Chapter 1033 You are mine
The painting style of two people eating is very strange.

This guy Lin Cheng can't wait to show his heart when he likes someone, but Zheng Shiyan is completely opposite to him.

Zheng Shiyan is rational and elegant, even a little unreasonable.

Lin Cheng fed two pieces of barbecue in a row, and Zheng Shiyan opened her mouth only because she was so pestered by him.

If Zheng Shiyan didn't like it, Lin Cheng would definitely do dog licking, but he knew that Sister Shiyan had her own in her heart, so Lin Cheng enjoyed it instead.

Feed Gao Leng Yujie, it is actually very interesting to see her helpless obedience.

Of course, Lin Cheng also knew how to grasp the speed.

After the 2-0 achievement of feeding Shiyan sister, Lin Cheng stopped making troubles, and happily discussed the afternoon schedule.

Speaking of discussions, it was mainly Lin Cheng who provided his opinions.

Jeong Si Yeon only needs to answer yes or no.

After dinner, the two set off for the seaside park.

Their date is actually very simple, walk around in the seaside park, overlook the scenery of the island, tease the seabirds here, and then go to the Natural History Museum next to it.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Cheng was naturally the one who took the initiative, and whenever he found an opportunity, he would hold Zheng Shiyan's hand.

And Zheng Shiyan's attitude is still the same.

Neither obey nor refuse.

It was as if Lin Cheng wasn't holding her hand.

In the afternoon, the two caught up with the flight at more than six o'clock.

On the plane, Zheng Shiyan said to Lin Cheng, "Don't talk nonsense when you go back."

Lin Cheng smiled and asked back: "Nonsense? What are you talking about? Is it about us?"

Zheng Shiyan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and looked down at the magazine in her hand.

Lin Cheng secretly held her hand again.

"Do you want to say that when you go back, you want to pretend that nothing happened?"

Lin Cheng is not stupid, he actually guessed something when he heard Zheng Shiyan's words.

Sister Shiyan's attitude towards him is so unpredictable, it may be because she has too many worries.

Even if Lin Cheng tried his best, she didn't respond positively.

She didn't refuse, but she didn't obey either.

Just like last night, when Lin Cheng bravely touched Sister Shiyan's beautiful legs in stockings, she acted as if she didn't know.

If you don't know, can you pretend it didn't happen?
She never said that she likes Lin Cheng, so can she take it as nothing?

Zheng Shiyan is really a very rational person, so she is always concerned about all aspects.

Enxi, Han Shuyan, Xiao Tong, and possibly other external factors are all her concerns.

She wrapped her life with a cold appearance, and also protected Enxi and herself.

"No way! Zheng Shiyan!"

Lin Cheng looked at her seriously.

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him, but didn't speak.

"I know maybe you haven't thought about many things, but I will protect you and Enxi, so don't hide from me, okay?"

Squeezing her palm lightly, Lin Cheng leaned into her ear, "Zheng Shiyan! You are mine! You can't escape."

Zheng Shiyan looked down at the magazine with her eyes trembling slightly.

She didn't reply.

Lin Cheng didn't care either.

As long as he doesn't back down, everything is fine, anyway, Sister Shiyan has him in her heart.

Eun Hee is mine, Sister Shi Yan is mine too, and the big and small wives are still mine.

mine mine!It's all mine!
This guy is already delirious, and his fighting spirit is high in his heart.

Silently thinking about the future, Lin Cheng heard Zheng Shiyan whisper: "Let go."

"Don't think about it! I told you not to let you run away."

"I want to turn the book."


Lin Cheng quickly and consciously withdrew his hand, licked his face and leaned over to look at the magazine in her hand with Zheng Shiyan.

Zheng Shiyan didn't care about him either.

nice!Too beautiful!
Of course, Lin Cheng didn't think the magazine in Han Shuyan's hand was pretty.

The main reason is that he can't see too much magazine content at all from his angle, and his eyes are all attracted by Sister Shiyan's domineering figure.

Your chest is blocking my reading!
Of course, Lin Cheng didn't dare to say this, and simply admired the beautiful scenery openly.

Tut tut!This shape and size are too perfect, next time you find a chance to try the feel?

But if you have the opportunity, you have to grasp it!You can't just say to Sister Shiyan directly, I want to touch your breasts, right?
As if she didn't notice Lin Cheng's gaze, Zheng Shiyan was flipping through the magazine seriously, but a faint rosy glow appeared in her ears.

Anyway, it was his own, Lin Cheng took advantage of it for a while, then looked away,
There was a tablet provided by the crew on the flight the two of them were taking, so Lin Cheng picked it up and prepared to go online.

After spending two days happily in Jeju Island, he was going to check the direction of the Internet.

Many players hate watching forums, because too much focus on the sidelines can easily affect their mentality.

Certain players are under a lot of pressure from off-court public opinion, but the greater the pressure, the more these players will either dare not operate, or their operations will be deformed.

Some players don't like others to judge themselves, but the more they do, the greater the pressure of public opinion.

But Lin Cheng is different, he likes surfing, and likes others to judge him.

Anyway, basically everyone is blowing up on him, and there are very few people who criticize him. At most, they just say that he is an old pervert full of black silk and long legs.

Lin Cheng didn't think there was anything wrong with liking black silk long legs.

On the contrary, he thinks there is something wrong with people who don't like black silk and long legs.

Check it out on the Reddit forum first.

In the past two days, because of KT's European and American teams winning the championship, everyone is already in danger, and they all shouted that the most terrifying team in history is coming.

What's funny is that on the night when KT won the championship, G2 happened to lose the match in the lower bracket. G2's boss Ka Laosi immediately sent such a tweet.

"We carefully studied the opponents of MSI and found that KT is completely invincible, so we strategically gave up the LEC Spring Split, and then we will see which unlucky person goes to Iceland and gets beaten by KT."

The fans of G2 are very optimistic, and the fig leaf Ka Laosi found for his team actually aroused unanimous praise from the fans.

If it were an LPL team who dared to tease themselves like this after losing the game, the boss would probably be stunned.

As a result, FNC was also eliminated last night.

FNC's official Twitter account: We fully agree with your strategy, so FNC also strategically gave up the spring split.

Instead, Hi Lisan came out to refute his own club's point of view. Hi Lisan posted an apology on Twitter, because of his own mistakes that caused the team to be eliminated.

European fans are very optimistic. LPL's apology post is afraid that they will be scolded to death, but fans are all cheering for Hi Lisang Summer Split.

After all, Parker of Hi Lisan personally organized the retirement ceremony of God, and there are still many fans of him in Europe.

Both the two giants of the LEC are out, and Lin Cheng is still a little disappointed.

Last year, KT swept all the way and mainly played LCK and LPL, and did not meet the two overlords in Europe at all.

You must know that G2 is known as the killer of the LCK. These guys were still talking about it last year, saying that KT eliminated the LPL team but had no chance to defeat G2.

Lin Cheng had long wanted to clean them up.

hateful!Is there really no way for Brother Cheng to defeat G2 head-on?

(End of this chapter)

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