This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 100 The first live broadcast

Chapter 100 The first live broadcast

Seeing the host's surprised expression, Lin Cheng suddenly realized that he was a player and watched more interviews.

When football players join a new team, they always like to tout a wave of new owners first. The unified format is this: xxx has a glorious history. I dreamed of joining xxx since I was a child, and now I have finally realized my dream.

"Well, I'm sorry, I watched too many football interviews."

"It doesn't matter, it's not a live broadcast anyway, it can be cut off at that time."

The host girl waved her hand, "Then I will continue to ask questions. Every time a Korean aid joins an LPL team, their mastery of language will greatly affect the speed of integration into the team. As the first foreign aid in the LCK, you are communicating with your teammates. Did you feel pressured?"

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds: "That...I can speak Korean. I have been in Korea for more than three years."

"Ah~~~ I'm sorry, I forgot for a while."

The host girl suddenly felt embarrassed, "It doesn't matter, it can be cut anyway, this part will not be broadcast."

Seeing Lin Cheng snickering, the girl tried her best to be serious, and looked down at her hand card, "Domestic netizens think you are very handsome, do you have any comments on your appearance?"

"My beauty?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "I don't know how to evaluate it, I can only say that the netizens are not blind."


The host was speechless. After interviewing for so long, the clip that this guy can put out is probably the self-introduction at the beginning.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Lin Cheng hesitated, "Am I attacking netizens? I can't attack netizens, right?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you can cut it out anyway, just answer it again, and give yourself a score for your appearance."

The girl secretly cheered herself up. After all, she is a student of the ace major of Korea University. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with such a small scene.

Lin Cheng: "Then I'll give one point."

The host was surprised: "So low? It's too modest."

"Because I don't have any good looks at all, I'm just a piece of shit, my face is ugly, my mind is dirty, and my mouth is poisonous... Hahaha! I'm sorry I can't help it."

As he was talking, Lin Cheng suddenly laughed, "Help me cut out this trouble. I need to be modest. I'm being too modest."

The host girl was also led astray by Lin Cheng, she laughed and said, "Okay! Cut this part off, let's move on to the next question."

So, this interview continued in an extremely informal style.

Half an hour later, Douyu couldn't wait to announce the news of signing Lin Cheng on the homepage, and released a video of Lin Cheng's interview with the signing.

However, this video is a bit unexpected. Douyu did not cut out the wrong clips. The whole video looks extremely unscrupulous, and the popularity is ridiculously high.

"I dreamed of joining Douyu since I was a child? Brother Cheng is too showy."

"Why is this sentence so familiar? The last time I heard it was Ronaldo's dream to join Real Madrid since he was a child, 2333."

"666, I've heard Erhuang Meng, Er Hai Meng, Er Mao Meng, and Er Yu Meng is too outrageous."

"A signing video has such a high degree of popularity, Brother Chengzi is really a master of living things."

"Although there was a beeping sound, I still heard the word 'shit' behind the lump."

"If you really have you, you actually say that I'm a piece of shit, then I'm not even worse than shit."

"Even if it's shit, Brother Chengzi is the most beautiful shit, 23333."

"I laughed so hard! Brother Chengzi and Miss Host are more funny than the other."

"Cut out this paragraph has become Miss Sister's mantra, die of laughter."

"Douyu: Haha! I didn't expect that, the labor and management will not cut, and they will strike later."

"This girl is stupid and cute."

On the night of signing the contract with Douyu, Lin Cheng started his first live broadcast with a little curiosity.

Because Douyu notified Lin Cheng of the premiere time in advance, when he logged into the live broadcast account provided by Douyu at [-] o'clock in the evening, Lin Cheng found that the room was already full of people, and as soon as he entered, he was greeted by dense barrages.

"Yo hoo! Are these robots arranged by Douyu? They are quite intelligent."

Lin Cheng looked at the bullet screen curiously, and found that there were many such bullet screens: You are a robot, and your whole family is a robot.

"It turns out that you are really human, welcome and welcome."

Lin Cheng was happy: "Everyone who came in the live broadcast room, please pay attention. As long as you follow Brother Cheng's live broadcast room, we will be half-brothers in the future."


"So you are really human? Why do I feel like he's scolding us?"

"Good guy! He insulted the audience when he opened his mouth, and suggested that the super tube should block him."

"This opening confirms that it is Brother Chengzi, not the fake one that Douyu was looking for."

"Come on! Seven sauce's little piggy came to cheer."

"The takeaway that the factory manager ordered for you has arrived, please sign for it."

Lin Cheng put his face in front of the camera, and kept looking curiously, "The big guys in the live broadcast room, who knows how to use this beauty? It is said that the anchor's beauty is an unspoken rule, I also want to try it out, see Cheng How handsome can you be?"

There were audiences who were preparing to teach him how to use beauty step by step on the barrage. Lin Cheng glanced at him and gave up immediately after finding that the steps were more than two steps.

"Forget it, this thing is too complicated. As a high-end technology streamer of League of Legends, I don't want to engage in these stupid things."

Open the game client and see that the factory manager is online, Lin Cheng said cheerfully: "The factory manager is still online now, I will go to him Lianmai and ask him to teach me how to do live broadcasts."

Just as I was about to start connecting to the mic, I suddenly saw a barrage reminding me: I can't connect to the mic, the factory manager is broadcasting live on Penguin.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng responded quickly enough and quickly moved the mouse away.

"It's so dangerous! Mom's, I almost broke the rules on the first live broadcast."

Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks to Danmu brothers for the reminder, I have no experience with the first live broadcast. Please bear with me. Of course, if there is anything offended, it is recommended to click the cross in the upper right corner."

"??? Why does this last sentence sound wrong?"

"Brother Chengzi speaks so nicely, let me translate it: I love to watch it, but don't watch it."

"This translation is pertinent, and that's what he meant."

"Good guy, the anchor who called Penguin with Douyu's money, was banned on the first day, it was funny."

"It shouldn't be a big deal, right? The anchors in the background are not afraid."

"Brother Chengzi, don't be afraid, there is no inner ghost, don't worry, Lianmai."

"I'm crying! Only when Douyu and Penguin merge can we see Brother Chengzi and the factory manager connecting to Mai."

"It seems to be able to connect to the microphone, as long as they don't broadcast at the same time."

(End of this chapter)

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