one person is right

Chapter 824 The book says the year, entangled in 1 point

Chapter 824

Above the illusory level, gods and spirits live in the sky, playing chess like black hands behind the scenes, leading the general trend of the world, and even entrusting orders to Zhou, the army rises and the world changes!
In reality, Yin Shang had the Nine Generations Rebellion due to succession rights; the alliance with Dongyi was broken due to chaotic diplomacy; conflicts with internal nobles and external princes were caused by disputes over sacrifices and interests, which eventually led to There was a rebellion all around, and Zhou in the west took the opportunity to move east and take his place!
But immediately afterwards, there was another change in the illusory level. There was a person planning to establish the Tao, so he seized the opportunity of the internal and external difficulties of Yin and Shang, and the chaos in the world, and attracted all the gods to rise up, gather everyone's thoughts to seek the Tao, and Achieve the personality of the Lord of Heaven in one fell swoop!


All of these, many scenes complement each other, constantly changing, alternating and covering the virtual and real layers repeatedly, and no one can completely suppress the other side.

"This is……"

Feeling such a change, Chen Cuo had a thought, and his spiritual consciousness suddenly surged, the jade belt trembled, and he wanted to force it to penetrate, but when the jade belt pierced into it, it seemed to fall into the mud, becoming more and more sluggish and difficult, repeated in the virtual and real Variety!
Whether it is the heroic spirits in history or the demons and gods in mythology, what they did turned into fragments of scenes that fell down one by one, fell into the jade belt, and evolved their own rise and fall.But in the blink of an eye, many events in the late Yin and Shang Dynasties and the early Zhou Dynasty continued to change, and many contradictions occurred——

The same thing has evolved into a rise and fall on the mortal level, and the process is complete and self-consistent, but in a blink of an eye, another version appears, and what is presented is the promotion of gods and demons, the manipulation of fairy monsters, and the same manifestation. Rise and fall!
In an instant, contradictions, knots, and paradoxes appeared one after another, and they exploded in the jade belt, forming flames one by one!It seems that two parties in fierce battle collide and change everywhere in the jade belt!
"The collision between fiction and reality stems from the changes in the narratives of reality and legends!"

In an instant, Chen Cuo grasped the key.

"There are obviously many narratives about this period of history at the turn of the Shang and Zhou dynasties! They were established almost at the same time, so this situation has appeared! I have gone upstream all the way, except for my real body. In order to find out the rise and fall of the ancient times, using the jade belt of the past to go upstream is equivalent to searching the past with spiritual knowledge. There are no such obvious contradictions in the previous history. Why are there such changes only in the Shang and Zhou dynasties? ?”

Because of this contradiction, Chen Cuo's jade belt of spiritual consciousness could no longer move forward, because the contradiction here itself was based on the important nodes, turning points, and foundation points of the Shang Dynasty in the Zhou Dynasty. If this point is not smoothed out, even if it is forced Looking back, I can't be sure whether it is the supernatural illusion as the clue, or the rise and fall of the world as the main axis!
However, he didn't feel anxious because of this. Instead, he was thoughtful and faintly grasped the key point.

"Why didn't there be such obvious changes at other points in time before? According to what I know, the period from Emperor Zhuanxu's Jedi Tiantong to Zulong's Jedi Tiantong again has been almost static in the long river of history. Among them, so just now the jade belt of spiritual consciousness went upstream, and most of what I saw and heard was based on the scenes in the world. This is probably because the extraordinary power was suppressed by an unknown power and could not be fully expressed. The human influence has diminished."

Chen Cuo recalled that during the time period when he first came here, his divine channeling method and spiritual light mana were almost blocked in his body, making it difficult to express them. Since then, he has paid attention to and studied them, and has gained a lot.

Naturally, another long-haired Taoist figure appeared in his thoughts, and the process of that person standing upright in the eyes of everyone and then falling.

"It is reasonable to say that the period of the Shang-Zhou War is also during this period. It should be the same as other times, but there is actually a mystery in distinguishing it carefully. Because of this time point, too many people have described this node. Trying to whitewash and reshape historical marks by changing the way people perceive people! Moreover, these narrators are not ordinary personalities, at least they are all ruthless masters..."

In the later generations that Chen Cuo knew, there were many stories about the battle of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, but the framework had long been stable.

"Compared to several versions of the story, Jiang Ziya's narration of the way of gathering people is the closest to later generations, and after tracing it down, this version of the story, although there are many gods and monsters, does not show its magical powers. The power to destroy the world depends on many magic weapons, and there are also signs of being suppressed by the invisible power."

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly moved.

"I just don't know whether the mighty force capable of suppressing the supernatural was able to appear because of the Jedi Celestial Power, and because of this, the immortals and gods left the world; Interference makes the Chaofan recede, and only then does the existing mighty power appear."

Although he had such doubts, but he thought about his own experience, and after thinking about it in series, he vaguely had an answer.

"If it's really what I think it is, then there may still be a big secret hidden in the history of this world, the so-called Dao of Heaven!"

Together with Chen Cuo's idea, he felt that the long river of history, which was originally relatively peaceful, suddenly shook, so that the jade belt he went upstream along the long river began to sway in this sudden burst of waves, as if There are signs of overturning!

"Sure enough, there is a secret!"

With a clear understanding in his heart, Chen Cuo immediately gathered his thoughts and took back the extended jade belt of spiritual knowledge without any hesitation or nostalgia!
Immediately, the jade belt was pulled out from the conflicting Shang and Zhou junctures, quickly rewinding with many historical ups and downs along the way, and set off huge waves in the long river!
Within that wave, stars twinkled one after another, and finally merged into the jade belt and fell into Chen Cuo's body!

"Although it can't be extended to the ancient times, it's enough for now! Follow, it's the next step..."

The cloud of starlight that was originally wrapped around Chen Cuo's body suddenly expanded, and then roared away in all directions!

It was like a sudden explosion of a point, and the invisible ripples rushed towards the entire Nanzhan Buzhou, and even the four continents and further seas!

"This is……"

The two leaders who were fixed to the side showed horror.

Many changes and feedback are carried out silently.

Qin State, Xianyang.

Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei looked at the letter in front of him, his expression fluctuating.

"In this world, is there really a thing of longevity?"

After waiting for a whisper, he put the letter away and called people over: "Go to Kongtong Mountain as soon as possible, and look for the fairy trail!"

(End of this chapter)

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