Chapter 454
Sure enough, Ding Wen hadn't left yet, they had been hiding before.

This idea popped up in Bai Mu's mind, but he didn't feel that there was a problem with him, because at the time just now, Wu Xing was not allowed to clean up the factory carefully. As long as Ding Wen hid well, it would be difficult for them to find them.

But who is Bai Mu, he has already thought about this phenomenon, and naturally has countermeasures.

As long as they can fire a few shots as they pass by and have the effect of deterring them with guns, that's enough.

Because Fang Luoqing knocked down the passerby, it must be at the low point, not the high point.That is to say, even if the passers-by were gone, Fang Luoqing would not be able to continue to go up to the higher point to make up for the passing position. After all, the circle was coming soon, and there was no time at all.Therefore, Fang Luoqing couldn't restrain the other people in Five Elements, and Bai Mu and the others were still safe in a short time.

Passing through seems to be a post-break gun position, but in this situation, he is also a sacrificial position. If his death can be exchanged for the destruction of the Tiangong, it is worth it, and it is not a loss at all.

Even though it was the first time for Bai Mu to fight against Ding Wen in an official team competition, he knew Ding Wen very well. He believed that Ding Wen was a smart man, and he would never take the initiative to take the initiative before Tiangong fell into a bad situation.

Bai Mu couldn't stop Ding Wen from being a fisherman, and couldn't stop their idea of ​​taking advantage of it, but he knew very well that no matter what, Ding Wen and the others wanted to enter the circle.Once Passing dies before Wuxing gains the advantage, it will be difficult for Diablo to enter the circle. He needs Tiangong and Wuxing to be eliminated, and then they will fight with the winner.

Facts have proved that Ding Wen did not live up to his trust. He asked Fang Luoqing to shoot after the two of them fell in Tiangong. .

At that time, they turned their heads against Kadingwen, and they also had a chance.

"Hurry up and kill the other two, I'll keep an eye on Qianshoutang, you find another assistant, kill him quickly!" Bai Mu yelled, took out five or six pear blossom nails, flicked his wrist, and hit the last one with fighting strength in Tiangong Thunder God!
After Lei Gong dodged, he immediately counterattacked with a hidden weapon, and Bai Mu dodged again, and the two fell into a stalemate immediately, neither of them could kill the other immediately.

While Jin Rui took advantage of Bai Mu to hold back his opponent, he quickly rushed to Tiangong's assistant Xianjun. The latter moved the compass, but because he didn't have a 3+3 top-equipped compass, he was unable to resist, so Jin Rui forcibly approached him, and he narrowly escaped death. .

If it wasn't someone, then his end was already doomed.

Fortunately, Ding Wen is here.

He came alone.

And apart from the audience and commentators, no one in Tiangong and Wuxing thought about how he came.

Of course, Ding Wen's psychic has used it before, and there is no means of shuttle displacement, there is no doubt about it.

He rode a small boat, facing the breeze, crossed the turbulent river, and came to the two teams.

Since there was no sound of cars and the two sides were in a fierce battle, no one noticed Ding Wen on the river until he... went ashore in a grand manner.

And he took out a bunch of paper figurines.

"what sound?"

Shiraki was startled by the sound of rustling footsteps, he turned his head and saw daylight in his eyes.

The many and white paper figurines seem to have silvered the beach. They are "many and powerful", as if rushing to land on the beach, scrambling along the river bank, rushing towards Tiangong and Wuxing.

"Ding Wen's other occupation is a psychic medium?"

Bai Mu finally understood how Jiang Tong died, but the cause of Jiang Tong's death has nothing to do with the current situation. He needs to get rid of these paper figurines as soon as possible, or Ding Wen, otherwise it's hard to say who will win between Wuxing and Tiangong.

"Damn it, the timing of this spoiler!"

Bai Mu knew that Ding Wen didn't come to help Tiangong out of good intentions, he was trying to delay Fang Luoqing's time so that the latter could go to a position where he could export people on the shore in the middle of the fight between Tiangong and the Five Elements.

He has medium and long-range means, so he immediately thinks of Ding Wen to kill him.And he did find it quickly, he knew where Ding Wen was after just a few glances.

He was lying on his stomach in the back of the boat.

It was only then that Bai Mu discovered that Ding Wen actually drove the boat to the beach on the shore, and the stranded boat just formed a bunker, blocking the south direction for Ding Wen.

The remaining two of Wuxing are in the south, so there is nothing they can do about Ding Wen, but there are people in Tiangong who are not on the shore, and they can hit Ding Wen.

But the problem is, Tiangong is about to disappear, so how could it be possible to beat Ding Wen?

They knew very well that if they beat Ding Wen, the Five Elements would be cheaper, and they were about to be wiped out because of the Five Elements, so in terms of hatred, the Five Elements were far greater than Ding Wen.

Even if there is no hatred value, Tiangong can't find a reason to kill Ding Wen based on the situation alone.

Although... Tathagata is very angry.

But he had no choice, these paper figurines would disappear as soon as Ding Wen died, even though he was furious, he could only choose to 'fight side by side with Ding Wen' at this time.

"Don't hit Ding Wen, don't hit!"

He lay down on the ground and yelled loudly, fearing that his teammates would not be able to bear it, he raised his hand and gave Ding Wen a second.

"I'm not that stupid." Lei Gong took a deep breath, holding the hidden weapon tightly in his hand, listening to the movement all the time.

As soon as the paper figurine came to Bai Mu's side, he would immediately take action, and he didn't care whether the immortal king would die or not.

He can cooperate with the paper man to kill Baimu, and then form a one-on-one with Jin Rui. If he wins, he may continue to talk to Diablo.

Of course, it's just possible.

He didn't understand very much, why did the dark call control the field of eight people with only two people?
Ding Wen and the others obviously didn't do much, they just killed Jiang Tong and passing by, and then the situation was completely controlled.

"We still have a chance!"

Until this moment, Bai Mu still did not give up. He was not an ordinary commander after all, and he forcibly found a theoretical possibility of winning in a seemingly fatal situation.

"Don't kill the assistant, come back and help me!"

The breaking point can't be found on Ding Wen. Bai Mu can only attack Lei Gong. The speed of the paper man is not fast. If he can try his best to seal it and let Jin Rui approach, the time will be faster and Fang Luoqing will be able to take the position. Killed it before, and the five elements can still be saved.

"Okay, I'll be right away!"

Jin Rui's execution ability is very strong, he immediately left Xianjun's side and turned to Lei Gong.

While running, Lei Gong flew a few more hidden weapons, but he only hit Jin Rui once, he wanted to hit again, but was immediately suppressed by Bai Mu, and he was also injured.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Bai Mu prayed anxiously in his heart, he felt that time seemed not enough.

Lei Gong has hidden weapons, not pure melee combat, even with his help to suppress, Jin Rui can't stick to the former's side in the fastest time.

The familiar gunshots sounded again.

This was also a shot that made Bai Mu completely desperate, because his shot meant something.

In a panic, he jumped to the side without sparing any energy, but it was too late, a bullet with a dark aura came from the sky, and in an instant... it passed through his head!
"Player Diablo Talk丨Aladdin Knocks Down the Five Elements丨Baimu with Abyss Fission!"

Bai Mu fell down heavily with an expression of unwillingness, and was then surrounded by paper figurines behind him.

"Player Diablo Call丨Pinocchio Eliminates the Five Elements丨Shiraki with Paper Dolls!"

(End of this chapter)

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