I can see the finals

Chapter 470 Horror shackles, the shore of trapped beasts

Chapter 470 Horror Shackles, The Shore of Beasts (End)

"It's really watertight."

Mandala's vision was blocked, and he put down the gun immediately, with a helpless expression on his face.

Ding Wen always sent people to watch him, even if he was alone, it was not a real threat.

Moreover, the disgusting thing about Dark Fairy Tale is that they have too many supports. Other teams have one or two support classes, but they have three!
There are two for Ding Wen and one for Jiang San. The more support you have, the more extreme events you can adapt to.

Mandala couldn't make another move, so he had no choice but to take a step forward and ran to the small wooden bridge on the bank.

He can't wade in the water, and the cigarette will turn around and hit him when he gets close, and his movement is restricted in the water, so his best route is to cross the bridge.

Of course, crossing the bridge is also very dangerous, but the probability of survival will be much higher than wading in the water.

However, he knew very well that he probably wouldn't be able to go to the Plum Blossom Pile. No matter whether it was him, Paradise Port, or other teams, no one could successfully reach the shore. This game would probably end before the Plum Blossom Pile.

The shoreline is too long, and if you only rely on walking... you may not take the dark fairy tale too seriously.

Unless there are some accidents, this Dark Fairy Tale will be won steadily!
But just when Mandala was a little desperate, he suddenly heard something.

Listen carefully, he not only has a happy face.

Car sound!

Definitely the sound of cars!
The despair faded away in an instant, and disappeared completely.

No one thought that there was a team that chose to drive in the Mayan jungle?
Under normal circumstances, this is not a very good strategy, but in this situation and the circle, it is surprisingly effective.

Datura knew that his chance had come.

It was still dark, he raised his head, looked towards the opposite bank, and barely discerned the trajectory of the vehicle.

His joy was even greater.

Not only did that team drive a car, it was four!

This shows that the opponent is at least a four-person team, which can threaten Diablo Fairy Tale in terms of numbers. After all, the latter only has cigarettes on the shore, and Jiang San is probably there, but he is hiding far away.

Therefore, relying on these two people alone, there is no way to stop the impact of the four-person team.

"Cigarettes are dying!"

Mandala had already sentenced Cigarette to death in his heart, and the four cars were heading towards him. No matter how powerful one person is, it is impossible to deal with four people at the same time.Just now he used the grass to wear three, but the area around the cigarette was very bald, and there was almost no grass on the half slope.

Therefore, Mandala couldn't think of cigarettes as a reason to live, so he quickened his pace, preparing to take advantage of the confusion and get to the other side.

A second passed.

Three seconds passed.

Six seconds passed.

However, the news of Cigarette's death never came.

Mandala's brows became tighter and tighter, and even his footsteps seemed to be a lot heavier.

Impossible, it doesn't take three seconds for four people to hit one person, so what are those four people doing?Why haven't we done it yet?

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The tailor knocks down the general with an ink knife丨Mo Liqing!"

Finally, the elimination information came, but it was not about cigarettes, which made Datura even more confused.

What the hell?

Cigarettes are still talking, but why did they put one of them down?
In doubt, new information came again.

"Heroic player丨Molihong knocks down the dark fairy tale丨the tailor with the gun of absolute fairness and justice!"

Jiang San, who supported Yanjuan, was killed, but Yanjuan himself was still alive.

"Damn, this person can really drag!"

With this feeling, Mandala also had to lament Cigarette's strong ability to resist pressure. He was able to drag four people to Jiang San's rescue, and even the rescuers were gone, but he was still alive and well.

But as soon as Jiang San fell, the meteorologist's compass immediately lost its effect, and the sky was gradually turning brighter. Soon, Mandala regained his clear sight.

But as soon as he saw things clearly, he saw a familiar dog's head appearing at the end of the wooden bridge on the other side.

Her attention was not on Mandala's side, she was bending her bow and setting her arrows, ready to shoot at the general's personnel.

It was another person who showed his side to him.

Mandala's dissipated desire to attack was naturally aroused by Fang Luoqing's 'carelessness', so he took out his sniper again and aimed at the obvious dog's head.

But at this moment, the dog's head in the scope suddenly moved, Fang Luoqing turned her head suddenly, and looked at him expressionlessly.

For some reason, Datura's hands couldn't help shaking.

The scene of missing in the rainy night reappeared in his mind.

Those scenes of disastrous defeat and powerlessness made his emotions extremely complicated in a short period of time, so that he froze for a while, and did not pull the trigger for a long time to fire that shot.

But the opportunity was fleeting, and before Fang Luoqing turned her head, she had already shot an arrow.

When Datura was stunned, the news of the elimination of the generals came simultaneously.

"Player's Dark Fairy Tale丨Aladdin Knocks Down the Heavenly General丨Sea of ​​Magic Ceremony with the Light-Splitting Arrow!"

As soon as the magic ritual sea fell, a black gas suddenly appeared on Fang Luoqing's body, and then, she disappeared at the end of the wooden bridge, disappearing from Mandala's eyes.

Disappearing with her was also Molihong who was besieging Cigarettes. The latter didn't know that Fang Luoqing was facing the threat of Datura. In order not to be targeted by her, Molihong could only grit his teeth and launch the gun of absolute fairness and justice La Fang Luoqing went to the small black room to single out the skills.

By the time Mandala wanted to kill Fang Luoqing, he had no chance.

"Are you okay?" Bianhua noticed that something was wrong with Datura, and immediately asked him with concern.

Mandala was originally a player with a weird personality and was self-centered, but since he was brutally abused by Fang Luoqing in a one-on-one match in the secondary league, he seemed to have become another person, spending all day in the training ground , Practice skills hard, in order to be able to fight back in the game one day.

But now not only did he not call back, Fang Luoqing just glanced at Mandala, and his fear arose spontaneously, and his emotions changed uncontrollably, so Bi'anhua was really worried that it would affect his future state.

"I'm okay." Mandala took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, and then continued with what he had just finished, rushing to the other side of the bridge.

A missed opportunity is a missed one. If you make a mistake, wait until after the game. Now he needs to hurry across the bridge while Fang Luoqing is being dragged away.

"Player's dark fairy tale 丨 Ala Bing knocks down the general with an ink knife 丨 Magic Ritual Red!"

Before taking a few steps, the dog's head appeared out of thin air and stopped in front of Mandala.

Depend on!Didn't you just go heads-up?This... this is back?

Molihong is a waste!
Mandala was startled and panicked. He really didn't expect that Molihong didn't even delay for a few seconds. It was like entering the small black room with its front foot, and then came out immediately with its back foot, which was too fast.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The old boy who sells cigarettes knocks out the general with a cross knife丨Mo Lishou!"

"Heaven will eventually be eliminated..."


Mandala didn't want to talk any more. He thought that Tian Jiang would be the existence that threatened Dark Fairy Tale and his rescuer, but now it seemed that they were here to give Ding Wen points and ensure that Dark Fairy Tale would be edible.

"Isn't there another team? Where are they?"

This idea just came to Mandala's mind, and the elimination information came as promised.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio knocks down the Ice Jade Knife丨Jasper Knife with a hidden trap."

"Player Ice Jade Knife丨Farewell Knife knocks down the dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio with an ink knife!"

"The player Bingyu Sword丨Qingfeng Knife uses its claws to eliminate the dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio!"

md... Ice Jade Knife!

Hearing this news, Mandala was finally completely hopeless, and no longer expected the last team to help.

Without the lock of the cigarette, the three of Bingyudao finally managed to rush into the temple, pecked each other with Ding Wen's vegetable chicken, and finally beat Ding Wen up and down.

3 players play as a support, and one can be counter-killed. How can you say that this kind of team can help?
And the cigarette that was released from his hand was staring at the entrance of the temple again. At this time, the circle had arrived, and the Bingyu knife was too late to subdue them. Just as the two wanted to rush out, they were suppressed by Yanjuan alone.

At this point in the game, the situation is settled. Just like Ding Wen's self-confidence before, there is indeed no team that can enter the plum blossom pile, and those who can enter are all dead.

Although the final process cannot be regarded as perfect, and there have been small twists and turns during the period, the result is still good anyway.

The Bingyu knife was locked up, unable to make a comeback, and Mandala was stopped by Fang Luoqing, so there was no hope.

But as a professional player, you can't give up lightly even if you are in a desperate situation. Mandala made a final fight, held his breath, and drew out his knife to rush towards Fang Luoqing!

It was the long-lost one-on-one duel, and the opponent was still the existence that terrified him.

However, compared to the previous few times, this time he had an advantage in weapons. The ink knife in Fang Luoqing's hand was not of high quality, while the one in his hand was the 3+3 Chasing Wind and Shadow Knife.

Therefore, in the competition of weapon quality, he has an advantage, and it cannot be said that he is completely useless.

Fang Luoqing also paid enough attention to Mandala who was fighting for his life, without any intention of playing tricks, San Dao simply took him away.


"Sure enough, I still can't beat..."

Although Datura is a good weapon, it falls faster than in Lost in the Rainy Night.

Perhaps this is his absolute talent. He spent every day in the training ground, honing his sword skills day after day, but in the end he was easily defeated by Fang Luoqing, without any chance to resist.

On the other side, seeing that the Bingyu Dao could not come out, he decided not to come out and gave the distribution to the system, but Ding Wen arranged for Li Huoqiang to rush into the temple and forcibly exchanged 1 for 2 with the Bingyu Dao .

At this point, the Mayan jungle in the fourth round of the finals came to an end, and the heads of the five winners of the dark fairy tale also appeared on the big screen.

"Let us congratulate Diablo Fairy Tale for winning the fourth game of the finals with 27 kills!"

(End of this chapter)

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