Chapter 256

Xiuluan and Qingshan are far away, the snow disappears and the ice disappears, and spring comes.It's time to drink flowers again in the new year.The oriole at the tip is noisy, and the moss is growing under the cypress.

It's just the beginning of farming in the fields, and I'm taking a break in the creeks in the evening.The most happy village is to pick woodcutters.At the bottom of the creek in the afternoon sleep, envy the noble family.

It has been passed down for 400 years in the Five Dynasties since the first Li collapsed, the Bin Dynasty was established, and the Binxiu Wang Yanyan ascended the throne.In the 12th year of King Xiu, the world was prosperous and peaceful, and the world was in great order. The people in the middle land were all rich.

To the east of Zhongtu, beyond Cuixiu Pass, are the states of the Eastern Region, headed by the Four Principalities, the Kingdom of Zhen and the Kingdom of Yu in the north, the Kingdom of Yue and the Kingdom of Yi in the south, all of which belong to the surname of Yu.In the north of the border of Zhen Kingdom, there is another blessed land of caves and heavens, which is blessed with Zhongling and has excellent Fengshui.Tourists watch it, but see:

The colorful forests and waterfalls on the peaks of the mountains, the colorful clouds and clouds; the apes play in the gorges, and the swans dance.In the vastness and indistinctness, cranes are buzzing by the bank of the secluded pool; in the dark, woodsman songs are heard in the depths of the green mist.The cliffs and mountains are steep and steep; the green sheep and white deer are wandering and jumping happily.The unicorn with golden scales and green claws lies down, and the phoenix with colorful feathers and beautiful crowns swims;

Traveling for dozens of miles, you will see the first steeply rising solitary peak in the northeast, reaching Xiaohan as high as it is.When you look at it from a distance, you look up alone, like a jade pillar supporting the sky, and when you get close, it is majestic and majestic, like a giant god covering the sun.The forest at the foot of the foot is dyed green, and the peak section is covered with ice and snow. Because of its extraordinary height, yin and yang are separated within one season, and there are four seasons. It looks like a place where heaven and man live, so it is named "Yuji Mountain".Nearly a hundred miles from Yuji Mountain, there are continuous peaks, all of which have Xianke Cave Mansions, which are not under the jurisdiction of Zhen Guofu officials, and seem to form a world of their own.

Half a mile southwest of Qingshan City, there are thousands of people living here. The ancestors were not from Zhendi, but the people who were separated from the rain and flood disasters in the past. Fortunately, Taoist Heyue of Yuying Mountain helped them to move here.In a blink of an eye, several generations have grown together, and they have gathered into more than a dozen villages, collectively called "Xiaoyuan Township".

It is said that there lived a young man named Li He in Li's village in the township.His parents left early, his brother and sister-in-law were at odds, and made things difficult for him in every possible way. Li He was also irritable and chivalrous.After being accused, scolded and ridiculed, he left the house in anger to support himself, gave up all his family property, and lived alone in a thatched hut at the end of the village.

At that time, Emperor Bin respected Taoism and valued teaching, and at the request of the Celestial Master of Qingshandu, he overthrew the old system of Li Dynasty.The abolition of private slaves, the establishment of official schools, the reform of the recommendation system, and farming are still based on the law of the wells in Li Dynasty.Each of the eight households in the neighborhood holds private land for their own use only and cannot be bought or sold. They also cultivate a public land for fixed grain to serve as a solid state warehouse.However, because Li He left his household alone, he was not registered in the county register, and he had no private land under his name. If he wanted to apply for a land allocation, he had to wait for the county to count the households before he could approve it.

Hearing this, a villager came here to persuade him: "You and your brother, after all, come from our compatriots, how can there be any overnight enmity? It's better to go back to Dejia, and wait until some households get the fields, and then think about self-reliance. What's more, you It was supposed to be the family property, but why did you give it up because of the anger of your brother and sister-in-law?" After all the good words, Li He couldn't help being stubborn, so he said, "Since this is the case, I have a job to point you at. The county government got a letter and wanted to How much good firewood is collected in the mountains. This matter is divided according to the account, but I think it is busy farming, and others can't get it. You are a rare man with strong strength. If you are willing to do it, I will talk to the other households and entrust you to take care of it. Go, you can get half a penny every month, and you can live on." Li He thanked him and went to the mountains to woodcutter every day.The firewood in that county is also particular about it. It must be a strange tree that grows on Zhuoying Mountain in Qingdu. It is chopped for salary, and the smoke is light purple and fragrant.Its wood only grows locally, and if sold in the market, it is worth a lot of money. Because it grows in the border of Qingdu, private logging is strictly prohibited in the county, and the folks are afraid of fairy tales, so the remaining species are kept.

Li He had no such scruples because he was under the supervision of an official, but he obeyed the order and did not take young plants and good seedlings, so he often searched for them at the corners of the cliffs.When entering the mountains, they also pick wild vegetables, mushrooms and sunflowers.It is spring, and thousands of bamboo shoots are pruned in the mountains, and new bamboo shoots are dug, which can also satisfy hunger and greed.In such a month, I didn't think it was hard work, but I enjoyed it.I only hate that there are so many fragrant trees, so I can't cut them down indiscriminately, and it's hard to find new wood later, so I have to go to the depths of the clouds to find them.

That day, Li He went to the dusk and got nothing, so he stuck up willow sticks in the stream to fish.I was watching a carp flicking its tail, when I suddenly heard the frolicking and noise downstream, like a man's voice, mixed with a woman's soft voice.Li He was amazed, and thought in his heart: "Why are there so many people in the mountains?" Following the sound, he found a small pool at the corner of the stone cliff.

Several people stood by the pool, making a fuss.Li He took a closer look and saw that they were all rangers from the neighboring villages. They were holding plain cloth, which seemed to be women's clothes, and smiled at the pool, "Where is my lady from?" Looking at the pool again, there was a young woman holding her arms. Pulling the palms with his arms, with shame and anger on his face, he wanted to argue with everyone on the shore, but he dared not come out of the water.Knowing her scruples, the knight-errant on the bank was so bold and wanton, he laughed in every possible way, and said: "I heard that in ancient times, the immortals came down to earth, and they all wore fairy clothes. My lady is so beautiful, but came from the sky? If you are willing to go home with me, you will definitely wear fairy clothes." Give it back."

Hearing this, Li He was furious, strode out of the forest, and cursed: "What a thief! In broad daylight, you bully women, and look at me tearing your bird's beak!" He swung his fist with a big bowl, and hit him on the face. With a crooked nose and slanted eyes, he couldn't make a sound, and fell to the ground with a thud.The bystanders were horrified when they saw it, but there were so many people, they uttered a cry and wanted to push Li He to the ground.

Although Li He is single, he was born with two arms of supernatural power, which is more powerful than that of cattle and horses.Throwing his arms and flapping his fans, he beat up all the idlers screaming, those with blue eyes, those with dropped teeth, and those with folded arms, hurriedly supported their companions, and fled into the forest.Li He chased him for a few steps before turning back, picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on the bank and said, "My aunt is alone, why did she come to play in the wild? Be careful from now on."

The woman in the pool lowered her head and said, "Thank you, brother." But she didn't come forward to take the clothes.Li He came to the pool to take a picture, and saw that he had a hulking back, arms as thick as an elephant, and a dark face, like a smoky iron door god. The woman was afraid, so she said, "You change your own clothes, and I will go." Stepping back to the forest, I opened my voice and sang a little country song, so that those who hear it can know the distance.Look again after half a cup of tea, there is no one left in the pool.

After a few days like this, Li He went to the mountains again to firewood, and started singing with his voice at leisure, just happy, when the sound of whining flute suddenly sounded in the forest, melodious and melodious, which coincided with the tune of the song.Li He was amazed, and thought to himself: "There are evil spirits in the wild, how can someone reconcile with me?" When he stepped into the forest to search, the sound of the flute stopped.Far and near mountains and trees, there is no ghost.

Li He was bold by nature, and since he didn't look for anyone, he took it as fun for the mountain elves and wild monsters, and didn't take it to heart.After a while, I went to Duifeng, sang a few more words in my mouth, and listened to the sound of flutes in the forest.He rushed in and searched, but he didn't find any living people. He just shouted: "Evil door! Evil door!" He didn't get a clue after all.

For a long time like this, every time Li He went to the mountains to sing, there must be the sound of the flute.He heard it familiarly, and he was also very happy, thinking: "It's just a mountain spirit and wild monster, and it's very interesting to play music, but I don't know how to meet him." He made a voice to invite, and the sound of the flute stopped automatically.

In the winter of that year, Li He went into the mountains as usual, and after singing for a while, he listened to the flute in the forest.At that moment, the singing stopped, and he shouted loudly: "Listen to the flute player, I used to be a woodcutter in the mountains to make a living. I will hire a private farm next year, so I won't come. If you are bored like a bird Come and sit in my field."

As soon as he shouted these words, the sound of the flute stopped.Li Henian was used to it, so he wasn't bothered. Just as he was about to go home to cook, there was a woman holding a flute in the forest.With silver basins and dark eyebrows, blue eyes looking forward to others, she is pretty and looks like a village girl.When he arrived in front of Li He, he acted like a Taoist, Jishou said: "At the beginning of the year, I was rescued by my elder brother, and I wanted to thank you. It's just that I grew up in the mountains since I was a child, and I don't know how to talk to outsiders. Don't be rude, elder brother."

Li He glanced at her, but at first he didn't recognize her origin, but after listening to her words, he suddenly realized, and said immediately: "It's not a problem. It turns out that you are a practitioner in the mountains. If you are like this, how could you be deceived by those bird people?" ?”

The woman said: "I am an orphan girl. I happened to be taken in by Master Miaoxing in the Xiaohan Cave of Zhuoying Mountain. I have stayed in the mountain to practice Taoism for ten years. Unfortunately, my bones are not good and my temper is dull. Although I have practiced hard since childhood , It’s useless in the end. That day when I was taking a bath in the mountain, I was seen by a few frivolous children, and I was really terrified, and I couldn’t use the magic formula. Luckily, my elder brother helped me to avoid a catastrophe.”

Li He said: "That's the way it is, and you have to be careful in the future." He wanted to walk away, but he saw the woman's complexion, and felt strange in his heart.After thinking about it, I caught a topic and said: "Since my aunt is practicing Taoism in the mountains, if you want to live in poverty, if you are bored, you can go to my field for a stroll. I live at the end of Li's village, the smallest thatched hut is."

The woman smiled and said: "I knew about this a long time ago, and I am bothering you so much."

Since the end of the new year, people from the county will register their households and register them, and distribute acres of land.Li He took the field and borrowed the bulls and plows from the county. He was busy in the ridges all day long, so he rarely went to the mountains.In mid-spring, the woman really came to the bank of the field to sit and watch Li He plow the land.Li He was not good at chatting, so he sang country folk songs, and the women responded with flutes.After such a long time, there is enlightenment in my heart.In the middle of the year, I bought a small altar of flower wine and drank it happily. Then I said to the woman: "But I heard that my aunt has practiced Taoism for a long time, and she is rarely diligent. I am afraid that the fate is not compatible. I don't know how to plan in the future?"

The woman buried her head in silence when she heard the words, held on to her clothes and belt, and replied for a long time: "I intended to live in the mountains for a long time, serving the real people around, in order to embrace the kindness of adoption. But now that I know my elder brother, I feel that the country is very good, and I am willing to return to vulgarity. "

Li He was overjoyed, so he worked hard every day, spared a little money, bought a pair of silver inlaid bracelets, and presented them as a betrothal gift.The two of you come and go, and they get married at the end of the year.Because the woman had no relatives, Li He and his elder brother were at odds, so they kept quiet and just set up a table in the courtyard, holding a cup to drink, and suddenly heard a smile from outside the courtyard: "What a man, a talented woman, and a beautiful appearance. Why don't you call someone to congratulate you?" Then a person came in from the door.

This man was about a year old, wearing a wooden hairpin and green robe, his face was clear and handsome, with a sheep's beard growing under his jaw, it was black and shiny, very elegant.When they arrived at the table of the two, they made a joke and said with a smile: "Poverty Taoist is Taoist Chiliu in Xixia Cave, Zhuoying Mountain. Now that I know that the two of you are married, I'm here to congratulate Master Miaoxing."

Li He was also very surprised when he suddenly welcomed the foreign guests. He looked at his wife Wei Shi, but saw that Wei Shi also shook his head to show his ignorance.But judging from his appearance and dress, he is indeed a monk of Qingdu, so he immediately said: "The visitor is a guest, so the real person can do what he wants."

The green robe guest smiled and said: "Congratulations, congratulations." He sat down at the banquet, drank wine by himself, and took a leaf outside to play a good tune, which was not inferior to the flute.After playing three songs in this way, I just resigned with all my heart.Looking back at him again, he said with a smile to Li He: "I look at the groom's official face, he is a very wonderful and blessed person, and he married me from the same family in Zhuoying Mountain. I hope to be closer to him in the future. I wonder if it will be convenient?"

Li He said: "I am happy to follow the real person."

Qingpao Ke said with a smile: "I am a wanderer, I can be happy every day." After saying that, he went away.Since I often communicate with Li's family, it is better than entering my own courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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