Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 27 Flying Flowers Dedicated to the Stars

Chapter 27 Flying Flowers Dedicated to the Stars

The man had tangled, unkempt brown hair tied back very roughly in a messy braid.His clothes are made of animal skins and thick threads, and he carries a quiver and an iron fork half the height of a man on his back.He's clearly a hunter.

"Bantu." He lowered his bow slightly and said, "Rudokava Bantu?"

Robin Han realized that their words were different.He put his hopes on a few others, only to find that Keore was also puzzled.

"Oh," he cleared his throat, "Hi, local residents. Don't panic, we are soldiers from the original... from the Holy Senlando and the First Fleet of the Nation, and we encountered an accident during the voyage. "

Orion's eyebrows were knotted and he was pulling at his hair in distress.He obviously couldn't understand Keore's language either, but there was no hostility in his demeanor.He put his fisted left hand on his chest and hammered twice, and then said: "Whoa! Whoa!"

The expedition team looked at each other.

"Mimic his movements," suggested the researcher. "He's waiting for a response. That might be a local etiquette."

So Keore also hammered his chest twice, imitating him and saying: "Oh! Oh!"

Orion grinned, revealing a row of dark blue teeth.That actually startled the expedition team.He readily put down his bow and arrow, turned around and waved to the expedition team.The meaning of that action is very clear, he wants the expedition team to follow him.

The expedition was caught in a difficult decision.Luo Binhan didn't know what to do, he had always thought this was a deserted place.

"We need to check it out," said the researcher. "The locals might be able to give us more information."

His request was granted.They used radio-like equipment to communicate with most of the rest at the edge of the forest.During this time Orion just watched patiently and curiously, while stroking the ears of the two hounds with his fingers.

Luo Binhan looked at the other party.He felt that the hunter's clothes were very simple, the clothes were obviously not industrial products, and the bow and arrow seemed to be homemade.The level of civilization represented by this equipment is not enough to pose a threat to the expedition team, unless there are a large number of people, or he will use superpowers.

The expedition finally set off with Orion.They deviated from the originally planned route and turned to the edge of the forest in the north—Luo Binhan didn't know the real geography of the world, he just judged that it was the north based on the sun.But how do the galaxies in this world work?Is that fireball hanging in the sky really the sun?He had no choice but to ignore these issues.

They walked for a long time.At first, he cautiously kept a safe distance from Orion, but in the end he took the initiative to help open the way.The Orion expressed his appreciation for the sharpness of their weapons, but Luo Binhan didn't think he was very surprised.

At the edge of the forest appeared a section of path that was obviously made by man.They followed the path into the field, when the sun in the sky had already slanted.

Orion led them into the field.This is an extremely fertile and lovely land, the greenery is as thick as a blanket, and the flowers are scattered and intertwined.Insects with colorful wings resembling butterflies flutter across the fields.The two hounds flicked their tails excitedly, jumping up from the grass from time to time to catch those unusually beautiful flying insects.

The rich fragrance of plants and trees filled Luo Binhan's nostrils, and his fatigue from the long journey was also swept away.He looked around this fairy land with novelty and excitement.Keore had the same, almost foolish smile on his face.

Ozzie glanced at them, and deliberately made a fuss and said, "Did you grow up in prison? This is the first time you've been released in your life?"

"Shut up country boy," Keore said, "you didn't know how to use the toilet when you first came to town. You yelled loudly that there was no paper in the toilet, and you asked me what those shells were for on the shelf."

Luo Binhan's smile suddenly froze. "Wait," he said, "what are you using shells for in the bathroom?"

They spent half the time crossing the field explaining to Robinson how the shells were used.Luo Binhan really wanted to ask them what to do when they had diarrhea, but in the end he held back because of face.

"You'll never understand the customs of city people," Ozzie said, shrugging. "But I have to tell you seriously, this place is so strange. These flowers...they bloom so densely and in so many different kinds of plants It's all mixed together, and everything is lush. It's so unnatural, I grew up in the country and I've never seen wild land grow like this. Wilderness is supposed to be tough, especially in a flat place like this."

"This place is surrounded by a sea of ​​flames." Keore said disapprovingly.

Luo Binhan also felt that the natural scenery in front of him was too strangely beautiful, but it seemed nothing compared to the wooden boat floating on the sea of ​​fire.He let himself enjoy the view until he reached the end of the field.

It was a long, well-defined band.On one side is a field full of flowers, and on the other side are neat fields and gravel roads.

The long strip separating the two areas is a cluster of white five-petaled flowers.They are almost exactly the same as the flowers Robin Han picked in the "barnacles".

Luo Binhan looked at the snow-white flower belt in surprise, which made him feel a little uneasy.But others don't seem to be particularly concerned.They followed the Orion across the flower world, through the field ridges, and saw a village with smoke from cooking.

The hounds barked loudly, and more dogs answered from far away in the village.The village was surrounded by wooden hedges, but they were low and thinly built, no protection against large beasts.The farmhouses looked shabby with their stone walls and wooden roofs.

There is a prosperous and tall old tree growing in front of the entrance of the village.When Luo Binhan came closer, he couldn't help but gasped.This tree has a dense crown of leaves, covering the entrance of the village like a giant umbrella, which makes people feel a quiet and ancient beauty.However, the thick and thin tree trunk is unusual—it twists unnaturally, growing a figure with a concave and convex shape, and even the texture of the bark resembles the facial features of human beings.

It looked almost like a statue of a good-looking, slender girl.This vital goddess stands quietly at the entrance of the village, holding up a giant umbrella made of green leaves with both arms.

She was so lifelike that everyone stopped involuntarily.Orion stepped forward, kissed the roots of the giant tree reverently, then took out a snow-white five-petal flower from his arms, and placed it gently at the feet of the living wooden god.

Only then did Luo Binhan notice that the bottom of the tree was covered with white flowers.The bottom ones have withered and withered, but the top ones are still fresh and fragrant.The flowers were piled up as high as a fence, and when the wind blew, they slid down and flew around the village.

Facing this scene, the members of the expedition were silent.Later Keore whispered, "Is this their religion?"

Luo Binhan thought so too, the Orion's flower offering was obviously like some kind of worship.

"How did they grow the tree like this?" Keore wondered.

"They probably sacrifice young girls to this man-eating tree every year," Ozzie said grimly. "I heard that my ancestors did similar things. They deliberately sprinkled the feces of pregnant women in the crops, so that the crops would be rotten." Will be fertile like women. Back then they thought you got what you ate, so if you were constipated..."

Keore and Robinhan glared at him together.

Orion placed the flowers under the tree and led them into the village.That strange tree made Luo Binhan hesitate even more, but he still walked through the gate driven by curiosity.

Elderly people wandered about in scattered places in the village.The women looked at them curiously at the doors and windows of the farmhouse.Those gazes did not make Luo Binhan feel much hostility.

They came straight to the tallest and most beautiful house in the village.

"I understand." Luo Binhan, who is proficient in games, said, "He wants to take us to meet the elders or leaders of this village."

Orion knocked on the door respectfully, but there was no response from inside.He pushed open the wooden door painted with stars and flowers very slowly.

The house is brightly lit and warm as spring. In the center is a stone-carved armchair covered with white animal skins.It looked quaint and stately, like some sort of priest's or chief's shrine.

Jing Huang was sitting on it with bare feet, expressionless.

"Grass." Luo Binhan said.

 ()д`() Today's basic update is here~
(End of this chapter)

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