Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 949: I don’t agree with you

Chapter 949: I am not in agreement with you (Part )

His stay in the ward became more and more pleasant every day. As a patient, this experience seems a bit strange, but the happiness of cultivating life is indeed rare in the past ten years of life; this kind of happiness is based on healthy work and rest and the worry-free food and clothing, which is something I never imagined when I was working to earn money. As for the emptiness and boredom that modern people feel most easily due to closed life, it is simply nothing compared to the hardship he experienced when he was ill. He is no longer a wild animal that accidentally wandered into a human city. He can read again, have access to television and radio, listen to the sounds of birdsong and the shaking of leaves in front of the corridor window, and let his hands touch and feel to every real thing. These are the days of heaven for the time being.

When he finally got used to the happiness of verifying his existence and was about to return to the dull state that ordinary people maintain in daily life, the "dean"'s visits from time to time satisfied his desire to communicate with his kind. She always came after dark, with a tired face but a friendly attitude. Cai Ji couldn't help but feel ashamed for being afraid of her in the first place.

"Have you been feeling uncomfortable lately?"

She always started with such a question and sat down to talk to him, talking about today's weather or diet, and what Cai Ji had read in the book. At first, the conversation often fell into awkward silences caused by nervousness, but as time passed, Cai Ji became more and more daring to ask her questions.

"Are there really no other doctors and nurses here? Logically speaking, there can't be only one nurse, right?"

"It's not completely absent. It's just that since there are no patients now, let them all go on vacation."

"...are you still getting your salary?"

"Well, the remuneration has been set in advance, and you can't regret it just because there are no new patients, right?"

"Then, how can the hospital continue to operate? Will it not be short of money?"

"It doesn't matter. I am mainly responsible for the operating funds."

"So you are so rich."

The dean looked at the wall incredulously. Cai Ji looked at her secretly, trying to guess her source of income from her clothes. However, although she can be called a striking beauty, her clothes can be called simple, and at a high level, they are only elegant. She didn't recognize any famous brands, and she wasn't wearing any jewelry, but her always tired look seemed to indicate that she was indeed a busy person.

"Why on earth are you paying this hospital?"

"It's to facilitate special management - I'm afraid I can't make you understand. I'll explain it later."

Hearing that the other party would not reveal anything more, he wisely put away his curiosity. The dean asked him if he wanted anything else, but he just shook his head and said no.

"Don't feel embarrassed. Even if it's something difficult to get, you can tell me first. If I can get it, I will find a way for you."

"Can I go anywhere else in the building? Anywhere other than this floor?"

The dean was startled for a moment, and then asked as if he could read his mind: "You want to go to the courtyard downstairs, right?"

"Well... I just want to breathe some fresh air."

In order to avoid embarrassment, he told this reasonable reason against his will, but the dean was not deceived by him. She just smiled and asked, "Did you find that there are often people there?"

He had to admit it. Before he could ask the question, the dean had already taken the initiative and said: "This place is relatively clean, so I usually work there."

"Aren't you going to the office?"

"As you just said, the air there is just better - it should be good for your health. Then I will explain it to the nurse later and ask her to take you there for a walk at her convenience. But sometimes I We also need to use the courtyard, I’m afraid I can’t let you go there every day.”

With such permission, he was finally taken to the elevator hidden behind the ward door by a nurse in the evening of the next day, leaving the space shrouded by the roof for the first time. After coming out of the corridor on the ground floor, the nurse stopped and looked at the sky idly. Cai Ji originally wanted to wait for her, but she just pushed his shoulder and asked him to face the entrance of the courtyard with tree-shaded walls.

"go by yourself."

"Why don't you come with us?"

The nurse shook her head, as if she wasn't afraid that he would take the opportunity to escape. Cai Ji had no choice but to walk through the cement walkway alone and step on the pebble walkway covered by the octagonal gold plate. The central courtyard looks small and ordinary from a height, but once you walk inside, it turns out to be like a maze. The trees are dim, the paths are winding, and the night insects sing to each other in the darkness. Occasionally, a few lantern-style lawn lamps were exposed, and the orange glimmer was mostly covered by the vines. He counted the lights as he walked forward until he saw the bamboo shed that he had overlooked from high places many times.

In the bamboo shed sat the dean. She asked him to sit across from her and asked as she had done several times in the past: "How do you feel today?"

"It is nothing special."

"What do you think of this courtyard?"

Out of politeness and gratitude, he tried his best to praise this small green garden, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't find the words when he opened his mouth.

"It's... very quiet here."

"Would it feel reassuring?"

The dean said, moving the umbrella placed on the stone table in the middle to his feet. Cai Ji couldn't help but glance around at where she was sitting, but he didn't see the office items he expected, only a mobile phone with a flashing screen resting on her lap.

"Are you still at work?"

"Well, I'm discussing some work matters with others."

"Then...did I bother you?"

"It's okay. There's no need to rush to reply to that guy who has crooked ideas every day."

The dean who said this put his hand on his temple and rubbed it. Seeing her tired face and sighing imperceptibly, Cai Ji finally couldn't help but ask, "What kind of work do you usually do?"

"Let's just say we are managing some institutions."

"Then you are at least a small boss, right?"

"I'm just cleaning up the trouble caused by others. What about you? What did you do before you got sick?"

He didn't expect that the other party would throw the question back, and he felt a little difficult to speak for a while. But he immediately told himself that there was nothing shameful about being a car repair apprentice. He neither stole nor robbed, it was just bad luck. He told all about his two work experiences. The dean pressed the screen of his mobile phone with his palm, lowered his head and listened quietly.

"Then you lost your job because of the illness?"

"Well... I must have been fired since I haven't gone to work for so long."

"Not necessarily. If the boss is a responsible type, he might have called the police on your behalf? He should also have your ID information. Even if he can't contact his family, he will probably go to the police station to report you missing."

"He only knows my name, but no ID or anything like that. I don't have any ID yet."

The dean raised his head and looked at him. Facing her gaze, Cai Ji could only say: "I'm not old enough yet."

"...Wait a minute, how old are you this year?"


"Are you really old?"


The dean shook his head silently, and after a while said: "I didn't expect you to be so young."

"What about you? You're not that old, are you?"

"I am already twenty-seven - no, I miscalculated, I am now twenty-five. Although it is less than one round away, I can still be considered your elder. If I knew you were not yet an adult, you should change to someone a little more mature. Someone with experience will take care of you.”

Upon hearing this, Cai Ji instinctively resisted. He immediately said, "I don't need care."

The director was still looking at him, as if he was considering whether to change the nurse. Thinking that he had finally gotten to know Nurse Huasheng, and that he might have to get along again with a stranger who treated him like a brat, he immediately brought up all his past social experiences of earning money and working. Unlike a kid like Xiao Chu who had family to take care of him, he could already take care of himself. If it hadn't been for something strange, he would have already earned enough money to open his own shop and do business. This is of course not true, but the dean wouldn't know about it anyway.

"Do you want to do business? What kind of business?"

Remembering that the other party seemed to be a real business person, he did not dare to say anything casually, so he could only answer cautiously: "Just opening a small shop or something like that."

"Really? After you recover, maybe it will be possible. However, you have to wait until this observation period is over."

He felt a little happy when he heard that the other party did not laugh at him, but took it seriously. But before he could say anything else, the cell phone placed on the dean's lap vibrated violently. She glanced down and let out a long sigh.

"Sorry, I have to take a call. Is it convenient for you to go back first?"

So he suppressed his curiosity and left. Just as I walked out of the bamboo shed, the dean's calm voice came from behind: "Do you want to be buried alive by me in an abandoned factory?"

Must have heard wrong. He thought as he walked quickly along the path. After walking out of the courtyard, the nurse, who was still looking at the sky in a daze, sent him back to the ward. He looked at her frightening soft rope-like hands and felt an indescribable kindness.

When the next evening came, he went to the courtyard, but the dean was nowhere to be seen. The same was true for the next few days. He just walked into the courtyard by himself, sat under the empty bamboo shed for a while, thinking about the past and the future, and occasionally thinking about the dean's whereabouts. Is it because he occupied the bamboo shed that she stopped coming here? Maybe she was already inconvenienced by his presence during the last conversation, so she took advantage of answering the phone to express her opinion? He was thinking wildly, but he was not really sure about anything. Apart from his stepmother, he has almost no experience in dealing with older members of the opposite sex.

In fact, the dean is not much older than him, his family is wealthy, and he is very beautiful. He is almost the kind of person he can only see in movies. However, the strange thing is that he is always unaware of this when talking to her, and he has no reverie about the opposite sex at all. He felt as if he was just talking to Xiao Chu - but that was not necessarily the case, because when facing the dean, the more ignorant person became himself. He couldn't help but talk about his own affairs and couldn't help but obey the other party's request, just like Xiaochu did to him. It turns out that this is the feeling of attachment to an older partner. He imagined himself having an older brother or sister, or at least an uncle who wasn't sick. As I thought about it, my chest felt as heavy as being pressed by a pile of rocks.

At this time, the dean walked quietly from the path half-lit by the lamp. Raindrops were on his gray-purple blouse, his cloth shoes were stained with mud, and his loose and messy hair was half wet. A frost-like murderous aura enveloped her face, and her dark eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes. Cai Ji watched in stunned silence as she walked into the bamboo shed and sat down with her body covered in mud and water. She supported her head exhaustedly, and it took a long time before she raised her eyes to look at him.

"how do you feel today?"

"Nothing strange."

"So, are you homesick?" "Huh?"

"I just saw you weren't happy. Are you missing home?"

"No... I just remembered a former friend."

"Are you a good friend? Why didn't you tell me before? If you want to contact me, just give me your number."

Although he didn't feel very sad before, his voice suddenly choked up when he answered: "He has...already..."

"do you died?"

"Sh-should be."

"what is going on?"

When she asked him this, he couldn't help but start talking. From meeting Xiao Chu, to the auto repair shop being troubled by customers and closing down, to Xiao Chu's disappearance and his search, the strange things in the old shipyard, the strange customers in the bicycle shop, and the various strange behaviors after the onset of the illness, everything makes sense and doesn't make sense. , even he couldn't tell the truth from the lies, so they were all revealed in front of her. The dean untied his bun and combed his wet hair with his fingers, listening to his words quietly. Even when he was the most incoherent and even she felt inconsistent, she did not show any dissatisfaction.

"So, was it the black bird that told you to look for the sound?"


"The voice sounds the same every time, like a child's voice?"

"Kind of like a seven or eight-year-old girl."

"Besides the blackbird, what other animals did you see? Or maybe it's not an animal you can name, but something strange that looks like a living creature. Do you remember anything like this?"

"No...does this mean my condition is getting worse?"

"It has nothing to do with that. Why do you think that?"

"Is this called psychoanalysis? The black bird represents my subconscious?"

"You've read a lot of movie reviews before, right?"

The dean, who seemed to be making a joke, put down her hair, but did not explain her particularly detailed inquiry about the lakeside dream. Instead, she continued to ask: "The person that the black bird asked you to find is the person in front of you. That customer who repaired the car? You said he said a lot of strange things to you, what was the specific content? "

Since he had only briefly talked about what had happened before, he had no choice but to turn the topic back and carefully recall the strange afternoon in the bicycle shop. When he repeatedly emphasized how strange that person was, the dean's face showed the first faint smile of the night.

"He came up and talked non-stop as if he knew you very well, right?"

"Uh... I don't know if he is talking to me. Maybe he is just talking to himself. Anyway, he talks a lot and feels a little mentally abnormal."

"Maybe it's really pathological."


"Have you ever heard of Williams Syndrome? Coupled with the fact that it happens to be a heart abnormality——"

Before he could understand what he was saying, the dean stopped himself, shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing. That sentence just now was inappropriate."

"What's inappropriate?"

"It's too offensive to a real patient, so you don't have to worry about it. Can you still remember clearly what that person said to you at that time?"

In fact, after experiencing so many strange things, he couldn't remember most of them clearly. I can only recall the comments I made while watching the movie. He tried his best to repeat it to the dean. In order to prove that this was not a problem he had relayed, he couldn't help but seek approval from the other person: "Isn't this person weird?"

"Indeed. Did you say anything else?"

"It seems that people with rain in their names will fall to death from high places."

The dean's eyebrows were slightly raised, and then he nodded calmly. "Is it his murder foretelling?"

"I just said this suddenly when I was leaving."

"What's your tone? Is there any worry or sadness?"

"It seems... quite happy."

"It's really what college students who skip classes every day do. If you don't do your homework well, it's normal to fantasize about murders happening around you."

Is this normal? Cai Ji thought to himself. The dean continued to add as if he had read through his thoughts: "Don't mind, it's normal. Someone told me that the stars in the sky can talk."

"Is that your patient too?"

"No, he's just a boring person who would rather braid wicker hair than do his homework. Most of today's college students are like this. If he took every word of his words seriously, this hospital would have been filled with people. ——Speaking of this, didn’t he explain how he would fall to death?”

Cai Ji shook his head in confusion. The dean's eyes were fixed on his face, moving back and forth from his forehead to his chest, as if trying to find a third hand on his body. Before he could feel nervous, the searching gaze had disappeared. She stared at the bamboo forest in the shack and fell into some kind of thought.

"The black bird you dreamed about was a 'snake's tail'?"

"Yeah. He also said he was a thief and so on. He said my illness would be cured if I caught him."

"Then what do you think?"

"Me? What do I want to think about?"

"Didn't you think just now that the black bird was your own subconscious? So, what do you think it means when it says something like this? Does it mean that you hate that person in your subconscious and even want to kill him? "

Hearing her straightforward question, he couldn't help but flinch and wanted to defend himself. "But I did hear the man's voice...during the attack, just like the blackbird said."

"So if you catch him, will you do what Blackbird asks?"

The dean still asked. Although her tone was not harsh, it was also straightforward to the point of being inhumane. He sat in confusion, not knowing whether he should admit it - he had never thought of this step clearly, and even if similar thoughts had flashed across his mind, they were only momentary emotions and could never be regarded as a true determination. In the end, he could only say: "I don't believe it."

"So you are the type who doesn't believe in evil?"

"No... I think this is fake."

"False? Didn't you experience everything yourself?"

Faced with her continued questioning, he could only shake his head, but he didn't know how to explain this feeling. It’s not that I don’t believe in ghosts and gods at all, but I am skeptical about this solution, which is like lifting a boulder with hair. He could only say awkwardly: "It sounds false to say that everything is the fault of one person and that killing one person can solve the problem."

"Although it may not be one person's fault, what if killing him does solve your problem?"

"That's weird too."

He searched hard for words to express his thoughts, and finally said: "It's kind of like robbing people when you lose your job."

The dean smiled silently, and that strange smile seemed to have some kind of mocking emotion. Cai Ji immediately asked sensitively: "Is what I said funny?"

"No, no. Sorry, I was just laughing at someone else."

"But when I'm talking?"

"It's true. I didn't mean to laugh at you."


"Since the black bird said he was a thief, I happened to have heard a story about a thief."

The dean closed his eyes, and then said: "Once upon a time, a strange thing accidentally appeared in a field belonging to a nearby village. The shape and color of this thing were something that people had never seen before. They could not be described in words, and they were not the same as people. The farmer stabbed it with a pitchfork and an iron rake, and the thing shot out many pitchforks and iron rakes, and all the nearby villagers were injured; he used torches and grease to burn the thing. But he took the initiative to spray out more intense fire, burning down all the neighboring fields and houses. Finally, people drove the beast to attack and bite, and the thing immediately came to life and turned into a monster more ferocious than all wild beasts, running rampant throughout the village. Destruction. All those who tried to destroy it had to flee or be knocked down in vain. As it approached the gathering place, a very young girl saw it. She did not know it. He had never experienced the fear of death, so he still sat at the door and played to the thing with the flute he made - it immediately lost the form of a beast and fire, and a long tree stretched out from it. Hundreds of musical instruments repeated the melody that the girl played. The girl put wild flowers on it, and thousands of wild flowers bloomed on it, and the village was saved."

Cai Ji stretched his neck, waiting for her to continue. However, she had already concluded: "I heard this story from others, but I'm not very good at telling it."

"This is the end?"

"Yeah. That's roughly what I heard."

"Then... isn't it related to the thief? Where is the thief?"

"Yes, where did the thief go? It must have been stolen when I saw that thing. Since it was stolen instead, the thief can't be counted as a thief."

The dean stood up and left with a smile. It wasn't until he lay down that night that Cai Ji realized that she seemed to be joking with him.

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