one person is right

Chapter 757 The ancestral road has thousands of people, and the tents are facing each other

Chapter 757 The ancestral road has thousands of people, and the tents are facing each other

One after another, the light and shadow countercurrent.

As the world spun and the divine thoughts alternated, many scenes reappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a scene of fire clouds and thunder entangled the pavilion.

As far as the eye can see, the clouds and mist are like a curtain, the ground is full of immortal wine, and the delicacies are endless. There are seven people sitting in it.

It was the scene where he was led by Hong Yuan to set foot in the secret realm of Flame Spirit Mountain!
"Back in time!"

Chen Cuo already controlled a little power of time, and he had even set foot in the past with the Solitaire Lord in the gap of the long river, so he was naturally no stranger to the scene in front of him.Shocked in his heart, he looked up at the sky, his eyes piercing through the void, he had already noticed that almost everywhere within the reach of his five senses and spiritual consciousness, he could go back to the past and turn back time!

"Although I have never ascended to the ascension, I still have supernatural powers. My thoughts spread everywhere, and even penetrated into the secret realm of Taihua! Right now, everything that my will can reach is interfered with! From point to surface, almost the entire world, and even the world beyond Influence, who has such ability?"

Surprised and moved, he couldn't help recalling that after he shaped the road sign, he actually left a mark and an anchor point in the long river of history. In theory, he could also go upstream and go back to the past, but not to mention his Returning, in fact, only involves oneself, if you really want to do it, the required mana is astronomical!Even if it's just for a moment, it will almost suck up all the mana!
"But now, there is someone who can control the time in the human world and the outside world like this! It's like playing with time in the palm of your hand! How terrifying! What kind of realm is it that can really do this? It's above seven steps, Or... the legendary Daoist?"

At this moment, suddenly a crisp voice came from the side——

"This is the way of heaven. If it is not performed by the Taoist master, then only the Taoist ancestor who acts on behalf of the heavens can do it."

Chen Cuo's heart moved, and he looked for the sound, and the target was Ting Yi's pretty face, and his face was also full of surprise, not as indifferent and forgetful as before.

Noticing the surprise in Chen Cuo's eyes, Ting Yi smiled helplessly, and said: "Chen Jun, I am for me at the moment, but just now, no, it should be said that I am not me in the future. The reason, I will explain to you later .”

"Sure enough, there is an external will occupying your body!"

As soon as Chen Cuo saw Ting Yi's expression, he knew she had recovered, but he couldn't help worrying.After all, with the personality of the Nether Emperor, if the body can be occupied by human beings, what kind of cultivation and origin does this intruder have?Hearing what Ting Yi said, he obviously knew something.

"The top priority is still the catastrophe of the millennium cycle." Ting Yi's words interrupted Chen Cuo's train of thought, "Now that someone is trying to reverse the time, it is definitely not for no reason. It must be that the core of the catastrophe has changed." Sometimes, when she flicked her fingers, a faint cold air would surround the two of them, restraining and blocking their words, and not spreading them to the outside world.

"The core of the catastrophe?"

Ting Yi said seriously: "Naturally, it is Chang'an in the East!"

When Chen Cuo heard the words, he immediately felt something in his heart, sensed it from afar, and his complexion changed slightly: "It's actually the Buddhism that caused the trouble, and it really cut off the living beings in Chang'an as leeks! Moreover, with the magical power of the Buddha's World Honored One, he can't do rebellion." Time, I'm afraid there are people behind it who are pushing and instigating!"

Ting Yi already understood what Chen Cuo meant, and said: "Although you have cut off the connection between the east and the west of the Buddhist gate, the shelf is still there. How many people are there? How many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the world are there outside the world, and they are not dead. Fight back and resign yourself to fate, that's why you can't justify it."

"But this matter can be achieved, not only because the Buddhist sect has put all their eggs in one basket! Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty. It bears the luck of the real dragon and the purple spirit of the dynasty. It stands to reason that it should be protected by the underworld, let alone the luck of the Tang Dynasty. Righteously strong! As a result, it can still be suppressed by the Buddha's light, which is clearly caused by the laissez-faire of various forces!" Chen Cuo said, then changed the topic, and said: "I don't understand something, I can't figure it out, and I am about to ask The emperor asks for advice."

"Let's talk about it." Ting Yi nodded, but he already guessed what Chen Cuo wanted to say.

"Why does the reincarnation kill the world? It really makes people feel strange!" Chen Cuo said calmly, but there seemed to be fire in his eyes. Is it a generation? Take a step back and say that immortals are made by mortals, and they have killed the common people in the world, so where do people who become immortals come from?"

Ting Yi sighed, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Because the living beings in the world are the source of the extraordinary and the root of supernatural powers."

Chen Cuo immediately asked: "Since it is the root cause, why should it be cut off?"

Ting Yi's expression changed slightly, and immediately he pinched the seal formula with his hands and whispered in his mouth, and a series of ice characters flew out of the void, circled the two of them, and formed a formation in the air, enveloping an area.

Afterwards, Ting Yi whispered: "Because this root was raised by nature, not by gods and Buddhas..."

Chen Cuo's heart jumped suddenly, as if he had grasped something vaguely.

But at this moment, the white-haired immortal Zhenjun Kaiyang had already stepped forward.

"I have met Daojun! We have been waiting here for a long time, Daojun, please come to the table, we have something to ask." He said, but his eyes fell on Tingyi, with a hesitant expression.

Just now, they were waiting here. Seeing Hongyuan leading Chen Cuo into the secret realm, they felt relieved, and just as they were waiting to speak, the surroundings suddenly twisted in the void, followed by this delicate girl.

Originally, in the face of such an uninvited guest, Kaiyang Zhenjun and others were about to take action, but they saw that he and Chen Cuo answered one-on-one, and they were obviously familiar with each other, so they made the words in their mouths and the movements of their hands vivid. Holding back, he finally saw two people volleying in the air, worried that the situation would change, so he hurried up to salute and greet.

Chen Cuo listened to the person's words and saw the other person's expression, and immediately realized that this person's memory, like everything in the world, was reversed and reset by time, and he lost all kinds of memories after he arrived here!Then look at the appearance of other people, including Hong Yuan who led her here, they all looked at Ting Yi with a confused face.

"It seems that apart from me, only Ting Yi's memory has not been affected by the reverse flow of time!"

Chen Cuo knew his own family affairs, so he knew very well that at the moment when the time between heaven and earth changed, he was actually frozen by time. Even if he had a small amount of time power in his hand, he had used it in the past, but it happened suddenly. Still failed to take advantage of the situation to avoid disaster.But with the vibration of the natal magic weapon compatible with Nian, the gray mist gushed out and swept across his body, and he broke free from the prison of time.

"What's so strange about the gray mist in Mengze? It's even able to avoid this great supernatural phenomenon that affects the world!"

Thinking in this way, he read into Mengze, and many fragments of what happened in Mengze flooded in. Sure enough, whether it was the few people who were sealed by him, or the ordinary people living in Taoyuan, I have never been reversed by the magical power of light at that time!

"Sure enough, the dream lake is filled with gray mist. Since the gray fog can free me from the influence of time, it can naturally protect everything in the dream lake! However, Ting Yi is not surrounded by gray fog, so why is it not affected? Could it be Is it because of cultivation, Taoism? Or the ghost personality? How many people can there be in the world if we are so unaffected?"

Extraterrestrial starry sky, green stars.

Wearing a Taoist robe, the leader of Yuxu walked out of the palace, crossed the sky, looked into the depths of the starry sky, and looked at the deepest dark place, with an uncertain expression.

Down below, one after another of fairy spirits intertwine and change, gradually filling up the worlds damaged in the previous battle one by one. Thousands of figures are pinching seals in those many worlds, displaying magical powers, and coordinating with the world. recovery.From their bodies, there is a faint breath gathering, vaguely revealing the intention of sharing the same hatred.

Withdrawing his gaze, Hierarch Yuxu glanced across the world and all spirits, and his expression gradually softened.

"Thousands of years of management, to achieve such a scene, how can it be wiped out because of a moment of calamity? Even that one is not hesitating, let alone this seat? Even if it is contaminated with murder and calamity, it should be done!"

As soon as he thought of this, he suddenly stretched out a finger and tapped it lightly on his forehead.

In an instant, everything was silent.

In the void, the shadow of a Dao tree connecting the past and the present is looming.


Immediately, there was a huge earthquake in the void, and a door slowly opened, but it was immediately full of cracks.


In the void, the eyes of the old beggar who was confronting Xuanhuang Daoist showed surprise.

"Lingbao is willing to pay such a price to enter the human world!"

On the opposite side, Taoist Xuan Huang said with a smile: "Everyone has obsessions, and so does the leader. His entry into the world this time should be the final word."

"Heh!" The old beggar also smiled, "On behalf of the heavens, the position of the leader, such a person, no matter it is the void passage, the corner of the world, or the nothingness of history, or the hole of Qiuxu, it can't bear it. He really has great determination, how can he achieve it overnight? This game of chess is long!"

"This world has been reduced to a chessboard. All parties have not only placed bets, but also ended up one after another. The future battle will be even more dangerous! With Chen Jun's current skills, although he can face it, he has no chance of winning!"

In the secret realm of Flaming Lingshan, Ting Yi had already noticed something, so he forced Kaiyang Zhenjun back with a wave of his sleeves, and after strengthening the formation of Yin Qi by a few points, he said to Chen Cuo sternly: "Chen Jun, now you are all over the world. Almost all the ways of heaven in the world have their own masters. Even the ways without masters are coveted by strong people and regarded as forbidden. People who practice the way of heaven are walking on the road opened by others, and naturally have to abide by the rules set by others. If there is any disobedience, it doesn't look like it at ordinary times, but once you meet someone who is in charge of the law of heaven, you will be controlled by others!"

Seeing Ting Yi's solemn expression, Chen Cuo knew that what he said was all from the bottom of his heart, so he restrained his thoughts, put aside his thoughts, and listened carefully.

"Hidden dangers and scourges are in the hands of others, and if they don't show up for a while, there are generally only two situations. One is that the person looks down on you, and the other is that the person is waiting for the opportunity. Once mature, Either I lost my dominance and was not free like me, or I took a crucial step like Lu's back then and stepped into a catastrophe!"

At this point, she paused.

"Chen Jun, make a decision in the morning."

 It will be released first, and it will be revised during the day tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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