Chapter 871 Homecoming Song
Whenever Luo Binhan steps into No. 15 Anemone Road in Regenberg, he is always full of emotions, full of joy of seeing his relatives, excitement of being away from work, and fear of facing Yu Xiaorong's latest crime.But under these big emotions, he can feel more subtle confusion.He had no problem with Malcolm Dubois—perhaps a little bit, but it had nothing to do with the matter—but he was acutely aware of the setting as soon as he entered the courtyard behind the fence. Not out of Yu Qingshu's liking.At least not the mother he was familiar with.

It's full of family memories.The monster statues holding the water pipes in the courtyard, the cobblestone paths that were carefully selected and pieced together into flower patterns, and the specially designed house numbers that look like beagle dogs... All the arrangements suggest that there are some unknown stories here, belonging to The family's secret code.They may have been done inadvertently, or they may have been lovingly choreographed by the artist.

Among these strange codes, some of them Luo Binhan knew, some of them were uncertain, and some of them knew nothing at all.He is not the leading role in this family drama, but a guest who often appears. When a certain plot requires him to participate in friendship, he will take out a bunch of keys with a seaweed ball pendant, like walking into the lens of a camera Open the door of No. 15 Anemone Road like that.Sometimes he called this place Yu Xiaorong's home, but it was not completely accurate but it was hard to change his name.What more appropriate title is there? "His mother's house" or "Yu's house" sound so unimaginable.Yu Xiaorong's home looks more like a place in a fairy tale.

The garden gates are open and anyone from the community is welcome to come in and visit.There was a courier package in front of the door, and Luo Binhan picked it up and put it on the suitcase.He waited for the sharp-eyed harrier to come out of the dog door to meet him, but there was no movement, and his heart sank slightly.Leo is really smart and capable, and once found the little owner in the woods who disappeared overnight. It is hard to imagine that he would die from eating chocolate by mistake or running around in the driveway...but he is a very old dog after all.

Luo Binhan didn't want to think about it, but gently inserted the key into the lock, and slowly opened the door like sneaking into a secret base.He didn't want to create any special surprises, but he hadn't thought about how to greet Yu Qingshu as if nothing had happened after his disappearance for two years.But don’t worry too much—on this sunny weekend, the most romantic thing she can think of for a key lawyer in a law firm who is passionate about her career and is expected to be promoted to partner is to find someone No place for underage kids works overtime for her clients.The family bedroom and study are not in line with Yu Qingshu's preferences. In the past few years, she has always tried not to show her communication status with "work contacts" at home. "Don't bring work into the family" is her past few years. A maxim dedicated to fulfillment.But then again, aphorisms are generally an indulgence of conscience for doomed mistakes.

He can go in quietly, find out if the hostess is still struggling in the career field, and then sit down and carefully consider the countermeasures.He should have had a solid plan before he walked in the door, but he didn't, just like he should have said hello before buying the plane ticket instead of letting procrastination kick in.Now he was completely out of ideas, and he didn't even have time to discuss it with Zhou Yu, because Zhou Yu had already gone on a business trip three days before he boarded the plane.He really doesn't know what's wrong with a medical project, and he can't even return messages on his mobile phone.If Zhou Yu hadn't been Zhou Yu, he would have believed that this person must be going to the detention center for a few months.

The door opened quietly to him.The scenery inside the house overlapped with the memory in his mind.The first thing he noticed in the living room was the long old mahogany table, a housewarming gift his mother got from a classmate when she first moved here, and it had remained standing in the home for more than a decade, despite certain four-legged animals It has many scars on its surface.His elegant soft crimson color must have been so endearing to his mistress that he has served to this day, and to conceal the past crimes of the Beagle the table was covered with a large, fine but sturdy spring-green tablecloth.The floral embroidery on the cloth seems to easily arouse the beagle's criminal impulse, but Robin Han also knows the key here: Leo hates the smell of citrus, and a small amount of citrus-scented air freshener is enough to make him shy away.It wasn't very kind, but it took a lot to negotiate with a hound of energy and cunning by nature.In the past, everyone who wanted to gain a foothold in No. 15 Yinlianhua Road had to learn this kind of negotiation skills, but to Luo Binhan's delight, it was obvious that negotiations would continue in the days to come.

He saw the second most dangerous member of the family (the first is always Yu Xiaorong's, of course) lying in the corner watching him.Its skin is loose and wrinkled, but its hair is still smooth and energetic.Luo Binhan knelt down and waved at it, and softly called its name.

"Leo." He called out in a low voice, "Come here."

Leo was still lying on the spot without moving, his two extra-big ears were quietly hanging on both sides of his cheeks, looking very serious and depressed.When Luo Binhan stretched out his left hand like in the past, it didn't trot over and put its chin on the palm to accept the stroke.Instead, it simply wagged its tail twice, still staring at this long-lost acquaintance with suspicious eyes.It must have recognized him, otherwise it would have sent a deafening bark to evict an uninvited stranger.But somehow, it wasn't as affectionate and passionate as it used to be either.It just watches, as if observing something it neither understands nor dislikes.

Luo Binhan didn't know where the problem was.Maybe he smelled of something strange, Fina, Miffy, or something more distant; maybe Leo thought he was dead, on some dangerous wilderness hunt, and now this Who else is the guy who broke into the territory without permission and still has a familiar smell on him?There is no doubt that it was the murderer who hunted him.Robinhan didn't know if a harrier was smart enough to come up with such a thrilling story, but he had indeed heard of something similar, maybe it happened to a pet cat.In any case, if Leo now regarded him as an intruder, he would never let him into the living room.

He squatted in place for a while, hoping that Leo would change his mind, but the dog was much better than him at being stubborn.In the end he had no choice but to give up, and whispered in a negotiating tone: "I won't offend you, and you won't offend me, how about it?"

Leo tilted his head.It was still thinking and assessing his identity, but it lowered its neck a little, and it didn't look like it was going to attack violently.Luo Binhan had no choice but to take care of himself first.He first dragged the luggage into the living room together with the courier package at the door, and then looked at the changes in the whole living room.The changes to the furnishings are not major, and Malcolm must have been very busy in the past two years.With a fairly new coffee machine in the kitchen, one can presume that elite lawyers are bringing professional stress into the home after all.The inner layer of the curtain has been replaced with a hollow lace texture, which allows sunlight to filter in when the curtain is lowered, just falling on the spring green tablecloth.The ceramic bottle in the center of the table is painted with dark blue cornflowers, and the bottle is filled with an apricot-colored rose called "Mrs. Anisette".

The scene has an unreal appeal, again making Robinhan feel like he's in some fairytale location.Everything is so bright and lovely, full of vitality and beauty.He also thought that his mother used to like apricot color very much - at one time, he could only guess that way, because in the photos left in the past, he always saw Yu Qingshu wearing an apricot-colored blouse.She doesn't seem to wear it that much anymore these days, but apricot flowers are still a favorite of hers.

Thoughts about hobbies made Luo Binhan involuntarily turn around to look at the family photos hanging on the wall.Most of them are about Yu Xiaorong, and there are two or three sporadic ones with relatives of him and Malcolm.These photos are carefully preserved in unique photo frames, surrounding the hanging picture in the center.And if Luo Binhan were to identify one of Yu Qingshu's favorite furnishings in the whole house, he felt that he would probably choose this painting.

It shouldn't be worth a few bucks.An imitation of a master, by an obscure artist friend of Malcolm's.It is said that it was born on the same day as Yu Xiaorong, which may not be true, but it was definitely born for Yu Xiaorong, and was sent to the house as a gift within the first week of her arrival.

He imagined the day when Yu Qingshu just received the painting: the baby finally fell asleep, she came out of the nursery, walked to the piles of gifts, condolences and greeting cards on the long table in the living room with a tired face, and picked up the latest package Disassemble and read with the card.They didn't have many local relatives, but the neighbors were friendly, and Malcolm had many friends.She prays she doesn't come across gifts that lack social nerve, such as a nude fitness statue of her child's father—Malcolm's artist friends can indeed feel eccentric at times.She unwrapped the flat square package with vigilance, revealing a corner of the painting, allowing her to see small flakes of aqua blue paint.She breathed a sigh of relief and tore open the front package in one go.

It's certainly not the best of the genre.Imitating the works of famous masters, the techniques and themes are as good as others.But it did capture her heart.Under the elegant and hazy water-blue sky, in every stretched and blooming white apricot flower, every delicate brushstroke contains tenderness and joy.It was a beautiful apricot flower in full bloom.The dream of spring and hope.What it tells is the blessing of new life, just like the famous painting it imitated.How could a mother not love this painting?

spring.spring.Why must spring be the beginning of the year?Like all life from birth to death.But the cycle of seasons is an illusion, and each spring is a separate, unrelated phenomenon.What did the painter think when he learned that his nephew was born?What was he thinking when he learned that Yu Xiaorong was born?Death is far away, madness is quelled.All past misfortunes will be replaced by new ones - really?That doesn't really change the ending.It's a never-ending cycle.get hope.Disappointed.despair.I thought I was awakened.Another disappointment.There is never a real, complete epiphany in this show, unless you walk away from it.

into that garden.Robin Han thought to himself.In his mind, Li Li was pacing in front of him, reciting the poem, or he himself was reciting: peeping the world in a grain of sand, looking for heaven in a flower.It doesn't make a garden in the blue mist and the silent shadow forest.He felt as if his fingertips were touching the damp cold mist again.

He was immersed in his imagination, and the painting in front of him seemed to be extending far away.In the Dream of Spring Dawn, in the dim and deserted Li Garden, the water-blue sky gradually merged with the green mist, and string songs echoed in the sound of the wind—but all the fantasies about nightmares contained noises.He didn't know what it was like, maybe it was the sound of his own heart beating.So abrupt and unnatural that he couldn't go on thinking about the garden.He turned his head to look for the source of the noise, only to see half of a young girl's face protruding from the handrail at the stairway.He and she stared at each other, and the atmosphere of the fairy tale land disappeared in an instant.

Luo Binhan quickly, almost instinctively squeezed a bright smile from his face.

"Fluff!" he yelled with all his enthusiasm.

Following his call, Yu Xiaorong's slightly mature face slowly rose from behind the armrest.Her lips were tightly pursed, and the outline of her chin and cheekbones became more like Yu Qingshu.She seemed to be taller, her cheeks were thinner, and she still showed signs of sunbathing on the beach. Even so, Luo Binhan still felt that she hadn't changed much.He opened his arms to her and asked with a smile, "Are you surprised?"

Yu Xiaorong walked down from the second floor slowly.Of course she did not accept a suspicious person's hug, but looked left and right in the living room.When she found Leo who was lying on the wall, her two eyebrows were immediately frowned.Luo Binhan pretended not to see it.

"What happened to it?" she asked in Chinese.

"What's the matter?" Luo Binhan said, "It was like this when I entered the door. Maybe it was too surprising—the people who died outside came back."

Yu Xiaorong walked towards the corner.When she reached out to stroke the top of Leo's head, the Beagle wagged his tail and gently licked his little master's palm, showing that he was not in any pain.But when Yu Xiaorong tried to tease it, Lei Ao didn't show the usual strong interest.Its eyes looked at Luo Binhan from time to time, as if saying "I haven't forgotten you yet".

Luo Binhan still pretended not to notice the suspicion of the home security.In order not to make the atmosphere awkward, he began to wander around the house, showing a keen interest in various decorative changes.

"Where's your mother?" He asked Yu Xiaorong, "Still working overtime?"

"same as usual."

"Where's Malcolm?"

"He's in Spain."

"What was he doing there?"

"Restore ancient murals." Yu Xiaorong explained.She didn't say much more, and maybe she really didn't know more.Sometimes it's not easy for other people to figure out what Malcolm does.He has so many friends of all kinds, who bring him all kinds of jobs, but unfortunately, his income is often unsatisfactory.

Robin Han was a little disappointed, because Malcolm is a person who doesn't like to get to the bottom of things.If he asked where Robin Han went, Robin Han could tell him that he was kidnapped by an alien monk, and he would just immediately laugh, maybe award him a commemorative medal, and then completely give up on the matter. forget.This kind of unconstrained thinking is really a treasure for those who want to muddy the water.And without this reliable helper, it will be even more difficult to deal with the interrogation of the mother and daughter.

He froze in place, not knowing what to say for a moment.Yu Xiaorong put her arms around her chest and stared at him silently.The scene was not warm, it was almost sinister.But to be honest, he is used to it. Yu Xiaorong has never learned how to speak softly, at least not in Chinese.She has mastered how to quarrel with non-taboo words, and this is his fault, which cannot be denied.

"Um..." he said, "How about studying?"

"That's it." Yu Xiaorong replied stiffly.

"Have a nice holiday?"

"Quite special."

"Oh, special?"

"The tourists there are very interesting." Yu Xiaorong said.Her chin lifted slightly, showing a little provocative posture.

This gesture made Luo Binhan feel alert.He is quite conscious of being a compatriot of the opposite sex, and he is not very willing to take care of how an adolescent girl deals with boys (but her mother will not turn a blind eye), but Yu Xiaorong's record in this regard is extremely bad.If she had a good conversation with some strange man on the beach, he might be a wanted fugitive here.Fortunately, it was just a short vacation.Even if Yu Xiaorong had a candlelight dinner with the ogre who committed the serial murder, the other party would never appear on the streets of Regenberg.

Today is a beautiful day.Luo Binhan said silently in his heart.He doesn't have to be neurotic.Little girl movies and surfers who show off their bodies, and that sort of thing.It was his first day in Regenberg, and he tried to make it a friendly and relaxed one.

"How was your vacation?" Yu Xiaorong asked sarcastically, "A long vacation of more than two years?"

"Special!" Luo Binhan replied.He immediately added bitterly: "Interesting!"

"Mom suspects that you were hired to murder."

"Don't talk nonsense." Luo Binhan said, "I'm fine. Africa has water, electricity, and air-conditioning, as well as bars and supermarkets, and everyone speaks nicely... Are the rooms still available? Let me put my luggage first. "

Yu Xiaorong's lips moved a few times.For a moment her gaze was surprisingly hard and sharp.That kind of demeanor is really strange when it appears on a child, but it is also the arrogance of an adult to believe that a child's nature is innocent.How can a cub escape the nature of the whole herd?Robin Han thought absently.For some reason, the killer Xiaomi appeared in front of his eyes.He had never actually seen that catman, but he often imagined that its eyes also had a pure, bright and cold expression.

However, imagination is imagination after all. During the few seconds of his silence, Yu Xiaorong had quietly come to his side.She reached for his suitcase.

"I'll clean it up." She said succinctly, "You go and think about how to explain it to your mother. She will be back tonight."

Her motives may be impure (searching a suspect's suitcase is, after all, one of the funnest parts of the detective game), but Robinham is still moved by it.The dreamlike soft and clear sunlight of Regenberg seems to illuminate the whole room, and the atmosphere of the fairy-tale location is restored.He lovingly rejected Yu Xiaorong's offer to help him pack his luggage (and check it along the way), and just handed Yu Qingshu's package to her, and asked her to deliver it to her mother's desk.And he will take advantage of this time to lock the door of the guest room, and then check his luggage carefully, in case there is anything wrong with it.Everything is so warm, friendly and pleasant.Yu Xiaorong gave him a ferocious (but possibly warm) look, and walked towards the study with the package.Suddenly, she stopped and stared down at the top of the package.

"Have you heard the sound of countdown inside?" Luo Binhan said.

Yu Xiaorong turned around.There was no smile on her face, but a tense calm.

"The delivery note is fake," she said. "The printing paper is fake. It's not something my mother bought online."

She still held the package, but stopped flipping or pressing it too hard.Instead, move your arms carefully so you can see each side of the wrap.Finally she held it up high and looked up to see if there was a message left at the bottom.

Luo Binhan had already rushed to her side.If Yu Xiaorong hadn't grasped it tightly enough, he would have snatched the thing away.Together they looked up to read and write the message at the bottom of the package.Two lines of small and correct handwriting.One line in German.A line of Chinese characters.Luo Binhan has never recognized more than a hundred German words, and he can only stare at the line of Chinese characters, which are as small as gnats but clearly written:

This item is given to those who return home.


(End of this chapter)

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