Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 664 Placeholder Chapter Chapter 10 "Minimalist Alliance History Display" Preface

Chapter 664 Placeholder Chapter 10 "Minimalist Alliance History Display" Preface
Minimalist Alliance History Display


& · Sha Zhiyao


What this book is trying to do is to write a less voluminous history of "the world", one that focuses only on landmark events, trying to outline the beginnings of the first exploration ships departing from the surface of the planet, leaving the cradle, History to the stars.Inevitably, however, there are some grand themes that I have researched but can only briefly touch upon, like the brilliance of the stars outside the window when I took the impressive Deep Space Railway sightseeing line in the Lost Belt. That momentary flash.

From the very beginning, I decided to pay more attention to technology and skills, because they have such an impact in shaping the world.The invention of the starnet and the stargate freed us from the long and painful long-distance travel again, and the mages who accompanied the ships on the phlogiston sea and provided escort services for a class of civilized ships became the first batch of proficient application Interdisciplinary people with technologies on both sides.I also pay attention to the rise of the various major religions because they are equally attempts to shape the world.The academic tradition of Pan Soul Orthodox complemented the overly rigid and rigid part of the Camarilla hierarchy, and its split also brought us perhaps the biggest crisis since the founding of the Camarilla.I also looked at geography, because until the Stargate is successfully erected, the fact that "the clock is ticking" will often determine the success or failure of events.And on the subject of food and energy—what to eat, how to eat, and how hard it is to work to earn these daily meals, I also set aside some space, although I didn’t intend to do so in the first place.Also, by the time this book was almost finalized, thanks to the reminders from several Central City friends who requested anonymity, I had the opportunity to look up the related records of the Wishing Machine, or Infinite Realization Facility—the most magnificent, grandest, The crystallization of the craziest part, albeit belatedly, but I try to make up for this omission in Chapter 4 and the rest of the book.

I also often found myself looking at the empires, kingdoms, and other regimes, the civilizations that earned their names, and the regions they encompassed.The territory that a certain leader or a certain regime can rule has become wider and wider, perhaps in the future.We again have the opportunity, as our primitive ancestors did long ago, to bring the whole "world" under one government, one organization, rather than a covenant, although the wisdom of doing so is debatable.Therefore, the ever-shrinking world is one of the recurring themes in this book.

Another dilemma is how much space should be given to the Union's internal wars.Such influential names as the Silver Wand, All Souls Cult, and the Hula family should of course be mentioned: some far-reaching or symbolic events, such as the first proposal of single-linguism, need to be mentioned anyway. Write a paragraph; but they have little or no treatment in this book.I have been relatively restrained in how I treat the war that is closest to us, mainly because I don't want to make this period seem too important, or think too highly of itself, just like the inhabitants of every century think I just happened to be in the prosperous age.These are just a few trails that I try to walk carefully.

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