Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 933 The legacy of farmers

Since Zhou Yu gave him the business card, Luo Binhan has never been to Guns N' Roses again.He thought about it several times, but never made the move.In the past few weeks, he seemed to have endless work to handle, including investment company reports, branch reorganization, financial rectification and communication with the business department.These bits and pieces of work made him exhausted, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember what he had done specifically, and time slipped away in vain.

There is also Shiqi.Since going out with Shi Qi, he has been a little more cautious when thinking about Guns N' Roses.The shop owner and Zhou Yu may have a good relationship, but that doesn't mean that friends of friends can also convey friendship to each other.And as long as he was thinking about a date for the weekend, he felt that it would be a bit irresponsible to risk angering a monster.So he put it off again and again, always telling himself to go next week when he was free. In the end, he couldn't even remember where he put the business card.Anyway, it's somewhere in the car. He definitely won't take it home.

Looking back on the procrastination over the past month, Luo Binhan couldn't believe that he could be so lazy and lazy.He allowed a guy with Lot's skills to live near his home, and he even kept one of his parrots.If he had been more diligent and cautious, he wouldn't have thought about Zhou Wenxing only after he showed up.

Now more than a month has passed.He must have missed many rare opportunities, so he had to comfort himself that this period of time was also a necessary buffer period.The last time they parted was so unpleasant that they had to take some time to cool down.Moreover, since the other party is deliberately avoiding him, just seeing the person is tricky enough.He estimated that he would have to make at least three or four false starts, and even wait in the store for several nights, before he could catch the frustrated store owner.

"You have to keep an eye on the guy in the blue hole." He said to Li Li as he walked. "We can't put the camera in his room for the time being, but at least we can know if he is in the room, right?"

They're almost guaranteed at this point.She told him that there was a camera in the hotel corridor that could capture Zhou Wenxing's room, and that on the street across from the hotel, there were three stores with cameras at the checkout counters at the right angles that could provide a view of the room windows. One of them was open 24 hours a day. convenience store.Li Lizheng kept an eye on these sentry posts and checked them for signs of intrusion and tampering.She thought that it could not be hidden from her, even from a person with no distance.However, if Zhou Wenxing had the ability to escape through the wall, then there was nothing they could do - Luo Binhan was willing to believe that he couldn't, otherwise he would have too many things to do in Sugar Land.

"Why do you think Wuyuan Man would help him?" Luo Binhan couldn't help but ask, "He is... let's put it this way, a magical creature, isn't it? There is no reason for them to mix together."

"As far as I know, the White Tower is also a 'magic organization' and they have been cooperating with the Alliance for a long time."

"Then what are they trying to do?"

"Higher interests." Li Li said.Luo Binhan didn't think this joke was very funny.And he also knew that if he continued to think about it, things would only return to the original starting point: why did Zhou Wenxing find him?If this thing had some kind of grudge against Jing Huang that was not known to outsiders, and wanted to use his hand to attack Jing Huang, that would barely make sense.But Wuyuanren, even Wuyuanren from the Death Rank Sect, why would he want to help him deal with Jing Huang?Is there really another Wuyuan man willing to get involved in the conspiracy against Jing Huang?His imagination could only go so far.The answer cannot be obtained from the void, but can only be dug out step by step through him.

His first stop was near.More than a month later, the appearance of Guns N' Roses is still the same, no one cares about it but it still stands, like a house of wishes in a fantasy story that attracts destined people.Luo Binhan circumvented the street trees and plunged into the open narrow door.Before he could cross the aisle, he heard the flapping of wings inside.Then the figure in front of the counter was revealed.He seemed to know that someone was coming before Luo Binhan came in, and he put on a posture of greeting someone, but when he saw clearly who the person was, the smile that was about to appear became stagnant on his face, forming an almost funny look. grimace.

Luo Binhan didn't expect there was anyone inside.He used to always scan the QR code to pay, but Anthony Kent liked to pay cash, so he never noticed what kind of cashier system was used at the counter of Guns N' Roses.Now it seems that it is probably not connected to the Internet, because Li Li in the headset did not tell him that there were people inside.

He fully thought that he would have to stay at least until early in the morning tonight, and he hadn't even thought about how to say hello for the first time.But at least he hid it on the surface, and walked to the empty counter as if nothing happened, and sat down at the table where Anthony Kent usually sat.Just three steps away from him, a sticky hook that had never existed before protruded from the wall, suspending a birdcage covered with black cloth.The increasingly violent flapping of the wings in the cage was almost the only sound in the entire store.

Luo Binhan glanced at the cage and refrained from saying anything.He estimated that having a common pet would not bring him closer to the other person, so he just sat at the table and flipped through the messages on his phone as if nothing had happened, his ears secretly perked, waiting for the other person's next reaction.If the other party closes the store and leaves like last time, he will ask Li Li to help track the road surveillance and get the person's address first; if the other party does not leave, but talks bad words or even commits violence, he will give in temporarily and say Say something nice and see if you can improve the poor results last time.All in all, tonight he planned to try every method that was not rude.

He carefully sent a text message to Li Hair, asking her to help investigate the situation and at least find a few witnesses before his legs were broken.Li Li replied that she saw no sign of this happening.Luo Binhan asked her to polish the camera and wait and see.He left these words to Li Li, then raised his head and took a peek at the person in front of the counter.The other person was still frozen there like a wooden sculpture, his eyes locked on an empty bottle on the counter, as if he didn't even know Luo Binhan was here.Luo Binhan continued to wait, and even checked Luo Jiaotian's circle of friends, but there was still no response at the counter.

This was not what Luo Binhan expected.Of course, it was better than being kicked out, but if the other party kept ignoring him, he couldn't just sit there all the time. He had to pry the other party's mouth open.So he raised his hand and waved towards the counter: "Boss, have a bottle of beer."

The shop owner's face was still tense, like a leather drum about to roar.He didn't raise his head, but just rolled his eyes and looked at Luo Binhan, like a wild animal looking at its prey.Luo Binhan leaned back in his chair with an unconscious smile on his face, but he was secretly worried in his heart.In fact, he doesn't know how much this man hates him. At best, he just wants to drive him away to a place where he can't see him. At worst, a person's hatred can never be bottomed out, and it can even be Far more than truly knowing each other.Just as he hated Zhou Wenxing, but knew very little about this person's life experience.He probably knows Rhodes and Klein better than he knows Zhou Wenxing.And if there's anything worse than an unknown enemy entering your home base, it's that there's another one right where you're drinking.

The person at the counter finally moved.Luo Binhan's eyelids twitched when he saw the other party slowly turning around and taking a can of beer from the top of the shelf.The man turned around with his arms half raised, which made Luo Binhan think he wanted to throw the can at his face, but in the end he moved step by step in front of Luo Binhan and slammed the beer can on the table.The small bottle containing origami flowers on the table was shaken and spun around. Luo Binhan quickly reached out to hold it, so as not to blame himself for the damage to the property.

The shopkeeper turned and left.Luo Binhan glanced at the jar of shaken beer on the table. He estimated that if his clothes were splashed with foam, the other party would never lend him a towel.He picked up the jar very carefully and turned it around. "This wine is expired." He read the production date and said, "It has been stored for more than two years."

He didn't think about it carefully when he said this, but as soon as he saw the other person's expression change, an idea immediately flashed into his head.He remembered that the can of beer was taken from the top of the shelf, which is typically a place for display. It would not be surprising to put an empty bottle or model.Even if genuine products are released, they must be the ones that are least frequently consumed.And how much can be consumed in this deserted store?The birthday of this can of beer was two years and six months ago, almost right after he was kidnapped by Jing Huang.Has this store been this long so far?Just after he followed Jing Huang, this person opened this store in Lihai City?

He turned the beer can silently, and in the reflection of the glass bottle on the table, the shopkeeper seemed to be secretly paying attention to him.Luo Binhan always had a feeling that if he hadn't read the production date once, this man might have replaced himself with a can of the freshest beer.Although it was still an unwelcome statement, it was different from the last time.The man seemed not prepared to evict himself from private property.

He didn't know if this was also related to Zhou Wenxing's appearance, or to the dead Wuyuan defector.At one time, he believed that the owner of this shop was the person who assisted Jing Huang in killing 0206, the mysterious swordsman in Fa Ke's mouth, but now he was very doubtful of this conclusion - doubtful but hopeful at the same time.If this person is an enemy of 0206, he is most likely an enemy of Zhou Wenxing.He really needs an ally who is not a common man.Even if you are not your own ally, you cannot be your enemy's ally.Moreover, this person has a strange power of shadow, which may help him reveal Zhou Wenxing's weaknesses.

Luo Binhan turned the beer can around again and again, and the thoughts in his head also turned upside down. Finally, he finally exhausted all the foaming conjectures.He couldn't help but blame himself for not carefully collecting the business card Zhou Yu gave him, and now he could only try his best to remedy it.The friendliest and most harmless smile in his life appeared on his face, and even his voice was terrifyingly friendly. "Boss Cai," he called, "Can we chat for a while?"

The other party took a step back silently - he really took a step back, Luo Binhan could tell from the ups and downs of his upper shoulders and the tilt of his head - the muscles on his face twitched intermittently, making a silent cry for his closed mouth.His eyes looked resolutely at Luo Binhan, but his eyebrows were twitching, forcing himself not to look away.Luo Binhan had never seen anyone react like this to his words. Even Luo Jiayang knew to try his best to conceal himself!He was surprised and doubtful. The name he wanted to throw out was retracted and changed to another irrelevant question.

"I want to ask something," he paused and said, "There used to be a red-haired foreigner who was always here. Has he shown up again recently?"

His inquiry about Anthony Kent was entirely impromptu, but seemed to relieve the man at the counter.The frequently trembling eyebrows calmed down, and his eyes turned back to the glass in front of the counter. "I've been here two or three times," he replied coldly.

"He seemed to be very ill last time, but he has recovered now?"

"It's recovered."

Luo Binhan pushed the increasingly dangerous can of beer further away, and then straightened up in his seat - he also knew that he looked like he deserved a beating when he staggered around. "Where are you from, boss?" he asked deliberately, "You shouldn't be from this city, right?"

"nothing dealing with you."

"I'm curious to ask." Luo Binhan said, not giving the other party a chance to open his mouth to resist. "Last time we didn't have a pleasant first meeting. I think there must be some misunderstanding here. In fact, to be honest, I quite like your store. Yes. Why miss the opportunity to make my money?"

There is indeed some sincerity in these words.Although he always laughed at Guns N' Roses for going bankrupt, to him this place was special.Far from the world but close to dreams.For that reason, he won't really care if it fails from a business perspective.On the other hand, he couldn't help but think about more simple and unpretentious investigation methods, such as directly spending money to buy the store, or investing a moving fee.Will this improve the relationship between him and the shop owner?Even if it can't, it's not a loss-making business, because according to Li Li's plan, having a shop decorated with bullet casings and various metal parts will be very helpful for convenience.

His thoughts moved forward slightly, but his eyes were still doing the work they were supposed to do.As soon as he praised the store, the person in front of the counter breathed a sigh of relief. His face didn't show anything, but his emotions were all reflected in the tightness of his shoulders.Luo Binhan had the same idea in his mind that he had when they first met him, that is, this man must be young. His fancy hair and messy dress always make it difficult for people to look at him, and he doesn't leave much impression on his appearance. But if he takes it seriously If you go and take a look, you will notice that this person does not behave like someone who has been climbing up the social ladder for a long time.In fact, Jing Huang and Momoluo often behave as if they are only in double digits in age, but they also have another characteristic, that is, they take it for granted no matter where they are.They live according to their own order wherever they go, because the opinions of mortals are ultimately irrelevant to them.But the person in front of me doesn't seem to be that way.He cares so much about other people's praise and criticism, not like a mythical person at all.

He thought silently for a while, wondering what reasons could gain such a person's favor. "My friend recommended me to come here." He said tentatively, "He said the environment here is good."

A sneer immediately appeared on the shopkeeper's face, and he seemed to know that he was not telling the truth.Luo Binhan didn't want to involve Zhou Yu in this matter rashly, but now he had to try to make some connections.He raised his chin toward the cloth-covered birdcage. "This bird," he said in a gentle tone, "I have seen it before at a friend's house. I asked him about it after we last met, and he said he put him in foster care with you. So you have a good relationship with him. Well. Really?" This time his words were not refuted, and even the sneer disappeared.The shopkeeper seemed to think hard for a while, and then snorted hard from his nose.Luo Binhan considered this as acquiescence.

"That's great." He said happily, "You and he are friends, and he and I are also friends. How can a friend's friend not be a friend? In this case, let's put aside the last unpleasantness, how about it? It was a rough day for everyone. I had just worked all day and was a little drunk. The redhead got dumped by his ex and had allergies. I don’t know what kind of trouble you have, but everyone does. There are times when life is difficult, so let’s just forget what happened that day. How about we get to know each other again tonight?”

Strong resistance is revealed from every body language of the other party.Luo Binhan guessed that he was mentally searching for something to say to refute himself and to clear away any relationship between them.The more the other party wants to do this, the more energetic he will talk, with the most enthusiastic and sincere smile on his face.At the same time, he was a little bit puzzled in his heart, not because the other party was so clumsy with words, but because the other party didn't get angry enough to kick him out yet.The last time he was driven away, there was no chance of him staying!It seems that in more than a month, the shop owner's temper has miraculously improved.

"I really like this store." He decided to be bolder, "Do you still lack investment here?"

The shopkeeper's expression suddenly changed, as if he didn't hear money rolling in, but a huge flood was sweeping in.He shouted eagerly before Luo Binhan could finish his words: "No need!"

"Really?" Luo Binhan asked earnestly, "How well-designed this store is! I think if we spend a little money to promote it, more customers will come to it. And I see that you are often not in the store, so I guess Is it too complicated to get out of things? You should hire a shop assistant to help."

He suddenly thought of Luo Jiayang.Letting Luo Jiayang go to a place where Zhou Wenxing can't see him is one of his to-do items. "Actually, I have a cousin who is looking for a job - we say he is looking for a job. In fact, we just hope that he will stop squatting at home all the time. He has to go out and do some activities. The salary does not matter. Do you really have no shortage of people? I think if we invest some more money in this place, promote it to the outside world, and add a few more people, we should be able to develop quite well."

The shopkeeper's face turned blue, and he raised his right hand on the counter several times, but finally put it down again.He breathed and said, "Your cousin."

"Maybe you two will get along quite well." Luo Binhan said with a bit of evil intention.Then he saw a strong anger on the shop owner's face and realized that something was not right.

"Do you know my cousin?" He asked immediately, "Do you know who he is?"

The shop owner looked a little regretful and pursed his lips tightly, as if he was trying hard to restrain himself.Yet at last he breathed heavily. "Beasts are not welcome here," he said in a voice as cold as ice, "and I don't want your money."

"Do you really know him?"

"Can't you?"

"And you also know that he is my cousin." Luo Binhan said in surprise, "What's going on? Have you investigated me?"

The shopkeeper stared at him without speaking. "Or have you investigated him?" Luo Binhan continued to speculate. The initial shock gradually faded, but the suspicion grew higher and higher. "Have you ever had a problem with him? Has he offended people around you?"

"Didn't he offend enough people?" the shop owner still said coldly.

"But did he really mess with you? Has he hurt the people around you?"

"Do you think your cousin is the kind of person who likes to talk in circles?"

"You want to say that he molested you? You yourself?"

The answer he received was silence.However, the two hands resting on the counter trembled slightly, revealing the owner's agitated mood.The shop suddenly fell silent, even the cage under the black cloth stopped moving, as if the parrot knew it was best not to attract attention at the moment.

"I won't say anything more to you." Finally the shopkeeper said, "If you dare to let that man in, you and he will get out together."

Luo Binhan really never thought that this matter would have anything to do with Luo Jiayang.The nonsense words that came out of his mouth were suddenly stuck, and he couldn't utter another sweet words.So many doubts filled his chest that he couldn't even pretend to be calm.After a while he finally asked: "How could he offend you?"

The shopkeeper looked at him as if he thought his words were ridiculous.At this time, Luo Binhan decided not to go around in circles.

"Last time," he said bluntly, "what you did to me that night... we both know what happened, right? You - Cai Ji, I'll take this as your real name, No matter how you got that ability, what can a bad mortal do to you? How can you actually hold a grudge against him like this?"

"My ability?" The other person's chest heaved, "Where do you think I get my ability?"

Luo Binhan wiped his sticky forehead.It was a damp and rainy night, and the roses on the wallpaper were covered with a bluish shadow, exuding a cold air that shouldn't be there on a summer night.This cold air can seep into people's flesh and blood from the pores, making Luo Binhan feel that his internal organs are sinking heavily.He thought dimly that maybe he shouldn't be here tonight.But he was here after all, and he came with a mission.Isn't this what he wants to dig out the method of killing the beast from this mysterious shop?He raised his head again, wiped away all the false pretentiousness on his face, and stared closely at the monster who had a deep grudge with his cousin.

"I really don't know," he said. "Not long ago, a man with the same ability as you almost killed me. He said that this ability was given to him by God. What about you? Your ability is Who gave it to me?"

"It was given to me by an evil spirit." The other person replied hoarsely, with a painful and self-deprecating twisted smile on his face, which was almost unbearable to look at. "Just because I'm a cheap person, right?"

Luo Binhan couldn't answer the latter question.He clenched his right hand quietly under the table to calm himself. "A real evil ghost? Or are you talking about a bad person? Even if it is a real ghost, you can always call him by his name, right?"

"You want to know that much?" the shopkeeper said, with a hint of malice in his voice.But Luo Binhan has stabilized now. "What? Are you afraid that I will also find that evil spirit?" He responded nonchalantly, "It can't be my cousin who did it, right?"

"I know he almost went looking for it."

"What are you looking for? Looking for a ghost?"

"Find someone who can teach you martial arts - that person said his name was Fang Xu at that time."

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