one person is right

Chapter 148 "The House of Goodness, There Must Be Yu Qing"

Chapter 148 "The House of Goodness, There Must Be Yu Qing"

"Little brother, don't worry about Jianmu. We will see you sooner or later. This Wutun City is a first-class city in the entire Taihua Secret Realm. There are many people coming and going. It is a rare and lively place. It is not as good as a good place to live." Go shopping."

Seeing Chen Cuo's pensive look, Chui Yunzi spoke up.

Chen Cuo put aside his thoughts for the time being, and asked with a smile: "Listening to what Senior Brother said, there are many cities like this in the world in the secret realm?"

"Originally there were ten towers, but three have been abandoned due to the sparse population."

Chuiyunzi nodded, and took the initiative to introduce: "At the earliest time, due to the frequent wars outside and the evil cultivators who sacrificed blood to the common people with evil methods, the ancestors of the master sect felt that the world was in great trouble, so they attracted a large number of common people into the secret realm. Ten grain storage areas were drawn out, and gradually developed into ten cities due to the concentration of population, but then the secret land was closed, and the population became increasingly scarce. Now the entire secret land may not have 200,000 people, so every city has a tendency to decline ..."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the surroundings, changed the subject, and said: "Don't think that Wutun City is sparsely populated, but in the secret realm, it is already the first-class lively place, and the other six are even worse."

Chen Cuo listened, but was not surprised. Although the Taihua Secret Realm has a vast territory, since it is isolated from the world, the population must not be comparable to that outside. Since the population is insufficient, various problems will inevitably follow. The most direct manifestation is naturally The land is barren and the city is abandoned.

Chuiyunzi was talking when his face suddenly changed.

The poor-haired boy and Xi Ran next to him also looked the same.

Following Xi Ran, he stuck out his tongue, and said to Chen Cuo: "Little brother, you can go shopping by yourself, the old man called us, we have to go back, you must remember, help me bring some fruits from Xiangguoyuan back!"

Chuiyunzi smiled wryly: "We'll go first, and if there is any situation, please send a letter to inform us at any time."

"Little brother with such ability, what can happen in the secret realm? Instead, you have to control yourself and don't disturb the order of the world." After finishing speaking, the poor man patted his head, "I'm a bit straight-talking, junior brother Take care."

Chen Cuo smiled and said: "The simpler the structure, the harder it is to withstand the destruction of external forces. Brother reminded me right."

"That's good, then you can visit here, I'll leave first." The poor-haired man grinned, and left with the other two.

After leaving the three of them, Chen Cuo walked away for a while, observing secretly.

Wutun City is said to be a lively place with one roof, but it is not much different from the villages and towns outside Jiankang City. The so-called busy market is like the vegetable market in Jiankang Outer Street.

Scattered vendors sat on both sides calling for purchases, selling melons, fruits and simple handicrafts, while the buyers carried bamboo baskets containing bags of rice noodles.

"Bartering, using rice and noodles as the staple food, I didn't see anything like currency." Looking away, Chen Cuo looked into the distance again. It was a shed with tables under it, and there were many people there. People sit inside, some eat, some drink tea, and some chat casually.

After pondering for a moment, Chen made a mistake and walked over.

"When I fell from the hanging peak before, Brother Chuiyunzi mentioned that every household in the secret realm has men farming and women weaving, and few people leave their homes. But from the perspective of Wutun City, at least the commodity economy has developed. Merchant, it’s a bit different from what he said..."

Thinking about it, he had already walked into a shed, sat down, looked around, and saw a few tables of people drinking tea, it should be a tea shop.

However, while he was sitting here, he didn't see anyone greet him. After a while, a middle-aged man with a face full of wind and frost came over.

He didn't greet Chen Cuo either, instead he said straightly: "Today's fifteen pots of tea have already been replaced, you can only wait for tomorrow."

"It's okay," Chen Cuo smiled, "Since there is no tea, let's sit down and rest for a while."

When the man saw it, he didn't say much, turned around and went to work.

Chen Cuo looked at him and saw that he was mainly busy packing his things. The teapot, teacup, and small things on the table were all carefully put into the basket by him.

There are still layers of linen cloth in the frame, and every time a few are put down, they are covered with cloth.

After he finished his busy work, he turned his head and saw Chen Cuo was still sitting there, so he walked over again, and said with some vigilance: "These tables and chairs belong to the good people of the Yun family, don't worry about it."

Chen Cuo smiled and said: "I'm just thinking, look at my body, how can I carry it?" He still looks like a teenager, and in order not to attract attention, he wore ordinary clothes, which really dispelled the man's vigilance.

"Then you can continue to sit." As he spoke, the man wiped his sweat.

Chen Cuo said: "I think you are done with your work, why don't you sit down and have a rest." In the words, a thought came out.

The man hesitated for a moment, glanced at the sky, and finally sat down.

Chen Cuo said familiarly: "How is the harvest today?"

"It's okay, but I have to prepare three more pots tomorrow, which will be a bit troublesome, so I have to go back a little earlier to make some preparations." The man was unsuspecting, and answered after listening to the question.

The two talked a few words without saying a word, and when the bed was almost ready, Chen Cuo suddenly asked: "Brother, did you grow this tea yourself? I have seen many people who grow rice and wheat."

The man looked at Chen Cuo suspiciously, and said: "You are asking a strange question. There are too many children in the family, and the land can't support them. Of course, we have to find a way to exchange some food back. As for the tea tree, it must not be my own. , if tea trees are planted, how can we grow food?"

"Yes, I'm new here." Chen Cuo replied simply, then skipped the topic and asked, "Since it's not your own tea tree, who planted it?"

The man said: "The Yun family in this city, but although it is his family's tea garden, the one who planted the trees was not his family, and the ones who dried and picked were not their family, they were all someone else."

Chen Cuo suddenly became interested, so he asked in detail.

"There is a family that planted the trees. This family specializes in planting trees. After the tea is transported to the city, it is directly sent to another family to dry and pick. My family will then pull it over and put it here to exchange for rice noodles."

"Huh?" Chen Cuo listened, and felt something was wrong, "Listen, the Yun family didn't participate at all, so what did their family get in the end?"

"Why don't you say that the Yun family is a great benevolent person! After we exchange rice and noodles every day, we can give half of them to their families. The rest will be divided equally among several families. It can barely support the family's rations. If it weren't for this, we might have been hungry by now After death, being able to get help from the Yun family is really a blessing from previous life..."

As he spoke, the man's face was filled with sorrow.

Chen Cuo had a strange expression on his face, and asked, "When did the Yun family become so kind?"

"From his grandfather's generation!" The man showed nostalgia, "His grandfather, Old Man Yun, was an outsider. He strayed into this place while hunting in the mountains, and he called us this fairyland."

When Chen Cuo heard this, he understood a little bit.

The man was emotional again: "I heard from the old man of the Yun family that there is chaos outside. There are a bunch of countries that fight back and forth, and people die every day. It's miserable! That old man Yun died a lot of children outside... "

"After he came in, how did he settle down? Allocate the land?" Chen Cuo interrupted him with emotion.

"In the past, the field was also allocated, but later it was not divided, and I don't know the reason." He took him in, but for some reason, the Wang family suddenly went on a long-distance travel. Fortunately, Old Man Yun took care of the Wang family's fields, saying that as long as the Wang family needs them in the future, he would give them to him with both hands. He also said that he has no interest in land. ..."

As he spoke, he raised his head to look at the sky, jumped up and said, "It's getting late, if you don't hurry back to get your luggage, you won't be able to sleep tonight! Let's go, let's go..."


As soon as they left, the smile on Chen Cuo's face had disappeared.

"I don't know, whether the door understands the situation in this city, or is it a laissez-faire attitude towards the secret world..."

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he turned around and looked back.

"Brother, I see that you are very interested in the Yun family." There is a person standing behind him, who looks only in his teens, wearing rough linen clothes that were dyed black, "I'm a helper at their house, what do you have? If you want to know, I can tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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