Chapter 875

They had a very sloppy dinner, takeout from a pizza place.The pizza itself was mediocre and the creamy bisque arrived cold.Luo Binhan wanted to see if he could find enough ingredients in the refrigerator so that he could get something warm and fresh for himself and Yu Xiaorong to eat—this was only his first day here, so he never felt bored with life when?But he was really tortured by this anonymous package, and he didn't have the energy to deal with pots and pans.His trip to Regenberg was off to a bad start.

Like him, Yu Xiaorong was the one who didn't want to eat.Even though she had put away the painting under Robinham's supervision and put it in the sealed box Malcolm used to keep insect specimens, the forest nymph through the glass still had a seductive fascination for her.She walked to the display box several times with a slice of pizza in her mouth, staring at the woman in the river.And the more interested she was, the more it made Luo Binhan feel awkward.Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and turned the entire display box over, revealing the opaque wooden bottom.

"Hey!" Yu Xiaorong shouted dissatisfied.

"Eat!" Luo Binhan said with a straight face.

"I'm eating!"

"This thing may have nuclear radiation." Luo Binhan threatened, "If you stare at it again, your eyeballs will wither tonight."

"Don't be stupid."

The possibility of this painting containing nuclear matter is indeed low, but it is definitely not zero. Luo Binhan has already decided to find a way to get a Geiger counter on Monday.Of course he also knows how crazy it is, but this is life, and this is life when he is with this family.At noon tomorrow, he still has a conference call with Lihai City to be held.This holiday will never bring him joy again, nor will it make him carefree like Anti-Pierre who stayed for dinner, gulping down two slices of each flavor of pizza, and gurgling. I drank a bowl of cold soup.He found that she was really happy to eat anything.

When supper was over, Anti-Pierre bade them farewell with much reluctance but satisfaction.Luo Binhan wanted to recover the pebble, but he couldn't speak in front of Yu Xiaorong.He decided not to mention it for the time being, because firstly, the pebble might just be an insignificant packing box, and secondly, it is Chen Wei's apprentice, any dangerous item falling into her hands is safer than falling into Yu Xiaorong's hands .

Yu Xiaorong was still wandering around in front of that picture.Luo Binhan led her to the table and asked her to help clean up the mess on the table.They threw all the fast food boxes into the trash can, wiped the table clean, and Luo Binhan also asked to wash everything that had touched the courier at high temperature.Yu Xiaorong loudly refused to help him with this, so Luo Binhan had to do it himself.He took a lighter and burned the small scissors that had cut the courier, and picked up the tapes and pieces of paper that fell on the grass and wrapped them up.When he threw the pile into the trash can outside, he saw a wrinkled newspaper covered in plaster inside.

He reckoned it was the same share that Doppler Colon had used to put on the foot of the chair.It was dirty and broken, and it was all in German, so Robinhan could only understand the first few fragments of words on it."Strike" was written in the headline of a certain article, and "Prison" was written in the column to the right.I hope these are two unrelated articles, he thought, but it's not a strike by prison guards, is it?

He couldn't help but want to take a second look to make sure that the commotion wouldn't reach Regenberg. Unfortunately, he really couldn't read the German article. There were a few pictures at the bottom of the board, which were also covered by the muddy footprints of old Cologne. Lived a lot.He could only make out half-length photos of two people, which were taken in a very rigid way, like the kind used in ID photos or arrest warrants.

The photo on the right is of a man with short hair.The left half of his body was completely submerged in Cologne's mud boots, and only the right side of his face was still visible.In Luo Binhan's view, the lower part of this black-and-white printed face lacks distinctive features, and no one may recognize it when walking on the street, but the upper part has a particularly stiff eye, and the middle part of the brow is raised upwards, forming a small pointy, as if some kind of laceration had been done there.This made his eyebrows and eyes particularly abrupt, and the poor printing quality of the newspaper exacerbated this unnaturalness.If this is not the printed effect, but its real appearance, then the owner of this brow and eye will definitely make people feel uneasy wherever he goes.

Luo Binhan began to wonder whether this was a fugitive or the prison guard leading the strike, so he turned around the trash can, trying to get a better shooting angle - although he could not speak German, he was proficient in using various mobile phones to recognize pictures Translation software——Before he could get clues from those bible-like German words, Yu Xiaorong took a large bag of waste paper and smashed it into the trash can.Small mounds of debris slid down one after another, covering the bottom like a miniature avalanche.

Luo Binhan looked down at the slender strips of paper that were obviously made by a shredder. There were fragmented letters on the strips, and some of them looked like printed webpages.But it is too broken, and no one can spell out its original message from these thin noodle-like pieces of paper.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "What's the matter with these papers?"

"My homework." Yu Xiaorong said coldly.

"Really? Your mother will go crazy!"

Luo Binhan didn't quite believe it was true, but he still left the pile of garbage and went upstairs after Yu Xiaorong who had fled.He managed to get a foot in before Yu Xiaorong closed the bedroom door, but he still couldn't get in.He subconsciously drew his feet back.After Yu Xiaorong was in junior high school, he rarely went into her bedroom, lest he see something he shouldn't see.They are brothers and sisters, but they are not family members who get along day and night. This embarrassment becomes more and more obvious as Yu Xiaorong grows up, but all of this is not important right now.There is no reason to allow Yu Xiaorong to smash her homework.

"Be honest!" Luo Binhan knocked on the door and shouted, "Did you tear up your homework?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Yu Xiaorong's voice floated out through the door, sounding rather hectic.

"I'll tell your mother!" Robin Han threatened, "Look at what she said!"

"She doesn't have time for my homework right now. You might as well try to explain how you've been in Africa for two years."

It's true that this is a difficult question, but Luo Binhan doesn't think it will be more serious in Yu Qingshu's eyes than Yu Xiaorong's tearing up homework, after all, he has no other graduation certificates to get in his life.What's more, what's particularly strange is that Yu Xiaorong's voice was a little out of breath, and he was still walking around in the room.He put his ear against the door, and heard several unusual sounds, like tearing something, or repeatedly shaking the pillow.But the commotion ended within half a minute. Footsteps approached, and the locked door opened to him.Yu Xiaorong stood behind the door, her forehead was a little messy, and a cloud of dust stood on her collar.

"Okay," she said, "that's not homework, it's just scraps from a speech contest. It's all drafts and references you don't need. Are you satisfied?"

"Why did you break them up so much?"

"Because I don't want someone to pick it up and read it secretly." Yu Xiaorong said.She flushed a little, which may indeed be from chagrin and embarrassment.Ever since crying Yu Xiaorong in elementary school, Luo Binhan often pretended to know nothing about her compositions and lectures in school.But his eyes couldn't help but peek at the wardrobe next to the bed, wondering if there might be a living person hidden in it.

Yu Xiaorong moved away from the door, allowing Luo Binhan to enter her territory temporarily.She also opened the closet, found a spare sports towel and threw it to Luo Binhan. "Leo took the one you used to wash your face with." She said, closing the empty cabinet casually, "but it should be thrown away if it is now."

Luo Binhan took the unopened package of towels, thinking that Yu Xiaorong might have noticed that he was peeking at him.There was no living person in the cabinet, so he glanced at the bottom of the bed, but it was already filled with all kinds of things: there was Yu Xiaorong’s old toy box, and most of the things left in it were related to shooting, murder and Halloween .A complete set of radio amateur suits, in fact, Malcolm loves to play this more than Yu Xiaorong.One of Leo's old kennels, perhaps reserved for when he spends the night.A poor gray stuffed bear, whether it was given to a person or a dog, it is not sure.Luo Binhan could imagine Leo curled up in the kennel and rolling around boredly, and when he got interested, he took the thing as a rabbit fleeing for his life, and rushed over to bite it hard.It is not just a docile and kind dog.

There was no room under the bed for an adult anymore.Luo Binhan looked around the four walls again, comparing the difference with the impression in his memory.Many furnishings have changed, but there are also many old things left.He saw the ukulele leaning against the wall, proof that the occupant of the room had been trying to divert his interest from detective games for a while.Hanging by the door is a "detective board" made by Malcolm, which was once one of Yu Xiaorong's favorite toys, but now it is empty, with only a few thumbtacks stuck in the corners.She probably hasn't hung anything on it for a long time.

There should also be one special thing present throughout the room.Luo Binhan looked around with his eyes, but he didn't see it in a conspicuous position. "Where's your sea snake skin?" He asked casually, "I saw you posted it on the Internet."

"I put it away."

"How did you find that kind of thing by the sea?"

"Anti-Pierre gave it to me."

Robin Han's confusion about Anti-Pierre increased again.He was surprised that Yu Xiaorong didn't try to investigate this mysterious neighbor—or she had already been quietly investigating.But he wasn't worried that Yu Xiaorong would know the truth from Anti-Pierre.The truth, if there is one, is so grotesque, ludicrous, and disorganized that it is impossible to conceive or conjecture.No one will speculate for no reason whether the world will be changed by a slug.Yu Xiaorong couldn't know more than him, but what about himself?What can he know?It was just letting strange things of one kind or another come and go from him.

"Is it possible that she is a retired professional killer?" He pretended to ask Yu Xiaorong.

"Yes," Yu Xiaorong said bluntly, "Maybe she can catch bullets with her bare hands."

Luo Binhan pretended to snatch an incoming bullet from Yu Xiaorong's eyes, and then took off the dust on her collar.Yu Xiaorong tried hard to look serious, but couldn't help laughing.She must have seen that he was imitating an action from a movie.The atmosphere suddenly eased a lot. Luo Binhan pulled the chair in front of the desk and sat down, while Yu Xiaorong sat by the bed.They each bowed their heads in silence for a while, and heard the sound of a car driving outside the window.

"Hmm..." Finally, Luo Binhan said, "How have the past two years been?"

He may have already asked on the phone, but Yu Xiaorong still replied "that's it".Hugging her pillow a little sullenly, she added that she had two primary school friends move away.

"Hannah Zahn?" Robin Han guessed.This is the only classmate of Yu Xiaorong who he remembers clearly his face and name.She was very smart and friendly when she was a child, with a light golden high-tailed braid and a pair of round and large black-rimmed glasses, like a character who came out of a cartoon.The fly in the ointment is that she is not as well-behaved as she looks on the outside, Luo Binhan can almost believe that if Yu Xiaorong is going to sneak the door to pick the lock, Hannah Zahn will be the accomplice who is standing on the corner of the street for her with a sweet smile .

"It's not her." Yu Xiaorong said, "She hasn't moved away, we are still in the same class."

"Not bad. Does she still like reading so much?"

"She's into astronomy now. But yes, she still loves to read."

"Did she snub you?" Luo Binhan asked half-jokingly, "Didn't she go to the beach with you?"

He knew that this was not something that could hurt Yu Xiaorong, because this girl is not very clingy by nature, whether it is to her family or friends.This lone-wolf tendency had been first seen in her as a child, when she slipped away and ventured alone in the woods.Sure enough, Yu Xiaorong turned her face away disapprovingly, and told him that Hannah Zahn had her own studies to deal with.

"Speaking of studies," Luo Binhan looked at the schoolbag thrown in the corner, "You don't really intend to become a private detective, do you? If you do, you'll find that it's not that interesting."

"No. I'm not going to do that. I want to study wildlife."

It certainly wouldn't be an idea that would please her mother.Studying wild animals, Luo Binhan imagined that Yu Xiaorong was carrying a comatose lion, walking on the prairie with his head held high. This picture was enough to make Yu Qingshu lose his mind.But if her mother insisted on arranging an internship for her in a law firm, then the day when Yu Xiaorong ran away from home and headed for the African savannah would not be far away.They are all equally stubborn and tough at this point.As for the upbeat and genial Malcolm?He will never give any opinion on life choices.His own life is enough to go with the flow, and that's what's lovely about him, but it's also tiresome at times - when you want to have some serious conversation with Malcolm, he's always like a cloud in the sky, I can neither understand the meaning behind the words nor grasp the point of the topic.

Luo Binhan thought for a while, and finally decided not to say anything.It's not time to worry yet.No matter how many weird thoughts Yu Xiaorong has, she is just a 16-year-old teenager now.She has no exposure to the adult world, with unlimited choices and possibilities, without the fear that her life will gradually become narrow and stereotyped, her brain is not yet fully developed, and she is also affected by the hormonal changes of puberty.All these evidences showed that wild animals might not be Yu Xiaorong's final choice.

"We will know the answer later." He had to compromise, "But I really can't imagine you sitting in an office. Wearing your mother's suit and skirt, reading documents for eight hours at your desk?"

"I can read the documents for ten hours," Yu Xiaorong retorted rather unconvinced, "if I really think it's meaningful."

"Xiaorong, when you start to support yourself with a job, you will find that most of your efforts have no real meaning."

"Is that why you went to Africa?"

Luo Binhan looked up at her.Yu Xiaorong hugged the pillow in her arms, and asked aggressively, "What meaning did you find in those rainforests full of reptiles?"

"No." Luo Binhan said dryly, "I just did something wrong. I know it's wrong, but it's hard to correct it—it's something grown-ups do."

Yu Xiaorong frowned at him, presumably dissatisfied with this excuse.But Luo Binhan couldn't tell her something more specific, he didn't want to say it, and he didn't seem to be able to describe it.

"It's like Mal," he said deliberately. "Remember when Mal would hold you on the couch and watch an old detective movie he got? You stayed on the couch all day, spilled your drinks, and Your mom was pissed off when she saw the bag of snacks on the floor. She yelled at you and asked why you couldn't stop and pick up the trash. Do you remember what you said to her?"

Yu Xiaorong was silent for a while.She pressed the pillow against her lap, squeezing out the air little by little.

"I want to finish the episode first," she said.

"Actually, you can pause," Robin Han said. "Those aren't TV shows, they're just videos, aren't they? You can completely control them. You can choose to watch them or not, or when to watch them. But when you're sitting there, it's just a second. Don't want to stop, don't want to worry about those overturned drink bottles in the distance. You tell yourself you'll get up and clear the table in 10 minutes of watching, only to see it into the wee hours of the morning. That's what it feels keep convincing yourself Will soon do what needs to be done and get everything back on track, but in the end you just sit there staring at the screen. You know, those movies aren't really that interesting, they just give you a reason not to watch real place."

"You didn't face it," Yu Xiaorong said, and her voice sounded almost accusatory. "You just ran off to Africa—you ran away from the whole house."

"Yes." Luo Binhan said, "I want to try another way out, maybe in a place without a sofa, you won't think about how to escape from life. That's the thing."

It was hard for him to describe the way Yu Xiaorong looked at him after these words, it seemed disappointed, pitiful, and begging for something, but she didn't comment a word.So he continued to look at her, and realized that her figure was revealed, her limbs were slender, and she was indeed a big girl.Isn't this more miraculous than alchemy?After feeding food and water to a baby day after day, it finally grew into this big Yu Xiaorong.She went from a mere embryo to something so complex, so eccentric and full of thoughts, that it wasn't all food and water.He should have set a good example, but he failed to do so.

"Those things from the past don't matter anymore," he said, almost in a childlike tone. "We all have to improve, we all have to get up from the couch and work. No detective shows, no escape from the house." , isn’t it? We have to monitor each other and help each other?”

Yu Xiaorong's eyes were still alert, but she repeated emphatically: "Help each other."

"But you still have to do your homework." Luo Binhan said, "You better not tear them up. Go to bed early."

He walked out the door with the towel.

(End of this chapter)

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