Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 277 Even the first chapter of the past is like a cloud of smoke

Chapter 277

In the past, when Jing Shi traveled around the Eastern Region, he experienced demon foxes and water spirits causing troubles, and he also heard a lot about folk witchcraft.Even though the Yanjue Kingdom is Lu Li and weird, it is not as good as a monk's supernatural power, so even though Jing Shi received a warning from Wuma, he didn't really take it seriously.On the contrary, Huo Zhou paid special attention to it, and asked Jing Shi to explain in detail the reason why he visited Wuma the day before yesterday, and then said: "Wuma is a death official, and he has been contaminated with stagnant water for a long time, so he is very sensitive to murder. He has this saying You might as well be careful, my lord." He also told him not to come with him when the moon is full in the future, and to go to the beach less on weekdays.

Jing Shi reminded him again and again, not to be perfunctory, so he had to personally agree, and then he returned to the official inn to rest.He slept until noon, when he was suddenly awakened by a strange noise, he opened his eyes and looked up, but it was the Gu'er Wan who slipped into the room, and opened his mouth to ask him: "Xin Guaner, did the journey go smoothly last night?"

Jing Shi said: "There is no danger." Then he told what happened last night one by one.

Gu'erwan hugged the stick, and heard that when the four of them returned to the shore, there were only five pieces of sea foam left, disdain appeared on his face, and he hummed: "Then Wan'er, if born in a group, it's useless, it's just a single The old man Huozhou is also very careful, so he just picked up every single thing, so what is the waste of effort.”

Hearing what he said, Jing Shi became interested, sat up from the side of the couch and said: "You said that the single ones are the most important things, what's the explanation for this?"

Gu'erwan jumped to the end of the couch, folded his arms and held his head up, saying: "When I was born in the Jiaoshan Lake, I was alone. After melting, I was bigger and lighter than other people. It's not just me, like a stone ghost is also an only child. If you don't squeeze together with other guys, you will be more powerful after birth. If you want me to say, the balls that get together should not be picked up, but the old man with a waste boat is troublesome. If he doesn't pick up, the rest will be later I will rush to the shore, and I will clean it up when the time comes."

Jing Shi said: "According to what you said, if Shan Fan falls into the single sea foam, he must be better than others after hatching? Is it you and Shi Gui like this, or is everyone like this?"

Gu'er Wan tilted his head, and resentfully said: "It's not a big deal. The small white willows in the pasture were also picked up on the shore alone. Before picking up, they were scratched by the wooden branches, and the reaction was slow after melting. Wuma That guy is said to be twins, not a group, because his brother was bitten by a murderous fish, and the two stick together, so he became what he is today. But if he doesn’t suffer from these harms, it’s always better to be alone.”

Jing Shi didn't speak after hearing this, but just looked at him and smiled.Gu'er Wan was extremely uncomfortable for him to look at, jumped off the couch and said: "Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Jing Shi shook his head and said, "I never thought that way. Mr. Huozhou said that he intended to let you go to sea with him every month, why didn't you want to go?"

Gu'erwan snorted and said, "I'm most annoyed by the dark water, what's there to do? If you don't want to go, you don't want to go."

Jing Shi said: "You seem to have been there before, why don't you want to go when Mr. Huozhou is old and frail?"

Gu'er Wan let out a snort, jumped on the spot and said, "That old man is pretending to be sick! He's pretending to be sick! He's so old that he's so old? I won't go!"

Jing Shi didn't expect his temper to be casual, so he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.After he yelled for a long time, he replied: "You don't have to go. I don't have any intention of going out to the sea, but I want to explore the situation in the mountains. In a few days, you can take me to have a look."

He didn't go out to sea, Gu'erwan immediately stopped making trouble, and said bluntly: "It's easy to talk about it. I don't know the mountains very well, except for the deep mountains where you can't go, where can I not get them?" He turned his anger into joy, ate and chatted with Jing Shi, and slipped out of the village with a stick on his shoulder.

For the next few days, Jing Shi wandered around the village and got to know the residents.During this period, I visited the waste boat many times and heard about the customs and customs of the island.When he saw the waste boat for the first time, he didn't know the purpose of the bottles and white candles in the house. Later, Fang Xiao used them as incubators.As for the candlelight, it is because the sea foam needs heat to hatch and cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time.It is a pity that he picked up five pieces in total during the night of his trip, and after seven days, they all melted into foam and melted into water, and none of them survived.

After spending several days in the village like this, I didn't realize that the cold dew was getting thicker and the wind was chilling, it was already the end of autumn.In the morning of this day, Gu'erwan came to explore Jingshi according to the appointment, but saw that the other party had changed into a thicker autumn robe and carried a bamboo box for his luggage, waiting for the gate of the official inn.

Seeing Jingshi dressed like this, he couldn't help being very surprised, and asked, "Xin Guaner, if you want to go into the mountain today, you can just tell me, what can you do with all these burdens?"

Jing Shi replied: "Stay longer in the mountain this time."

Gu'erwan raised his chest and said, "I'm here, but what preparations do you need? You need water and food, and you can't just bring them with you." However, Jing Shi's determination was so strong that he could only let it go.

The two headed east from here, first revisiting the Dongquan area, and then walking the mountains, lakes, and valleys to see all the water sources that could not be visited before, and when it was dark, they rested in the mountain pasture.

The people of Yanjue eat meat and vegetables, and produce all kinds of grains and livestock. However, the islands on the sea are scattered and rarely communicate with each other.According to what Huo Zhou said, there were no cattle and sheep in Hamusuo Island, and the main food was mountain porpoise.In order to avoid hunting it out, a pasture was specially set up to raise it.It is called animal husbandry, but in fact it is just to enclose a wild field with rich water and grass, let it eat grass and fruits, and only provide some fodder when the winter is cold.The guards of the ranch are rotated by the islanders, and this year it is Shi Gui and Xiao Bai Liu who watch over them.

As soon as Gu'erwan entered the pasture, he showed off his prestige, climbed over the wooden fence several times, jumped into the pigs, and screamed strangely.The pigs ran away when they heard the sound, their appearance was terrified, they were not as ferocious as wild boars in the mainland, they must have been born on the island since they were young, and knew how to get away with people.While the herd of pigs were fleeing, they saw Jing Shi standing outside the wall. He was tall and mighty, a man he had never met in his life.

Jing Shi saw that he was able to scare off the pigs by pretending to be a tiger, so he felt very helpless.At present, he let Gu'er Wan play and play, and had a good time before entering the farmhouse to meet the master.The Stone Ghost and Little White Liu lived in the mountains for a long time, so they were very bored.I was overjoyed when a foreigner came to visit today, so I took the meat, fruits and vegetables in stock to entertain, but I didn't know where to dig out a jar of local wine. Jingshi and Gu'er bowls to share.

Jingshisu is not good for drinking, not because the wine is weak, but because it is born with a different taste. You can't taste its mellowness when eating fine wine, and you can't taste its pungentness when you eat pepper and mustard.But it was hard to turn down the host's kindness, so he had to drink a cup to stop.But the Gu'er bowl is not welcome, as long as the bowl is full, he must drink it all up, and if he sees that the thorns and stones don't drink, he simply grabs it for himself.Seeing him like this, Jing Shi couldn't help feeling a little funny, and after he fell asleep, he asked the stone ghost, only to find out that the fruit mash is made from two kinds of wild fruits in the mountains, the juice is sweet and thick, just what Yan people like.

In terms of flavor, this wine may not be as good as the famous wines in Lu Nei, but because of the exquisite production method and complicated process, only three or five of the ten altars can make it, so the bone bowl is so rare.Hearing this, Jing Shi casually asked about the brewing process, Shi Gui had no secrets from him, and told him all of his experiences, it really was extremely cumbersome.At the moment, we talked about the products in the forest and the collection of winter materials, so we went to rest.

One day, Gu'erwan woke up drunk by the stove, drank half a bowl of clear water in a daze, and set off for the mountain with Jing Shi, and saw several large lakes in the mountain according to the distance, and it took another day.At this time, the two had climbed to the west peak, far away from the pasture and village, and there was no tile to cover themselves, so Jing Shi took out the thick cord and linen from his bag, found two rough trees and hung them as hammocks, and spent the night there.The two of them lived on a side peak, far away from the deep mountains and dense forests, and they were guarded by bone bowls, so they were not afraid of wild beasts ambush at night.When I woke up the next day, I walked west again. Whenever the mountains were steep and dangerous, I never feared difficult detours. I would rather climb slopes and cliffs than miss the terrain.

At the beginning of Gu'erwan, he only said that Jingshi was an ordinary island patroller, and he didn't realize that something was wrong. On the fourth morning, he saw that Jingshi still had no intention of returning to the village. You've been wandering around these days, what's so good about it?"

While tidying up the ropes of the hammock, Jing Shi replied, "It's nothing to look at, just walking around."

But Gu'erwan didn't let him fool him, he jumped up, grabbed his shoulder and said: "You walk around casually, as carefully as if you were looking for fruit? I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Although he is not as heavy as an inland adult, he is not light after all, he suddenly hugged Jing Shi and immediately swayed him.Fortunately, there was a thick tree beside the two of them, Jing Shi immediately stretched out his hands to support his body and said, "I'm familiar with the terrain, so I should look carefully."

Seeing that he was strenuously supporting himself, Gu'er Wan was very honest, so he let go of his hands and said: "You need to be familiar with this place, just take a look at a few key points, why run around and come into this wild place? If you want to find fruit For the medicine, just tell me, I’ll get it for you, it’s not convenient? Could it be that you can’t trust my ability?”

Jing Shi shook his head and refused to admit it, but seeing Gu'er Wan's entanglement, he said: "It's better to see it than to hear it. You have to see it with your own eyes to know if there is anything missing." He ignored the noise of Gu'er Wan and packed his bags. He set off again to go north.

The terrain of Hamusuoluo Island is steep in the north and gentle in the south, so the villages are all in the south, and the peaks and mountains in the hinterland are mostly gathered in the north.The further they went, the more rugged and steep it became, and without village supplies, it was time-consuming.During the period, I ran into Yan Min who lived in the wild in the forest. Seeing Jing Shi's appearance, they were all very surprised and came forward to talk.

These diasporas were originally wild and hard to restrain, and they just came out to eat and sleep in the open, and they don't know the inland mandarin, so they all rely on Guerwan to translate it.Jing Shi listened quietly, because he stayed in the village for the past few days and asked Fei Zhou a lot of advice on Yan Ji's Mandarin, so he could understand [-]% of it.

If you travel northward, half a month will pass in the blink of an eye.The forests in the mountains are bleak, the frost wind is chilling, and there is a faint pain when you shave your face.After a lot of hard work, the two of them managed to roughly walk around the surrounding foothills.After making a circle around the peaks of the deep mountains like this, it seems that it is close to the boundary of Dongquan Village.

This morning, Gu'erwan woke up from the tree and looked down to see the thorns on the hammock.Looking around, I saw the other party sitting in the forest, facing a tree stump in front of him, with a large piece of bamboo paper on it, holding a small brush in his hand, and concentrated on painting on the paper.Looking at his strokes, he is not writing or writing, but seems to be painting something.

Seeing this scene, Gu'erwan became excited immediately, slipped down the tree quietly, and walked behind Jingshi with his feet.

When he walked closer, he saw Jing Shi holding a bamboo pen in his hand, the whole body was green, long and thick as close to his little finger, it was a brush with a brush used for writing in Dayi Land.Small enough, but not convenient enough. If it is used for calligraphy Danqing, it is too difficult to control, and it is rare to use good calligraphy and painting.And Jingshi's writing technique is also different from the usual one. Instead of hanging the pen vertically on the wrist, he holds the tube with his thumb, index finger, and middle finger, with his wrist resting on the stake, and the side pen slowly draws lines on the paper.

Although he buried his head in drawing, he didn't completely forget himself. When he heard the sound of trampling fallen leaves behind him, he immediately stopped writing, turned his head to look at the bone bowl and said, "What's the matter?"

Gu'erwan, as a wilderness from Yanjiu, although he has learned inland mandarin, his ability to read and write is very poor, let alone the way of Danqing.Seeing Jing Shi moving a small stroke with three fingers at this moment, he didn't realize how strange it was, so he just probed his head and said: "Jing Guaner, you don't sleep early in the morning, but you are drawing something?"

Jing Shi had no intention of covering up, he turned his body slightly to let Gu'erwan step forward to see clearly.But I saw circles and circles drawn on the bamboo paper on the top of the pile, delicate and clear, but neither flowers nor birds, it doesn't look like a decent object.

Gu'erwan tilted his head from left to right, but he couldn't figure out the original picture, so he scratched his head and said, "Xin Guaner, is this a funny face?"

Jing Shi said: "It's a map." Stretching out his hand, he pointed somewhere on the right side of the paper: "This is where we are now. This is Dongquan, and this is the pasture." Pointing to it more than ten times, they are all the places they passed along the way .

After all, the Gu'er Bowl has lived on the island for a long time. At the beginning, I didn't understand the way of it. Once Jing Shi pointed it out, I immediately understood the key. Compared with the pictures, I was amazed. He pointed to a dotted line in the picture and said: "Xin Guaner, your painting What do you mean by going around and around? There is no water source here, so the way the road is drawn is also an eyesore."

Jing Shi looked up at the line he was pointing at, and said with a slight smile, "This is a high line. The denser the broken lines, the steeper the terrain. I am just drawing a sketch and marking a few high grounds. You do not understand."

Gu'er Wan tilted his head and looked again, still feeling dizzy, and said, "You Lu people are so particular about drawing a map, and it's tiring to look at it."

Jing Shi shook his head and said: "This method was passed down by my adoptive father, not all people in Lu paint like this. From what I have seen in my life, he seems to be the only one who draws like this."

Gu'er Wan said: "Your father is a strange man." Tilting his head to look at the painting of Jingshi for a while, he couldn't help but poke him with a stick and said, "Xin Guaner, you are a landman. You are not born from water, but you beat people. Wouldn’t it be crowded when it comes out of the stomach? What’s going on, tell me about it.”

Jing Shi glanced at him and said, "I have never been born, how do I know?"

Gu'er Wan said: "If you don't give birth now, you will give birth in the future. Why don't you inquire about it earlier? Since you have a father, you have a mother. You can find out when you ask a mother."

Jing Shi listened to his innocent words, there were no taboos, and he couldn't be right for a while, Er Ercai said: "I was abandoned by my parents since I was a child. I don't know my background. I was raised by my adoptive father. He will never marry and has no spouse."

Upon hearing this, Gu'erwan was very disappointed, and said: "Then what is your adoptive father like?"

Jing Shi said: "There is nothing to say. He is a hermit in the countryside. He seems to have done some learning in the past. Later, he only worked in the fields and seldom spoke. When I was just six years old, he suffered a serious illness and passed away."

The Gu'er bowl originally had a very high intention, but after hearing what Jing Shi said, he put his fur paw on Jing Shi's knee and patted it a few times, as if to comfort him.Talking to Jingshi again, he was a little more polite, and said cautiously: "Xinguaner, in this way, although you are from the mainland, you grew up by yourself, and you are not very different from my island."

Jing Shi shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Although I lost my father when I was young, I was in a catastrophe. Fortunately, I was helped by the monks from the South China Sea, so I was saved from being killed. Afterwards, I moved to live in another place, and I gained another family. Take care. If there is no such luck, I would not be here today."

(End of this chapter)

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