I can see the finals

Chapter 429 Own Logic 3 More

Chapter 429 Three Updates of My Own Logic (Supplement)

The atmosphere suddenly became delicate.

Li Zhenpi's expression didn't change, but he didn't dare to say a word.After a short period of gloom, Yin Ha forced a smile and said, "What?"

"Brain." Ding Wen pointed to his forehead, and then said in an orderly manner: "I admit that today's technology is very advanced, and robots and humans have reached the level where fakes can be confused with real ones. Even in terms of memory and calculation, humans are still far behind. The disadvantage, after all, human memory will be forgotten, but the machine will not."

Originally talking about Jiang Tong, Ding Wen's remarks are undoubtedly a bit off topic, and they don't match the previous ones at all.

The haze was unclear, so the smile remained unchanged: "Brother Ding, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Ding Wendao: "What I want to say is that even if our human brains are inferior to machines to some extent, I think that machines will never be able to replace human brains."

The hazy smile faded away: "Because of what?"

Ding Wen said: "Because of the complexity of the human brain."

He didn't seem to see the strange expression on Yin Haze's face, and continued: "People are unique and independent at the same time. There are no identical people in this world. Even twins will have slight differences, just like fingerprints."

Haze said: "So?"

Ding Wen smiled: "As far as the brain is concerned, it affects each of us's personality and judgment when encountering different things. For example, some people will run when they encounter danger, others will face difficulties, and others will At a loss, because the complexity of the brain, as well as acquired environment, personality, etc. will affect a person."

Yin Haze shook her head: "I still don't understand what you're talking about, does this have something to do with the deal we're going to talk about, Jiang Tong?"

"Of course there are." Ding Wen was still not impatient, and said slowly: "You should know that with our current technology, we can already add tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of logic settings to robots, but these logics are all stable."

"No, what you said is wrong!" Haze seemed to have forgotten what they were going to talk about, and discussed with Ding Wen on this topic: "The logic of robots is not fixed, and they are also malleable for different entries. You Don’t you know that 80.00% of the robots on the market can communicate with people normally? If the logic is fixed, how can they continue the chat according to the different words?”

Haze's speech speed is getting faster and faster, as if he wants to prove something, he is extremely eager: "I understand what you mean, you want to say that even if the robot can communicate with people normally, those are all set vocabulary, what triggers it? It will say something, right? But let me tell you, that was the early AI. The real situation is that the current AI has been innovated a long time ago. We can set the robot into different personalities, just like real people. The robot says hello, at this time there will be multiple answer options instead of just one, and according to different answer options, different branches can be extended downwards!"

"As you said, different people have different personalities and logics. Isn't it the same for robots? There are irascible robots, some gentle ones, and some tough ones. They are no longer a single pattern. products, they are not the same!"

"So how can this be a logical fix?"

At the end, he became very excited, staring at Ding Wen with red eyes, eager to see how he would refute.

However, Ding Wen seemed to have known for a long time that he would come up with this set of arguments, and was not surprised: "I admit that part of what you said is correct, but you still don't understand what the three words 'complexity' are. mean."

Then, he quietly said a sentence: "I said that the human brain will be affected by various factors, such as growth environment, such as status, it will not remain unchanged, so...personality will also change."

Haze fell silent, he seemed to have understood the sentence, sat down with a thoughtful look, and was no longer as impatient as before.

And Ding Wen pointed at Li Zhenpi who had shut up a long time ago: "He killed someone."

Li Zhenpi suddenly raised his head in surprise: "I don't have one."

Ding Wen said, "I'm just making an analogy."

Li Zhenpi was stunned: "Ah? Then... that's fine."

Ding Wen asked Yin Haze: "If he killed someone, how do you think he would react?"

Haze frowned: "Afraid, panic?"

Ding Wen said: "This is the second and third time he killed someone."

After thinking for a while, Yin Haze replied: "He gradually got used to it, he became less afraid, and became calmer and calmer."

Ding Wendao: "It's his first time killing people, but my father is the head of the Seventh District, so he has a strong background."

The time of hazy thinking became longer and longer, but before he answered, Ding Wen continued to ask Lianzhupao: "Although his father is the head of the seventh district, he is a very kind person with a sense of justice. .”

"His father is the head of the Seventh District, and he himself is a pervert with serious psychological problems."

"He killed for revenge."

"He is a killer, and he came with a purpose."

"He was careless and cowardly, but manslaughter in the seventh district will not be sentenced to death, but will only lose money."

"He killed people and knew he would be sentenced to death, but he could pretend to be mentally ill and get away with it."


"Enough!" Seemingly unable to bear it anymore, Haze yelled out these two words in a low growl.

At this time, he was no longer the amicable rich man that Ding Wen knew, he seemed to have become another person, his emotions were difficult to control, and he looked a little scary.

Ding Wen was not frightened by him, but his voice slowed down: "This is the complexity of human beings. They have their own personalities, and they will also change according to various aspects such as scenes and people. There is only one reaction, but a combination of other factors. Just as a vicious person can become kind, and a good person can also become a bad person, people are not framed, let alone fixed.

A robot cannot do this. It will be what it is set to be. It will not adjust or learn.Having said so much, you must be wondering why I said a bunch of useless things, and whether I am digressing.Actually no, it has to do with what you think is the 'impossible' deal. "

Haze said in a low voice: "Huh?"

"The reason why human beings are changeable, unlike robots, is that human beings can think and have their own logic, while the logic of the 'diversified' robots in your mouth is not their own, but comes from the maker, they do not think independently, It will not change based on other factors."

Ding Wen was a little tired of talking, sighed, and decided to stop here: "There is nothing impossible to accomplish, as long as there is logic and only the possibility of implementation, that's enough. You only need to remember one sentence - people are Do things according to your own logic, since it makes sense and you can convince yourself, why should you care about others.”

He has expressed it very implicitly, and has not revealed anything. Maybe in the concept of haze, Jiang Tong is bound to Tiangong, and it is against the rules to let her go.

But Ding Wen couldn't agree with the statement that 'superstars can't leave the team', where is the bullshit rule, where is it 100% impossible!

The hazy thinking was fixed, and this rule was taken for granted.Of course, this is also reasonable, if he can think like Ding Wen, then it is...

The haze has completely quieted down, but his expression is not warming up. Ding Wen seems to have uncovered nothing, and did not say something on the bright side, but for the two of them, they actually understand it in their hearts. .

On the surface, this conversation was about the difference between machines and humans, from which we can infer the logic of Jiang Tong's ability to trade.

But Haze knows that these are actually not what Ding Wen wants to express.

At this time, he didn't think about Ding Wen's words, but unconsciously recalled Zheng Gongyang's various reactions in front of Ding Wen on the day Zheng Gongyang died.

"Damn, if that's the case, then he should have started to suspect me by then."

(End of this chapter)

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