This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1 Question Mark to Famous Professional Players

Chapter 1 Question Mark to Famous Professional Players

2019 12 Month 16 Day.

It has been a month since FPX won the ninth Summoner's trophy, and the popularity of LPL's two consecutive championships has not dissipated. An official announcement from EDG rushed to the hot search, making countless starches cry.

LPL001 player Ming Kai (Clearlove) announced his transition as the head coach of EDG, and his player career officially ended.

In the evening, in the live broadcast room numbered 7 of Penguin E-sports, the title of the live broadcast room is exactly: Change the coach, the Hanbok master is relegated.

Ming Kai in the live broadcast room had already logged in to his Korean account. While preparing for the game, he chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room about his feelings of retirement. The screen-filled barrage drowned the familiar face of countless LPL viewers.

"The factory manager has retired, and my youth is over."

"LPL's only dream jungler, it's a pity."

"It took the factory manager eight years, but he still failed to prove who is the world's No. [-] jungler, and he finally lost to time."

"Now, Coach Mingkai can study his opponents carefully."


"Come on, Qijiang, be a good coach, and open the coffin board of starch with your own hands."

"We all blamed the factory manager wrong, and now it's really enough to look at 4396."

"After all, the power of the two tigers, the oath of the knight of the mid laner Ryze is outrageous."

"The era of Yusanjia is over."

Of course, there are also a small number of rhythmic barrages in the sound of regret and encouragement.

"The Civil War Phantom God retired, and it will be the LPL Domination S competition in the future."

"Waste Mingkai, every word and character, top eight every year."

"Don't be fooled, the factory manager S7 was in the top sixteen that year, and he didn't make it to the S competition this year."

As for the discordant barrage, apart from the fact that the house manager is working hard, as the oldest LPL player, Ming Kai is already immune to the barrage of this intensity.

If nothing else, the director of the factory is really excellent in terms of mentality because he has played so many memes on the field and has been hacked for so many years.

"Okay, alright, I've been hacking me for so many years. Let's take a break today. Finally, I can play the hanbok. In the last two days of the hanbok, if I lose another game, I will be relegated. Try not to fall."

When he started to select people, he saw that he had locked Qinggangying on the first floor without hesitation, Ming Kai said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Qinggangying is coming, I choose a blind monk to cooperate with people to catch people, it is very easy to catch, this is stable. ."

The lineup of the two sides was selected, Ming Kai got the blind monk as he wished and was ready to cooperate with Qinggangying to play the main road, but the opponent also got the crocodile backhand to Counter Qinggangying, and the jungler was still a spider.

The lineup of the blue team: top lane Qinggangying, jungler Blind Monk, mid lane Zoe, bottom lane Kai'Sa, support Titan.

Red lineup: top single alligator, jungler spider, middle single clockwork, bottom Xia, support Luo.

"It's a little bad, the zoo team on the opposite side is more ruthless, unless this Qinggangying can suppress the crocodile's blood, or he can't go on the road, but Qinggangying is too difficult to beat the crocodile, and it is very difficult to fight at the same level, I will take a look first. The rank of Qinggangying."

The factory manager's tone has changed, but he couldn't help taking a breath when he saw the top rank of Qinggangying with the ID Cheng:

"The ranking of the Hanbok is exhausted again, and I actually ranked the king with 900 points."

Strictly speaking, players who have just entered the master team should not be ranked as teammates with such a high score in the solo queue, but the Korean server's ranking system has not had problems once or twice, and Mingkai is not very surprised.

In addition to Qinggangying with 936 points, Zoe in the middle also has more than 700 points, and the bot lane combination is much normal, with a grandmaster having 281 points and a master having 13 points.

Checking Cheng's game record, I found that the entire page has been using Qinggangying recently, and the record is very good.

However, the heroes used further are very messy. All kinds of heroes are used in various positions. From Lulu the wind girl to Yasuo Timo, there are records of use, and there are wins and losses.

"Hanbok also has Qinggangying's unique skills? Factory director, hold your thighs tight on the road."

"This is not a unique skill, this is a juggling brother, right? The heroes used in the front are too happy."

"Damn it! Look at the win rate, it's almost 70. It's outrageous."

"Generally speaking, Qinggangying is not good at fighting crocodiles, unless the details are crushed, and the jungler is a spider, the king of thousand points is useless."

"In this position of teammates, there must be a king who has nearly a thousand points on the opposite side."

"On the first day of the factory manager's retirement, even the relegation match was so unfriendly."

"If you lose again, you will become a diamond boy, haha."

"A small koi got into the shark pond? I'm dying of laughter."

"It's time to incarnate the King of Dark Kai slaughtering."

"Haha! I'm holding it to my thigh, this is Brother Chengzi, and I often OB his games every night."

"Who is Wan Wan?"

"A little anchor of Huya."

"Is she playing robbery?"

"Don't play, next time you want to see Brother Chengzi's perspective, you can go to the Wanwan live broadcast room."

Ignoring the jokes of the barrage in the live broadcast room, the factory manager's signature blind boy started with the blue square and red BUFF with the help of the bot duo, and went straight to the upper half without brushing his beloved F6.

"Titan's eyes just saw the spider's blue opening. If you brush it on the opposite side, you may catch a chance to catch a wave of blue steel shadows. I will brush it to see if there is a chance to squat."

Ming Kai, who has completed the transformation of his coaching status, analyzed the situation with the king of the mouth in the live broadcast room, and cut the screen to see the situation of the top lane.

At this time, the soldiers on the road had just met, and the two sides showed each other a sign to show their friendship across the melee soldiers who were fighting.

Due to the weakness of the crocodile level [-], when Qinggangying actively started to reduce the blood volume of the melee soldiers, the crocodile did not rush forward, but prepared to wait for the soldiers' blood volume to drop and find an opportunity to make up for it.

However, Qinggangying's play style is very fierce. After making up for the first melee soldier, he took the initiative to move forward and crossed the red side's melee soldier's stuck position.

The meaning is obvious: if you dare to fill up, I will consume your blood.

The blue side already has two minions with very low HP. Faced with such temptation, Crocodile chose to forcibly cross his own long-range minions and actively approach the direction of Qinggangying, and started to attack with the Q skill Tyrant.

The giant blade in the crocodile's hand swung and swung, successfully taking down two blue melee soldiers.

However, due to being stuck in front of the red side's long-range minion in advance, when the crocodile entered the skill range and could hit the minion, Qinggangying had already kicked it out first, and the crocodile's bone coating was shot out.

The adaptive defense shield triggers, just blocking the crocodile's Q skill damage, while attracting the hatred of the minions.

After the crocodile had finished releasing the skill, he quickly retreated, Qing Gangying did not rush to take action, and still did not know what skill he was learning.

After two steps, the moment the crocodile retreated to the side of the red party's long-range soldier, Qinggang Ying's E skill hook locked and shot, hung on the corner of the river and put the second E in seconds, and the wall kicked straight out.

At this moment, the skeletal coating on the crocodile just disappeared, and was stunned by Qinggang Ying's kick.

After landing, Qing Gangying took advantage of the situation, taking advantage of the attack speed bonus of E skill, Qing Gangying adjusted a step and kicked out before the crocodile woke up and pulled away.

The strong attack was triggered, and the crocodile did not dare to fight back when it entered a vulnerable state, and hurriedly retreated.

After a wave of blood changes, the crocodile was knocked out of more than one-third of its HP, while Qinggangying was only knocked out by a long-range minion, which was already doomed to the early push.

Seeing this scene, the factory manager knew: "This Qinggang shadow is very detailed. We succeeded in grabbing the line. Let's brush it up and see if we can find an opportunity."

Due to being at a disadvantage when Qinggangying grabbed the second place, the crocodile was forced to shrink in front of the tower to gain experience, and took advantage of Qinggangying's opportunity to go to the river to go up to the small soldiers to save some anger.

The third wave of artillery soldiers from the red side just got stuck a little outside the red side tower, and the blind monk sent a signal that he was going and went straight to the road.

In this kind of line, the spiders on the opposite side will basically not come to cooperate with the second-level crocodile to catch the blue steel shadow, which has risen to the third-level. The blind monk's signal is to take the initiative to attack.

The blue line of soldiers had entered the tower, and at the moment when the blind monk bypassed the triangle grass, the blue steel shadow standing outside the range of the defense tower jumped high, and the W tactic swept away.

The sharp leg edge cut through, and the outer edge swept the crocodile in front of the tower precisely. After the huge deceleration was given, Qinggang Ying took a step forward, and the E skill hook locked to the wall above the tower on the red side.

Mingkai tightened his nerves, "Come on, come on! The crocodile on the other side is not angry enough, Qinggang Ying E went up and I directly touched Q, I could instantly crocodile."

Because the crocodile was reluctant to knock out the only blood medicine, the blood volume was not very healthy, so it was not difficult for the third-level blind monk to cooperate with the third-level Qinggang shadow to perform the tower leap.

At this time, the blind monk's position is on the back of the wall below, close to the stone man's grass. The blind monk who has already preset the operation directly inserts his eyes through the wall, and W touches it.

Qinggang Ying's second-stage E shot, while the blind monk shot Tian Yinbo.

The crocodile's reaction was very fast. When he saw the blind monk touch the wall, he knew that he couldn't be stunned by the blue steel shadow, so he resolutely exchanged flashes.

Just when the second E was about to be kicked in the air, the Qinggang Shadow suddenly followed and flashed. The E flash adjusted its position and still knocked out the crocodile, but the blind monk's Q was still dodged by the crocodile.

The crocodile was stunned under the tower, and the blue steel shadow landed on the AQ shot, triggering the shield of the adaptive defense and attracting the hatred of the defense tower.

The blind monk with the Q skill slammed his legs up and wanted to follow the output. When he saw Qinggangying issuing a red warning signal, the factory manager handed over the flash without the slightest hesitation.

The blind monk flashed to the crocodile and slapped the ground.

At this moment, the crocodile happened to be madly attacked by a Q skill tyrant, and his anger instantly turned red when he hit Qinggangying and the blind monk at the same time.

No more, no less, exactly 50 points of anger.

A green light emerged from the top of the crocodile's head, ruthlessly hunting and shooting at the blue steel shadow in front of him.

The second attack of the defense tower just landed after the red anger W stunned Qing Gangying, and Qing Gangying's HP dropped to about half in an instant, falling into a daze.

At the same time, the team chat screen lights up with a message.

Cheng: ?
(End of this chapter)

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