Zhou Yu raised her head and glanced at Hannah Chahn quietly, as if she felt that her words were quite subtle.Luo Binhan was not in the mood to understand whether there was another pun in this English sentence, he almost eagerly pushed Zhou Yu into the guest room.

"I'll help him pack his luggage." He said against Yu Xiaorong's stare, "I'll be out right away."

"Don't delay too long," Yu Qingshu warned, "You can clean up after dinner, anyway, there is plenty of time."

"We will clean up quickly." Luo Binhan said.He closed the door and put Zhou Yu's suitcase aside.He waved his hand before Zhou Yu asked, telling him not to say something irrelevant.

"Did you see that blond girl?" he said.

"I mean Hannah."

"You know her?"

"I just introduced it outside the door. Is there anything wrong?"

Luo Binhan declared dejectedly: "She is my sister's accomplice."

"It means my sister's friend."

"It's a friend who works for tigers." Luo Binhan emphasized, "Every time she suddenly appeared with a smile, she was doing something bad for Yu Xiaorong on time."

Zhou Yu glanced at him hesitantly, then suddenly asked, "Have you contacted me after Jing Huang left?"

"No. Why are you asking that?"


Luo Binhan waved his hand, as if to brush aside this topic.The Visitors from Space didn't matter to him, and there was only one thing on his mind at this moment.

"We have to check the confession before dinner." He said firmly, "Yu Xiaorong will ask you about my situation sooner or later."

"...I just need to say that I don't know anything, right?"

That is indeed a way, especially when Zhou Yu adopts a concealment strategy, his serious and lack of social temperament can always be easily believed.On the contrary, if Zhou Yu was asked to fabricate something out of nothing, Luo Binhan didn't think he could do it very well.

"But you have to know a little bit," he confessed. "I'll tell you a little bit. If any of them ask me about my experience in Africa, you just say I hired a few local guides to go around. Don't Answer any questions about travel souvenirs, you can say that we never give any travel souvenirs between us. We have to agree on a time for my return. Just last Monday, at nine o'clock that night I suddenly called to tell you that I Came back, and you met me at my house. The date was fine, I checked that there was a flight to Africa on that day."

Zhou Yu agreed to his request, but hesitantly asked him if it was necessary.Luo Binhan asked him in surprise: "Then what should I do? Tell them I didn't actually go to Africa?"

He imagined the scene where he told Yu Qingshu everything, and couldn't help but shudder.It's hard to say what steps his mother will take, most likely trying to contact a mental hospital first.

"...Try to talk to your sister?" Zhou Yu asked, "She seems to be more accepting of this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if you tell her a little bit?"

"No." Luo Binhan said decisively, "If you let her get a little bit of the edge of the pancake, she will roll and roll herself all the way to the middle."

Zhou Yu stopped talking, perhaps imagining a Yu Xiaorong trapped in a huge pancake.Robin Han hastily checked several dates with him, as well as a few fabricated African stories that could be thrown out as a last resort to make up the numbers.He lowered his voice to confirm all this, although Yu Xiaorong was unlikely to spy on him under her mother's nose. …

When Luo Binhan felt that it was basically safe, he started to really help Zhou Yu pack his luggage.This job is very simple, because Zhou Yu brought very little things, including a few sets of clothes, some toiletries, and a work computer in a handbag.Robinson didn't even find a journal to pass the time with.

"It seems that you really don't plan to stay here for a long time." He said, took Zhou Yu's toiletries and put them in the bathroom.When he came out, he found Yu Xiaorong wandering back and forth at the door of the guest room.Hannah Zahn was not with her, but Leo was lying on his side on the floor at her feet, brushing his tail casually across the young master's ankles.

When Luo Binhan saw it, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't heard anything in the study before—Leo would always bark at any new visitor for a long time, not necessarily out of defense and hostility, but just because he was easily excited.But the dog didn't bark when he entered the house last Saturday, and Zhou Yu was so quiet when he entered the house.He couldn't help thinking sadly that the dog was old after all, maybe it was tired of venting its abundant energy and emotions to every stranger.

"Have you finished your homework?" He said to Yu Xiaorong, "What are you doing here?"

Yu Xiaorong walked away indifferently, and Lei Ao got up to follow her.Luo Binhan confirmed that she had indeed entered the bedroom upstairs, and then closed the door of the guest room.

"Let's talk in a low voice in the future." He said to Zhou Yu, "Maybe someone will stick to the door and listen."

"You mean your sister?"

"She just likes to poke around."

Zhou Yu raised his eyes from the suitcase, as if he was a little curious about this matter.Luo Binhan had never talked about Yu Xiaorong with him in detail before, only the few words he left before packing up and going abroad to fight fires.What these clips can create is undoubtedly some bad impressions, a complete troublemaker.Of course, these are also facts, Yu Xiaorong is a tough nut to crack, but these are not all the facts.

He didn't know what Zhou Yu would think after seeing it with his own eyes.Yu Xiaorong actually treats people well - he probably can't tell Zhou Yu that.Some people are born with a vicious look, and it doesn't even matter about beauty, ugliness or ugliness.

"At least she doesn't eat people." That's all he could guarantee.

Zhou Yu blinked twice, as if surprised by Luo Binhan's assurance.

"Your sister, isn't it so dangerous?"

"Really? Don't you think she's a bit difficult to deal with?"

"It's just an ordinary adolescent girl. It's natural not to like strangers living in the house, right? Because there will be a lot of inconvenience."

Zhou Yu opened his notebook naturally, and sat by the bed to check the documents.He really didn't seem to care, and Luo Binhan had to suspect that he was making a fuss over a molehill.In order to ease the embarrassment, he had no choice but to go out to see if Yu Qingshu in the kitchen needed help.Both he and Yu Qingshu are loyal fans of hot food, and they will never be able to live on instant food cans for a whole week like Malcolm or Yu Xiaorong.As for Zhou Yu, his taste system works in a way that Luo Binhan can't understand, and he has always doubted that Zhou Yu can shine in the zombie apocalypse type of story.

"Why do you say that about your friend?" Yu Qingshu scolded, and took a pot of dried and chopped green peppers from him, "It's so rude."…

"Come on, Mom. You know Zhou Yu doesn't care about this at all."

"But you have to care." Yu Qingshu said, the hot oil sizzled under her shovel, emitting a scent of garlic, "What is on the surface is on the surface, how do you know what others think?"

Robin Han didn't argue about it any more.He had to admit that sometimes he really didn't know what Zhou Yu was thinking, even if it wasn't about etiquette.

"He's getting more and more mysterious." He was cutting a small pot of Brussels sprouts. "I thought he would spend his whole life in school or in the hospital."

"This is a good thing." Yu Qingshu said quite realistically, "How hard is it in the public hospital? Look at his dark circles. Besides, he doesn't have much income—I'm talking about salary income—remuneration for commercial projects Much higher. At least you don't have to go to the emergency room at 70 in the morning to save someone over [-]?"

Luo Binhan gave his mother a strange look.Of course, he had long understood that if there were any saints in the world, they would not be in the profession of lawyers.But it was still an amazing feeling, when he happened to catch glimpses of a cold, shrewd intelligence in those closest to him.But does that qualify as callous?Maybe he just molded his cognition of the present world and life in the past roaming.Those too pure, boring, and extremely arrogant fantasies about morality and grand vision...

He suddenly called out.Yu Qingshu immediately turned to look at him.

"It was cut." Luo Binhan said, lifting his finger to look at it, "but it's okay, no bleeding."

Yu Qingshu grabbed his hand and looked at it a few times, leaving only a faint indentation on the side of her index finger.She looked at the kitchen knife in a little surprise, then at the sliced ​​Brussels sprouts on the eucalyptus board.

"It's time to sharpen this knife." She said uncertainly, as if she wanted to reach out and try.Luo Binhan grabbed the handle of the knife first: "I'll just do it."

The spices in the oil pan began to emit an overly strong, dangerous smell approaching the scorched lake, Yu Qingshu had to walk away to watch the fire.In order to dispel her doubts, Luo Binhan did not continue to chop vegetables immediately, but said: "I don't think his condition has improved."


"Zhou Yu. He doesn't work in the hospital, but I don't think he is much more relaxed. In the few days when I went back to Lihai, he always looked like he was going to pass out at any time."

Yu Qingshu let out a sigh.

"He hasn't recovered yet." She said flatly, "It will be better if it takes a little longer."

It took Luo Binhan half a minute to understand what Yu Qingshu meant.He belatedly thought that Yu Qingshu knew about Zhou Yu's disappearance, and in fact almost all their relatives and friends knew about it.But to outsiders, it must have been too long.They no longer mentioned Zhou Yu, and they might still speculate about her whereabouts occasionally, but they would never talk about it publicly.Which is wise, of course, after all this time, whatever the ultimate truth is, it must be ugly and terrible.

Luo Binhan cut up the cabbage without saying a word.He knew that now Yu Qingshu's attention would not be on the blade.She has to worry about his emotions, although he is hardly sad now.He and Zhou Yu got the answer, and it wasn't even the worst among countless terrible conjectures.And it is so definite—if compared with the endless fear of the unknown, the clear and definite bad luck is so much easier to bear.That is actually an end to fear. …

It would be a lot easier, he thought, if people knew when they were going to die.He can accurately calculate how much savings he needs, how much responsibility he will take on, and how to allocate time for entertainment and work.He can say every sentence just right, and there will never be such a regret that he was arguing with his best friend before he died, or it was too late to hurt his enemy.But he doesn't have that kind of enemy either, at least not here.Then he realized what kind of social crisis this fantasy would cause. Before allocating time or resources more rationally, people will undoubtedly choose the timing of revenge more rationally.Everyone spends days before their death day wondering whether to take away those they really hate.

"I've also heard of a vendetta that happened in the woods," Hannah Zahn said cheerfully at dinner. The body was hidden in the bushes, but when he turned himself in and took the police with him, the body was gone. Since then, people who go deep into the woods have to pretend that they don't know anything if they see a bloody schoolbag lying on the ground. If you don't see it, leave as soon as possible."

"What would happen if you didn't leave?" Luo Binhan asked.

"It's said that bad luck is coming soon," said Hannah.She giggled right after, not taking it seriously at all. "But it's just a little scare story, because the grown-ups don't want us to go into the woods. What do you say, Jania?"

Yu Xiaorong was busy picking up all the crushed green peppers from her plate. "Huh?" She said under her mother's threatening gaze, "Oh, I don't believe that's true. Maybe some students really died in the woods, and then the body was picked up by wild animals. Judith's dog Just work it out."

Luo Binhan asked jokingly, "Dogs also take away schoolbags?"

"If there is blood on the schoolbag," Yu Xiaorong said coldly, as if he knew that he had cut the pot of extra finely chopped green peppers. "It is even rumored that they will pull out blood-stained bandages from the trash."

"Will you do it too?" Luo Binhan looked down at Leo, pretending to ask the dog.

Yu Xiaorong sneakily kicked him under the table.

"I'm so scared." Luo Binhan said, "I cut my hand while making dinner. What if there are wild dogs wandering outside my door in the middle of the night?"

Zhou Yu looked at the door of the guest room suspiciously, and then at the main door leading to the outside of the living room.Hannah Zahn covered her mouth without letting out a snicker.

"Okay," Yu Qingshu said, "let's not talk about it when we eat, my dear. There are guests here today."

In fact, none of the people present would affect their appetite because of this. Of course, the family members living in No. 15 grew up listening to Yu Qingshu's career case, and Hannah Zahn was also a bold girl.As for Zhou Yu, since he can be so calm about the existence of Jing Huang and Mo Moluo, Luo Binhan feels that the local evil spirits and ghosts may not be able to bring him a different experience.

"I like ghost stories very much." Hannah said, "Whenever I feel that I don't want to do an extra minute of homework, I will imagine the ghostly people in the story, so that I can do my homework in peace. Seems pretty good!"  …

This kind of preference motivated by utilitarianism, in Luo Binhan's view, cannot be said to be true love.People who really like ghost stories, for example, Yu Xiaorong, would rather tear up their homework and experience a haunted ghost.As soon as she finished supper, she called Leo out for a walk.

"Yu Xiaorong," her mother asked kindly in front of the guests, "how is your group assignment?"

"Leo must go out!" Yu Xiaorong shouted.Leo wagged his tail violently around her legs and let out a whoosh to support the little master's point.

"Ask your brother to take it. He's free tonight."

"Okay!" Luo Binhan said happily, while putting Leo on the leash.And Leo, despite being the most loyal to his little master, couldn't resist the temptation to go out and play.It only hesitated for two or three seconds, then wagged its tail in favor of Luo Binhan who was holding the rope.Luo Binhan touched its chin first, and then pulled the fur on top of its head. He always greeted cats and dogs like this.

"Brother took you out to play." He said in a sinister tone, "Who made us idle."

He stepped out of the house under Yu Xiaorong's eyes full of hatred, and before he could walk out of the front yard, Zhou Yu, who was standing by the flowers, rushed up: "I'll go with you, too."

"Okay," Robinson paused, and asked with emotion, "How long has it been since you went out for a walk?"

Zhou Yu couldn't answer for a moment.While he was thinking silently, Yu Xiaorong came out of the room again.She wanted to say something, but when she saw Zhou Yu, she closed her lips.Luo Binhan looked at her: "What's wrong?"

"Don't go into the woods." Yu Xiaorong's voice was vaguely stiff, "Recently a traveler died in it."

"He died again?" Luo Binhan asked casually, "What's going on this time?"

"Beast attack."

When saying these words, Yu Xiaorong's eyes kept staring at Zhou Yu.Luo Binhan felt that this was not because he was thinking too much - Yu Xiaorong was indeed not very close to strangers, but she especially did not welcome Zhou Yu.

"We're not going into the woods," he assured, "just walking around town."

Yu Xiaorong turned around and went back.Luo Binhan shook his head at Zhou Yu to show that he had nothing to do with this weird girl.Then he looked up at the window of Yu Xiaorong's bedroom on the second floor, and vaguely saw a wisp of pale gold swaying there.

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