This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1036 Lin Cheng's First TV Variety Show

Chapter 1036 Lin Cheng's First TV Variety Show
When people are excited, it is easy to become reckless, especially after being brave in front of Sister Shiyan, Lin Cheng is in high spirits.

Xiao Tong was very shy when Lin Cheng kissed her on the cheek in front of Han Shuyan, but when she saw Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan kissing, she almost lost her mind.

Do these two people pretend that I don't exist?
What's more, instead of cursing this guy, Sister Shuyan closed her eyes and accepted his kiss.

Han Shuyan was actually so ashamed at this time that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, but she couldn't escape when Lin Cheng hugged her tightly.

She really couldn't bear to pinch Lin Cheng with her nails.

This gentle woman sighed silently and could only let Lin Cheng make trouble, of course she was too embarrassed to respond, she simply closed her eyes tightly and acted like an ostrich, for fear of seeing Xiao Tong's eyes.

Lin Cheng's movements were actually not violent. After realizing that Sister Shuyan had given up resistance, he gently sucked his girlfriend's lips continuously, and then quietly poked out his tongue.


Han Shuyan wanted to protest, but was soon captured by Lin Cheng.

Of course, with Xiao Tong at the side, Han Shuyan just shyly avoided Lin Cheng's attack.

This was the first time Xiao Tong saw two people kissing.

It's too sexy!

Seeing that Lin Cheng's tongue was sticking out, and Sister Shuyan just closed her eyes and let this guy play tricks, Xiao Tong suddenly felt sore.

Woohoo~~~ Sister Shuyan!My sister Shuyan!
Inexplicably, she remembered the last time Lin Cheng had kissed her in a sneak attack when she just woke up and was dazed, and finally Xiao Tong couldn't help but stepped on Lin Cheng's foot angrily.

"Big pervert! Go to hell, don't bully Sister Shuyan!"

Lin Cheng was in pain, and Han Shuyan quickly took the opportunity to escape from his clutches.

She gave Lin Cheng a reproachful look, turned around, pulled Xiao Tong up and ran away.

Xiao Tong's bedroom door closed.

Lin Cheng shamelessly leaned outside the door.

"Hey! I want to watch a movie too! Can you open the door and let me in?"

Han Shuyan didn't reply, Xiaotong's vicious voice came out:


Lin Cheng curled his lips, and could only helplessly turn around and go back to his room.

Xiaotong's bedroom.

Both of them seemed a little embarrassed, Han Shuyan gestured to swipe back and forth on the main interface of the phone screen, while Xiao Tong looked down at her nails, sneaking glances at Han Shuyan from time to time.

Finally, Xiao Tong couldn't bear it anymore.

"Sister Shuyan! You can't spoil that guy! You should have punched him hard just now."

Han Shuyan's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she didn't speak.

"You are just too gentle! That's why you are always easily bullied by Lin Cheng."

Seeing Xiao Tong's righteous indignation, Han Shuyan reached out and pinched her cheek.

"Actually, if you were Xiao Tong, you would be bullied by Ah Cheng, right?"

Xiao Tong felt embarrassed all of a sudden, turned his head away and stammered his eyes: " can I! I won't be bullied by that fist is not vegetarian."

Han Shuyan was overjoyed, Xiao Tong's stiff-mouthed appearance was so similar to Lin Cheng.

"So ah...Xiao Tong should hold on for a little longer, and don't surrender so easily like my sister."

Xiao Tong opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

What counts as surrender?
I already helped that guy with my feet... No!Not helping.

Sister Tong didn't move at all, it was that guy who pulled my feet to do bad things by himself.

All thanks to Lin Cheng!

Han Shuyan didn't know what Xiao Tong was thinking, and suddenly kissed her on the cheek with a smile.

"It smells so good! No wonder that guy can't help it."

"Ah! Sister Shuyan, you hate it!"

Xiao Tong pouted and rushed forward to scratch Han Shuyan's waist, and the two began to play.

The next day, Lin Cheng stayed at home and surfed the Internet all day, except for taking Enxi to the kindergarten.

The little wife has classes, and the eldest wife and sister Shiyan also have to go to work. Lin Cheng, who has no one to take care of him, ate two takeaway meals in a very decadent manner. At night, he shamelessly complained to sister Shuyan, saying that he would not know how to live without them up.

On April 4th, Lin Cheng went to MBC TV station to participate in the recording of the program.

The programs that Lin Cheng participated in before were all broadcast on online platforms. This is his first time participating in the recording of a TV variety show.

The program is similar to a radio talk show, and each episode will invite several guests to participate, including actors, singers, athletes and so on.

The four guests in this episode seem to have something to do with the game League of Legends. The two professional players are Lin Cheng and Faker. At the same time, Faker's loyal fan Kim Heechul also participated in the show.

Another guest was Tian Xiaojuan, who played KDA's Akali during the Incheon Finals.

It didn't take long to record the show, and after the show, everyone took photos in the background.

Faker is quite cheerful in front of familiar younger brothers, but he is more introverted in unfamiliar environments. He is just passive and enthusiastic in taking pictures with the staff, and even the gesture of likes remains the same.

But Lin Cheng was different. Not only did he become familiar with the director and guests, he even exchanged social accounts with Jin Xiche and Tian Xiaojuan.

Kim Heechul has a cheerful personality and clamored for Lin Cheng to take him to play games together.

The idol who broke up with his ex-girlfriend because of the game is really affectionate to League of Legends, and he is also one of the capital injectors of the BRO team.

It's a pity that Kim Heechul, who won the Jay Chou team in the all-star competition at the Hanbok diamond level, can only hover in the gold and silver ranks now.

He even couldn't take advantage of the solo with former LCK host Kim Minna on the show. He was soloed by Miss Minna for three consecutive solo rounds. It is true that he has lost his reputation in the LOL artist circle.

Kim Heechul is also stubborn, if you don't let me win, you still want to leave work?He insisted on dragging Kim Minna until he won the next SOLO game before laughing happily.

And Tian Xiaojuan is not just the voice source of the KDA girl group Akali, she also often played LOL with fans during the live broadcast, but her level is the kind that fans may not be able to play.

After taking a photo with Tian Xiaojuan, Lin Cheng asked Kuro for a signed photo. Kuro liked Tian Xiaojuan very much, and Lin Cheng was going to ask Li Shiheng for credit.

Just after the game ended, Lin Cheng bumped into Faker in the elevator.

The T1 staff has been following Faker's business routine, and the camera is still on at this time.

The two greeted each other politely and chatted awkwardly in the elevator.

Lin Cheng was very curious: "Many players are your fans, so Faker, do you have any favorite players?"

Brother Li pushed his glasses, "Barely speaking, I like you better."

Lin Cheng was very surprised.

"No other reason, just because you played well."

Lin Cheng felt embarrassed, "Hey! Actually, I'm also your fan."

Before the news agency battle, Lin Cheng's sassy words flew up, including Faker who also said to let go of the cruel words. As a result, the two of them met in the elevator and became "I am your fan".

T1 officials later released this video, which made the audience burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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