there was only one consequence—she had no chance to shoot again!
Before that, she had been keeping the distance between the monster and herself, allowing a short pause when shooting.

But in order to avoid it, she wasted the opportunity to fire this shot. If she stopped again, she would be killed by the monster behind her immediately.

The situation was once again developing in a way that was unfavorable to her. She couldn't believe that Ding Wen's ability to control the field would be so strong with an assistant?
Whether it was Atlantis' "unintentional help" or Ding Wen's "stone-throwing test" at this time, every move he made was premeditated and fully meaningful.

He seems to have accurately calculated every link that follows, and can firmly control it with just a few movements. He is indeed an extremely terrifying monster.

It is very difficult for a team to have two real monsters, but in the current dark fairy tale, there are at least two.

One piece of paper and one piece of martial arts, the 'Wu' ones are dead, but the 'Wen' ones are even more terrifying!
Because he is no longer limited to 'text', Jiang Tong will soon experience Ding Wen's strength in melee combat.

She came behind the stone pier.

He was driven to the back of the stone pier.

But Ding Wen ran to the east first. The stone pier is not the farthest, and the end of the east is the last plum blossom pile.

He was only one step faster than Jiang Tong, and he was two figures away from each other.

But it is these two positions that are within reach, but Jiang Tong feels out of reach. Before, maybe 800 meters was not too far for her, but now only two positions make her feel Deep powerlessness.

When Ding Wen ran, she had no choice but to chase.

She can't stop.

Although she will stop sooner or later.

The plum blossom pile has arrived.

Ding Wen stopped in his tracks, without saying anything, turned around decisively, and slashed out!

With the distance of two bodies, Jiang Tong had plenty of time to hide or block.

She blocked it.

The knife that Shiraki and Atlantis couldn't stop... She easily blocked it with the body of the gun.

In the next second, she was devoured by the monsters that followed.

She stopped, she died.

Blocked, also died.

Just as the monster's long and terrifying claws were about to reach Ding Wen, Jiang Tong's figure dissipated in the air and turned into a box.

The sharp claws stopped abruptly, the roars of the monsters faded instantly, and Qi Qi disappeared beside Ding Wen.

The space began to become distorted, and the system's mechanical voice came as promised.

"Congratulations, you are the last survivor of this game."

(End of this chapter)

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