Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 19 The Times Suddenly Begins

Chapter 19

Jing Huang looked up at the sky.

The sky, the vast and infinite outer space, is described in the universe of reason, and the sky on this tidal sea looks dark and smooth, like a huge mirror.It seems to be pressed down very low, and in fact it is. If you fly high, you can touch the smooth and cold plane within ten minutes, which is the real "sky curtain".If you forcefully pass through, there is still an endless sea of ​​flames behind the mirror, and you will explore upwards towards the sea of ​​flames, and you will eventually return to the original point of departure.It is astonishing how small this star layer is at the height of the sky.

However, it is very interesting that there are still stars on the almost thicknessless sky.They flow freely on the surface of the sky, swimming and running as fast as living creatures.Jing Juan observed them for a long time, and gradually realized that they were chasing the psionic undercurrent in the phlogiston wave.But is that some kind of mission or a game?He thought about this matter for a long time, but he still couldn't figure it out.

At this time, a few pieces of starlight flickered, floating down from the surface of the sky.They swelled slowly during the landing, turning into jellyfish-like transparent light bubbles, spinning and dancing around the body with their slender tentacles.

They came to the bow, wandered in groups, watched, and circled around him.

"You are so beautiful." One of them exclaimed, "You are so beautiful."

"You are more brilliant than flames," said another.

"More brilliant than the stars." A follow-up addition.

"Like a fire made by a dream." "Like a star made by fire." "Like a dream woven by the stars."

"Climb for me." Jing Huang said expressionlessly.

He jumped up and punched and kicked away all the star jellyfish that were circling around him.This scene stunned Luo Binhan on the side.

After killing the jellyfish, Jing Huang sat back on the bow of the boat, held up her tea bowl and looked at the sky in a daze.Beside him is a small red clay pottery stove and clay pots, with a charcoal fire burning underneath, and tea leaves, fried rice, dried fruits, and red beans are tumbling in the pots.Those were all moved by Yale Liga three days ago next to him.

Luo Binhan had never thought deeply about this question before, but at this moment, when he found that Jing Huang had been sitting in the same position on the bow for three days, he finally began to suspect that this kid didn't need to go to the bathroom at all.

Then Allerica came up to him.In her hand, she holds a jar the size of a chess box, filled with a mixture of tea leaves and other tea soup ingredients.

"Are you okay?" she asked Robin Han.

"It's okay." Robin Han said.He actually didn't know what aspect Yale Liga was asking about, but he didn't want to talk too much with her.The woman's pupils reminded Luo Binhan of some wild animals, and when she looked at them, he became upset.

Yareriga stared at him for a moment, then said: "You are looking at the captain."

"Yes," Luo Binhan said, "I saw him beating elves when I went out."

Allerica turned a deaf ear.She concluded by herself: "You are friends."

Luo Binhan did not object to this, although it seemed strange to say it from a woman with goat horns.

Yale Liga turned her head and stared at Jing Huang's back.After two or three seconds like this, she stretched out her hand and stuffed the jar full of tea soup ingredients into Luo Binhan's hand.

"He's lonely now," said Yareriga. "If you like, you can go and be with him for a while."

Luo Binhan did not object to this, although he felt that it was not advisable to be close to a person who would beat up the elf who praised him. "Why don't you go by yourself?" He asked a little strangely.

Allerica fiddled with the thin metal chains on the horns. "You, man," she said curtly, "he likes men."

"He prefers to hit people." Luo Binhan corrected.But he finally passed by with the can of sundries in his hands.

He sat down as he put the pot by the fire.Jing Huang glanced at him disinterestedly, neither expressed objection nor welcome, just continued to stare at the sky in a daze.Luo Binhan glanced at the clay pot on the stove, and found that the water in it seemed to be endless, but there were very few ingredients left.

"Hey, shouldn't this stuff be added?" He asked Jing Huang.

Jing Huang hummed lazily, with an ambiguous attitude.So Luo Binhan checked the contents of the jar - dried fruit, fried rice, green tea leaves, salt grains, everything seemed to be no different from the things he was familiar with.Although he had never "eaten" tea in such an odd way, he boldly scooped a spoonful into the jar.

A complex aroma mixed into the water vapor.It smells like the bitterness of tea leaves and the sweetness of dried fruits, which immediately aroused Luo Binhan's nostalgia for his hometown.The smell was even a bit familiar. For a while, Luo Binhan seemed to smell it often at Zhou Yu's, but Zhou Yu was a serious coffee addict, and Luo Binhan couldn't remember when he started drinking tea.

The tea soup boiled quickly.Jing Huang scooped up his own tea bowl.Luo Binhan found that there were still a few empty cups by the fire, which was obviously Yale Liga's premeditation.He generously picked up a bowl for himself to enjoy.The taste of the tea soup was very strong, salty and sweet mixed together, he began to feel hot and sweat after taking a few sips.

"The way you drink tea is quite unique." Luo Binhan wiped his sweat with his hand, "What kind of tea is this? Longjing? It's quite sweet."

"Fish tongue." Jing Huang said.

"Never heard of it. Where did it come from?"

Jing Huang glanced at him. "This is tea grown on the island." He said, "When the storm is high and the tide is high, sea fish will fly to the island and eat the ripe tea seeds on the tree. After licking the fruit, the saliva left by them will be absorbed by the tree. The new leaves in spring are picked and roasted to make tea."

"So what we drink is fish saliva," Luo Binhan said.

"You don't need to drink if you are sick."

Robin Han had nothing to fear.He took a few more sips from the bowl, and then said calmly, "I have to tell you the story about Zhou Yu and cat poop coffee."

Momolo came when he was talking about how the civet defecated.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Luo?" He asked curiously.

Luo Binhan said solemnly: "Defeat."

Momolo showed a confused expression. "Isn't that a very taboo topic for Homo sapiens?" he said cautiously.

Luo Binhan didn't know where this topic was taboo, but from the other party's performance, he judged that this kid probably didn't use the toilet either.This reminded him of another thing.

"What happens to the feces in the spaceship's toilet? Tossed into space?" he asked.Although this is similar to the principle of trains and railways, spilling your own excrement into space always seems particularly perverted.

Momolo thought for a while.

"I think it's the circulatory system." He said seriously, "After the manure is fermented, it will be added to the miniature reserve farm, and the urine should be added to the circulatory system together with other waste water."

"It's quite environmentally friendly."

"Exactly, because casually throwing away excrement in outer space would be regarded as a barbaric act. To be honest, Mr. Luo, I don't like that kind of behavior either. If it's the excrement of small creatures, I always fly in space. If you don't pay attention, you will bump into it. Although it is not intentional, it is really distressing."

Luo Binhan nodded in agreement: "It sounds like stepping on shit."

"Can you fucking stop talking about this while having tea?" Jing Huang said sullenly.Luo Binhan, who wanted to continue the discussion, had to shut up, and Momolo also bowed his head in shame.

"Exactly. When drinking tea, you should do something pure." He said solemnly, "Then let me tell you about ten short biographies of Master Sang Lian! One of them is about a butcher in ancient times..."

Without further ado, Jing Huang put down the tea bowl, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to hit someone.Just before he took action, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky, and silver thunders shot indiscriminately.They turned their heads in surprise and found a black hole-like hole in the sky.

A warship-like spaceship emerged from the hole.It is sharp and streamlined, looks like a big triangle, and is extremely magnificent, like a hanging island in the air.

The airship drilled its hole, and from above came a loud and majestic sound.

"To all the residents of the New World, we are the Holy Nation Navy Fleet from the original universe. No need to be afraid! Today will be a new starting point in history, and today will be the era of enlightenment of civilization. We will bring true wisdom and civilization!"

 (Looking at the voting records, why are you all voting in the middle of the night? Are you not sleepy? You still remember to vote for me. I am very touched, but everyone should go to bed early|Д`|┛)

(End of this chapter)

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