Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 865 Outside the Garden Wall

Chapter 865 Outside the Garden Wall

See the world in a grain of sand,
Find heaven in a flower.

Hold infinity in your hands,

A moment is an eternity.

-William Blake, The Naive Prophecy

"I have a guess now." Luo Binhan said at breakfast, "The daughter of a wealthy family whose parents died, inherited a wealth of thousands of dollars, pretended that she was just an ordinary girl, and met a poor boy who was not bad. Her relatives treated her and Her property is very strict, but her girlfriends helped her cover up, giving her the opportunity to date the boy, and finally married in secret. But what she didn't know was that all of this was actually premeditated. The poor boy she met and Her girlfriends have always been lovers. They planned the encounter, and the rich daughter herself wholeheartedly hoped to use marriage to escape the control of her relatives. What she didn't expect was that not long after the marriage, her husband caused an accident Kill her so she can inherit her fortune and marry her best friend. Her ghost lingers under the tree until a passing fugitive Nazi turns her into an artificial intelligence—this is Why is there a female ghost in my safe."

Zhou Yu's eyes were half-closed, maintaining a serious but completely blank expression.Although his gaze was on Luo Binhan, he might have gone somewhere else.


"Did you hear what I said?" Luo Binhan asked, "Didn't you hear a word?"

"You have female ghosts in your closet."

"It's the safe. The female ghost is in the safe. The man-eating slime is in the closet. Remember? If you go to my house to get something, remember not to touch these two places."


"There is also a female ghost." Luo Binhan continued, "Actually, I don't know what happened to her. She read me a poem. I checked it online. It was written by an Englishman. A romantic poet. I don't know What exactly does this mean, the last time I met a romantic poet must have been in the ancient poetry fill in the blank. The point is, she read a poem written by this poet, at least I think it is this one. I will search for this There is something special about the poem. As a result, I only found one suspense novel that used this poem.”

"So, was it written by the female ghost in your bedroom?"

"Of course not. That book was also written by a British writer, and it must have been five or sixty years ago." Luo Binhan supported the juice bottle that Zhou Yu almost knocked over, "But what if her life experience was exactly the same as this book? Otherwise, why would she Want to read that poem?"

Zhou Yu slowly withdrew his arm.He didn't look so bad today, but he was distracted again and again, as if he hadn't woken up from a dream.When he grasped the handle of the juice bottle in a daze, Luo Binhan visually detected that he missed the target by at least five centimeters.

"Maybe she just likes the content of the poem itself." Zhou Yu tried to keep her eyes open as she spoke.

"There must be something here." Luo Binhan said confidently, "Conspiracy. Absolute conspiracy."


Zhou Yu's approval sounded lacking in force.Robinson attributed it to sleep problems.He temporarily put aside the secret of poetry, and looked at Zhou Yu suspiciously. "How about the program you participated in?"

"Well, something happened yesterday."

"Another experimental dog ran away?"

Zhou Yu shook his head, and rubbed his eye sockets with his index finger under the glove.Now Luo Binhan is used to seeing him wearing gloves all the time.

"It's a problem with a volunteer who participated in the project. Originally, this person's genetic disease has not occurred for a long time. Recently, due to an accident, there is a tendency to relapse. Until he fully recovers, other things can only be temporarily put on hold .”

"Can't you find someone else to replace him?"

"Typical cases are difficult to find. Also, if the right treatment is not found in time, his life is in danger. It will take me a long time."

"Poor." Luo Binhan sighed not very sincerely.He hasn't completely gotten out of the riddle of poetry, and it's not the first time he's heard news of an endangered patient from Zhou Yu.There were so many similar stories that he sometimes wondered if Zhou Yu would really feel sad for the patient's death.Zhou Yu will do his duty, he can only guarantee this.

After breakfast, Zhou Yu left in a hurry, almost wearing Luo Binhan's shoes when he went out, which made the latter feel that today might not be the day for Zhou Yu to go to the operating table.He can only pray that Zhou Yu knows how to measure himself, so as not to become another medical worker hanged in the duty room.

Tie Hook waddled out of Zhou Yu's bedroom and jumped onto the dining table to check the leftovers.Luo Binhan threw a few nuts to dismiss it, so as to give himself a little time to clean up the mess.And he had plans for the rest of the morning.

He has taken his old laptop to Zhou Yu's house.After a mess of program updates and system checks, the project proposals, meeting minutes and financial reports piled up two and a half years ago are still lying on the hard drive.Nan Mingguang kept his promise and hadn't let a business call find him, but that didn't mean he really had nothing to do.All the company network groups he joined are flashing new news. In the past two years, they have changed some approval and collaboration processes, allowing Luo Binhan to see more historical project preparation materials.He also found that Nan Mingguang had given him several new approval authorities, which seemed to imply that there were two new branches waiting for him to contact.There are only two of the four executives at the same level that he was more familiar with in the past, and there are three names he does not know.He's got to have a meeting with these guys for sure in two weeks.

Various documents have been sent to him in the approval process.Luo Binhan didn't order any of them, because Nan Mingguang didn't ask him to do so.Instead he turned the phone over and pushed it aside so he could concentrate on reading old documents in his notebook.

He had to start looking at documents from two and a half years ago, and even though they were all out of date, he still had to get back the feeling of work from these familiar charts and data.annual financial report.wealth assessment report.Equity transfer agreement.Annual cost estimate analysis.Product patent application plan.Application forms for recruiting professional positions... He opened them one by one, trying to figure out what situation he was facing two and a half years ago.Who was he supposed to be on a conference call with?Will this "Song" still deal with him now?What confuses him the most is the recruitment plan. He can't remember the reason why the general management department applied to recruit an artist two and a half years ago.It just doesn't make sense.If they really have a temporary need, they can apply for a sum of funds instead of setting up an extra post that has been idle all year round.Besides, he shouldn't be asked to sign the personnel application of the general management department of the head office.Before he left, he only dealt with the marketing department at most.

There must be something else.Maybe someone's kid needs an internship resume for school, or some wacky costing report makes them find a few more low-wage jobs a better fit under the current policy.These reasons will not remain in the public process, and they cannot be found in his chat records. If he wants to know what's going on, he has to talk to Nan Mingguang for an interview.

He closed the application form, not wanting to worry too much about it.There are too many files without beginning and end.Before boarding the Silence, he basically took care of two subsidiaries in the catering industry.They were all acquired at an early stage, and the local brands are fairly stable, with little room for improvement, and there will be no sudden major crisis.In fact, Luo Binhan thought they would be the same without him.What could he have to worry about with two established restaurant chains?Unless there is a serious plague that makes people dare not even go out to eat, it can cause the entire group to fall into a serious cash flow crisis.But that was too far-fetched.He had never encountered such a thing in his life, fortunately he hadn't, otherwise he might not have seen Zhou Yu at all in the past two months.

Black swans do not exist.Nor does the order of life change with his fantasies.He also counted several other companies related to him.Most of them are small in scale and have various uses.Some are set up for asset management and tax planning, while others are the result of some members of the family being overzealous about investing in new things.He serves as a director of a children's art training center and as the director of business relations in another software development company.He visited these two companies no more than ten times, and only regularly looked at performance reports, or took time to chat with product developers.He felt in his heart that most of these entrepreneurial projects would not last long, but he was not an expert anyway, just a supervisor hired to manage some connections.He has hardly invested in any projects himself, and only holds a small amount of indirect shares in local pharmaceutical companies, in order to get some inside news for Zhou Yu.He never really paid attention to investing and managing money, he just pretended to be enthusiastic.But no one has ever doubted him, because many people who are really enthusiastic end up with similar income to him.

The mouse scrolled with a clatter, and the bright white light of the document page flickered frequently during the sliding, which made the eyes dry and the mind dizzy.Luo Binhan stopped to adjust the brightness of the computer, and at the same time wondered what he was doing.He doesn't really know anything, anything that counts as a professional, and at the same time he's mixing everything.This was no different from his life on the Silence.He does worry about some things, but he doesn't really need to deal with them.If he has legal problems, he will go to the legal department to find a practicing consultant; if he needs to file taxes, the people in the financial department will calculate the best solution for him; the business department is definitely more concerned about market profits than him, because that matter about bonuses and performance.And him?What does he know?He is only responsible for calling the secretary to find the person in need when he needs it.The whole system didn't seem to require his presence, but had to weave a lot of requirements in order to accommodate him.If the system is given a chance to think independently, it will definitely choose to optimize him instead of helping him make money.

But he really made a fortune, in the pharmaceutical company he holds shares in.He found that the company had made a lot of money in two years, and the profits were astonishingly high.In fact, it has transformed from a surviving small and medium-sized enterprise into an industry leader in the region in almost two years, and Robin Han, who is a minority shareholder, has also benefited.Even if a sudden plague causes the entire group to go bankrupt, he can still maintain it for a while with this small shareholding.He seemed to be Robinson Crusoe returning from a deserted island, and found that he made more money when he was away.

Now Luo Binhan is interested in this company.He guessed it was a patent for some kind of miracle drug, perhaps a new medical policy.It's hard to believe that in just two and a half years there has been a major change in health perceptions across the region, but he also sees it as a possibility.There is not much useful information on the Internet to tell him which guess is true. This pharmaceutical company is not a listed company, and there is no network marketing for users, and there is not much other public information that can be found.A low-key and mysterious enterprise.He began to recall who introduced it to himself, and his impression was a bit vague, but he could always find the answer from the share transfer documents.There's no need to rush into it, because experience has taught him that the truth behind stellar performance is often either boring or ugly.In their part, tolerating moisture in numbers is an essential life skill.

At noon, the alarm clock called him out of the mess of old papers.He remembered his afternoon schedule, closed the computer immediately, and called Momolo.

"Mr. Luo?"

"Old Mo," Luo Binhan heard the roar of the subway from his mobile phone, "are you outside?"

"Yes, Mr. Luo. I have been playing with the children in the park this morning! How about you, Mr. Luo? Have you been with your family these two days?"

Luo Binhan glanced at his computer. "Basically," he said ambiguously, "I have dealt with some housework these two days. Is Yale Liga next to you?"

"I'm the only one out today, Mr. Luo."

"Oh." Luo Binhan said, feeling a little surprised.Even though it was the last day, it didn't seem like a good idea for Momolo to hang out alone, a bit like letting a seven or eight year old wander the streets alone.Of course, Momoro, at least outwardly, is past the age when he is most popular with human traffickers, but there is nothing wrong with scams and pyramid schemes.He wanted to advise Momoro to be careful on the road, but then it seemed ridiculous.A carbon-based primitive animal under 30 years old advises the great giant who has lived for [-] years to beware of hooligans on the roadside.Sounds pretty neurotic.

"Well, you can play a little longer," he said, "but if any particularly poor-looking person asks you to give him a little money, or wants to take you somewhere, don't say yes to them. And our arrangements for the afternoon, Remember? I'll drive you there, so try not to be late."

Momolo obediently agreed.Luo Binhan hung up the phone, imagining what would happen if Momolo was the protagonist of a special drama.All the monsters in the universe suddenly rushed to Lihai City, and a special forces team with less than a hundred people was ordered in a crisis. Momorod had to pick out a human body from among these people, and then smashed down several high-rise buildings in Lihai City every day.Will the government come forward for refugee resettlement and corporate compensation?Will the insurance industry develop new lines of coverage for monster attacks?Sounds like a losing business.It must have been a huge blow to the city's population and economy.Momoro's light kick can wipe out a real estate agent.It is very unromantic to ponder these details, and he finds that the problems he faces are not only monsters, but even bankruptcy liquidation.Will there be any tourists in a city repeatedly invaded by monsters?How many people would be willing to move to a sparsely populated place with no strategic significance?Then again, if the cosmic monsters were really determined to exterminate the overpopulated hairless monkeys on this planet, they wouldn't have to attack the densely populated cities and fight the cosmic police head-on.If he was a monster, he would target farms, rainforests, and Arctic and Antarctic ice caps around the world, or help one group fight another, and there was always one bad thing that finally took care of everything.

"There is always one." He said to the iron hook lying on the sofa.The parrot flapped its wings in protest at him, as if saying in a voice resembling that of a thorn, "So what? I can fly."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Momolo appeared in front of Zhou Yu's house on time.Dressed in casual sportswear from a local brand, he looks a bit like a college student on vacation, and his hair has turned to a slightly shorter shade of all black, looking destined to please older women.He even wears a digital camera around his neck.

"They didn't come with you?" Luo Binhan asked.

Momolo told him that Jing Juan and Yale Liga had other arrangements and would come back at night. "Will Mr. Zhou come tonight?"

"He has other things. Some urgent work." Luo Binhan said casually, his dissatisfaction was actually more than what he showed.It's not that Zhou Yu doesn't understand the current situation, and it's not that he can't find time at all, but when he mentioned this matter last night, Zhou Yu obviously didn't feel the need to attend.Not only Zhou Yu thinks so, Jing Huang also seems to have never considered whether to come to see Zhou Yu again.This really confused Luo Binhan, because he thought they had a pretty good relationship.When he went to take care of Yu Xiaorong, Jing Huang even stayed at Zhou Yu's house.Doesn't that mean that Zhou Yu is Jing Huang's second contact on this planet?Shouldn't they be waving to each other and giving gifts on farewell night?Obviously both Zhou Yu and Jing Huang are different from what he thought.

He took Momolo to the underground garage, and drove out the old sports car he found from nowhere.The car was well maintained, and according to Zhou Yu, his father had been paying the bill.Luo Binhan wondered if he would also have the opportunity to send a payment notice to Wuyuanxing.

Momolo happily got into the passenger seat, but was driven to the back seat by Luo Binhan. "But this way I won't be able to help you operate the weapon station, Mr. Luo."

"No need." Luo Binhan said, "Put on your seat belt. I haven't driven a car for more than two years."

"It's okay, Mr. Luo, I'll be fine!"

But the danger is not what Luo Binhan wants to prevent.What he wanted to prevent was Momolo reading the traffic regulations to his face when he was driving dangerously.Momolo didn't guess his sinister intentions, but happily buckled up the seat belts of himself and the empty seat next door.When he tried to stretch his arms to fasten the seat belt on the front passenger seat, Luo Binhan entered "Baiyang City Wetland Ecological Reserve" on the positioning bar of the driving navigation system.

 Nazi's original name was created, and changed to a white character to avoid taboo, not a bug.

(End of this chapter)

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