This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1018 The Scary Snowball

Chapter 1018 The Scary Snowball
"Alas~~~ I can't take it anymore, DK is going to fight Huashan all the way! But is this pioneer really easy to fight?"

Just as Ze Yuan was about to express his opinion, the volume suddenly soared: "Qinggang Shadow E flashes! It's over! The Leopard Girl is killed! Silas and Niutou are going to die too... Send it!!!!"

Remember: "What is this wave of DK doing? Silas stole the big move of the horse. It is reasonable to say that there is still a chance for team battles, but I never thought that Leopard Girl would be second before the 4V4 fight, and then Silas and The bull-headed gourd babies rescued their grandpas one by one! The crocodile went shopping all the way, and KT beat more and less all the way.”

Wanwan: "It can only be said that KT played too smart! DK was very uncomfortable being restrained by the pawn line, which led to the fact that Crocodile and Silas were not there the first time Brother Cheng drove to Leopard Girl. Obviously, KT needs more team execution in terms of team execution." do better."

Soon, the screen showed Lin Cheng's first-person perspective playback.

The operation was second to none. KT's communication in the team voice was not intense during the whole process, and everyone just reported key information.

The voice in the team can even be described as calm, no one is yelling, and it is not as crazy and noisy as some team voices.

The command of pulling and mobilizing the bull's head in several waves was made by different players, but the synchronization of everyone in KT is very high.

Lin Cheng was the first to explain the immovable vanguard, and asked Xiao Peanut to insert a vision and go back to the wild.

This sets the tone for this wave.

Effort, who had been observing the map, immediately gave a signal when he saw the bull's head going down in the river vision.

"Alista is down!"

"I'm going to play the vanguard, and you push the line."

People and horses re-use pioneers to pull, and the whole process is only a few plain exchanges in KT's voice, and then everyone performs their duties.

Discovering that DK seems to have a desperate plan, KT's decision-making has changed again.

"Pull it off! Don't hit it! Don't hit it!"

"Continue pressing on the bottom lane! We can't fight on the top lane for the time being."

And just after DK was forced to activate the vanguard, Lin Cheng got stuck in the crocodile position, and before E flashed, he only said one sentence: "Rekton can't make it! I'm on it!"

After just such a sentence, Qinggang Shadow E Flash made the first move and directly caused DK to explode.

"This is too calm! Although I don't understand Korean very well, the tone of their communication seems to be playing a casual game... Huh? Bot lane kill!"

As soon as the replay came back, before Zeyuan finished speaking, he found the reminder that Xia was solo killed by Kai'Sa.

It is very uncomfortable for the ghost emperor to be in jail alone on the next road. Seeing that Shen Dazhao flies away, Xia wants to follow the soldier to eat the line of soldiers under the tower.

As a result, Kai'Sa used a W to search for enemies in the void and just passed through the minions to find Xia who walked out of the autistic grass.

Mr. Dai took off decisively and went up to find the Ghost Emperor to challenge him.

Xia didn't even reach level six at this time, and Kai'Sa's ult adjusted the position so that the minions did not share the damage of Icacia's rainstorm, and the ghost emperor was solo killed by Mr. Dai.

Zeyuan: "Explosion, explosion! This wave of DK has exploded from top to bottom! The whole line is cracked, and it is no longer possible to play."

Remember: "I have given up everything for this Pioneer DK! As a result, the Pioneer didn't get it and three people died, and Mr. Dai ate three layers of tapi and killed Guigui alone. If the ranking is 15, everyone has already discussed it. Voted."

Wanwan: "In the final analysis, KT's understanding of the support Shen is too strong. The support characteristics of Shen's big move and the three routes are excellent. KT's upper and lower halves pull at the same time, and they have achieved positive returns in all routes."

Huya barrage is very real.

"DK is gone! 9 minutes leading by [-], I don't know how KT lost."

"Unless water gets into Brother Chengzi's keyboard, DK has no chance."

"It's useless even if Brother Cheng's brain is flooded."

"Let's congratulate WE!"

"This pull is so picturesque! My blood pressure soared even watching it for DK."

"It feels like MSI has already been pre-determined by KT, how can I fight this shit?"

"Everyone sponsors me a plane ticket to South Korea, and my offline GANK Chengzi brother can be regarded as contributing to the LPL."

"You go first! Come back and reimburse you."

"Remember to bring some hot weapons, Brother Cheng is a ruthless man who takes away blades with bare hands."

A wave of pulls around the canyon pioneer has declared that DK has exploded.

Pioneer also fell into the hands of KT.

Since the vanguard's aggro was pulled away when the team battle started, Peanut was not in a hurry to release it after seeing that the opponent was about to revive and come back after taking the vanguard.

In the first game, Canyon was able to defend the vanguard continuously in the middle and lower lanes because DK had the right to the middle and lower lanes. The vanguard in this round was not so easy to defend.

After all, now KT is the best of the three routes.

After returning to the city for supplies, the men and horses went to the bottom lane to cover the duo pushing the tower.

The first tower on the red side's road was already disabled, and the men and horses showed their heads easily and cooperated with the duo to demolish the first blood tower.

Then the three of them turned to the center.

On the road, Lin Cheng has already made up for it, and has come to the first theoretically strong period of Qinggangying.

Of course, this is for others.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying was a strong period from beginning to end.

But at the current stage, Qinggangying's damage is indeed a bit simple and rude. The crocodile shrinks under the tower and dare not even look at Qinggangying.

Although Khan kept holding the red anger W to prevent being forcibly killed by Lin Cheng under the tower, Lin Cheng still fought fiercely. From time to time, he used W to sweep the crocodiles in front of the tower, or used the shield and the saved second-stage Q to take advantage of the opportunity. The consumption is immediately opened.

Even with its back against the defensive tower, the crocodile's blood volume was still consumed a lot.

Lin Cheng didn't make a fuss either. After getting the news that his bottom lane teammate was leaning in, Qing Gangying also changed lanes.

In this way, KT's two side lanes took advantage of the early change of lanes to quickly gather all members in the center, ready to cover Peanut and release the vanguard.

Xu Xiu had already received information from his side teammates and shrank behind the second tower.

Although Silas was not driven by Shen Xian who came out of the jungle, the red square tower was directly exposed to KT personnel.

Everyone quickly lowered the blood volume of the defense tower, and Peanut released the vanguard.

Pioneer went down and easily knocked down the first tower in the middle of DK.

Moreover, Brother Hanzi was consumed by Lin Cheng online too much HP, and the DK people who did not return to the defensive position in time were not too strong and dared to defend the second tower. After watching KT touch the defensive tower twice, the vanguard took the second in the middle. The tower was also defeated.

It was only 13 minutes at this time, and the loss of all the outer towers in the middle lane was tantamount to completely exposing the hinterland for DK.

Everyone in KT immediately huddled up and turned up. Nosuke was stuck in the top half of the field, and the blue team easily pulled out the top tower before the plating disappeared.

In this way, KT demolished four defensive towers in 14 minutes, eating up the plating economy.

The field economy KT has already led by more than [-].

Zeyuan: "It's broken! How can you play this? After a vanguard, KT was rolled to a financial difference of more than 7000. This is too outrageous!"

Wanwan: "The main reason is that KT grasped the timing of the lane change very well! Their ability to snowball their advantages is unique in the world, but other teams are still hard to learn, because they lack a player like Chengzi who can stabilize his advantages and radiate his teammates."

(End of this chapter)

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