This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1023 The Women at Home

Chapter 1023 The Women at Home
The UEFA Champions League is somewhat similar to the League of Legends event. Every year, the champion will get a replica of the trophy, and the authentic trophy is also kept by the winning teams of the year in turn.

And when a team has won more than five Champions League titles, or won the championship for three consecutive years, UEFA officials will allow the team to permanently keep the Champions League trophy.

There are currently five teams that permanently retain the Champions League trophy: Real Madrid, AC Milan, Liverpool, Ajax, and Bayern Munich.

These are big clubs with a long history, and even if some of them are not doing well now, the club's glorious history always fills the fans with pride.

Lin Cheng suggested that LCK learn the operation of the Champions League, which instantly resonated with KT fans.

At the height of the dynasty, the temptation to keep the trophy forever is too great.

Even T1 fans raised their hands in favor of Lin Cheng's proposal.

"Too constructive! I agree!"

"If LCK adopts it, it will be an epoch-making reform."

"It is recommended to use trophies to distinguish e-sports giants in the future. Teams without permanent trophy preservation qualifications cannot be called giants."

"According to this calculation, the giants of the LCK are the hottest duo of the news agency."

"Looking at this standard, the LPL even has only EDG as a rich team, right?"

"Wrong! The LPL side has a lot of fans and is considered a wealthy family."

"T1 fans said: Although this guy's mouth is annoying, he finally speaks something human."

"It is suggested that Riot also give an authentic trophy to the only triple crown champion in the S game, and T1 is the only world-class giant."

Whether Lin Cheng's proposal will be considered by Riot Games is still unknown. After the interview, everyone gathered around the trophy again, preparing to officially toast to celebrate.

"1, 2, 3."

The silver trophy was held high, and the smiles on everyone's faces infected the fans in front of the screen.

There were no colorful ribbons all over the sky, and no cheers from KT fans on the scene. The camera recorded this important moment.

The screen freezes the five players who will dominate the entire LCK in the spring of 2021.

KT2.0 has set sail.

The next target of the Galacticos is Iceland.

The championship celebration continued until the end of the broadcast, and it took a long time for everyone to calm down.

Ignoring the noise from his teammates, Lin Cheng took out his phone and looked at it.

There are many unread messages above.

Ash is the best!Continue to work hard in the future, sister will always support you. (poke)

The news of Han Shuyan made Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Even with a simple sentence, Lin Cheng could feel the tenderness of his girlfriend.

Did I save the Milky Way in my previous life to meet Sister Shuyan?
To be honest, Lin Cheng was a little timid at first.

Han Shuyan is beautiful, gentle, generous and kind, and all these beauties are even a little unreal.

Lin Cheng never even thought that there would be such a beautiful girl in the world before, which is why he hasn't confessed his love to Sister Shuyan for three years.

She is so nice, he is always afraid that if he fails to confess his love, he will lose this friend.

But after taking that step, Lin Cheng suddenly felt relieved.

He felt that his previous worries were a bit ridiculous.

Getting along with Han Shuyan will not have any pressure, and there is no need to be as cautious as in ordinary relationships between men and women.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's heart will always be at peace by Sister Shuyan's side, just like his dream family harbor.

No matter where the future is, Lin Cheng has vowed to keep this woman firmly in his life forever.

Of course, Sister Shuyan is not completely temperless.

The last time when Lin Cheng was watching TV, Guangming was stepping on two boats. Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong were held by Lin Cheng's hand and he was too shy. He wanted to withdraw his hand several times but was held tightly by Lin Cheng.

Helpless, Han Shuyan could only pinch his palm to express her dissatisfaction.

Lin Cheng's shameless attitude made Han Shuyan very angry.

When they got together at night, Han Shuyan hated Lin Cheng for embarrassing her in front of Xiao Tong. Two slender legs in stockings clamped Lin Cheng's waist tightly. She gritted her teeth and said angrily in Lin Cheng's ear:
"Smelly brother, sister is going to squeeze you dry today!"

Then... Han Shuyan, who was trying to squeeze Lin Cheng dry, was put into various poses by Lin Cheng.

The plan to teach Lin Cheng a lesson failed, and she was flattened by Lin Cheng, and finally kept crying and begging for mercy.

In the beginning, she tried to be brave, but in the end she threw away her helmet and armor every time. Han Shuyan reluctantly accepted the fact that she was no match for Lin Cheng at all.

This guy is a bull in bed.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Lin Cheng replied to Han Shuyan: It was a bit hard to win this championship, remember to treat me with delicious food, good sister.

Han Shuyan immediately responded with a head-knocking emoji: Don't call me that.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng always likes to call her that when she is emotional, and Han Shuyan can no longer look directly at this address.

Imagining his girlfriend's shy look, Lin Cheng smiled and sent a kissing expression.

The little wife naturally also sent a congratulatory text message: Little Chengzi did a good job!congratulations! (pats the dog's head)
Lin Cheng's reply: What about rewards?

Xiao Tong: What reward?Would you like milk tea?

Lin Cheng: No milk tea!Can you touch me in white stockings?The last one was the best.

Xiao Tong: Get lost!abnormal!
Lin Cheng: Black silk is also fine, I don't pick it.

Lin Cheng: Little pupil?Say something.

Lin Cheng: (kiss)

Lin Cheng wanted to continue chatting, but found himself blocked by his little wife.

hateful!Let's see how Brother Cheng will teach you a lesson when he goes back!
Lin Cheng curled his lips and could only continue to bury his head in reading the unread messages.

Sister Shiyan only sent a congratulations, without any extra emoticons or symbols.

Sure enough, it fits Zheng Shiyan's character very well.

Lin Cheng typed the word 'thank you', but felt that it was too polite.

He simply sent a kissing expression in the past.

Jeong Si Yeon did not reply.

The message shows that it has been read, and obviously Sister Shiyan is not going to talk to him at all.

Lin Cheng was very proud.

Let you frighten me with a sullen face all day long, but now you can't frighten me with a sullen face when you molested me through your mobile phone?
It can only be said that Lin Cheng is still very brave through the mobile phone, at least face to face, seeing Zheng Shiyan's face is serious, and this guy starts to be submissive.

True Keyboard Man.

Lin Cheng can also become very brave through the Internet.

Apart from the three women in the family, Park Ji-yeon's news is very realistic: champion!Remember to invite my sister to dinner!

Lin Cheng: Okay, let’s go to Niu Niu Niu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yang Yang Yang?

Up to now, he still doesn't know how to read Ben Yanxi, so he simply and rudely disassembled it to recognize it.

Park Ji Yeon: OK!Let's have dinner together when Enjing O'Neill is free in two days.

Lin Cheng: Alright!You decide.

Park Ji-yeon: (Smiling with squinted eyes) Elder sister won't let you treat guests for nothing, there will be rewards.

Lin Cheng: No!I was very disappointed with the "One Minute One Second" you awarded, and I don't have any expectations after that. "

Park Ji-yeon:····
 There are only two updates today, and I will wait a few days for another update. I don’t know if there is something wrong with the medicine I take. I have diarrhea once an hour, and I feel a little weak.
(End of this chapter)

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