Chapter 1007 The world is washed away!
Naturally, Lin Cheng would not let his opponent have a chance to deal with the inferior line. Seeing Thain secretly using the Q skill to try to push the line, Jian Ji directly chased Thain with the Q skill and stabbed him.

Brother Hanzi quickly lost half of his blood, and was rushed to the tower to look at it again and again.


But he couldn't beat it.

Lin Cheng was very fierce, he didn't even give him the distance to gain experience, and he had to come over to chase people away even if he missed the knife.

Brother Hanzi was caught by Sword Ji Q while he was jumping left and right, so he could only retreat.

Seeing Jian Ji turning back to replenish troops, Thain followed up again, trying to smell the experience.

Lin Cheng immediately turned around and chased away the people.

Thain could only run away with his head in his arms.

Brother Hanzi was testing Lin Cheng's bottom line back and forth on the road, probing back and forth as if the ground was scalding his feet.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Let's put this second round, right? Brother Hanzi is so wronged! If you want to smell it, you won't give it experience."

Remember: "Sion's line is rotten! The jungler can't help you on the road for the time being, you can only B! If you don't accept this, something will happen again."

Wan Wan: "Brother Chengzi's Sword Fairy is still strong! She wore it after only a few minutes on the road... In fact, Brother Hanzi blew up when he failed to steal popularity."

Zeyuan: "That's right! Some people are already dead at the beginning of the game, and they are not buried until the 1th minute."

In the end, Brother Han Zi smashed his teeth and swallowed it, but endured the grievances and went to B under the tower.

No way, the task given to him by the coach is very clear.

Don't die!
Don't give it away!
If you lose a little, you lose a little.

Anyway, he is a Thain, wait for his teammates to work hard.

Brother Han Zi went back to the city and went out, seeing that the line of soldiers hadn't come yet, Thain ran directly to the middle of the road and squatted on Syndra.

It's a pity that there is no sixth-level Sion who can't go first, and Chaowei didn't dodge his position and didn't give him a chance. Brother Hanzi can only go out and throw an E skill to drive away Syndra and help Victor push the line.

It's a pity that there is no way to go on a hunger strike to flow Thain. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Thain is a bit like shopping.

Of course, Lin Cheng didn't control this wave for too long. When the pawn line pushed back, Brother Han finally had a chance to grow comfortably in front of the tower.

Lin Cheng leaned down immediately after returning home at 6 minutes, covered Peanut and took down the first dragon in the game.

Seeing that the sword girl on the road hits level 7 from level [-], DK did not let Brother Hanzi be tortured.

At 7 and a half minutes, the DK bot lane duo switched to the top lane in advance after clearing the line ahead of time.

"The opposite side has changed the line! How about we come up?"

"No hurry! You guys send the bot line into the tower first."

Lin Cheng considered that his own duo had no right to the line, and they had already reached the second tower position in the bottom lane. It would actually be a loss if they were passively replaced.

Relying on his own equipment advantage, Lin Cheng wanted to resist a wave of DK's lane changes.

Soon, however, he discovered that he was wrong.

The duo of DK pushed the line too fast, the big head set up three forts, and Lin Cheng didn't even like the line of soldiers under the tower.

When I go up and want to make up a pawn, it is a position training.

Big head W missiles and bullets from three turrets flew randomly, Senna and big head had long hands, and Lin Cheng made up two soldiers who were chased and beaten by a bunch of flying props.

Even seeing Jian Ji's half blood, the big head was directly placed on the cannon, causing Lin Cheng to run around with his head in his arms.

crooked day!Ultimate torture.

Lin Cheng couldn't take it anymore, seeing that Senna's position was flawed, he used the Q skill to forcefully go up and hit a wave.

The sword girl with the leading equipment did a lot of damage, and QAE instantly knocked out a lot of Senna's blood.

He also got Senna's W close to his face, and Lin Cheng tried to use Laurent's mind and eye knife to stun Senna.

The ghost emperor dodges and dodges.

And the big head held down Jian Ji and got up, trying to give the stun in the center of the E skill grenade.

Lin Cheng decisively dodges the grenade and sticks to Senna's face, slashing at the big tender.

But after all, he was fighting against the big fort with low blood volume. Although Lin Cheng chased and knocked out two flaws and killed Senna, Jian Ji already had single-digit blood volume just after coming out of the blood recovery formation.

Knowing that Lin Cheng was out of position, Berly directly completed the kill with a W dodge.

Ze Yuan: "Oh! It's so tortured! Jian Ji can't even stay under the tower... Hey! Jian Ji Q went up! Cheng Zi was tortured too much!"

Remember: "Hurry up! This is so urgent! Go up against the cannon and fight hard. I don't believe Brother Chengzi is not holding his breath."

Zeyuan: "1 exchange for 1 seems to be okay, but this wave of Brother Chengzi is actually very unlucky. He has a bounty of 300 yuan on him. If he dies, he will lose his plating when he goes to the tower."

Wanwan: "But I think it's okay. This wave of Sword Girls 1V2 played two flashes. When Senna and Datou didn't flash the vanguard, it was easy for Syndra to find opportunities. This wave is not a loss."

The barrage is very real.

"Haha! Is it worth it to start late at night?"

"I cried to death! She is so gentle."

"It's a pity that this tenderness is only for Brother Cheng Zi."

"This wave came late and washed it all!"

"The world will wash away, right?"

Lin Cheng only started to regret it when the screen went black.

Of course, he wasn't reflecting that he shouldn't have played.

Instead, I feel that I should go up earlier.

He was beaten by the big artillery platform until he was almost out of balance before he went up to fight. When he played the blood recovery formation, he had no room to maneuver.

If you don't give the opponent the opportunity to take advantage of the length of the hand, if you rush up the first time you meet, you will probably be double-killed in this wave.

It seemed that Lin Cheng was losing money when he switched on the top lane, but his teammates quickly found their place in the bottom lane.

Although Sion, who switched to the bottom lane, wanted to rely on the defensive tower to clear the line, he was hooked by Thresh first, and Aphelios gave the white sword Qinghui Yening.

If it is a normal Sion Tower, even if it is hooked by Thresh, it will not be a big problem, but Brother Hanzi has just been promoted to level [-] and his equipment is poor, and his blood volume is quickly reduced by Aphelios' flywheel.

Thain chose Jiaotong University to escape.

Originally, DK changed lanes in this wave to let the duo come up to stand on the right of the lane, so it is very beneficial to compete for the canyon pioneer that will be refreshed immediately.

After all, when Pioneer first refreshed, there were many DK players in the upper half.

The KT duo can only change lanes by running, but the TP handed in by Thain at the beginning has turned better. After clearing the lane in the bottom lane, Brother Hanzi can completely TP up again.

The plan is very good. Theoretically speaking, the blue team has the initiative of the vanguard because of this wave of lane changes.

But the bad thing is that Senna was replaced by the sword girl with TP 1V1, and Thain's ultimate move was forced out.

In this way, DK will not dare to move the vanguard directly.

On the contrary, Aphelios used the white knife to eat a wave of coatings below, and Lin Cheng's small loss of coatings made his teammates earn back.

The KT duo decisively switched lanes after eating a wave of plating, and the two sides began to pull at the vanguard.

The blue team doesn't have Thain's big move to start a team, and the three middle and lower brothers still want to use their arms to consume as much as possible in the river.

But as if he heard Wanwan's heartfelt voice just now, when the two sides were pulling, Syndra suddenly pushed the ball and stunned the duo that DK didn't flash.

Thresh took the hook decisively, and the big head was instantly caught.

DK saw that few people retreated decisively, and gave up the vanguard.

Huya's barrage has already been brushed up one after another.

They all thought that Wanwan was helping Lin Cheng wash just now, but she did not expect that she would accurately predict the upcoming vanguard team battle.

(End of this chapter)

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